Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 432 99.1 - End of the semester

Chapter 432 99.1 - End of the semester

<Arcadia Hunter Academy, Saturday Evening>

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over Arcadia Hunter Academy, the atmosphere buzzed with activity.

The last duel of the extended duel period had ended in an electrifying display of skill and power. Victor Blackthorn and General Kyle Braveheart had pushed each other to their limits, leaving the audience in awe of the spectacle they had witnessed.

Now, the academy staff moved swiftly to dismantle the preparations made for the duels. Workers bustled about, dismantling temporary structures, clearing the arena, and ensuring everything returned to its pristine state.

The sound of equipment being packed away and voices giving instructions filled the air.

In the courtyard, Headmaster Jonathan Verdict stood with a group of staff, overseeing the operations. His authoritative presence ensured everything proceeded efficiently and smoothly.

At designated points around the campus, academy staff handed out elegantly wrapped gift packages to the departing guests. Each package contained a selection of exquisite items, including enchanted trinkets, fine chocolates, and vouchers for future academy events.

The guests, though still slightly shaken from the previous day's attack, appreciated the gesture and the academy's efforts to ensure their well-being.

"Thank you for coming," a staff member said warmly, handing a gift package to a family. "We hope you enjoyed the duels despite the unfortunate incident. Please take these tokens of our appreciation."

In the crowd, Kaya Hartley watched as her daughter, Jane, eagerly accepted a gift package. Kaya smiled, grateful for the academy's thoughtful gesture.

At least that was the fact that she would need to show, being one of the most famous people in the world right now.

Nearby, a young man stood beside her.

"Quite the event, wasn't it?" Ethan mumbled. He somehow looked thoughtful and a bit tired. After the fight and the display that he showed, he fell into a peculiar state. The reason for that was evident.

He used something that his body couldn't withstand.

"Indeed, it was," Kaya said, looking at her daughter. And then she turned to face her niece. "You did well."

"….Thanks…." Ethan nodded, a smile creeping onto his lips. Though he had gotten used to getting praise, his aunt was not one of those who talked too much. She was quite an introvert, and she was busy most of the time. The praise that she got from him was really valuable.

Just then, Jane returned with a bright smile on her face, rushing towards Ethan. "Big brother Ethan, look what I have gotten!" she exclaimed, her excitement evident.

She held out a beautifully wrapped chocolate bar, her eyes shining with joy. "They gave me chocolates! Do you want to share?" she offered, holding the chocolate out to Ethan.

Ethan's smile widened at her enthusiasm. "You can eat it," he said, ruffling her hair affectionately. Surely, he was not someone who could easily take chocolate from a young child like her.

"No. I want big brother Ethan to try it as well." But seeing that she was this adamant about giving him the chocolates, he decided not to think about it.

"Sure, let's share it." He took the chocolate from her, carefully unwrapping it.

Jane beamed, clearly pleased with his response. "Big brother Ethan, your duel was so cool!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement. "I couldn't believe how powerful you were! The way you summoned that giant storm, it was like something out of a legend!"

Ethan chuckled, slightly embarrassed by her enthusiasm. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said, breaking off a piece of the chocolate and handing it back to Jane. "It was a tough fight, but I couldn't let myself back down."

Yet there was a part of himself that was doubtful.

'The thing that happened there…..Was it really me?'

He had been pondering about his question for a long while now. It was as if, at that moment, something else had possessed him, yet he didn't have any idea at all.

Jane took the piece of chocolate and nibbled on it, her expression turning thoughtful. "What was that thing you said before you attacked? It sounded like a poem."

'I would like to know as well.' He thought to himself. He sighed, unsure of how to explain. "Honestly, Jane, I don't know it either," he admitted, scratching the back of his head. "It just sort of... happened."

Jane pouted, clearly thinking he was just trying to hide it. "Come on, big brother Ethan, you can tell me! I promise I won't tell anyone else," she urged, her eyes wide with curiosity and determination.

Ethan felt a pang of helplessness. He was sincerely telling the truth, but he didn't know how to make her understand. "I swear, Jane, I really don't know. It was like something took over for a moment," he said earnestly, feeling at a loss.

Just as he was about to try and explain further, Jane's attention was suddenly drawn to something else. She turned her head to face her right side, her eyes lighting up with recognition.

Without a word, she rushed towards a figure passing by. "It's that mysterious brother!" she exclaimed, standing before him.

Ethan turned to see a young man with black hair dressed in dark clothing, moving casually. Yet it was always hard to sense him as that person's presence was almost ghostly.

And there was a certain person that fit this description.

"Astron," Ethan mumbled, recognizing him. n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Astron, with his usual calm demeanor, looked at Jane and then at Ethan, giving a slight nod. "Hello, Ethan," he greeted, his voice steady and composed.

Ethan managed to smile, though he was still processing the sudden appearance. "I didn't expect to see you here. But, mysterious brother, do you know him, Jane?"

Jane tilted her head, her brow furrowing in thought. "I don't remember exactly, but I feel like I've seen this brother somewhere before," she replied, her gaze fixed on Astron.

Ethan looked at Astron, pondering for a moment. Astron simply shook his head, a calm expression on his face. "She must be mistaking me for someone else. Children tend to make such mistakes," he said quietly.

Jane pouted, her cheeks puffing out in indignation. "I'm not a child!" she protested, sulking slightly.

Astron glanced at Jane, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "Oh? Then how old are you?" he asked, his tone gentle but curious.

Jane straightened up proudly. "I'm ten years old!" she declared, crossing her arms defiantly.

Astron nodded thoughtfully. "Ten years old. Then that means you are officially a child."

Jane's pout deepened, her indignation flaring. "I am not a child!" she insisted, her voice rising in frustration.

Astron, unfazed, continued in his usual calm tone, "According to facts and definitions, ten years old is still considered a child."

Jane's face turned red with anger, and she stamped her foot. "No, it doesn't! I'm almost grown up!"

Ethan, sensing the escalating tension, intervened. "Astron, maybe you could ease up a little? Jane's just a kid," he whispered, trying to mediate.

Unfortunately, Jane's sharp ears caught his words. She turned her ire towards Ethan, her eyes blazing. "Big brother, I'm not a kid!"

Astron, however, remained resolute. "It's always better to educate children at a young age so that they don't develop weird habits," he replied, his tone matter-of-fact.

At that moment, a voice came from behind them, dripping with irritation. "Are you really arguing with a child?" The voice was unmistakable—fiery. And there, Irina stood.

Astron turned to face her, his expression unchanging. "I am merely stating facts," he said calmly.

PINCH! "Really," Irina said while pinching him on his side.

"I am not a child, Bad Sister Irina," Jane mumbled and turned away as if she was about to cry.

Irina shot Astron a glare, her eyes blazing with irritation. "Astron, you need to learn how to talk to people, especially children," Her eyes seemed to say this.

"Hey, Jane, don't listen to him. You're definitely not a child in the way that matters. You're a young lady, okay?"

Jane's pout softened slightly, though she still looked upset. "Really?"

Irina nodded with a warm smile. "Really. Now, how about I show you something fun?"

Jane's eyes brightened at the prospect, and she quickly forgot her annoyance. "You will show me something fun?"

"Yep," Irina said while igniting a fire in her hand. But while doing that, she muttered under her breath, loud enough for Astron to hear. "Unlike someone hopeless, I am a really cool sister, right?"

Irina said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. She extended her hand, creating a small display of a phoenix on her fingertips. The fiery bird flapped its wings and soared into the air, its feathers leaving a trail of light as it flew around them.

Jane's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow! That's so cool, Sister Irina!" she exclaimed, her earlier frustration forgotten as she watched the phoenix with delight.

Astron, observing the scene with his usual calm demeanor, replied, "At least I'm not someone who seeks acknowledgment from a child."

Irina shot him a sideways glance, a smirk playing on her lips. "People who couldn't get what they want tend to make such excuses," she retorted, her tone playful yet pointed.

Jane, still entranced by the phoenix, didn't catch the exchange. She reached out, trying to touch the fiery bird as it circled around her. "Can I hold it, Sister Irina?" she asked, her voice filled with wonder.

Irina smiled warmly. "Sure, just be careful. It's made of fire, but it won't hurt you." She guided Jane's hand, allowing the phoenix to perch gently on her fingers. Jane giggled in delight, her eyes shining with joy.

As the phoenix perched on Jane's fingers, casting a warm glow, Kaya Hartley, who had been observing the interaction from the sidelines, stepped forward. Her presence, though unassuming, carried an air of authority and grace.

"Astron Natusalune, correct?" Kaya called out, her voice gentle but firm.

Astron turned to look at her, his eyes narrowing slightly. "That is correct. However, have we met before?" he asked, his tone cautious.

Kaya smiled a hint of mystery in her eyes. "I have an offer to make."


Kaya nodded. "Yes, an offer. Would you like to work with our guild?"


Everyone around was speechless at that moment.

Since no one was expecting such a thing to come out like that.

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