Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 452 103.2 - Training and Guides

Chapter 452 103.2 - Training and Guides

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"This is why we will be focusing on two things for the time being. Filtering and Assimilation."

I nodded, understanding the importance of what she was saying. This training was not just about controlling mana but about mastering the way that it was manipulated so that I could use it as an extension of my eyes.

In fact, even now, I am pretty sure that my mana control levels are a lot better than many people here, but what I lack is experience in this precise way of manipulating mana.

"For the next six hours," Reina continued, "you will stay in this room and practice. Your objective is to influence the flow of mana and decipher the message contained within this thread."

She left the thread of mana hovering in the air, its delicate strands pulsing with energy. "Normally, mana psions dissipate after a certain period. However, because this location is a special place within the dimension, the thread will remain stable for more than nine hours. Use this time wisely."

I watched as Reina stepped back, her eyes observing me closely. "Remember, this is a test of both your control and your ability to understand the deeper currents of mana. Take your time, focus, and don't rush. Master the flow."

With that, she left the room, leaving me alone with the shimmering thread of mana. The atmosphere in the room was charged with energy, and I could feel the weight of the task ahead of me.

With that, she left the room, leaving me alone with the shimmering thread of mana. The atmosphere in the room was charged with energy, and I could feel the weight of the task ahead of me.

Taking a deep breath, I sat down and began to focus.

The first step was filtering. I needed to isolate the thread of mana from the surrounding energy and understand its unique flow. Closing my eyes, I extended my senses, reaching out to the thread.

The process was slow and meticulous. I could feel the external mana flux around me, and I carefully started to filter out the unnecessary noise. It was like tuning a radio to a specific frequency, blocking out the static and focusing on the clear signal.

As I filtered out the surrounding mana, the thread's pulsing rhythm became more pronounced. It was a delicate balance, maintaining harmony with the external flux while isolating the specific flow of the thread. It required intense concentration and precision, but gradually, I could feel the thread's unique energy standing out.

Next was assimilation. I needed to merge my mana with the thread, not just to influence it but to become part of its flow. This was a more complex task, requiring me to harmonize with the thread's rhythm and integrate my energy seamlessly.

And I also needed to do this while keeping the filter on in my head. In a way, that was something that required me to multi-task, which was a taxing thing on its own.

Multi-tasking itself is not a problem unless you are doing some actions that are in contrast to each other.


I took a deep breath, steadying my mind for the challenge ahead. Multitasking efficiently while keeping the filter on was crucial. This meant I had to maintain a delicate balance between two distinct tasks, ensuring that neither interfered with the other.

'Start with the basics,' I thought. I closed my eyes again and focused on the filter, keeping it active in the back of my mind. The goal was to make this process as natural as breathing. I needed to isolate the thread's unique flow while also preparing to merge my mana with it.

The initial moments were challenging. The filter required constant attention to block out the extraneous mana, but I needed to ensure it didn't consume all my mental resources.

I let the filter become a background process, something my mind could maintain without direct intervention.

Gradually, I felt more comfortable with the filter running passively. It was like a second layer of awareness, constantly sifting through the mana around me. With the filter stable, I turned my focus to the assimilation process.

I extended a small strand of my mana, allowing it to flow towards the thread. The initial resistance was still there, but I remained patient. I kept the filter active in the back of my mind, ensuring that the external mana flux didn't disrupt my connection with the thread.

The key was to be gentle, to let my mana flow naturally without forcing it. The thread's rhythm was delicate, and I had to match its pace. Slowly, I began to weave my mana into the thread, becoming part of its flow.

The process required intense concentration and precision. I maintained the filter while synchronizing my energy with the thread's rhythm. It was a dance of sorts, a careful balance between two tasks that demanded my full attention.

As my mana began to merge with the thread, the resistance eased. The thread accepted my presence, and I could feel a connection forming. I kept the filter active, ensuring that the external mana flux didn't interfere with the delicate process.

With each passing moment, I became more attuned to the thread's flow. The whispers of information grew clearer, and I could start to decipher the message within. The thread's unique energy resonated with mine, creating a harmonious connection.

Time seemed to blur as I continued the process. The room around me faded into the background, and all that mattered was the flow of mana. The filter remained active, sifting through the extraneous energy while I focused on the thread.

At that moment, I knew.

I was in the flow state.

After what felt like an eternity, I felt something clicking in my head. As if the taps of the barrage were open, I felt like the information started flowing right into my head.

It was a weird feeling, something that I was feeling for the first time. When Reina had used her eye and started an influx of information that moved like a wave of tsunami overwhelming me, this time it was as if I was drinking on a small rivulet that I had made on my own.

The analogy was clear in my mind. Finding the right frequency of the psions was like tuning a radio to the correct station. The moment I found the right frequency, the data hidden within the psions became accessible. But without a computer interface or screen to show me the exact frequency of my own mana, I had to rely on something else—how it 'felt.'

This process was akin to a safecracker trying to find the correct rotation by listening to the subtle sounds the mechanism made. Every slight adjustment, every fine-tuning, was based on the sensations and feedback I received from the mana. It required an acute sensitivity, a heightened awareness of the intricate dance of energies.

As I delved deeper into the thread, I realized that the feeling I needed to grasp was one of resonance. When my mana resonated perfectly with the thread, it created a harmonic vibration, a seamless flow where my energy and the external psions became one. It was a delicate balance, a precise alignment that unlocked the hidden information.

With this newfound understanding, I continued to experiment, adjusting the flow of my mana, seeking that perfect resonance. Even though I had already deciphered the information, mastering this feeling was a lot more important and was my main focus.

While the message that Reina had left was deciphered, there were many more small threads of mana that were scattered around this place.

Thus I used them as a practice.

Each time I got closer, the information became clearer and more coherent. It was a meticulous process, requiring patience and an unwavering focus.

However, after finding myself successful at deciphering what Reina left for me, I was not able to decipher any other message at all.

None of them seemed to resonate with me.

No, it was as if

'It is even hard to sense them or filter them.' Why did this happen? After checking it without looking to decipher, I found out that the mana that was being used in those threads was of a higher rank, and the formation was a lot more complex.

What did this imply?

It implied one thing.

Even if I was able to master my eyes and was able to sense the mana to some extent, I was still bound by the ranks of my own magical power and mana capacity.

The realization struck me with clarity. If my mana wasn't at the same level as the threads I was trying to connect with, it was no wonder I couldn't decipher them. I nodded, acknowledging this limitation. It made perfect sense. Using my own mana to connect to the threads meant that if the connector didn't match the receptor or the target, the goal couldn't be achieved.

As I reflected on this, I decided to take a break and check out the message Reina had left for me. I opened the package and let the influx of information flow into my mind.

Reina's voice echoed in my thoughts, calm and instructive. "The psions attributed by [Authority] are classified into seven ranks. These ranks determine the complexity and power required to access and manipulate them. What you have just deciphered is classified as the first rank, which can be accessed by those with a magic power of at least rank 3."

I absorbed the information, realizing the significance of what I had achieved. Reina continued, "Since you are able to see and manipulate this rank-1 psion, it means you can now affect the flow of mana at rank 3. This is an important milestone in your training."

The message elaborated further, detailing the next steps in my training. "From now on, your assignments will be to come here at the hours I will send to you and practice speeding up this process. The goal is to reach a point where you can achieve this resonance and deciphering in the blink of an eye."

Understanding the importance of this, I decided to stop for the day, feeling the mental and physical exhaustion from the intense session. But I also felt a sense of accomplishment. Progress had been made, and the foundation for my future training was solid.

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