How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 405

Chapter 405

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Little fairies poured out from the dimensional gate that appeared in front of me.

"Kyahaha! Bipi"

"Huh? This isn't a farm, Tapi!"

"What's this place, Wipi?"

The fairies, visiting the place for the first time, showed strong curiosity and flew around. Thanks to that, the large conference room was filled with the fragrance of flowers in an instant.


"Where did they suddenly come from?"

The Angels who saw the fairies for the first time were flustered and panicked.

Of course, the fairies didn't care about the Angels' reactions and freely sightseeing or playing pranks.

"Witness! What are these small beings?"

The chairman called me with a troubled expression. I scratched the back of my head and responded with an awkward expression.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I was only thinking about opening a dimensional gate to the Vision World, I didn't think the fairies there would cross over."

"Fairy? So these small beings called fairies live in the Vision World?"

"They were originally from the fairy world, but due to the rupture, the fairy world suffered great damage Now they have left there and are living in the Vision World."


Hearing my simple explanation, the chairman sighed heavily.

Then, with blank eyes, he looked at the dimensional gate that appeared in front of me and the fairies. Even Leto, the member who asked for proof of the Vision World, was making a face of disbelief.

Phew I thought I failed.'

While feeling a slight pride at the narrow success, I felt relieved.

When I was relieved to have passed the crisis, a desperate voice reached me.

"Hey, do something about these guys!"

One of the members who was sitting in the members' seats asked me for help.

There, two excited fairies were pulling at the long beard of a member.

"Hey! You shouldn't play pranks on someone you're meeting for the first time!"

"Why not, Bipi? We're just having fun, Bipi!"

"That's right, Sipi!"

"It's a big rudeness to pull on someone's beard. Quickly take your hands off the beard and apologize."

The fairies made a disappointed face for a moment, but obediently removed their hands from the beard as I said.

"We'll do as Sihyeon says, Bipi!"

"Sorry! We just wanted to have fun, Sipi!"

"I'm sorry. These guys didn't mean any harm."

"Heh. It's okay. I was just a bit taken aback."

Fortunately, the member with a long beard accepted our apology with a good-natured face.

Before causing a bigger accident, I started gathering the fairies. They are good at listening to me, so they gathered quickly.

"Guys. I'm in the middle of something important right now. Can you go back to the Vision World through the dimensional gate?"

"But we dont want to go back already, Tapi"

"Can't we play a little more before we go, Kapi?"

"I'm saying this because it's really important. I'll call you back for a while when it's over."

"Then we'll wait for you back there, Bipi!"

"You promised, Sipi!"

"Yeah. Promise!"

I made a promise to call them back later and sent the fairies back in turn.

The moment the last fairy crossed the portal, it disappeared smoothly.

As soon as the fairies, who had filled the conference room with an overwhelming presence, returned to the Vision World, the conference room felt momentarily desolate.

The Angels who had looked as if they had lost their souls one by one regained their composure.

When a calm atmosphere returned to the conference room, I looked around the council members and said,

"Does this suffice as proof of the Vision World?"

"Heh This is something."

"Representative Arc's words were true."


The council members let out a bitter laugh, showed a purely surprised reaction, or grimaced as if they still couldn't believe it.

Their reactions varied, but the overall trend was an atmosphere of accepting the existence of Vision World.

Judge Arc seemed satisfied with the current mood, nodding his head with a contented expression.

On the contrary,

Representative Leto, who had been pressing me, had his face twisted without mercy.

Seeing his expression, I had to shut my mouth tight to suppress the laughter that was about to escape.

The chairman waited for the murmurs to subside, then slowly opened his mouth.

"If I may put aside my duties as the chairman and speak, I was really surprised at the ability that the witness showed us in person. I'm not sure yet, but it seems to me that your ability has reached the realm of creation, a place we could never reach."

There was a sudden surprised reaction among the council members.

"The realm of creation!"

"How could an ordinary human"

"Oh, isn't it not certain yet?"

Despite the opinions trying to deny it, the chairman firmly stated his thoughts.

"We've seen with our own eyes that not only has he established a stable dimension, but life forms have already settled there. If this isn't the realm of creation, how can we explain it?"


The chairman glanced at Judge Arc.

"The reason Representative Arc confidently suggested a new alternative was also because of this, wasn't it?"


Judge Arc answered the question with a leisurely laugh. That alone seemed to be a sufficient answer to the chairman and all the council members.


"Wait a moment!"

Representative Leto shouted, lightly striking the desk. The Chairman frowned at the slightly rough language.

"Representative Leto, what is it all of a sudden?"

"I admit that this man has created a new dimension. But not all of Arc's claims have been proven!"

"What do you mean?"

"Representative Arc said that this man is a new solution to the problem of dimensional imbalance. But creating a new dimension and solving the imbalance problem is completely different."


"That's a reasonable point."

"Creating more new dimensions won't alleviate the imbalance."

Having earned the council members' agreement, Representative Leto continued with momentum.

"Today's meeting is to solve the serious imbalance of dimensions. Representative Arc, who brought the witness here even at the expense of oppressing the guards, needs to prove his argument more clearly."

He once again pressed Judge Arc, stating that further evidence was needed.

The Chairman, turning his gaze from Representative Leto, looked at Judge Arc. His eyes seemed to ask what he was going to do.

Judge Arc, who received the gaze, opened his mouth.

"Sihyeon has already proven his capabilities concerning this. Recently, he successfully sealed the rift that the Angels were struggling to seal. This alone is enough proof of his ability."

Judge Arc mentioned an incident that had occurred during an outing with Kaneff in the past.

But Representative Leto, wouldn't budge from his position.

"Humph! We merely struggled a little. That rift wasn't entirely unsealable. If support had arrived a bit earlier, we could have resolved it quickly, even without his help."

"Kirwan, the surveillance officer, was also present at the scene. Isn't it a bit too light to think that even the high-ranking officer found the sealing of the rift difficult?"

"My thoughts remain unchanged. We, who have guarded the balance of the dimension for countless long periods, should not need the help of a common human! The argument is preposterous to begin with!"



The meeting became chaotic once again due to the argument between Judge Arc, and Representative Leto. It seemed difficult to find a compromise as there were quite a few people supporting Leto's side.

When the chairman gestured, the secretary next to him immediately shouted out loud.

"Order, please!"

In the calm atmosphere, the chairman spoke.

"Well then, Representative Leto, how do you think we can prove the capability of the witness?"

Representative Leto paused for a moment, thought, and then a faint smile appeared on his lips as if he had thought of something.

"I have a very certain method. If he can solve that' here and now, he will gain the recognition of everyone here, including me."


I wasn't sure what he was planning, but seeing Representative Leto's cunning smile, I began to feel anxious again.

"If it's about that'."

Representative Leto walked up to the chairman and whispered something in his ear. The chairman's eyes widened in surprise.

"That is?!"

"If you allow it, I'll prepare it right away."

The chairman hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"Uhmm alright. I think this method could be the most conclusive proof."

Representative Leto lifted the corners of his mouth into a smirk and headed toward the entrance of the meeting room.

He began to instruct the Angel soldier guarding the entrance.

"Bring what I instructed to the meeting room."

"Yes! Understood."

Following the instructions, the soldiers rushed out of the meeting room immediately.

A moment later.

The soldiers who had left the meeting room returned, carrying a large box.

They carefully placed the box in the center of the meeting room.

The luxurious-looking box appeared to contain something very important.

And the box was narrow for someone to get into, about the length of a person's arm stretched out.

Naturally, I had no idea what was inside the box and was feeling puzzled. However, Judge Arc seemed to have noticed something.



"The object in this box is of great importance to the Angels and is currently in a very unstable state."


"If indeed you possess the necessary abilities that we require, you should be able to restore the object in this box back to its normal state."

The chairman added a warning at the end of his explanation about the box.

"But I advise you not to take this challenge lightly. Many Angels have suffered greatly because of this object. If you don't want to risk danger, you may opt-out."

The chairman finished his explanation and handed me the choice.

Glancing at Judge Arc, I noticed he was looking at me with an expression full of worry and anxiety. It was clear that the object inside the box was extraordinary.

The Angels in the spectator seats and the council members all held their breaths, waiting for my response.

I pondered, looking down at the box.

The chairman warned me it was dangerous, but the curiosity in my heart sprang up before fear.

Well, what can I do?

No matter how dangerous it is, I can't just turn back now after coming this far!

With my mind made up, I said to the chairman.

"I don't know what it is, but I'll give it a try. Please open the box."

CH 398-407 (Subduing the Angels) $2CH 408-417 (Farm family, Assemble) $2CH 418-424 (The END) $2

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