How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 338

Chapter 338

A powerful demon beast is blocking the entrance

I thought that solving the problem of persuading the shadow clan would be the end of it, but now it seems there is another factor to consider.

"Hmm Looking at it earlier, it seemed that the scouting team possessed formidable skills, making it easy to deal with most monsters, right??" asked Locus, in a slightly obnoxious tone.

The other members of the party also waited for Bardan's response, curious about that part.

"Indeed, it is true that the village scouts are exceptional. However, the demon beasts we encounter in the deepest parts of the forest are all perilous creatures. One can never take them lightly."

"That's right. During my training with the elders, they always cautioned us to avoid confrontation with the beasts in the forest's depths."

Following Bardan's lead, Terzan emphasized the danger of demon beasts. Locus, who remained calm despite the seriousness of the situation, appeared confused.

Andras listened silently, but eventually spoke up, "Then, how do you plan to guide Sihyeon to the entrance? Do you have any alternative ideas?"

"The best course of action is to avoid direct confrontation and wait for the demon beast to move away on its own but unfortunately, it hasn't budged from the entrance lately. Moreover, we cannot afford to wait idly without knowing the danger that has befallen the fairy realm."

"Hmm if that's the case

"There's only one option left. We must drive out the demon beast, even if it means using force. In the worst-case scenario, we'll have to buy time for Sihyeon to reach the entrance safely."

Bardan's resolute response caused the room to become heavy with tension. Seeing this, I asked with concern. "Is that alright? I think it's better not to go too far"

"We may sustain some injuries, but it should be possible to repel the demon beast with minimal damage."

I had heard about the dangers of the forest of silence, but I did not expect the extent of the trouble that awaited us.

As the silence lingered, Lia suddenly raised her hand, capturing everyone's attention.

"So, Mr. Bardan, you are saying that the issue was the demon beast guarding the entrance to the fairy realm, correct?"

"That's right."

"Then, wouldn't that be manageable?"



"When it comes to demon beasts, there's someone in the demon realm who wields more influence than anyone else. Isn't that right, Sihyeon?"


Lia, why are you bringing that up in this atmosphere?

"Absolutely, with Sihyeon at the helm, we can expect extraordinary results. From what I know, he's accomplished feats that are downright unbelievable when it comes to dealing with demon beasts."


You too, Andras?

"Well, I'll be darned. If the Demon Lord himself entrusted him with the farm, to the point where even the prickly leader acknowledged his skills I'd say he deserves to be called the best."


Following Lia and Andras, Locus and Kroc nodded as if acknowledging my ability.

Bardan was surprised when he glanced at me.

"Hmm. Is Sihyeon's ability really that remarkable?"

"Without a doubt! Have you heard of Yakums? Those beasts are so frightening that they're considered a disaster! But even those terrifying creatures can't so much as twitch a muscle when he gestures!"


"Well Lia, it's not quite that extreme"

Lia talked with her eyes shining.

Andras also got excited and told the story.

"That's not all! The Barbatos family's emblematic griffins were raised directly under Sihyeon's care. It's already common knowledge that the family regards him as their benefactor."

"Uh Andras, please stop..

It's those two who are excited and talking, but why is it to me whos taking the damage?

The two of them explained my journey as if retelling a heroic saga. Not only Bardan, but also Terzan showed interest and listened.

"Hehe. Who would've thought Sihyeon was such an exceptional person? I had no idea, living in my isolated forest."

"Wow, you're quite something, Sihyeon! That's amazing, that's amazing!"

Thanks to this, although the heavy atmosphere was lifted, I felt awkward under Bardan's scrutinizing gaze.

We were led to a place where we could rest comfortably in the Shadow Clan village.

"The Forest of Silence gets dark early, so rest for the night, and lets head to the Fairy World entrance at dawn tomorrow"

Bardan treated us with kindness and immediately announced his plan to head to the entrance of the Fairy World the next day. Although I felt like a burden, we had no other option, so everyone agreed to the plan.

As Bardan had warned, darkness quickly descended upon the forest. In the evening, we were served delicious food, and I spent some time playing with the innocent and cute village children I had met earlier.

The night passed, and dawn arrived with a hazy fog.

"Are you all ready?"

Bardan came to check on us and asked about our condition.

"Yes, we're ready to go."

"Since we're ready too, let's leave now."

"Bardan, are you coming with us?"

"As the clan leader, I cannot afford to miss such an important task. I'll be joining you."

There was a hint of trust in his calm words.

We joined the Shadow Clan scouting team and headed toward the entrance to the village. Most of the group melted into the darkness, leaving only a few scout members and Bardan to guide us.

Thanks to the skilled scouts, we managed to proceed without getting lost in the chaotic forest. However, a few hours after leaving the village, Bardan warned us in a low voice, "We're getting close to the deepest part of the forest. Be prepared for a battle at any time from here on out."

We slowly advanced through the forest, raising our vigilance.

Shortly after his warning, we were attacked by a fierce beast. The battle was intense, but the experienced scouts managed to defeat it. There were several more attacks after that, but we quickly defeated them and continued on our journey.

At the time when silence and battle continued several times.

A faint light began to be seen in the landscape filled with only empty darkness.

"That light"

"It looks like we're close to our destination. If we go a little further, we will see the entrance."

The expressions of everyone brightened momentarily upon hearing the news that the entrance was approaching.

However, that bright expression didn't last long because the fact that the entrance to the fairy world was getting closer meant that the most difficult problem was getting closer as well.

We walked along the dim light with nervous expressions on our faces, and as we went deeper, the dim light became clearer.

After a while, a huge tree emitting a soft light appeared, several times larger than the common trees in the forest.

"Is that tree the entrance to the Fairy World?"

"The entrance is actually near the roots of that tree. I've never gone through it before, but I think you, Sihyeon, should be able to make it to the fairy realm through that passage."

Locus, who had been looking around nervously, muttered. "Can't we just run there since I don't see any demon beasts around?"

"Is it going to be that easy?"

"It could be easy. Kroc, why don't you go and check it out?"

" "

Kroc scowled and expressed his displeasure roughly through sign language. It seemed like he was unhappy with Locus' casual behavior.



It's been a long time since I've had this feeling.

Instinctively sensing danger, anxiety rose at the same time.


"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. More than that I think it's coming."

Question marks briefly appeared on everyone's face upon hearing my sentence without a subject, but the questions quickly disappeared with the sound of dull footsteps.




"That's the beast!"

It was large enough to be compared to Bighorn. Dark red skin that seemed to be hard to get scratched by tolerable attacks.

Spikes that protruded like thorns along the head to the back and tail.

Its face was reminiscent of a wolf and a black panther, with sharp claws and teeth, and large horns on its head that were more menacing than any other beast I'd seen.


The eyes filled with red energy clearly expressed hostility.


A small sound of wind spread out around the beast. It seemed like the members of the Shadow clan, who were hiding in the darkness, had surrounded the beast.


Upon noticing their movement, it let out a powerful roar that made the forest shake. The incredible force in its cry made my sensitive mind dizzy.

"We'll take care of the beast. You all take advantage of this opening and head towards the entrance."

"Thank you, Bardan."

"Sihyeon, hurry and go over there!"

Andras and Lia urgently pulled my arm. Bardan and Terzan seemed to be joining the scouting team.

As everyone was moving around busily, I felt something strange and couldn't take my eyes off the beast.

"Sihyeon, we need to move quickly."

"Wait a minute, something seems off."

"What do you mean, Sihyeon?"

Instead of answering the bewildered companions, I focused my attention on the massive beast.

At first, I couldn't properly use my communication abilities due to its fierce demeanor, but as time passed, I gradually began to sense the emotions of the beast.

The initial frightening momentum felt like more than just hostility; it was also a sense of vigilance to interfere with the approach of strangers. In the midst of the intense emotional whirlwind, I also felt despair and urgency.

What is it?

I knew that the beast wasn't just roaming around for no reason, so I focused my communication skill even more and spread it toward the beast to find the reason behind its hostile behavior.


I quickly discovered something that left me amazed.

Initially, I failed to notice due to the explosive energy, but there was another force behind the ferocity, which was very small and seemed like it could disperse at any moment.

It became clear that the massive beast was protecting these small entities without a doubt.

(To be Continued)

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