How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 396

Chapter 396

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Its all done here."

Alfred's voice came from inside the barn. The cleaning of the barn was finished.

"Alright. Good job. Bring out the cleaning tools and let's take a break."

"Understood. Urki, let's go."

"Yes, senior."

Alfred and Urki came out of the barn with the cleaning tools. I helped the two organize the tools and then we headed to the shade of the trees.

Maybe it's because we had a thorough barn cleaning after a long time, despite the cool weather, my body felt warm.

Leaning against a tree, unbuttoning a few buttons on my shirt to cool off the sweat, Lia approached us with small steps. On the tray she brought, there were glasses filled with cool drinks.

"I brought some cool drinks."

"Thank you, Lia."

"We appreciate it."

"Thank you."

As we expressed our gratitude, we hurriedly brought the glasses to our lips. The drink, cold enough to slightly chill our hands, quickly cooled us down.

"Ah~! This is nice."

Lia apologized as she refilled our glasses.

"You must be tired. I should have helped."

"No, it's fine. You had your own work to do, Lia."

Alfred and Urki also nodded in agreement.

"We just cleaned a bit more thoroughly than usual."

"Senior Elaine is right. But a little more of this drink Thank you."

Hearing our conversation, Lia smiled comfortably. After filling our glasses a few times, she also gently took a seat next to me.

A breeze full of the scent of grass came to where we sat. We each enjoyed a leisurely rest in comfortable positions.

After a while, gazing blankly at the open air.

From the side of the farm building, a squeaking noise was heard.

Turning my head slowly, I saw Speranza diligently blowing a clay flute. Next to her, Ashmir was giving her guidance.

At first, she had trouble making a proper sound. Now, she was trying to play, albeit very short pieces. Looking at Speranza who was playing the clay flute with diligence, Lia looked surprised.

"Her flute playing skills have improved quickly, hasn't it?"

"Ha ha! Speranza has been pestering Ashmir because of that recently. She can't help but improve when she asks and follows her around so diligently. Plus, she's always been fond of music."

Speranza was very fond of the clay flute she received as a birthday gift. She quickly followed Ashmir around like a baby bird to learn to play. Thanks to this, her skills improved rapidly.

Even now, after listening to Ashmir's advice several times, she managed to produce a decent performance.

"Oh my! Her performance has become more natural."

"Maybe she could even perform in a concert soon?"

"Heh heh! It seems that Ashmir gave her a musical instrument as a gift. It's a pleasant sight to see."

"That's true Eh?"



We all felt something odd and quickly turned our heads. There was an elderly Angel, Judge Arc, sitting there with a natural smile.

Urki was the first to jump up from his seat and pay respects.

Apprentice Urki greets Judge Arc."

"It seems like you were resting. Just keep doing what you're doing, no need to mind me."

"No, sir!"

In response to the command to relax, Urki rather assumed an even more rigid posture. The rest of us, who had been momentarily stunned, also stood up from our seats to greet Judge Arc.

"It's been a while, Judge Arc."

"Heh, have you been well?"

He exchanged short greetings with Lia and Alfred.

Looking at Urki's stiff reaction, it seemed Judge Arc's unexpected visit had not been announced. While the sudden visit wasn't unpleasant, it was a bit startling.

"But what brings you here suddenly? There was no prior contact"

"I apologize. The decision to come here today was made in a hurry."

Judge Arc brushed down his white beard, showing a look of regret.

"Huh? Grandpa Arc!"

From a distance, Speranza spotted Judge Arc and hurried over. Ashmir, who was with her, followed her.

"Grandpa Arc! When did you arrive?

Officer Ashmir greets Judge Arc."

"I've just arrived, my dear. And Officer Ashmir, have you been well?"

"Grandpa, look at this. It's the flute that Sister Ashmir gave me. I can now make the right sound."

Speranza showed off the clay flute that had been hanging around her neck, then began to play.

The sight of her doing her best to play with awkward fingering couldn't have been cuter.

A kind smile spread across Judge Arc's face as he quietly watched her play. As soon as the performance ended, he did not spare his praise for Speranza.

"Heh! Has it been long since you started learning to play?"

"It's only been a few days."

"Such skill in just a few days! Truly remarkable."


Speranza twisted her body as if she were embarrassed by the praise. Judge Arc, with a satisfied expression, stroked Speranza's head and spoke to me.

"Sihyeon. Would you be able to spare some time? The conversation might take a while

"Yes, that's fine. Could you wait just a little bit? We've just finished a big cleanup. I'll quickly wash up and change my clothes.

"I'll wait, so take your time. Meanwhile, I'll spend time with your adorable daughter."

"I'll guide you to a place where you can rest while you wait.

Lia took Judge Arc and Speranza with her. The rest of us headed to our rooms to wash up and change our clothes.

I quickly washed up and changed my clothes.

I headed towards the room where Judge Arc was waiting. Even before opening the door, I could hear the excited voice of Speranza.


"Oh, you're here?"

Judge Arc waved to me, with Speranza on his lap. On the opposite side, Kaneff sat with a sulky expression.

"Did you wait long?"

"No, Speranza's story was so interesting that time flew by."

Sitting in the seat across from Judge Arc, I asked Kaneff, who was beside me, in a low voice.

"Why are you here, boss?"

"I heard Speranza's voice and came out, and that old fellow was there. So, I just sat down."

Kaneff seemed dissatisfied with Speranza being with Judge Arc.

Soon after I took my seat, Ashmir and Urki also appeared one by one.

"You two should sit down too."

"We're fine. Please carry on your conversation without concern."

The two declined politely and maintained their upright posture.

A little later.

When Lia appeared with tea and snacks, Judge Arc, setting Speranza down from his lap, said,

"Speranza, I'm sorry but your old grandpa has an important conversation to have with your dad. Can you play outside for a while?"

"Can't I stay here?"

Speranza, who wanted to stay and continue the conversation, made a reluctant face. To prevent Judge Arc from being uncomfortable, I pacified Speranza first.

"Speranza! You're making it hard for Judge Arc if you throw a tantrum."

"Okay I understand."

Speranza nodded her head with a sullen expression.

"How about going to play with sister?"

Quick-witted Lia swiftly took care of Speranza and left the room with Speranza.

Now, in the room, there were Kaneff, myself, Judge Arc, Ashmir, and Urki left.

"Is it okay if I stay?"

Kaneff asked in a slightly skewed posture. Judge Arc answered with a light laugh.

"It doesn't matter. I was going to invite you from the beginning. I know well enough how much the people here care about Sihyeon."

"What do you mean, care"

"Boss, you do care about me a lot."

"Shut up. You, just stay quiet."

Seeing Kaneff acting irritable for no reason, I managed to hold back my laughter.

"So? Why did you come here? From the looks of it, it seems like you have something to do with Sihyeon again."

"I don't have much leisure, so I'll get straight to the point.

Judge Arc's face, which had been wearing a faint smile, became quite serious.

"The balance of the dimensions is getting more and more distorted. It's a situation that's difficult to rectify with just the power of the Angels."

In an instant, the room filled with a heavy atmosphere. The faces of Ashmir and Urki also hardened slightly.

"Sihyeon. Do you remember what I said before?"

"If it's what you said"

"I said that you're the only way to restore the distorted balance."


"I still think that way. And I've been working tirelessly to convey this fact to the Angels. Do you remember the time when you helped seal the rift?"

If it's about the time I helped seal the riftAh!'

He must be talking about when I went on a vacation with the boss!

"That helped a lot in persuading the Angels. Now, quite a few Angels have a positive view of you. Of course, there are also quite a few who have a negative view"


Whether the Angels thought of me positively or negatively. Both cases somehow felt awkward.

"Recently, with the imbalance worsening, there's growing anxiety among the Angels. Thanks to that, the old ones who were previously unmovable have finally begun to move."

"The unmovable old ones?"

"The Ekruas Council has made a move."

The Ekruas Council?'

Usually, Andras would explain the parts I was curious about, but this time, Ashmir spoke up instead.

"The Ekruas Council is a decision-making body that determines everything for the Angels. All the members are leaders of major organizations. Judge Arc here is also a council member."

After hearing the explanation, Kaneff murmured briefly.

"So, something like the Demon Lord in the demon world?"

"Similar. But unlike the Demon Lord, the Ekruas Council does not monopolize all power."

Thanks to Ashmir's explanation, I could roughly understand what Ekruas Council' was. As soon as her explanation ended, Judge Arc continued speaking.

"For the first time, the Ekruas Council started to pay attention to my claim. The claim that you are the only key."

Uh Wait a minute. Does that mean?'

Judge Arc firmly grabbed my hand and said.

"Sihyeon. Can you come with me to the Angel Realm?"

CH 388-397 (Happy Birthday my dear daughter) $2CH 398-407 (Subduing the Angels) $2CH 408-417 (Farm family, Assemble) $2CH 418-424 (The END) $2

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