How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 388

Chapter 388

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"Because things turned out this way, I'll be taking a short vacation."

"Work hard while we're gone."

Kaneff and I suddenly announced our vacation plans to the farm members. Everyone was initially surprised.

"Is, is Mr. Kaneff going too?"

"Yes. I used this."

Kaneff showed Andras the Vacation Companion Pass' with a flick of his hand.

"Vacation Companion Pass?"

"What's that?"

"It's a pass that allows you to accompany Senior to the other world. We once had a competition with that as a prize. If only I hadn't lost in the final card draw..?"

Alfred explained the Vacation Companion Pass' to Lilia and Urki, regretting his past defeat. If he had won the final match, the pass would have been his.

Lia and Andras showed an uneasy reaction as they glanced at Kaneff.

"Sihyeon, will you be okay? With just Mr. Kaneff ..?"

"Would you like to reconsider your choice?"

"Thank you for your concern, but I had no choice."

"Yeah. Do you think I'll do something to harm him? We'll just quietly find Speranza's gift and come back."


Kaneff's excuse didn't inspire any confidence in the two. It was like handing over a bomb and saying, It won't explode, so it's fine.'


Speranza appeared with hurried and cute footsteps. She glanced around as if trying to grasp the situation and then ran straight to where Kaneff and I were.

"Papa, where are you going?"

"Ah, I'm going to the other world with Boss Uncle for a bit."

"Really? I want to go too!"

Speranza's fox ears perked up with anticipation. Her sparkling eyes almost made me nod unwittingly. I forced myself to shake my head, tensing my neck.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. It's not possible this time."

"Whoo why? Can't I go with you?"

"Uh yes. Boss Uncle and I have important things to do together. Play with others while I'm away."

Speranza's bright expression quickly wilted.

"Sniff no one wants to play with me because they're all busy."



Everyone showed a whoops!' expression at Speranza's whining. They had neglected Speranza for a moment while preparing the gift in a hurry.

"No, no. I'll play with you today."

"How about taking Grify and Finny for a walk in the mountains after a long time?"

Speranza received consolation from the farm members, who surrounded her. Their support lifted her spirits, and her previously somber expression lightened.

Kaneff, too, offered solace by tenderly caressing Speranza's head.

"Next time, I'll definitely take you with me."

". Promise?"

"Yes. Promise."

"Okay. I'll wait for you at the farm. Heheh."

At last, a smile reappeared on Speranza's face, and the bystanders mirrored her joy with smiles of their own.

Ryan's office.

"So this is Earth,' huh?"

Upon arriving at the office for the first time, Kaneff spent a while admiring the outside scenery. His ordinary fascination felt surprisingly fresh to me.

Unlike Kaneff, who seemed to enjoy the atmosphere, Ryan, the owner of the office, wore an openly anxious expression.

Kaneff plopped down onto the chair in the middle of the office and asked,

"Ryan, do you have any money from this world?"

"Yes, some."

"I need to borrow some money to buy a present for Speranza. Ah! No, since I don't know how much I'll need, just take out everything you have."


Except for the missing knife, it was a plain highway robbery.

Was the Black Hawk Unit' a band of thieves rather than mercenaries in the past? The skill seems to have been honed more than once or twice.

Ryan put a hand to his temple, already feeling a headache coming on.

"Sigh I can't believe you really brought Mr. Kaneff with you."

"Did you think it was a joke?"

"I was hoping it was a joke."

I responded optimistically to Ryan, who was deeply sighing.

"We just need to pick out a present for Speranza, so I don't think you need to worry so much."

"You don't know because you haven't dealt with Mr. Kaneff before, or rather, the Leader."


"Mr. Kaneff is surprisingly curious."


"Yes. In the demon world, he's now often seen idling around because he can't find anything interesting, but back when he led the Black Hawk, it was the complete opposite. If he became interested in something, he would be incredibly proactive."

As I listened to the explanation, I tilted my head slightly.

"Isn't everyone like that when they're young?"

"Well, he was a bit extreme. He would recklessly dive into any situation, regardless of who the opponent was or how dangerous the place was."


"Even then, Mr. Kaneff was incredibly strong, so it didn't matter, but the Black Hawk members who followed him had to experience hell."

Ryan's words were laden with the despair he felt at the time. As someone who had experienced that hell firsthand, his words felt even more vivid.

"What are you whispering about?"

"Ah, no."


"Let's get moving. I heard from Andras that the city is so big and vast, there's a lot to see, right?"

I left the farm thinking, It'll work out somehow,' but as soon as I was alone with Kaneff, anxiety started to creep in.

Ryan, I'm sorry!

"Um, if you're not too busy, could you come with us, Ryan?"


Ryan was startled and asked back.

"You should be more than enough on your own, right? I'm a bit busy with work.

"Do we really need to bring that guy along?"

"Ryan knows more about good presents than I do. I've even gotten recommendations from him before."

"Hmm He was indeed good at this in the demon world."

" "

"Fine. You can come too."

Upon Kaneff's decision, Ryan's face contorted with disappointment. It dawned on him that the course of action was irreversible and he accepted his fate.

With a resentful look directed towards me, Ryan's presence became a source of discomfort. I averted my gaze towards the window, hoping to evade eye contact.

Consequently, Ryan ended up joining our vacation plans.

We left the office and headed downtown by car.

Except for Kaneff insisting on driving since it was his first time in a car, it was a smooth start.

The first place we arrived at was a mall. There was no better place to quickly browse various items.

"Oh! Is this the place Lia and Andras talked about?"

"Yes, that's right. I brought them here when they came to this world too."

"Alright, let's quickly find a gift for Speranza."

Kaneff, looking slightly excited, headed towards the entrance of the mall. I felt a bit happier seeing his lively side, which was usually hard to see.

-Whisper, whisper.

-Whisper, whisper.

"Oh my, look over there."

"Is he a foreigner? He's really good-looking."

"And the person behind him is cool too!"

The gazes of people in the mall focused on Kaneff and Ryan. Even though they had hidden their demon horns and changed into ordinary clothes, they couldn't hide their natural atmosphere.

In particular, Kaneff's unique aura quickly attracted people's attention. He, on the other hand, was too preoccupied with finding a gift for Speranza to care about the surrounding gazes.

"Hmm, this must be a doll made in this world."

"It seems too early to give it as a gift to Speranza, right?"

"And it looks like we could find this in the demon world too. Let's look over there."

Kaneff seriously examined the displayed items. I could feel his strong desire to give a good gift.

He cares for Speranza so much. It's kind of touching

"Huh? That?!"


Kaneff suddenly dashed somewhere after spotting something. He moved so fast that it almost looked like he teleported.


"Mr. Kaneff!"

Ryan and I hurriedly chased after him. Fortunately, he stopped before completely disappearing from our sight.

"Huff, huff! Boss, if you suddenly run off like that"

"Sihyeon, is this it?"

"Yes? What is Ah!"

Kaneff, grinning widely, pointed somewhere.

At the end of his finger was a liquor store filled with various types of alcohol. Kaneff caressed the bottles with a blissful expression, as if he were in heaven.

"There are so many kinds of alcohol here. There are way more than what Sihyeon brought me!"

"I haven't seen Mr. Kaneff this happy in a long time."

"Me neither. Let's just let him enjoy this moment for now."

Ryan and I watched Kaneff enjoy his time at the liquor store. After a while, he turned his head and asked,

"Sihyeon, can I buy all the alcohol here?"

"Yes. But aren't you going to look for Speranza's gift?"


Remembering his initial objective, Kaneff furrowed his brow. However, he deemed Speranza's gift to be of greater significance and reluctantly withdrew from the liquor store.

I chuckled.

"I'll buy you alcohol later. It would be cumbersome to carry it all now anyway."


"Yes, I promise."

"Hahaha! I knew it was a good idea to come with you."

Kaneff laughed heartily, draping his arm around my shoulder. I wanted to give him a gift too, as he was working so hard to prepare one for Speranza.

We left the liquor shop and looked around various parts of the mall again. Many items caught our attention, but we couldn't find a gift that satisfied Kaneff.

Finding a gift is harder than I thought.

As our shopping trip dragged on, a slightly tired look appeared on our faces.


Suddenly, Kaneff's eyes widened, and he quickly turned his head.

Then, an alarm sounded from the smartphones in people's hands. The same happened with my smartphone in my pocket.

I hurriedly took out my smartphone and checked the screen.

CH 388-397 (Happy Birthday my dear daughter) $2CH 398-407 (Subduing the Angels) $2CH 408-417 (Farm family, Assemble) $2CH 418-424 (The END) $2

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