How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 360

Chapter 360



Along with a dazzling flash, centered around the children, a powerful multicolored aura swept the surroundings, making my skin tingle.

The force was like a storm.

The fairies who were watching nearby flapped their wings vigorously to maintain their balance, swaying back and forth.

As the energy filling the area subsided, they lowered their hands protecting their faces, and slowly raised their heads. Naturally, their gazes were directed first to where Speranza was standing.

Fortunately, Speranza was grinning from ear to ear, which made everyone feel better.

Relieved by her fine appearance, I started looking around, and that's when I saw something that made me gasp.

"What on earth"

Not only was the empty lot Speranza was standing, but the entire vast open space beyond our view had transformed into a beautiful flower garden.

Ashmir and Cheese, along with myself, gazed in awe at the astonishing change.

"Has this all become a flower garden now, Pyori?"

"What an incredible energy, Pyoki!"

The fairies widened their eyes and joyfully flew around the flower garden. Their faces beamed with delight as if they truly appreciated the new garden.

Even the previously somber fairies gathered around Speranza, their expressions noticeably brighter, as if nothing had occurred earlier.

"Great! Speranza is truly amazing, Pyopi!"

"Did Speranza create all of this, Tapi?"

Speranza responded with a modest grin.

"No, it wasn't just me. My friends here assisted me."

-Pow woo wooo!

-Biip! Biip!

-Biip! Biip!

"Hehe! You witnessed it, right, Popi? We accomplished it together, Popi!"

Akum, the baby griffins, and Gyuri boasted to the fairies with pride-filled expressions.

The fairies looked on, clearly taken aback.

"You all?"

"Remarkable, Kapi! Truly remarkable, Kapi!"

"Thank you so much, Pipi! We don't have to be concerned about our home any longer, Pipi!"

"So, you won't be fighting anymore?"

"Absolutely not, Pipi!"

The fairies assembled around the children, expressing their gratitude one after another. The children's popularity surged among the fairies.

We observed the heartwarming scene and smiled warmly.

"I was genuinely astonished. Speranza's ability alone is incredible, but the fact that they can produce such extraordinary power when all the children collaborate"

"I didn't anticipate this either, nyaa."

"Well, I gotta say, I'm pretty satisfied. Looks like things turned out even better than we expected."

Although there was an unexpected event in the midst, this must have solved the fairies' problem, right?

Just as I was about to unwind and feel at ease.


An unknown, creepy aura swept around me.


I experienced goosebumps all over my body from the eerie sensation of being observed by someone. I instinctively employed my communication ability to recognize the unknown energy.

However, the ominous presence rapidly vanished in that brief moment.

I fervently tried to concentrate, striving to capture the fading trace of it.

I could barely discern it.

I soon heard a single phrase spoken in a gender-neutral voice, making it impossible to determine if it belonged to a man or a woman.

-Finally Finally, the time has come! The time has come?

A voice I had never encountered before and a phrase whose meaning I couldn't comprehend.

Wearing a puzzled expression, I glanced around twice. As anticipated, I couldn't find any suspicious presence.


Why are you suddenly reacting like that, nyaa?

Ashmir and Cheese looked at me with curiosity.

"Did any of you experience an eerie sensation or hear an odd voice just now? I"

"I'm not certain."

What are you talking about, nyaa?

"Ah, never mind."

I waved both hands and uttered an ambiguous response. Then, the two of them turned away from me, looking somewhat deflated.


It appeared that I was the only one who sensed this ominous feeling.

What could it be?

I spent some moments quietly reflecting on my own, but I couldn't find any answers.

Eventually, I brushed off my concerns, assuming I had misinterpreted something. However, that spine-tingling sensation wouldn't easily dissipate.

The following day.

After lunch, during a sleepy afternoon.

In the living room where warm spring air filtered in through the window, the entire farm family assembled for a relaxed gathering.

"So, I made a beautiful flower bed for them, and the fairies loved it. The quarreling fairies even made up and became friends again."

Speranza, wearing a proud expression, recounted the events of yesterday in Vision World.


"Yes! I became friends with all the fairies there. I'm going to play with my friends again today."

"Whoa, you solved a problem that not even Brother Sihyeon could tackle that fast! Speraz, you're freakin' amazing!"


Lillia generously praised Speranza, who reacted with a bashful and delighted expression.

The other farm members also smiled warmly as they observed Speranza.

"Here, have some snacks and continue your conversation."

Lia entered the living room with hot tea and snacks.

Today's treats were assorted cookies and cake slices I purchased from a renowned bakery. It was one of the most favored snack menus among the farm members who adored sweets.

Lia adeptly and promptly placed the tea and snacks at everyone's seat.

The large table was filled with the aromatic scent of tea and the sweet fragrance of cookies.

Speranza, who had been engrossed in sharing her story earlier, was now mesmerized by the tempting cookies, her tail swaying gently.

"Let's eat."

"Thank you, Sihyeon."

"Yes, I bought plenty, so please enjoy as much as you'd like. Lia, please sit down and have some too."

Beginning with Kaneff, everyone selected the cookies and cake they preferred.

I naturally picked out Speranza's favorite cookies and served them first.

It felt as though it had been quite some time since we had all gathered like this for a leisurely moment due to various reasons.

Simply engaging in small talk with one another while savoring delicious snacks warmed our hearts and provided a comfortable feeling.

In the midst of everyone relishing this joyful snack time,

Kaneff, taking a cookie to eat, suddenly appeared thoughtful and asked me.

"Come to think of it, aren't you caring for your familiars today? You always used to include them when we had snacks like this."

"Ah, that's correct. But I'm attempting to reduce the number of snacks I give the kids."

"Why so suddenly?"

I scratched my cheek with an embarrassed expression.

"I guess I might've given them a few too many snacks over the winter. I noticed the other day that Cheese, Girfy, and Finny had put on a lot of extra pounds."





It appeared like someone just shuddered audibly, but Kaneff nonchalantly nodded and continued the conversation.

"Well, those guys did get plump over the winter."

"I think it's adorable when they're chubby"

Kaneff interrupted Speranza, who was displaying a disappointed face.

"Speranza, moderation is key. Whether it's a beast or a demon, if they only enjoy tasty things and become lazy, they'll simply gain weight until they're utterly useless."




As soon as Kaneff finished speaking, the sound of someone shuddering emanated from the side.

This time, the sound was so distinct that Kaneff and I naturally looked in that direction.

"What's wrong? Why are you suddenly like that?"

Some of them desperately averted their gaze as our eyes met.

Such an unnatural demeanor.

At first, I was slightly flustered, but as I recalled the conversation just now, I quickly realized something.

Could it be these guys

"Um Are you guys perhaps also gaining weight?"

An awkward silence enveloped the living room.

As I was about to speak again, the silence was abruptly shattered.

"Ah, no, no, Brother Sihyeon! This isn't weight gain It's it's it's, yes! We've become healthier from eating well!"

"Cough! Sihyeon, beasts usually gain weight and grow larger on purpose to endure the cold winter. This is certainly not an unusual situation"

"I didn't gain that much! If I eat a little less and move around ah, it's so embarrassing"

Lillia brazenly claimed they had become healthier, while Andras attempted to persuade me using all his knowledge. Liane's face turned red from embarrassment, all the way down to her neck.

Observing the three of them desperately trying to justify themselves like thieves who had numbed their own feet, I displayed a disheartened reaction.

"I didn't notice it at all, seeing your faces every day."

I shifted my gaze to the others beside the three. Alfred, who was the first to catch my eye, calmly responded.

"I don't think I've changed much. I lost a little weight when I was preparing for the duel, but I've recovered recently."

Indeed, Alfred, who had been training consistently, didn't appear to have changed much during the winter.

Following Alfred, Ashmir, and Urki also chimed in.

"I don't think I've had any significant changes either."

"Maintaining the best physical condition is a natural duty as a surveillance officer."

In particular, Ashmir spoke firmly, emphasizing the duty of a surveillance officer.

"Tsk, tsk"

Kaneff glanced at the three of them and clicked his tongue as if they were pitiable. In response, the three looked at him with eyes that seemed to say they were wronged.

In truth, throughout the winter, no one could outdo Kaneff when it came to enjoying delicious food and acting the laziest. However, he managed to maintain a surprisingly agile figure.

I, too, hadn't really gained any weight.

Throughout the winter, there were numerous tasks I had to attend to, and I didn't possess the type of body that easily gained weight.

Seeing the stunned trio, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Most of the matters related to eating at the farm were connected to me.

I prepared a variety of delightful snacks for the hardworking farm members during the winter, in addition to meals.

I believe I provided at least one of each of the representative snacks that come to mind when you think of winter.

Everyone was happy and felt warm-hearted while eating.

I didn't anticipate their bodies becoming this warm and cozy as well.

(To be Continued)

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