How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 331

Chapter 331

What is this?

Galfredik was only puzzled by the unexpected changes in his body. His muscles had become several times larger than usual, and his armor was shattered in the process of his transformation. However, he could tell that the thick skin and fur covering his body was stronger than his armor. Moreover, it felt as if time had slowed down for him. He could clearly see all the actions of the gray monster attacking him with malice. Although the gray monster moved with speed beyond common sense, he could easily avoid the attacks. It was something that would have normally been impossible. His physical abilities had been upgraded after becoming a member of the Dark Clan, and they were once again undergoing a massive transformation. However, that wasnt the most surprising thing.

What is this power?


His claws were abnormally long and thick, almost as long as two palms and thicker than his finger. Every time he swung his claws, there were accompanying bursts of crimson energy. Galfredik had a hunch that the mystery he was utilizing was similar to the Aura of Princess Lilisain, although the color was different. However, if Aura was cold and soft, his power was hot and vicious. It contained only malice and murderous intent.

How am I using this kind of power?

He could not understand it. It came to him naturally, similar to how a newborn baby would involuntarily take its first breath. He used it because he could, and that was it. Galfredik wasnt a foolish knight. He had no reason not to make use of the power he was given. As he controlled his transformed body and fired the crimson waves to his hearts content, he instinctively came to a realization. This was his true self. This was the true appearance of the Origins vassal. A bitter smile appeared on his lips as he fought fiercely.

To be honest, he had been aware. He had passed a point of no return the moment he was transformed into a member of the tribe by his master, Eugene. He was an existence that could no longer be considered human. Therefore, he made every effort to be more human compared to before. He made silly jokes and always took the lead in battles as a knight rather than a vampire. He tried to maintain his identity as a knight of Eugene, the King of Maren, rather than the vassal of the vampire Origin. However, the battle with the Marecasio made him realize. He was not a man but a monster. He was the sole vassal of the Vampire Overlord. Once todays battle drew to an end, he would no longer be knight Galfredik.

Well, thats not so bad either. Hehe!

Worry and hesitation did not suit him. He was brought back from death once already, so he only lived to follow his savior and master. That was true honor and chivalry for Galfredik.


What is this?

Marecasio Helmond was completely taken aback. What separated the Marecasio from the clan masters and the other vampires was their ability of devilization. To be exact, they could transform into semi-devils. It was a power granted to only those who were called Origins. Even Helmond and Caravan took a long time after being reborn through their mother, Ventroa, to finally recognize their power and make use of it. However, his vassal was using it even though Galfredik had only lived for a few years as a vampire. Moreover, the vassal had responded immediately to his own devilization as if he had been waiting for it. Marecasio Helmond felt both astonished and jealous at Galfrediks transformed appearancea three-horned humanoid dragon.

Dragon? A dragon?

Marecasio Helmond knew that ones devilization came as a result of a few factors, including the authority of ones parent, as well as the true essence of their parent. As such, whatever appearance was expressed reflected the true nature of the vampire, who were devils rather than humans. Helmond took on the appearance of a mixture of wild animals because Ventroa was an evil beast in her nature. However, the vassal was a dragon, likely because he had received the blood of the Demon King of Blood and the Shining Crimson Dragon. The vassal had grasped the power he could only dream of.

Im going to kill you

The unbearable jealousy was quickly replaced with anger, and Marecasio Helmond poured all of his malice and fury into his attacks against the enemy.


Booom! Kwaaaah!

The confrontation of the two monsters caused giant domes of crimson lights to be created. The camp of 30,000 troops had long been turned into a mess. The battle between the two could no longer be called a battle. Rather, it was a natural disaster. It didnt make sense for it to be called a battle when dozens of people would be swept away into an unrecognizable mishmash of something each time the two monsters collided. The soldiers would be swept away, and their limbs would get torn just by being anywhere in the vicinity of the two monsters. Flesh covered the sky like ashes, and the blood of the victims had already formed into a small river. Mass panic had descended on the knights and soldiers, and everyone was busy running away to survive. No man could stand up to the disaster of death, the calamity caused by the two devils. Less than three minutes after the two monsters began their battle, a large hole was made in the middle of the imperial armys camp. There were more people crushed to death in the confusion compared to those caught in the clash between the two monsters.


The nobles and knights of the allied forces could only watch with horrified eyes. They did nothing, even though the enemys formation had completely collapsed and their soldiers were fleeing with their spirits completely destroyed. Tactically, this was a golden opportunity. However, the knights and nobles of the allied forces were also human just like those who had been swept away by the calamity and died in vain. Regardless of their affiliation, they were all human. Moreover, all of them were citizens of the Roman Empire and possibly his own subjects and loyal swords in the future. As such, Prince Localope could not issue an order to attack.

Y-Your Highness

Someones trembling voice brought Prince Localope back to his senses. When he turned back, he saw that everyone was waiting for an answer while staring at him. They were wondering what they were supposed to do.

Prince Localope bit his lips hard, then spoke, All troops Forward.

A-are you saying we should attack them?

It was an obvious choice for him to make as a monarch, but the nobles and knights shuddered when they saw Prince Localopes cold, merciless side. However, his following words caught them off guard.

We will accept the imperial army, he said.


Relay my intention to the knights who appear to be their commanders. Encourage them to surrender. Tell them that I am giving an order as a direct descendant of the imperial family, he continued.

But thats Vizak muttered.

I will go myself, Prince Localope said in a determined voice while raising his hand to dissuade Vizak. The princes servant flinched, then politely offered what he had in his trembling hands. It was a banner that symbolized the imperial family of the Roman Empire.

Is there anyone who will come with me?! Prince Localope roared. Most of the knights and nobles hesitated, but a group of warriors strode forward.

We are with you.

Prince Localope looked surprised. It was the Beowulf warriors.

We are the only ones who can stop the Dark Knight. Dont tell me you were thinking of stopping them with the knights and soldiers here?


It was just as they said. Only lycanthropes clad in heavy armor could possibly survive in the middle of the chaos. Moreover, most of the knights and soldiers did not possess the ability to remain unfazed in the middle of the vicious and viscous Fear. In fact, most of them felt numb even though they were far away.

Elands elves will help Your Highness, friend of His Majesty Eugene, The elven knights joined as well with Princess Lilisain in the lead. The latter wore a firm expression.

The unique mystery of the elves would be sufficient to counter the evil energy, and most humans revered elves. There was a greater chance for the imperial army to surrender when they saw that Prince Localope was being accompanied by elves.

Thank you. I will surely repay your friendship, Princess, Prince Localope said.

Everything is as according to His Majestys will. I am only following his orders, so please dont worry about it, Princess Lilisain responded. She unsheathed her blade and guided her horse to the princes side with a determined expression. Princess Lilisain looked more serious than ever.

Me, too! Ill join too! Romari came forward on a pony. Prince Localope nodded. The wizard was the closest to Galfredik out of anyone here.


Prince Localope slowly rode his horse into the eye of the storm, along with the other warriors and knights. Meanwhile, hell was still being unleashed in the middle of the imperial army.


What is that?

The fake Red Queen could not believe what she was seeing. She had assumed Marecasio Helmond to be the same as her, but he had transformed into a monster some while ago. In addition, the opposing knight had also transformed into a monster resembling a dragon, and now, the two were in combat. She was struck with an indescribable fear when she witnessed the scene, and she came to an instinctive realization.

Helmond and Caravan had been telling the truth. Marecasio Helmonds current form was the hallmark of a true Marecasio, and she was definitely just a fake. If she were the same as them, she couldnt have been afraid. It should have also been possible for her to transform into a monster just like them. However, she couldnt do it.

She was different from them. She was closer to the weak, meek beings who were dying in doves amid the chaos.

Then, what in the world could you be? What kind of existence are you?

She bit her lips as she remembered the one she considered her father. Even the two monsters were technically created by him. He was the creator of the two monsters, or rather, devils, so what was he?

She turned around after watching the pandemonium for a while. No one cared about her anyway. Everyone was simply scrambling to survive amidst the fear in their hearts.

I have to go she whispered in a quiet voice before taking a step. Without Eugene here, there was nothing for her to do. No one would stop her even if she decided to leave for a faraway place, but she decided to follow her instincts.

I have to meet him.

And she knew where she had to go to meet him.


Identity token.

With the current predicament, the guards of the capital were strict and cold. Unlike usual, they confirmed the identity tokens of anyone who entered and left the capital, and anyone suspicious would be treated roughly, regardless of their status or outfit.

During such a time, the sight of a man with a hood and a knight riding an extraordinary horse would be enough to alert the guards.

Eugene held out his identity token without saying a word.

A foreigner? Where does this token belong? a guard asked after confirming the token with sharp eyes. The object was plated, and it looked rather precious, but the letters and the symbol engraved on it were unfamiliar to him.

The Dukedom of Maren.

?! The guard flinched.

Eugene continued. Jan Eugene Batla. The King of Maren.


The guard was basically a nobody, but he still knew the one responsible for the current circumstances surrounding the empire. The main culprit behind the kidnapping of the crown prince had appeared on his own in the capital of the Roman Empire.

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