How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 320

Chapter 320

With determined flaps of their wings, Grify and Finny strove to keep up with me during their maiden flight.

Though they were physically fit, they seemed to struggle with the speed of the flying device.

I made adjustments, slowing down and lowering the altitude, which allowed the baby griffins to catch up and fly in formation.

"Great job, guys!" I exclaimed, as the griffins let out loud cries in response to my praise.



Thanks to joining behind me, the little griffins began to fly more comfortably. I also enjoyed flying with them, feeling so proud that it was hard to express in words.

In the path of the flow of wind that can only be felt in the sky, I freely entrusted my whole body.

Just taking the lead in flying like this really made me feel like a griffin.

Following the wind, we crossed the meadow and flew over the endless forest, and looked around even where the residents of Elden Village looked very small.

In my heart, I wanted to continue to enjoy this freedom until the power of the flying device ran out.

However, unlike the power of the flying device I borrowed, the baby Griffins, who were still new to flying, began to show signs of fatigue

Making the Griffins fly was a success.

That was enough.

Soon, I quickly shook off my regret and turned to fly in the direction of the farm.

After a few minutes, the farm came into view, and we smoothly descended to the ground.

As I stepped onto solid ground, I felt a mix of relief and frustration, knowing that my legs were once again bound.

The griffins, however, had no trouble landing and ran excitedly toward me, still overflowing with the thrill of their first flight.

Biip! Biip!


The excitement of their first flight didn't go away, and Grify and Finny twirled around me and cried. They looked more excited than ever.

"You both did so well!"

I hugged the griffins tightly, feeling the vibration of their wings through my arms.

Although I could sense their exhaustion from pushing themselves, I also felt a deep sense of love and admiration for their bravery.

"Let's practice flying often from now on. So that you can go anywhere you want later. Okay?"



I hugged the griffins tightly like that for a while, as I shared the joy and nervousness of my first flight in my life with them.

Swoosh, Swoosh.

Bow wooo woooo.

A large Yakum put its face on my shoulder and let out a cry. Of course, it wasn't a threat, it was an action to get my attention.

"Okay. Just wait a little longer. It's all over now."

Boo woo woo.

"There's really not much time left."

I calmed the Yakum, who was impatient with the long wait, and continued my work.

Swoosh. Swoosh.

-Boo woo.

As the large brush in my hand swept its back, a sound of wind came out of Yakum's mouth in front of me. It was a cry that came out when they were in a good mood.

"Urki! Are you done with the other side?"

"Yes! Senior Sihyeon!"

I lowered my brush and tapped the Yakum on the side.

"Now~! Dear customer, it is done. We have a lot of customers waiting behind you, so could you step aside?

Boo woo. Boo Woo.

The Yakum in front of me stood in its place as if he wanted to get more combs. I wanted to brush him until he was satisfied, but I couldn't help it because there were still so many Yakums waiting.

I told him in a more stern voice.

"Oh! If you keep behaving like this, you aren't going to get any snacks later on?"

-Boo woo woo.

The guy left the barn, looking very sullen for his size. And in that empty seat, the Yakum, who had been waiting for me, naturally walked in.


I've been trying to brush Yakum for the first time in a while, and it's really hard.

Recently, as the Yakum group spends a lot of time in the barn, some of the Yakum have been shown to be stressed.

I knew the cause and wanted to solve it, but I couldn't help it because it was mostly caused by the weather.

So today, I prepared a whole-body brushing service for the stressed Yakums.

Although it was a temporary measure, Yakums loved being combed by me, so the effect was excellent.

I felt full of pride when I saw the Yakum who were happy even though their bodies were tired.

"Ugh. At least Urki, I'm so lucky to have you."


"There are very few people on the farm who can help me brush the Yakums like this."

Even though everyone on the farm got used to Yakums, they were reluctant to brush them so close.

The only thing possible was to comb the young Yakums.

But strangely, Ashmir and Urki, the Angels, had little resistance towards Yakums. After the Yakum's alertness to the Angels decreased, they went in and out of the barn without any problem.

This made it very easy for me to take care of Yakums, whom I was in charge of. If I didn't have Urki's help in combing today. I might have already been exhausted.

Urki responded with embarrassment and humility.

"I didn't do anything special. Yakums followed Sihyeon so well that nothing was difficult."

"Anyway, it's true that you helped me a lot. Thank you very much."

"No problem."

The Apprentice Angel scratched the back of his head and showed an innocent smile. I smiled back and continued to comb.

Just by combing, a few hours went by.

We finished combing the last Yakum and left the barn half-exhausted.

"Good job, Senior. Urki, you too. Good job."

Alfred showed up at the barn. He looked a little sorry for not being able to help brush the Yakums. I deliberately hid the awkwardness and brought up another topic.

"Are you coming from the strawberry field?"

"Yes, today is harvest day, so I went there to help. I brought some strawberries. Do you want to try them? It's just been harvested."

Alfred took out a small strawberry basket and held it out to me.

"I'm fine. Give it to Urki."

I waved my hands and pointed to Urki, who stood behind me. Unlike me, Urkis eyes twinkled at the strawberry basket.

"Okay, have some, Urki."

"Uh, can I eat all of this?"

"Yeah. I brought a lot, so you can eat it all.

"Thank you, Senior Elaine."

Urki picked up the strawberries with both hands and put them into his mouth one by one. A happy smile bloomed on the face that looked tired until a while ago.

"Is it that delicious?"

"Yes! I've eaten strawberries in the other world, too. But, I think the strawberries here are especially delicious."

Urki answered my question excitedly like a child. I and Alfred smiled happily at the response.

After watching the two of them happily sharing strawberries, I headed to the farm building to wash my sweaty body.

"Welcome back, Sihyeon."

In front of the front door, Lia greeted me with a bright smile.

"You're going to wash up first, right? I got the clothes to change and towels ready."

"Thank you, Lia."

I felt comfortable with her constant consideration.

"Then I'll wash up and come down."

"Oh! Sihyeon."


"I didn't tell you because you seemed busy. Ryan is here right now."

"He is here? What brought him here without contacting me in advance?"

"I haven't heard the reason. I think it's not that urgent, so he said he would wait until Sihyeon's work is finished."

"Hmm. Really?"

For a moment, I recalled my recent interaction with Ryan, but nothing particularly special came to mind.

"I'll be right back after washing up. Could you tell him to wait a little longer?"

"Okay. I'll let him know."

After ending the conversation with Lia, I headed straight to the bathroom. I washed faster than usual and changed into clean casual clothes.

Maybe the combing was a little too much, as tiredness and drowsiness came. I shook my head hard to get rid of sleepiness and went back down to the first floor.

Lia, who was waiting in front of the stairs, led me to where Ryan was waiting.

However, it was not the place where we usually receive our guests, we headed in a different direction.

"This is Boss' room."

"Ryan is waiting here."


It's the least suitable place to welcome guests.

I wondered for a moment, then I followed Lia to Kaneff's room, thinking little of it.

Knock, knock, knock.

"I brought Sihyeon."

Come on in.

Lia confirmed Kaneff's voice and carefully opened the door. Kaneff, Ryan, and even Andras could be seen in the room.

"You're here, Sihyeon."

"Andras was here, too?"

"Hi, Sihyeon."

I exchanged a brief greeting with the two, while Kaneff waved his hand instead of saying hello with a look of annoyance.

"Do you want me to prepare snacks and tea for you?"

"Lia, you don't have to. More than that, I'd like to have a quiet conversation among the people gathered here"

Ryan blurted out at the end of his words and told Lia to leave. She flinched for a moment and bowed her head.

"All right, then.."

Lia exited and there was a moment of silence in the room. I got curious about the story that was so important that he kicked Lia out, and I continued to be silent as well.

It was Andras who broke the silence and opened his mouth first.

"Hmm. The reason why we're gathered here is because of me. I have something I want to discuss, so I invited everyone."

Before he continued his explanation with a very serious expression, he glanced at me.

"Sihyeon. Do you remember Amy Lund Barbatos?"

Ami Lund Barbatos.?

I belatedly remembered the owner of the name.

"Oh! I remember. She's from the Barbatos family. Andras' co-worker and the one who you are secretly dating."

"Well, you dont have to say everything you know."

Andras broke his serious expression and hurriedly stopped me from talking. Ryan looked at him playfully and Kaneff looked at him pitifully at his embarrassment.

"But why all of a sudden, the story of that person is ?"

Andras took a few deep breaths at my question and opened his mouth again with a serious face.

"Last night, after a long thought, I made up my mind."


"I'm going to formally ask her out."

(To be Continued on Apr 10(MON))

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