How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 376

Chapter 376

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Even as I exchanged whispers with Kaneff, there wasn't much change in Rahuel's expression.

He waited for our conversation to end and then casually spoke up.

"Please let us know if you have any requests for us. If it's something I can decide on my own, I will do my best to cooperate."

Encouraged by his straightforward attitude, I got straight to the point.

"The reason we're here is simple. We want to arrange a meeting between Speranza and her grandmother."

"Ah, so the child's name is Speranza' then."

"We heard that her grandmother has been unwell, and that she wishes to see her granddaughter."

Rahuel, who had been speaking without hesitation, took longer to respond this time. He stroked his beard thoughtfully for a while, then spoke with a serious expression.

"Do you know who her grandmother is?"

"We heard from Anis. She's a revered priestess here, held in high regard"

"That's right. She's the one who carries on the will of our guardian deity and protects the Erul Tribe."

Rahuel continued the conversation while glancing at our reactions.

"Since she's such an important figure, not just anyone can meet her. Especially if they're outsiders. Moreover, the priestess's health is currently quite concerning."

Kaneff, who had been quiet until now, interjected with a resentful tone.

"She wants to meet her granddaughter herself, doesn't she? What's so complicated about that?"

"It's not as simple as"

"Anyway, you're the elder here, right? Then, if you permit it, isn't that enough?"

"Even if I am the elder, I cannot make a unilateral decision when it comes to matters concerning the priestess. All the village elders need to agree for anything to proceed."

Despite Kaneff's somewhat aggressive comments, Rahuel remained calm and explained. I continued the conversation on behalf of the frustrated Kaneff.

"We've already heard about the various complex issues within the Erul Tribe. We're not interested in that. We just want Speranza to meet her grandmother."


"Once that's done, we'll leave quietly. We won't bring up the matter of trespassing again."

I actively tried to persuade Rahuel. It seemed to have some effect, as he finally responded.

"To meet the priestess, you'll need to convince the elders first."

"How do we do that?"

"Right now, the elders are most concerned about the hostage negotiation, along with the priestess's health. If Lord Cardis promises a satisfactory resolution to that issue, they may be more willing to accept a meeting with the priestess."

As Andras had predicted, the Erul Tribe seemed to be feeling quite pressured by the hostage negotiations.

The hostage negotiations were just a means of putting pressure on the Erul Tribe; we didn't actually intend to gain anything from them.

If the hostage negotiations could ensure Speranza's safe meeting with her grandmother, it seemed like a good deal.

I glanced at Kaneff, who subtly nodded his head in agreement. There was no reason to hesitate any longer.

"If Speranza can safely meet her grandmother, we'll proceed with the hostage negotiations as the Erul Tribe wishes. I promise, in the name of Cardis'."

Upon hearing my pledge, Rahuel also answered resolutely.

"I understand your intentions, Lord Cardis. I will discuss this with the other elders and inform you of their decision as soon as possible. Please wait a little longer."

"Thank you."

"Don't worry too much. There should be a positive outcome."

Rahuel and I exchanged small smiles.

As soon as the conversation ended, Rahuel left us with a brief farewell and immediately got up to leave the room and meet with the other elders.

Kaneff and I followed the Erul Tribe man with whom we entered earlier, making our way to where Lia and Speranza were resting.

As we walked down the hallway we had passed earlier, I casually asked Kaneff.

"Do you think Speranza will be able to meet her grandmother?"

"I don't know. That elder guy didn't seem to be deceiving us, but"

Kaneff replied with a somewhat uneasy expression.

"It just feels like things are going too smoothly."

We quickly arrived at the place where Lia and Speranza were.

Speranza was having fun playing with Ling, Kasha, and Tori, the three children from the Erul Tribe.

The children were curious about the outside world and kept asking Speranza questions without giving her a chance to rest.

Lia and I chatted while watching the children play, and Kaneff lay down in a corner, quietly closing his eyes to rest.

Time passed, and the scenery outside the window gradually darkened.

"Ah! We're late. Mom's gonna scold us."

"We'll go now. Speranza, let's play again tomorrow!"

"Goodbye, mister!"

The Erul Tribe children left, saying it was getting late.

I took Speranza outside the building to see the children off, then picked her up and went back inside, as she seemed a little sad.

As the surroundings grew darker, the lights in the village buildings were turned on one by one. Around that time, we were treated to a carefully prepared dinner.

After dinner, no one came to see us for a while. Even though we were in a comfortable space, our minds gradually grew uneasy.

Is the negotiation going well?

Will it be difficult to meet today?

As I was lost in thought, someone familiar knocked on the door and entered. It was Anis, who had guided us here and then left.


"Did you enjoy your dinner?"

"Yes, it was delicious."

She smiled and continued her explanation with a bright face.

"About an hour ago, there was a meeting of the elders. They discussed the matter Sihyeon had requested, and fortunately, they decided to accept the request."

"Really? So Speranza can meet her grandmother?"

"That's right. The decision was made more quickly than I expected. It seems the pressure from the prisoner negotiation was effective."

My expression relaxed.

"That's a relief. When can we meet her?"

"You should prepare right now."

"What? Right now?"

My face filled with surprise in an instant. Then Anis explained with a flustered expression.

"My mom's health isn't good, so the allowed meeting time is limited. Please understand."

"Okay, I'll get ready."

I hadn't imagined we would be meeting at this late hour, but there was nothing I could do about it.

It was late, and Speranza was drowsy from the fatigue of the trip, so I carefully woke her up.

"Speranza, can you wake up, sweetheart?"


"We're going to see your grandma now."

"Grand ma? Right now?"

Her eyes, which had been blurry, became clear at the mention of meeting her grandmother. Speranza rubbed her eyes vigorously to chase away the sleep.

Kaneff and Lia also got up to follow us.

"Are they just trying to show off by letting us see her face for a moment?"

"Still, it's not bad to be able to meet like this."

Then Anis spoke to the two of them.

"I'm sorry, but only Speranza and Sihyeon can meet my mother. The two of you will have to wait here."


"Uh, we can't go?"

"It was difficult enough for Sihyeon to meet my mother. It took overcoming the opposition of several elders to get permission."

Kaneff glared at Anis with an unpleasant emotion.

His intimidating presence made Anis tremble.

I intervened between the two, calming Kaneff down.

"Please calm down, boss. It's not Anis's decision. And it's enough for me to accompany Speranza."

"What will you do if they mess around while you and Speranza are alone?"

Anis pleaded her innocence to the suspicious Kaneff.

"I, there won't be anything like that. No one in the Erul Tribe can act carelessly when it comes to my mother."

"Give Anis a chance."

"Fine but we're not waiting here. Lia and I will follow as far as we can."

"That should be okay. Then I'll guide you right away."

Anis immediately started guiding us.

We left the building where we had been resting and joined a group of about six guards.

The group, led by the guards, walked in the opposite direction of the village center.

As the passing buildings gradually decreased, the surrounding darkness deepened. The torches in the guards' hands became the only light illuminating the path.

I looked up at the sky.

The clouds were thick tonight, preventing the moon and stars from shining brightly.

Just as I had an ominous feeling, I suddenly stopped, sensing a strange energy.

Instinctively, I turned my head toward the direction of the energy.

The scenery was pitch-black because of the darkness.

I squinted my eyes and barely recognized a blurry figure, but there was nothing so extraordinary as to startle me.

A very ordinary-looking forest.

And all that was there was a small path leading through it.

"Sihyeon? What's the matter?"

Anis examined me with a puzzled expression as I suddenly stopped.

"Ah, I'm sorry. But what's that path leading into the forest?"

"That place is where the altar dedicated to the guardian deity is located. Sometimes, when there's a big event in the village, the priestess performs rituals at the altar. But why do you ask?"

"Ah, no, it's just"

I stumbled over my words. I wasn't so tactless as to mention the uncomfortable feeling I got from the guardian deity's altar.

Anis didn't make a big deal of it and continued guiding us with the guards leading the way.

As I resumed walking, I kept glancing back.

Was it just my imagination?

It was a really strange feeling, though

The blurry path disappeared into the darkness as we walked just a few steps. Trying to ignore the lingering uneasiness in my heart, I focused on the upcoming meeting with the priestess, or rather, Speranza's grandmother.

As the lights from the buildings in the village center behind us were faintly visible, the vigilant guards in front of us revealed themselves.

Numerous guards patrolled around the wall, maintaining a strict watch.

Despite the high walls and many guards, all that was being protected inside was a single building of ordinary size.

I was able to immediately deduce that the building was the priestess's residence.

(To be Continued)

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