How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 343

Chapter 343

My brow furrowed and my voice rose unconsciously at Gyuri's words. They seemed too fantastic to be true.

"A new fairy world?" I repeated incredulously.

Gyuri's response was equally bold. "If we make a new fairy world, we won't have to worry about the rifts, Popi!"

I couldn't help but wonder if her confidence bordered on arrogance. "Creating a new fairy world Is that easy? Is that even possible?"

"If it's the Fairy Queen, it's possible, Popi!" Gyuri retorted confidently.

"Well, it's not completely impossible," the Fairy Queen added.

"Really? Can you actually make a new fairy world?"

The Fairy Queen noticed my surprise and began to explain calmly. "Yes, unlike Sihyeon's world, the fairy world exists on the other side of this world."

"The other side of the world?" I repeated, struggling to grasp the concept.

"It's like an illusion in a mirror. We borrow a part of another world to create our own. The current fairy world was made by borrowing the Forest of Silence and its surroundings."

Suddenly, it all made sense. "Ah so that's why the entrance to the fairy world is in the Forest of silence?"

The Fairy Queen nodded, confirming my suspicions. "Exactly. Since we use a part of another world, it's not too difficult to create. Fairies are born with the ability to do it."

Gyuri, who was standing beside me, eagerly raised her hand. "I can do it too, Popi!"

I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and admiration for the fairies' incredible abilities. "Can you create a whole new world, though?"

"Of course, Popi! Me and my friends made a village in the strawberry field!" Gyuri exclaimed proudly.


It suddenly dawned on me why the strawberry field fairies were so elusive. They weren't just hiding in the farm; they had created their own village!

My excitement was short-lived, however, as the Fairy Queen's expression turned grave. "It's not as simple as that. Creating a new fairy world is a difficult task."

Confused, I asked, "What makes it so difficult?"

"Have you seen the massive tree at the entrance of the fairy world?" she asked.

The image of the towering tree instantly came to mind. "Yes, I have."

"That tree's spirit gave us the energy to create the current fairy world. It's easier than starting from scratch, but we still require a significant amount of energy. And we don't have enough left."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of despair. "Can't we ask the tree spirit for more energy?"

"The tree spirit has been in a deep sleep since giving us its energy. It will take a long time for it to awaken again."

Unlike how Gyuri and her friends created the village easily in the strawberry field, it seemed that creating a new fairy world required various conditions.

If it were a problem that could be easily solved just like that, the fairies wouldn't have to suffer so much, and the fairy queen wouldn't have urgently summoned the fairies

"So, it's not easy."

In the midst of this tense moment, Gyuri once again stepped forward with unrelenting determination.

"No, popi! We can do it. Popi!"

"You heard what the fairy queen said. We don't have enough energy to create a new fairy world right now," I said, trying to sound practical.

But Gyuri refused to be discouraged. "Then, Sihyeon can help us, Popi," she said with conviction.

I was taken aback. "Me? You mean me?" I asked, surprised.

"Of course, I want to help too, but I don't have the energy of a tree spirit."

Gyuri, you cant force Sihyeon.

The fairy queen and I spoke up in turn to Gyuri, who was forcing the issue.

"Ugh, this is so frustrating! Popi!"

Gyuri expressed her frustration by pounding her chest, and suddenly stepped forward and pulled my arm.

Perhaps because our sizes were similar, her pulling strength caught me off guard with its unexpected force.

"Uh What?"

For a moment, I lost my balance and started to lean forward, almost falling. Startled, the fairy queen swiftly reached out both hands to steady me.


"Are you okay?"

With her grip on my shoulder, I managed to avoid a tumble.

"Ugh Gyuri, it's dangerous to suddenly pull someone like that. Thank you for catching me, Your Majesty."

After expressing my gratitude, I attempted to step back, but the fairy queen kept her hold on my shoulders.

Feeling uneasy, I called out to her again.

"Your Majesty?"

"I can't believe it"


"How can an ordinary human have this kind of energy?"

The fairy queen's eyes widened in astonishment and fascination as she scrutinized me with intense curiosity.

She murmured phrases like "This is unbelievable" and "How is this possible?" repeatedly as she continued to examine me closely.

I stood frozen, unable to move as she continued to study me with rapt attention.

Eventually, the fairy queen spoke with a tone of deep admiration, her face alight with excitement. "You're amazing, Sihyeon! What Gyuri said was really true."

Gyuri beamed with pride at the compliment, basking in the glory of her earlier prediction. I, on the other hand, was still bewildered by their discussion.

"Forgive my interruption, but I'm not quite following. What are you talking about?"

The fairy queen took a deep breath and attempted to calm herself, but her eyes still shone with excitement. "Earlier, I mentioned that to create a new fairy world, we need energy. More specifically, we need the energy to compose the world."

The energy to compose the world?

As she described it, many things came to mind in an instant.

"It's not an energy that anyone can have. It's an energy that even the tree spirits would find hard to imagine, obtained over a long period of time. But Sihyeon, I can sense that you have even more energy than those tree spirits. "

"Me?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Yes, Sihyeon," the fairy queen continued. "You have so many different energies. It's my first time seeing anything like this!"

I glanced down at my palms, trying to process the information. Despite the enormity of what was happening, I found myself accepting it calmly. Perhaps it was because I had already heard something similar from Judge Ark.

I pushed aside the question of why I possessed this energy, knowing that it was irrelevant. What mattered now was how I could use it to help the fairies in their time of need.

Lost in thought, I was brought back to reality by the fairy queen, who had taken a step closer to me and was now holding my hands tightly. She looked deeply into my eyes and made a heartfelt plea.

"Sihyeon, I know it's shameless to ask, but can you please help us? You are the only one who can help us right now."


Gyuri also grabbed my arm, her face etched with desperation.

"Please, Popi! If we don't create a new fairy world, my friends and I will disappear. We'll work hard on the strawberry field and listen to Sihyeon more, so please help us, Popi!"

Even the baby fairies chimed in, pleading with her to save their world.

My heart was heavy with the realization of their dire situation. I spoke with great care, determined to help in any way I could.

"As I said before, if there is anything I can do to help, I would be glad to do it. I can't bear the thought of Gyuri and her friends disappearing like this."

The fairies' expressions brightened at my positive response.

The Fairy Queen, amazed by my willingness to help, was about to speak, but I interrupted her.

"Before we proceed, I have a request. Can you borrow a small portion of my energy to see how it goes? I fear it might have side effects, similar to that of the sleeping tree spirit."

As I was concerned about the side effects, the Fairy Queen explained.

"While it is true that we will be borrowing your energy, you possess such an abundance of it that it should not result in any significant issues. Additionally, you will not be at risk of falling into a deep slumber."

I felt comforted by her words, and even though she was explaining the dire situation, I trusted that she was telling the truth. The Fairy Queen appeared anxious as she glanced repeatedly at me.

While I had already prepared myself for the worst-case scenario, I felt relieved to hear that there were no major problems with lending my energy.

"I understand. Although I'm not sure how to do it, I will do my best to help."


The fairy queen asked in disbelief, and I nodded with a smile.



"Kyaa! I knew Sihyeon would help us, Popi!"

The baby fairies chirped with delight as they flitted their wings and Gyuri leaped at me, shaking my head and making me dizzy.

"Ugh! Stop shaking, Gyuri. I am getting dizzy."

"Hehe! I'm sorry, Popi!"

The Fairy Queen breathed a sigh of relief and expressed her gratitude towards me through her eyes, alleviating the tense atmosphere in the room.

"Now, what should I do?"

"That's something that I"


"Your Majesty, something big has happened!"

One of the guards who had been guarding the door burst in and shouted urgently.

"A huge rift has appeared on the castle wall!"

"Of all times"

The Fairy Queen, who had been dejected, led us towards the door that connected to the outside garden. As we descended the stairs, we could see the sky cracked open, ominous energy leaking through the rifts that seemed to threaten the castle's very existence.


As the soldiers who had discovered the rift and the fairies gathered around it, they were all completely overwhelmed by its enormous size.


The baby fairies huddled behind me, trembling in fear. I comforted them by patting their backs, hoping to soothe their anxiousness.

With a frown on her face, the fairy queen gazed at the rift before her, her eyes emitting a resolute light as though she had reached a decision.



"Can you lend me your energy right now?"

"That means"

"We don't have time to hesitate anymore. We have to create a new fairy world before this rift completely covers our current one!"

I steeled myself, ready to offer my assistance.

"I understand. Please tell me what I need to do."

(To be Continued on May 15(MON))

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