Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 393 91.1 - Duels [2]

Chapter 393 91.1 - Duels [2]

<Wednesday, 13.45, Arcadia Hunter Academy>

Two days of the duels had already passed, and the third day had already come. With the event being in the middle, slowly, the academy started being more and more crowded, with the duels becoming more and more important.

And, right now, a rare duel was about to happen.

The amphitheater was filled to capacity with students and spectators, many of whom were there to support their relatives or friends. The buzz of conversation echoed through the stands, but the focus was on the arena where two students stood poised to face each other.

Just as usual, two students were about to face each other, yet there was one thing that was slightly different.

The difference between the ranks.

Liam Wayne, ranked 1279, stood confidently on one side, his expression focused. There was a faint glint in his eyes while he was looking at his opponent.

Opposite him was Astron Natusalune, ranked 1729. The difference in their ranks was significant, and it was this disparity that had drawn the crowd's attention.

It was evident from the ranks and Liam's demeanor that he had intentionally chosen Astron as an opponent.

Whispers and murmurs filled the air as the spectators discussed the upcoming duel.

"Can you believe Liam challenged someone so much lower in rank?" a student remarked, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's not exactly a fair fight," another replied. "He should be aiming higher if he wants to prove himself."

"It's a cowardly move," a third student said loudly enough for others around to hear. "Challenging someone 500 ranks below him? What's he trying to prove?"

The criticism was open and harsh. Liam's decision to challenge Astron was frowned upon by many, as it was seen as an act of weakness and poor sportsmanship. The academy's culture valued challenging oneself against stronger opponents, and Liam's choice was perceived as a violation of this principle.

In the stands, a group of faculty members watched closely. Eleanor, among them, observed the scene with a keen eye, her expression neutral but her thoughts racing.

She was curious to see how Astron, despite his lower rank, would handle the situation. The first duel was a pretty good surprise, but it was still within her expectations. At least, she could understand it.

Yet this time.

'Maybe you will show me a miracle?'

It was just a thought to entertain. She didn't even think about it for more than a second.

On another corner, there was another student there. With her fiery red hair, she was watching the duel unfold.

"Considering his attitude, I can understand why this Liam guy got annoyed with him." She mumbled to herself. After all, knowing his attitude, which was cold, edgy, and rude, she couldn't even keep herself up at the start.

'But, still. Not everyone can simply use their duels and their chance to prove themselves like this.'

It was evident that something else was at play.

If this Liam guy was stupid enough to waste his chance like this, then her thoughts would be proven wrong, but that would mean it was safe.

But, if he was compensated. Then, that would mean someone was targeting Astron.

'At that time, too.'

Remembering the time when he was surrounded by rumors about him, she came to a realization.

'Most likely Trevor Philips.'

That senior, for some reason, was targeting Astron. Even up to this point, she had still yet to find any reason for him to be targeted, but something inside her was telling her that he most likely knew about it.

'Still. I am pretty sure he won't lose. Well, not really. He will probably lose, but it won't be humiliating, at least.'

From all of their interactions, Irina noticed one thing.

'Since he always pays things back.'

No matter what, Astron always got back to the people who wronged him.

At that moment, just as she was lost in her thoughts, the announcer's voice boomed through the amphitheater.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next duel is between Liam Wayne and Astron Natusalune."


"Are both contestants ready?"

With his question, two small holograms appeared right before the two students. Both of them pressed the tick button, and the moment they did, a countdown started.




"Let the duel begin!"

As the countdown reached zero, the amphitheater fell silent, the anticipation in the air palpable. Liam and Astron faced each other, the intensity of the moment reflected in their stances.

'Liam Wayne.'

Eleanor recited the name of the student holding the sword.


Regardless of whether someone had proposed him a deal or not. The fact that she was seeing an utter display of someone abusing their power and showing a disgraceful act alone was enough to make her put this student at the bottom of the list.

People like him tend to become obstacles or dogs for demons.

Still, at the end of the day, things were happening within the frame of rules, and she couldn't do anything.

Liam's sword gleamed under the lights; his posture looked relaxed but ready. He was an agility type with a wind attribute, which meant he could move swiftly and strike with the precision of a gale.

Astron, using the same strategy from his previous duel, decided to start with his bow once again.

He seemed to know that Liam would be faster and more skilled than Wilfred, but he also must have understood that he needed to utilize his strengths thoroughly.

The duel began with a blur of motion. Liam, using his wind attribute, dashed forward with incredible speed. The air around him seemed to ripple as he closed the distance, his sword poised to strike.


Astron, anticipating the swift approach, fired an arrow directly at Liam. The arrow, enhanced with wind psions for speed and precision, cut through the air toward its target.

"You're going to have to do better than that," Liam taunted, his voice calm and confident. "But, a dog orphan like you wouldn't be able to do anything, most likely."

Yet, there was a beaming sinisterness in his voice. Deep inside, it was evident that he was bearing a personal grudge against Astron.


Yet he didn't get any answer.

Astron's expression didn't change, paralleling his own character.

He nocked another arrow, this time aiming for Liam's legs to disrupt his movement. The arrow flew with a whistle, but Liam was already in motion.


Liam deflected the arrow with a swift slash of his sword, the force of the deflection sending the arrow spinning harmlessly away. He then surged forward, closing the distance between them in a heartbeat.

Seemingly enough, Astron barely had time to react as Liam's blade came down in a lightning-fast strike. He managed to parry with his dagger, but the force of the blow sent him skidding backward.


The crowd gasped, the sheer speed and power of Liam's attack impressing even the most skeptical observers. Of course, the reason why it felt impressive was due to the difference between the stats of the two students.

It was evident that Astron didn't have enough physical attributes to compete with Liam face-to-face.

Liam's eyes gleamed with a mixture of satisfaction and malice as he watched Astron struggle to regain his footing.

He relished the idea of humiliating Astron in front of the crowd, feeding off the audience's reaction to his display of power.

'This will teach you, you arrogant orphan,' Liam thought, his grip tightening on his sword.

The memory of their past interactions fueled his determination to make Astron suffer.

Liam couldn't forget the way Astron had always carried himself despite his lower status and lack of connections.

The way he talked back to everyone regarding his status. He never seemed bothered by everyone, as if he was completely uninterested.

He insulted and acted edgy and rude. Contrary to himself, who needed to carry on with everything he was doing so that his family wouldn't be targeted, he could act freely.

And that was utterly infuriating. Adding the humiliation he felt when he was in the classroom at that time.

He couldn't help but think that Astron's resilience was an affront to the natural order.

SWOOSH! He dashed forward again, his wind attribute making his movements almost ethereal. His sword lashed out with deadly grace; each strike intended not just to defeat but to belittle Astron.

"You're nothing," Liam sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "You think you can stand on the same stage as me? Pathetic."


Astron parried the blows with his dagger, but it was 'evident' that he could feel the strain. Liam's attacks were relentless, each one heavier and faster than the last.

The difference in their physical attributes was glaringly evident, and Astron seemed to know that he had to find another way to turn the tide.

'Let's see what you are going to do.'

For the many observers, the fight looked in the favor of Liam. Of course, that was the logical conclusion that they could reach with the information they had been presented with.

But that wasn't the case for Irina and some others who knew him.

'Show me something good.'

At that split second, Astron's eyes gleamed. It was abrupt, something that wouldn't be seen easily. Irina knew what it meant.

'Here it comes.'

Liam's muscles tensed as he channeled his mana into his sword and his shoulder joints.

'Wind's grace.'

He activated a wind spell. Though the students mostly learned about the magic after the first semester, some of them went ahead and learned it beforehand. Some of them even learned it before coming to the academy.

And Liam was the latter.

In an instant, wind psions covered his body. It was a spell that acted like a buff. Normally, these types of spells were rare to see with a warrior, but it suited Liam's style since he was a speed type.

'Path of Sword. Double Slash.'

He needed to make himself somewhat exceptional since his traits were common. The fact that he was admitted to the Arcadia Hunter Academy while having the [Swordsman] trait, one of the most common ones, showed that he excelled in something else.

And it was the utilization of spells.

SWOOSH! Liam's first strike came down with blinding speed. Astron's instincts took over. He coated his body with his mana, a soft white energy enveloping him. It wasn't as dramatic as Liam's wind-enhanced form, but it provided him with the edge he needed.


Astron crossed his daggers in an X-shape, intercepting Liam's blade just in time. The force of the blow was immense, and despite his reinforced stance, Astron was pushed back, his feet skidding on the ground. He gritted his teeth, the strain evident on his face.

'He's stronger than I thought. That kid Liam is not bad, either. Seemingly enough, he was able to master the Dual Slash.'

Eleanor thought.

For a trained eye like Elenor, even before the second slash came, she could see the trails of mana across the atmosphere and infer the spell. She was not named 'Invoker' for no reason after all.

'Still, those eyes. Did they read?' Yet, Eleanor trusted her instincts. Astron's eyes somehow looked calm and focused. I did not panic at all.

'Come on.' On the other side of the arena, Sylvie, who was watching the fight, cheered. She came here after using her break time.

But before Astron could recover, Liam's second strike was already in motion.

It was as if a silhouette of Liam, a ghostly clone, was following the same path, mirroring his movements with uncanny precision.


The crowd gasped, recognizing the advanced skill [Double Slash]. It was an impressive feat, especially for someone with the common [Swordsman] trait. The skill allowed Liam to execute a rapid follow-up strike, and in this case, the target was not a vital area but Astron's right leg.

'He's toying with him,' Irina realized, anger flashing in her eyes. 'He wants to drag this out.'

The logical conclusion for most observers was that Astron wouldn't be able to avoid or block this second, unexpected strike, given his disrupted posture. Liam's intention was clear: to incapacitate, not to kill and end the fight.


CLANK! "What?"

"He blocked it?"

Astron was ready.

With a swift, fluid motion, he adjusted his stance. His eyes seemed to predict the path of Liam's blade as if he had foreseen it all along.

Astron deflected the second strike, his dagger catching Liam's blade at the perfect angle. The force of the impact reverberated through his arm, but he held his ground, his white energy flaring with the effort.

The crowd erupted in surprised murmurs, their previous expectations shattered. They had anticipated Astron's defeat, but his unexpected deflection left them in surprise.

Liam's eyes widened in shock and anger. He had been so certain of his success, his overconfidence blinding him to the possibility that Astron could counter his advanced skill.

"You're full of surprises, aren't you? Like a cockroach." Liam spat, his voice tinged with anger. "Still, you won't be able to defend it next time."

Astron didn't respond to Liam's words.

Instead, he raised his hand.

"I surrender."

After all, he had shown enough to receive what he wanted.

'Any more than that is pointless.'

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