Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 461 104.2 - Everchanging Glyph

Chapter  461 104.2 - Everchanging Glyph

After finishing my meal, I made my way to the training room where I had worked with Reina the previous day. The corridors were quieter now, with most trainees immersed in their own schedules. The sense of calm before the storm of rigorous training ahead was almost palpable.

Reaching the third floor, I followed the familiar path to the south wing, where the room awaited. But then, as I reached the door, I could not open it.

The card did not work there.

[Please Enter the Password]

I frowned, glancing around for any clues. The area was quiet and empty, with no one around to ask for help. But then, something caught my eye—a faint glimmer of psions near the doorframe.

'Reina…' I thought, understanding what she wanted me to do.

Standing still, I focused on the line of psions, extending my mana threads towards it. The process required precision and control, much like what I had practiced with her the day before. I carefully wove my mana into the psion line, feeling for any information it might reveal.

The line resisted at first, but I persisted, gradually unraveling its structure. As I delved deeper, I sensed a pattern within the psions—a sequence of energy that seemed to form a code. It was delicate work, requiring intense concentration, but slowly, the pattern began to make sense.

[Not bad]

That was the password?

'Really….' –Click.

The door's lock disengaged, and the screen displayed a message: [Access Granted].

 I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. Reina had set this up to test my ability to decipher and manipulate psions, reinforcing the lessons from yesterday.

Pushing the door open, I entered the training room. Reina was there, her expression neutral but her eyes gleaming with approval.

"Impressive," she said. "You deciphered the psions faster than I expected. You're making good progress."

"Thank you, Miss Reina," I replied. "I've been practicing."

"Good," she nodded. "Today, we are not going to change things too much. You are going to train here with your eyes. We will be focusing on filtering and assimilation once again." She said as she gestured for me to follow her.

"How was your first day?" She suddenly asked.

"It was not bad," I replied.

"How was your experience with Dakota, Kennet, and Tianna?" Reina asked, her tone curious as she led me deeper into the training room.

"Each of them is unique in their approach," I began, reflecting on the day's events. "Dakota is intense and straightforward. Her training is demanding, but it's clear and focused. She's very skilled and expects a lot from her students, but she provides clear guidance and support."

Reina nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Dakota is one of the best. She doesn't tolerate mediocrity, but her students benefit greatly from her expertise."

"And Kennet?" she prompted.

"Kennet is...different," I said, choosing my words carefully. "He's methodical and precise. His focus on stealth and presence erasure is intense. I realized I had been relying too much on artifacts to mask my presence. He quickly pointed out my flaws and made it clear that I needed to master the basics."

Reina's eyes gleamed with approval. "Kennet's methods may seem harsh, but they are necessary. Stealth is not just about hiding; it's about blending in and becoming one with the surroundings. He'll push you to reach your full potential."

"And Tianna?" she asked, her tone curious.

"Tianna is very structured. Her acrobatics training is divided into stages, each one building on the previous. She's detailed in her instructions and expects perfection in execution. I can see how her training will improve my agility and precision."

Reina smiled, a rare expression of genuine warmth. "It seems you're adapting well. Each instructor has their own methods and strengths, and you're fortunate to learn from them."

As we reached the center of the room, Reina turned to face me, her expression serious once more. "Just as I had said, today, we'll focus on filtering and assimilation, just as we did yesterday. But this time, I want you to push yourself further. The goal is to achieve a level of integration where the flow of mana becomes second nature."

I nodded, ready to begin. "Understood."

Reina created a new line of psions, which was more complex than before. "Start with filtering," she instructed. "Remember, it's about isolating the thread from the surrounding energy. Find the unique flow and follow it."

I closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing and the sensation of mana around me. The room's ambient energy was familiar, but the new line of psions required careful attention. I extended my mana threads, weaving them into the psion line and filtering out the extraneous noise.

The process was slow and methodical, but gradually, I felt the unique flow of the psions standing out. It was like tuning a radio to a specific frequency, blocking out the static, and honing in on the clear signal.

"Good," Reina's voice was calm and encouraging. "Now, begin the assimilation. Merge your mana with the psion line, becoming part of its flow."

I took a deep breath, allowing the filtered psion line to guide my mana. The integration was delicate, requiring both precision and control. My mana threads wove into the psion line, creating a harmonious connection.

As the process continued, I felt a sense of unity with the psion line, the flow of mana becoming more intuitive. The room around me seemed to fade, and all that mattered was the connection I was forming.

"Excellent," Reina said, her tone approving. "You're making great progress. Continue this process, and with time, it will become second nature."

And just as she said, that was starting to happen. Why?

Yesterday, I had already become proficient at doing this to a certain extent. I had just stopped since my head was hurting from all that constant focus, and I was hungry.

But today, with my mind refreshed, things were starting to become more and more easier.

As I continued to weave my mana into the psion line, the process became increasingly natural. The initial struggle gave way to a smooth, almost effortless flow. Each connection, each thread, felt intuitive and precise. The filtering and assimilation were no longer separate steps but a single, fluid motion.

In no time, I had mastered the technique. It felt as though it had become second nature to me. I opened my eyes to find Reina observing me with a clear smile of approval.

"Impressive," she said, her tone filled with genuine admiration. "You've made remarkable progress. Did you show the same performance as the other instructors?"

I met her gaze. "Did the word not reach your ears already?"

Reina chuckled softly. "It seems you're starting to understand how things work around here. Information flows quickly, especially regarding promising trainees. Your performance has indeed been noted."

I nodded, acknowledging her words. "I've been doing my best. Each instructor has their unique methods and expectations. It's been challenging but rewarding."

"Good," Reina replied, her expression serious once more. "Adaptability and the ability to learn quickly are crucial here. You're demonstrating both, and that will serve you well."

I felt a sense of satisfaction at her praise, knowing that my hard work was paying off. The training here was demanding, but it was also pushing me to new heights.

"Now," Reina continued, "we'll take this a step further. I want you to practice this technique under more complex conditions. The more variables you can handle, the better you'll become."

She created another line of psions, this one interwoven with multiple threads of varying complexity. "Start with filtering, as before. But this time, you'll need to isolate each thread and integrate your mana with them simultaneously."

I took a deep breath, focusing on the new challenge.

"And don't worry. In no time, you are going to understand the reason why we are doing this."

I nodded, not doubting her teaching methods. For me, my eyes were an unknown. Thus, there was absolutely no reason for me to refuse the hand that was trying to guide me.

The additional threads added a layer of complexity, requiring even more precision and control. I extended my mana threads, beginning the process of filtering and assimilation once again.

As I worked, I could feel the subtle differences between each thread. Some were more resistant, requiring a delicate touch, while others flowed more freely. It was a test of my ability to adapt and respond to the unique characteristics of each thread.

Reina watched closely, offering guidance and feedback as needed. "Remember, it's not just about control. It's about harmony. Each thread has its rhythm. Find it and match it with your own."

Her words guided me as I adjusted my approach, seeking the right balance. Slowly but surely, I integrated my mana with the multiple threads, creating a seamless connection.

"Excellent," Reina said, her approval evident. "You're making significant strides. Keep practicing, and soon, this will become second nature to you as well."


Just like that, I practiced until evening.


Dakota made her way to the central command center of the Arcadia Base; her thoughts focused on the conversation she was about to have. The Anchor of the base, known by the nickname "Steelclad," was the one she needed to convince to get permission for the Everchanging Glyph.

She approached the heavy, reinforced doors that led to Steelclad's office. The guards recognized her immediately and allowed her through with a respectful nod. Inside, the room was dimly lit, filled with the soft hum of high-tech equipment and large screens displaying various data feeds. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Steelclad was standing at the central console, his broad frame silhouetted against the glow of the monitors. He was a figure of authority and respect, his presence commanding the room.

"Dakota," Steelclad greeted her without turning around. His deep voice resonated with a calm but undeniable power. "What brings you here at this hour?"

"I need to discuss a matter of great importance regarding one of our trainees," Dakota replied, stepping forward. "It's about Astron Natusalune."

Steelclad turned to face her, his piercing eyes meeting hers. "Astron Natusalune," he repeated thoughtfully. "Reina's recommendation, correct?"

"Yes, that's him," Dakota confirmed. "He's shown remarkable potential, far beyond what I initially expected. I believe he's ready for something more advanced."

Steelclad raised an eyebrow. "More advanced? What do you have in mind?"

"The Everchanging Glyph," Dakota stated, her voice firm. "I believe it's the perfect technique to push him to the next level."

There was a moment of silence as Steelclad considered her words. "The Everchanging Glyph is not something we grant lightly, Dakota. You know that."

"I understand," she said, meeting his gaze steadily. "But Astron has demonstrated an extraordinary ability to learn and adapt. His progress in such a short time is unlike anything I've seen. If anyone is worthy of the Glyph, it's him."

Steelclad studied her for a long moment, weighing her request. "You're confident in his abilities?"

"Absolutely," Dakota replied without hesitation. "He's shown a natural aptitude for integrating mana and physical movements. His combat awareness and adaptability are exceptional. With the Everchanging Glyph, he could become a significant asset to our forces."

Steelclad nodded slowly. "Very well. But you will be responsible for his training and ensuring he doesn't misuse this technique. The Glyph is powerful, but it's also dangerous if not handled correctly."

"I accept full responsibility," Dakota affirmed. "I'll make sure he understands the gravity of what he's learning and guide him through it."

"Then you have my permission," Steelclad said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Good luck, Dakota. I trust your judgment."

"Thank you, Steelclad," Dakota said, her relief palpable. She turned to leave, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. With the Everchanging Glyph approved, she was one step closer to unlocking Astron's full potential.

And she could not help but smile.

'I wonder….Is this how the perfect [Weapon Master] will be created…..And how much of a monster we are creating here….' Yet her blood boiled, as she wanted to see what would happen to this monster….


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