How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 391

Chapter 391

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-It seems like some help is needed. Should I help you?

The Fox spirit?

Suddenly, I heard the voice of the Fox Spirit in my head.

While I hesitated at the unexpected offer of help, the Fox Spirit explained its abilities with an assertive attitude.

-You're having trouble because of that huge rift, right? I can quickly resolve it if I step in.

Hmm Why are they suddenly being so nice? Is there some kind of ulterior motive?'

-You fool! I really just want to help you out of pure intentions. Leaving it to those winged creatures could lead to disaster!

As the Fox Spirit said, the Angels were struggling to contain the rift. If they failed, the surrounding area would suffer significant damage.

But it was hard to trust the Fox Spirit entirely

As I continued to doubt and hesitate, the Fox Spirit slyly revealed its true intentions.

-Hmm. In exchange for my help, I just need you to do me a small favor.

I knew it! There was something fishy!'

-It's not a request that would cause you any harm, I swear!

Alright, tell me what it is. I'll listen and decide.'

-Well, you see

The hesitant Fox Spirit cautiously opened its mouth.

-I keep smelling something delicious over there.

Delicious smell?'

I sniffed for a moment, but I couldn't smell anything special.

I don't smell anything.'

-It really smells delicious, I promise! Please, take me there.

That's it?'

-No, no, you have to let me eat whatever smells so good. Then I'll quickly solve the rift problem for you.

The Fox Spirit would solve the rift problem in exchange for letting it eat something with a delicious smell.

Contrary to my expectation, it was a very modest request.

Well, I can grant a request like that.'

-Really? Do you promise?

But first, you need to fix that headache of a rift.'

-Hehe, that's a piece of cake.

The Fox Spirit revealed its confidence with a relaxed voice.

-First, get closer to the rift. I'll tell you what to do then.

I didn't completely trust the Fox Spirit, but I decided to follow its advice for now.

As I suddenly started to move, Ryan and Kaneff reacted in turn.


"Where are you going?"

"To where the rift is. I think I can help."


"What can you do? Just leave it to those idiots."

"If we leave it like this, the damage will only spread further. We have to try everything to resolve it quickly."

The two of them eventually followed me with a resigned expressions on their faces.

We approached the rift with quick steps, but one of the Angels who spotted us descended from the sky and blocked our path.

"Stop. You shouldn't approach the rift in its unstable state."

"We're here to help get rid of the rift."

"We don't need help. Please, turn back rightugh!"

Kaneff quickly overpowered the resolute Angel with his chains.


"Ahh, it's fine. You, hurry up and try to deal with the rift. If we try to persuade these stubborn guys one by one, we'll never get out of here."

"What! What is the meaning of this? Release me at once!"

Kaneff, poking the tied-up Angel with his finger as if taunting, spoke.

"You just quietly watch from here. That guy over there is pretty capable when he wants to be."


"What are you doing? Hurry up. I still haven't found Speranza's gift."

"Shiyeon. Let's first deal with the urgent matter."

"Okay. I'll be back soon."

Leaving Kaneff behind, Ryan and I approached the growing rift.

Thanks to everyone's focus on the rift, no more Angels appeared to block our path.

I approached right in front of the rift which was rippling and expanding its presence and called the Fox Spirit.

"What should I do now?"

-I need your help a little. Try to pull out the power you showed me last time.


-You have the power you used to break through the barrier I created.

The power I used to break through the barrier was

Ah! The power of the Fairy Queen!

I quickly extended both hands in front of me and focused. Thanks to familiarity, I was able to naturally draw out the power of the Fairy Queen.

-Good! Now leave it to me.

Along with the energy of the Fairy Queen, the energy of the Fox Spirit also spread. Although the Fox Spirit's energy was weak compared to the Fairy Queen's, the two energies formed a great power in harmony.

The Fox Spirit used this power to cover the rift like a net.

-Now! Give it all your power!

Got it!'

At the signal, I also poured out my strength.

The energy, which covered the rift like a net, began to press down on it. The rift's growth rate gradually slowed down, and at some point, its size began to shrink.

The Angels who understood the situation quickly resumed the sealing process.

The rift, which had grown abnormally large, was now smaller than its original size, and as the Angel's seal properly functioned, the rift completely concealed itself.

As the distorted space returned to its original state, cheers erupted from the people who had been nervously watching.


Realizing that things had gone well with the sound of cheers coming from behind, I breathed a sigh of relief. Ryan supported me, who was staggering from pouring out too much energy.

"Shiyeon, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm just a little dizzy because I used a lot of energy all at once."

"You did great work. You're impressive."

"Haha. Somehow, I feel embarrassed."

Kaneff, who was a little distance away, also sauntered over and spoke.

"Is it over?"

"Yes, thankfully, it was a success."

"Good job."

He patted my shoulder a few times and said nonchalantly.


The Angels in the sky began to descend around us one by one.

Thankfully, it wasn't a surrounding formation like before. The last one to descend from the sky, Kirwan, approached us.

He opened his mouth with a somewhat softer tone than before.

"Thank you for your help. Thanks to you, we were able to stop the rift without significant damage."

"I'm glad I could help."

"You do indeed have the remarkable power I've heard about."

"You know me?"

Kirwan slowly nodded his head.

"Your story is quite famous among the Angels. Judge Arc actively supports you. He says you're the only hope for restoring the balance of dimensions."


I felt strange to hear that quite a grand rumor was circulating among the Angels.

"Normally, we would have to hold you responsible for invading and attacking the rift without permission. But since we've received great help from you, we'll just let that issue slide."

"Thank you."

"Tsk. Shiyeon did all the hard work. They're just showing off."

Kaneff grumbled in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, but Kirwan continued his conversation without paying attention to it.

"We shall take our leave now. Let's meet again next time."

"Yes, take care."

As I said goodbye, I was thinking Wouldn't there be almost no chance to meet again?' But Kirwan left a comment as if he had read my thoughts.

"We might meet again sooner than you think."


"Well, then"

Leaving his enigmatic words, Kirwan flew to the other side of the sky with the other Angels.

Meet again soon? Hmm Well, things turned out well, so it should be fine.

Satisfied that the issue with the Angels had been resolved smoothly, I brushed off minor questions.


From a distance, Yerin ran towards me, waving her hand. She looked around me worriedly and asked.

"Are you okay? Didn't the Angels say something to you? Is there any problem?"

"No, I'm fine. Everything went well."

"Really? That's a relief. The Angels looked so serious, I thought something big had happened."

While chatting with Yerin, I kept hearing the voice of the Fox Spirit in my head.

-Hey! Keep your promise. Delicious smell, Delicious smell!

Ah, okay. Just wait a bit.'

-Quick! Quick!

I tried to calm the Fox Spirit down and asked Yerin.



"Do you know if there's something over there?"

Taken aback by the sudden question, she quickly thought of something and clapped her hands.

"Ah! If you mean over there, there should be Hanok village!"

-This way! This is the way!

We started to move according to the guidance of the Fox Spirit.

Yerin wanted to follow, but there was some cleaning up to do with the guild, so we had to part ways reluctantly.

A little later.

As Yerin had said, the view of the Hanok village began to appear. The residents and visitors who had evacuated due to the rift were returning one by one.

-The delicious smell is getting stronger, ugh, I can't stand it any longer!

The excited Fox Spirit couldn't contain itself and appeared with a poof! in the form of a baby fox.


I quickly reached out to grab the baby fox. However, the little creature dodged my hand like a chipmunk and ran off somewhere.

Fortunately, the baby fox stopped in front of a store not too far away. My gaze naturally went toward the store's sign.

"A rice cake shop?"

The place where the baby fox had arrived was a rice cake shop, with various rice cakes on full display.

-Mew! Mew!

-Here, here!

At the sound of the baby fox's cry, a middle-aged woman appeared from inside the store. Upon discovering the cute baby fox, she flashed a warm smile.

"Oh my, isn't this a baby fox?"


"Hello there. Is this your fox?"

"Well, sort of"

Even while I was having a brief conversation with the lady, the baby fox couldn't take its eyes off the displayed rice cakes.

-The scent is so rich and delicious I want to eat that one right away!

Alright, just wait a bit.'

Holding the baby fox that seemed ready to jump at any moment, I asked the lady.

"Can we buy some rice cakes now?"

"Of course. Which ones would you like?"

"For starters, that one and that one, please. Hmm, Ryan, you pick one too."

"Should I?"

Ryan and I each picked a rice cake.

"Do you want a rice cake too, Boss?"



When there was no response to my call, I turned my head to look for Kaneff. He was standing a little apart, staring intently at something.

"Boss, what are you doing?"



"I think I found a gift for Speranza. I want to get that."

Kaneff pointed somewhere with a voice full of certainty. My gaze followed his finger.

Upon confirming the identity of the gift, Kaneff and I shared a broad smile.

CH 388-397 (Happy Birthday my dear daughter) $2CH 398-407 (Subduing the Angels) $2CH 408-417 (Farm family, Assemble) $2CH 418-424 (The END) $2

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