Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 459 103.9 - Training and Guides

Chapter 459 103.9 - Training and Guides

"We'll begin from scratch and build your skills from the ground up."

After saying this, Kennet gestured for me to follow him to a different part of the training area.

"First, we'll focus on the basics of presence suppression. It's not just about minimizing your mana output but about making your presence indistinguishable from the environment."

Kennet demonstrated, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. As he exhaled, it was as if he blended into the shadows around him. His presence faded, becoming almost imperceptible.

I followed Kennet to a secluded part of the training area, away from prying eyes and ears. The space was dimly lit, with shadows dancing along the walls from the flickering torches.

"All right, kid," Kennet began, his voice barely above a whisper, "the key to erasing your presence lies in understanding and manipulating your mana flow. This isn't just about hiding; it's about becoming one with your surroundings. You have to think of yourself as a drop of water in an ocean—indistinguishable from the rest."

He stood in the center of the room, his posture relaxed yet focused. "First, you need to learn to control your breathing and heart rate. When you're calm, your mana flow becomes more steady and easier to manipulate. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths. Feel your heartbeat and try to sync it with your breaths."

I did as instructed, closing my eyes and focusing on my breathing. Inhale, hold, exhale. Slowly, I began to feel my heartbeat slowing down, matching the rhythm of my breaths. The ambient sounds of the training area started to fade away, replaced by the steady thump of my heart.

"Good," Kennet's voice broke through the silence. "Now, imagine your mana as a gentle stream flowing through your body. It's calm and undisturbed. You need to smooth out any turbulent spots in your flow. Visualize it becoming a part of the air around you, dissipating into nothingness."

I visualized my mana as a calm stream flowing gently through me. With each breath, I willed it to spread out and blend into the environment. It was a strange sensation, like trying to dissolve myself into the air.

"Excellent. Now, let's take it a step further," Kennet continued. "Your mana has a signature, a unique imprint that others can sense. To erase this, you must learn to mask it with the surrounding mana. It's like painting over a canvas—you need to blend your signature with the ambient mana so that it becomes indistinguishable."

He walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Feel the mana around you. It's in the air, the walls, the ground. Let your mana mimic its frequency and texture. It should feel natural like you're a part of the environment."

I focused on the mana around me, feeling its subtle presence in the air. What I am doing here felt pretty similar to the one with Reina. They were showing parallelism in many ways.

'I see….That is why it was always said that most awakened are able to use many different things even if they are not specialized in one. At least this will be the case for beginners.'

While this may look like a beginner practice, most of the awakened would be able to do it to a certain extent.

Slowly, I let my mana harmonize with it, adjusting its frequency and texture to match. It was like tuning a musical instrument, finding the right pitch to blend seamlessly with the ambient energy.

"You're getting it," Kennet said, a hint of approval in his voice. "But remember, this is just the beginning. You must practice this until it becomes second nature. Only then can you move without being detected."

He stepped back, his presence once again becoming imperceptible. "Watch me closely. I'll demonstrate a more advanced technique."

As I watched, Kennet seemed to melt into the shadows. His form blurred and faded until he was almost invisible. I could sense him, but only faintly, like a whisper at the edge of my awareness.

"The trick," his voice came from the shadows, "is to move slowly and deliberately. Sudden movements can disrupt the mana flow and make you detectable. When you move, think of yourself as a part of the environment—fluid and natural." n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Kennet reappeared before me, his presence solid once more. "Now, you try. Blend your mana with the surroundings and take a few steps. Move slowly and deliberately, keeping your breathing and heart rate steady."

I closed my eyes, focusing on blending my mana with the environment. Taking a deep breath, I took a slow, deliberate step forward. The floor felt solid beneath my feet, but I imagined myself as a shadow, fluid and indistinct.

With each step, I tried to maintain the flow of my mana, keeping it harmonized with the ambient energy. It was difficult, requiring intense concentration, but I could feel myself becoming less noticeable, my presence fading into the background.

"Good," Kennet's voice came from beside me. "You're starting to get the hang of it, but there are some things that you are mistaking."

I stopped and turned to face him, eager to learn from his insights. Kennet stepped closer, his discerning eyes scanning my form.

"Firstly, your breathing," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "While you've managed to slow it down, it's still too unnatural. Remember, the goal is to make every aspect of your presence blend seamlessly. Try breathing through your nose, taking shallower breaths. This will reduce the sound and make it less noticeable."

I nodded and adjusted my breathing, taking quieter, more controlled breaths through my nose.

"Secondly," Kennet continued, "your footsteps. You're placing your feet down too heavily. Even if you're blending your mana, a heavy footfall will give you away. Try rolling your foot from heel to toe, letting your steps flow naturally. Imagine the floor beneath you as water, and you're trying to create as little ripple as possible."

I practiced the new walking technique, rolling my foot with each step and trying to make my movements as smooth and silent as possible.

"Better," Kennet said, nodding approvingly. "But there's still another mistake. Your mana flow is good, but you're focusing too much on the output. Instead of just pushing your mana out, let it circulate through you and the environment. It's a subtle difference, but it will help you blend more naturally."

I closed my eyes again, envisioning my mana not just flowing out but circulating in a harmonious loop through my body and the surroundings. It took a moment, but I began to feel a more seamless connection with the environment.

Kennet observed me, a faint smile on his lips. "Remember, such small mistakes can happen all the time because everyone's body is different. No one can be the same, and everyone needs to change a different aspect of themselves for the sake of being in sync with the environment. That's why, while I can point out some of your mistakes, I won't be able to do it for everything."

He stepped back, giving me space. "The key is self-awareness and constant adjustment. You'll need to learn to feel when something is off and correct it on your own. This isn't just a technique; it's a mindset. Always be aware of your surroundings and how you fit into them."

I nodded. 'But, Mister Kennet. What would you do if I said I had already grasped how to do it?' I closed my eyes and began to move. My breathing became almost imperceptible, my steps as light as a whisper. I let my mana flow through me and blend seamlessly with the environment, circulating in a harmonious loop. Each movement was deliberate, controlled, and fluid as if I were a part of the shadows themselves.

Kennet's eyes widened, and for the first time, I saw his mouth open in astonishment. He watched me, his usually composed demeanor replaced by an expression of genuine surprise. As I continued to move, he shook his head slowly, unable to hide his amazement.

When I finally stopped, standing perfectly still and blending into the surroundings, Kennet let out a soft chuckle. "At this point, I'm just speechless," he admitted, shaking his head in disbelief. "You've already understood what you need to do."

He took a deep breath, composing himself. "There's nothing more I need to show you for today. You've grasped the fundamentals far quicker than I anticipated. Now, it's up to you to train in this place until you make this second nature to yourself."

Kennet gestured around the training area. "Use this space to practice. Test yourself against different environments and scenarios. The more you adapt, the better you'll become. Keep honing your skills until you can do this without a second thought."

"Understood, Mister Kennet."

"Sigh….What a rigid guy you are….." He smiled, his expression returning to its usual calm and composed state. " I'll check on your progress from time to time, but for now, you're on your own. Remember, self-awareness and constant adjustment. Those are the keys to mastering this technique."

With that, Kennet turned and walked away, leaving me alone.


"One Reddish Hydra Serpent Steak and one Ironhide Boar Roast, correct?"


"Understood. It will be ready in 5 minutes."

I settled into my seat, the quiet hum of the dining hall a stark contrast to the usual chatter of my companions, Kael and Lyra. Today, I was eating alone. They had both been called away on urgent matters, leaving me to fend for myself.

Soon enough, the waiter returned, carrying two steaming plates. The Reddish Hydra Serpent Steak and The Ironhide Boar Roast were both thick, juicy cuts of meat, their exterior perfectly crisped, and their scent mingled with the spices.

At least, thanks to the scents, they were not looking as disgusting as they did.

"Enjoy your meal," the waiter said with a polite nod before retreating. I picked up my utensils and was about to focus on my meals, but then I suddenly sensed a bunch of presence around me.

"Would you mind if we sat here?"

I looked up to see four guys standing there, looking at me. There was no hostility in their eyes; in fact, their gazes were pure and clear. Sensing no threat, I nodded my head and said, "I don't mind."

"Thank you," one of them said with a warm smile. They pulled out chairs and sat down, their expressions a mix of curiosity and respect.

"I'm Locke," said the one who had spoken first, extending his hand. "These are my friends: Jarrod, Malcolm, and Finn."

I shook his hand, noting the firm grip. "Nice to meet you, Locke. I'm Astron."

As they settled in, I returned to my meal, cutting into the Reddish Hydra Serpent Steak. The first bite was an explosion of flavors, rich and slightly spicy. I could feel the energy coursing through me with each bite, a testament to the high nutritional value of the rare meat.

"We couldn't help but notice you eating alone," Jarrod said, his tone casual. "Figured we could join you and maybe learn a thing or two."

I raised an eyebrow, curious. "Learn? From me?"

"Yeah," Malcolm chimed in. "Everyone is talking about you, you know? Since you are recommended by Miss Reina and Miss Dakota's disciple."

I nodded, a bit surprised at how quickly news traveled. "I see. What do you want to know?"

Locke leaned forward, his eyes glinting with curiosity. "Actually, we were wondering about the Arcadia Hunter Academy. None of us have been to an academy before, and we're curious about what it's like. What kind of place is it?"

I paused, reflecting on my time at the academy. "Arcadia Hunter Academy is a rigorous and challenging place. It's designed to push students to their limits, both physically and mentally. The training is intense, and the instructors are some of the best in their fields."

Finn nodded, clearly intrigued. "What kind of training do you do there?"

"Everything from combat training and survival skills to strategy and tactics," I explained. "We have classes on monster biology, magical theory, and even team coordination exercises. The academy aims to create well-rounded hunters who can handle any situation."

Malcolm leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "It sounds intense. How do they ensure everyone keeps up with the pace?"

"There are regular assessments and evaluations," I said. "And if someone falls behind…..They are gone."

"What? That is ruthless."

"The world is ruthless. You guys must also know this, no?"

"Right." The guys nodded their heads, absorbing the information. Then, Jarrod leaned in with a curious look. "We've heard that the most well-established families send their children to Arcadia Hunter Academy. Is that true? Do you know any heirs of important families?"

Hearing this, I couldn't help but think of a certain red-haired someone and a purple-haired one. And for some reason, my mouth became uncontrollable.

It was curled up for some reason.

"I do."

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