Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 391 90.4 - Underneath

Chapter 391 90.4 - Underneath

Sylvie turned towards the source of the voice, her heart skipping a beat.

Since that was the voice that she hadn't heard for a long time, if there was a certain person who had been plugging her mind into her thoughts, this person was the one who had been in her mind for years.

Standing before her was a man with a serene expression, a light smile playing on his lips. He was tall and dressed in casual clothes that somehow radiated an air of purity and holiness. His yellow hair was slightly long but didn't quite reach his ears, framing his crystal-clear blue eyes and tender features.

"Brother..." Sylvie whispered, barely able to believe her eyes. Her brother, whom she hadn't seen in years, was standing right in front of her.

Even though his facial features had changed slightly, even though he looked bigger and taller, the expression and everything…

She instantly knew that it was him.

"My sister really grew up to be a fine lady," he said warmly, his smile widening as he looked at her.

The room seemed to pause as everyone took notice of this newcomer. His handsome features and calm demeanor drew the attention of everyone around them, some even staring with open admiration.

"Leo... what are you doing here?" Sylvie managed to ask, her voice a mixture of surprise and joy.

Leonard chuckled softly, stepping closer. "I heard about the final exams and thought I'd come to see how my little sister is doing. Seems like you're handling things quite well."

Sylvie's initial shock began to give way to a rush of emotions. Seeing her brother after so many years brought back a flood of memories.

'He is back…He is really back…'

It was such a sudden thing that even her trait and the other things were closed. She was solely focused on this very moment, something she wouldn't do very often.

"Come here."

Seeing him spreading his arms like it was used to, a blush of shame spread through her cheeks. She was embarrassed, feeling like he was treating her like a kid.

She also didn't want to fold immediately. Since he suddenly disappeared at that time with only a note.

Yet, at the same time, she couldn't overcome the desire to hug him since it had been so long.

"Come on."

Thus, she stepped forward and hugged him tightly, feeling a sense of comfort and familiarity she had missed for so long.

"I'm so glad to see you," she said, her voice muffled against his chest.

Leonard gently patted her back, his smile never fading. "I've missed you too, Sylvie. It's been too long."

As they broke the embrace, Sylvie couldn't help but notice the awestruck expressions on the faces of the other students and healers in the room. Leonard's presence was undeniably captivating, and for such a person to be the brother of Sylvie.

It was evident that there would be many people bothering her in the future. At that moment, Sylvie couldn't help but activate her trait once again. It was not because of her own volition but because of the emotions that the surrounding students were feeling.

And just as she expected, many feelings were surging through the students.

For the boys, it was mainly respect. The aura that was spreading from Leonard was so noble and awestriking that the male healers didn't even have any time to get jealous of him. Of course, there were still some that had harbored some envy and jealousy, yet they lacked in numbers compared to others.

Things were a bit different for their female counterparts.

Sylvie's trait allowed her to see the emotions swirling around her brother like a vivid aura. The girls' feelings were more complex, layered with admiration and something more primal: lust and envy.

She could see the way their eyes followed Leonard, and their admiration tinged with a deeper desire. Some of the girls looked at him with open longing, their expressions betraying the attraction they felt. But beneath the admiration, there was also a palpable undercurrent of envy, especially directed at Sylvie.

The envy was almost palpable, so intense in some that it nearly covered their entire color palette. Sylvie could sense the jealousy radiating from them, their thoughts likely consumed with questions of why someone so extraordinary belonged to her family and why she had the privilege of his affection and attention.

Sylvie felt a pang of discomfort but pushed it aside. She was used to the envy and the misunderstandings it could bring. Her whole childhood was filled with such things, after all.

Leonard's return, however, was a blessing. She wouldn't let these emotions taint her.

"Brother," she said, regaining her composure. "Please."

"Why? It has been so long since I saw my little lamb. Why can't I enjoy it?"

"It is embarrassing."

'All those emotions are annoying.'

"Haha…Are you feeling shy?"


Hearing how her brother didn't seem to care, Sylvie pouted and pinched his arm.

"Okay, okay. Don't sulk."

Leonard chuckled, rubbing his arm where she had pinched him. "I missed this," he said softly. "Even your little pinches."

Sylvie couldn't help but smile, her heart swelling with affection for her brother. "I've missed you too," she admitted, her voice tender.

"Alright, I'll let you get back to work," Leonard said, stepping back but not before giving her one last affectionate pat on the head. "But let's catch up properly later. I want to hear everything."

"Promise?" Sylvie asked, looking up at him with hopeful eyes.

"Promise," Leonard confirmed, his smile reassuring.

As Leonard turned to leave, Sylvie felt a renewed sense of determination and warmth. There were a lot of things that she needed to ask him.

'Why did you disappear so suddenly without saying anything?'

'Why have you not contacted me in all these years?'

'What did you do all these times?'

Many questions needed to be asked, yet, in the end, she knew this moment wasn't for that. At least, she needed to have a more calm time.

Since she had also booked her break to watch a certain someone's match, she needed to work for a while now.

With a deep breath, she refocused on her work, calling out for the next patient amongst the gazes of all these students.


<Arcadia Hunter Academy, Monday Evening>

The sun was setting over Arcadia Hunter Academy, casting long shadows across the dueling grounds. The day had been a whirlwind of activity, with duel after duel taking place as students demonstrated their skills and resolve.

Eleanor stood in the observation tower, a vantage point that allowed her to oversee multiple matches at once. She held a tablet in her hand, ready to grade the students she had missed earlier in the day.

Eleanor's sharp eyes moved from one duel to the next, evaluating each student's performance with meticulous attention.

The lower-ranked students were fighting today, and she noted their techniques, mana control, and strategic decisions.

Each duel was an opportunity for her to gauge their progress and potential. And for her, who had already been accustomed to observing and grading the students, the process was just like another one of her own fights.

Mira Sullivan vs. Gregor White

Mira's agility and quick thinking allowed her to outpace and outsmart Gregor. Her victory was swift, highlighting her strategic prowess.

Clara Rivers vs. Edwin Moore

Clara's duel was a showcase of raw power. She overwhelmed Edwin with sheer strength, earning a decisive victory.

Nora Flint vs. Jasper Reed

Nora displayed a balanced approach, combining offense and defense effectively. Her victory was hard-fought, but it showed her growing competence.

Just like that, she had finished her grading process. Since there were many instructors, the students were spread around to reduce the workload on them.

In any case, with how she had finished her grading process, now it was time for her to check on how her students did.

Even if she wouldn't grade them, she still could watch the records of every duel.

Astron Natusalune vs. Wilfred Gibbs

And there was one particular student that she wanted to check for today. Since the other important duels would happen later, there was only one that she deemed important.

"Challenger, Astron Natusalune, Ranked 1729."

"Challenged, Wilfred Gibbs. Ranked 1589."

With that, the recording started, and Eleanor watched the fight. Until everything was over, she watched like a true instructor trying to analyze her students.

"Yield," Astron commanded, his voice steady.

Wilfred, recognizing his defeat, bowed his head. "I yield," he said softly.

And this was the end of the recording.

"Not bad." She mumbled.

Eleanor's analysis was thorough:

 Adaptability: Astron's ability to switch between ranged and close combat effectively was impressive. He used the element of surprise and his opponent's underestimation to his advantage.

 Tactical Awareness: Astron's strategic use of feints and psychological tactics disrupted Wilfred's focus, showcasing his understanding of combat psychology.

 Skill Development: Despite his lower rank, Astron demonstrated significant growth and proficiency in both dagger and bow techniques. His agility and precision were notable.

The fighting style that was displayed was slightly bizarre. Not many hunters fought in such a manner.

Yet, Eleanor knew one thing.

'He resembles her.'

There was one certain someone who fought like this as well. And that certain someone was now…..

Her nemesis.


Later that evening, Sylvie met Leonard at one of the cozy cafes on campus. The setting sun casts a warm glow over the cafe's patio, creating a serene atmosphere that contrasts with the bustling activity of the day.

The cafe was a popular spot, and many students were present, their curious eyes following Leonard and Sylvie as they took a seat by the window.

'Let them stare,' Sylvie thought, dismissing the envious glances and whispers that followed them. She was determined to enjoy this time with her brother, no matter what.

"Thank you for making time to meet," Sylvie said, smiling warmly as she settled into her seat.

"Of course," Leonard replied, his own smile mirroring hers. "I've missed you, Sylvie. It's good to see you in such high spirits."

As they waited for their drinks, Sylvie took a moment to study her brother. Despite the years that had passed, he still exuded the same calm and reassuring presence. Yet, there was a maturity in his eyes that hinted at the experiences he had gone through during their time apart.

"So," Leonard began, leaning forward slightly, "tell me everything. How have you been? What have you been up to?"

Sylvie took a deep breath, deciding to start with the lighter topics. "I've been training hard, focusing on my….Skills." She decided to hide her awakening for the time being since she didn't want her brother to worry for now. For some reason, she also felt like it would be disastrous to talk about him right now.

"The final exams have been intense, but I think I'm managing well."

Leonard nodded, listening intently. "I heard about your progress. I'm proud of you, Sylvie. You've grown so much."

"Thank you," she said, feeling a warm glow of pride at his words. "But... there are things I need to ask you too."

Leonard's expression grew serious, and he nodded again, understanding the importance of her unspoken questions to his sister. "Go ahead."

'Why did you disappear so suddenly without saying anything? Why have you not contacted me in all these years? What did you do all this time?'

Sylvie took a deep breath, steadying herself. "Why did you leave so suddenly, brother? And why didn't you contact me? I... I was worried to death about you."

Leonard sighed, his gaze softening. "I owe you an explanation, Sylvie."

"The reason I had left-"

Just as Leonard was about to speak more, suddenly, something tingled on his neck.

It was the artifact that would show him his target.

'Kin of the Moon!'

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