Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 427 97.5 - Breaking Down

Chapter 427 97.5 - Breaking Down

Irina was a girl who was a fast thinker. When she was alone and didn't have anything to keep herself busy with, she tended to imagine things.

Think about the past, remember what had happened.

She sometimes remembered some unpleasant memories of her childhood. The times when she was filled with helplessness against the world, thanks to the matriarch of the family.

That was how it went until recently.

From the moment she entered the academy, things changed. When she was free, she used to think about things that made her angry, but after a certain point, the things that annoyed her somehow changed.

And she knew the reason for that.

At the start, it started as a genuine annoyance.

Because she couldn't stand seeing him. Because it all reminded her of her childhood. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

But then it slowly changed. Maybe it was because he had changed her perception of him rapidly, or maybe he was someone with whom she had good chemistry.

At some point, her head was filled with thoughts regarding him.

He had always answered her back, talking back. And she could never win a good argument against him. No matter what happened, he would always somehow become the winner and the one who got to say the last word.

And she hated that. She hated losing since she couldn't forget any loss.

Thus, she started playing those conversations in her head, finding answers she could possibly give him when she had the chance. At a certain point, it happened so frequently that she even forgot the unpleasant memories of her childhood. Most of her thoughts when she was free became related to him.

Over time, her perception of him began to change. She became conscious of how he looked, noticing his face, his eyes, his gaze, and the small gestures he subconsciously made. She paid attention to his way of talking, the tone of his voice, and even the way he dressed. Each detail fascinated her more than the last.

As her perception changed, strange and unexpected thoughts started to creep into her mind. It all began because of a certain post she had read online, a post that described how easily one could fall for someone they argued with frequently, someone who challenged them intellectually. The post claimed that such tension often masked deeper feelings.

"Because of that post, my thoughts are no longer normal," she muttered to herself at that time. She found herself fantasizing about him in ways she never had before.

One day, she became particularly conscious of his lips. It happened when they were arguing about something trivial, and she noticed how his lips moved when he spoke, how they curved into a subtle pose when he got the better of her in an argument.

That day, she found herself wondering what it would feel like to taste those lips. The thought was intrusive and persistent, making it hard for her to concentrate on anything else.

'How would it feel to kiss him?' She asked herself, again and again, the thought consuming her. It was a ridiculous notion, she told herself, but the idea wouldn't leave her mind. She found herself glancing at his lips whenever they talked, imagining the sensation, the warmth.

"And what an irony it is that I fell for such a cowardly bastard."

But, now, she had found how it felt. The taste of his lips, she now knew.

As her lips met him, Irina felt a rush of warmth and electricity surge through her. The world around her seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in a bubble of shared intimacy.

His lips were soft yet firm, a perfect balance that made her heart race. The taste was a mix of something indescribable yet familiar, a blend of emotions and sensations that she had longed to experience.

'Ah…..This is…..' She lost herself in the kiss, her mind blank as her senses focused entirely on the feel of him.

It was as if time had stopped, and nothing else mattered but this connection. She could feel the intensity of his emotions through the kiss, a depth that she hadn't expected from someone so seemingly detached.

SHIVER! Then, she felt his hand on her waist, pulling her closer to him. She flinched at the touch, a shiver running down her spine as she looked into his eyes.


The usual calm and emptiness were gone, replaced by a desire that took her breath away. His eyes, those deep, dark pools, were now filled with a longing that mirrored her own.

For a moment, they simply looked at each other, the air between them charged with unspoken words and emotions. Irina could see the vulnerability in his gaze, the silent plea for understanding and acceptance. It was a side of Astron she had never seen before, a side that made her heart ache with tenderness.

She reached up, her hand trembling slightly as she cupped his cheek, her thumb brushing over his skin.

'It is smooth….'

She thought at the feeling of his skin.

"My words…..Did they touch your heart?" She asked, lowering her hand to his heart. It was not beating as fast as she thought it would be.

At least compared to her own heart, it was definitely beating slower. And somehow, she was a little annoyed.

"It did." Yet, hearing his reply, she couldn't help but forget her annoyance.

"I am glad." She spoke. "Glad that you have accepted it."

His hand tightened on her waist, pulling her even closer. "Really?" His voice contained a slight sense of mischievousness. Though she was sure any outside person would not understand it, she could.

Because she already got used to it.

"Really." She replied, and then she raised her head. "Do you know what I do when I become happy?"

Astron's gaze softened. "What?"

Irina's smile broadened, her eyes twinkling with a mix of mischief and affection. "I become greedy when I'm happy."

Before Astron could respond, she cupped his cheeks, her touch gentle but firm. "Hope you wouldn't mind it. Not that you have a choice now."

With those words, she pulled him down, closing the distance between them once more.

Their lips met in a passionate kiss, filled with the emotions they had both kept hidden for so long.

This time, the kiss was deeper, more intense. Irina felt herself melt into it, losing herself in the warmth and the connection they shared.

She felt his hand move up to her back, pulling her even closer, their bodies pressed together. She did the same, raising her arms to entangle them on his nape.

The taste of his lips was intoxicating, a blend of sweetness and intensity that left her craving more. Somehow, she could feel that he had opened up.

He lowered the walls that he had built around his psyche. To defend himself from the world.

The kiss conveyed everything they couldn't put into words: a silent conversation of hearts and souls.

Irina's fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him even closer as if she couldn't get enough. She felt his breath mix with hers, their hearts beating in sync. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated connection, a moment where everything else faded away, leaving only the two of them.

When they finally broke apart, both of them were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other's. Irina's eyes fluttered open, meeting Astron's gaze. The vulnerability, the understanding, and the unspoken promises in his eyes made her heart swell with emotion.

"You seem to be getting ahead of yourself," Astron murmured, his voice low. Yet, contrary to his words, his tone felt different.

The tone that he had never made before.

He felt happy?

Unable to control herself, she looked into the expression he made.

And she had witnessed something for the first time.

A smile on his face.

A smile that was so small that it could be brushed as if a slight twist of expression. THUMP!

And it was detrimental to her heart.

It skipped a beat as she saw the slight smile on Astron's face.

It was a small, almost imperceptible twist of his lips, but it was there, and it was real.

For the first time, she saw a glimpse of the person beneath the stoic exterior, the person who had hidden his pain and emotions so well. She had never seen him smile before. His face had always been a blank canvas, void of any genuine emotion. He was distant, aloof, always keeping others at arm's length.

But now, at this moment, she saw a side of him that he had never shown to anyone who was still in this world.

A warmth spread through her chest, filling her with a sense of joy and hope. The small smile on his face was a testament to the connection they shared, the bond that had grown between them. It was a sign that, despite everything, he was beginning to let her in.

"You're smiling," she whispered, her voice filled with wonder. "I've never seen you smile before."

Astron's eyes widened.


And just like that. It was gone.

The warmth that had filled Irina's chest began to waver as she watched Astron's expression change. The small smile that had graced his lips vanished, replaced by the familiar coldness that she had grown accustomed to.

A sense of disappointment washed over her. It had been such a rare and precious moment, and now it was gone. For a brief second, she even questioned if she had seen it at all. Maybe she had imagined it, a figment of her desperate hope.

But then, something else caught her eye. A faint blush of crimson on his cheeks. Astron's skin was pale, and the color stood out, making it impossible for her to miss.

'He really smiled. It wasn't my imagination,' she thought, feeling a mix of relief and renewed affection. 'And it was so beautiful.' That smile. She could get addicted to it.

"You can hide your smile," Irina said softly, her voice tinged with amusement, "but you can't hide that blush."

She felt like she was winning it, having the upper hand.

Yet, that bastard recovered faster than she thought.

"It's coming from you," he retorted as he signaled towards her face. "Your face is way too red for you to be talking like that."

Irina blinked, taken aback by his quick comeback. She suddenly became acutely aware of the heat radiating from her own cheeks, the sweat beading on her forehead. Her skin felt hot, and she realized just how flustered she was.

"Tch," she clicked her tongue in annoyance, though the embarrassment in her voice was evident. "You just always have to get the last word, don't you?"

Astron's eyes were slowly curved, somehow turning into a teasing one. He slowly leaned forward, his mouth reaching for her ear.

And then, he whispered.

"If you want to beat me. You need to practice a lot."

SHUDDER! And Irina shuddered, standing like a frozen statue.

THUD! And then, Astron got up in an instant.

He started to walk away, the distance between them growing with each step. But just before he left, he stopped and turned back, his expression softened by the moonlight.

"Thank you. Thank you for making me face myself. You are the best," he said, a beautiful smile spreading across his face.

The moonlight lit up his presence, and at that moment, he looked like the purest thing in the world to Irina. She stood there, mesmerized by the sight, thinking, 'This is the smile I need to protect.'

As Astron turned and continued to walk away, Irina felt a surge of determination well up inside her. She knew she needed to protect him.

From the things that made him turn into a demon contractor and self-destruct.

She would do whatever it takes to keep that smile on his face.

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