How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 318

Chapter 318

With a quick flick of her wrist, Lillia attached the delicious meat jerky to her drone-like artifact and sent it soaring into the sky.


As the scent of the jerky wafted through the air, the empty-mouthed griffins quickly caught wind of it and began searching for its source.



With a few beeps from the artifact, Grify and Finny quickly spotted the juicy treat hanging from the drone and rushed toward it, eager for a taste.

Anyone who sees it might think I starved those Guys.


Whiik! Poof!


Just like when they saw beef jerky hanging from the branches earlier, Grify and Finny jumped around and stuck out their beaks.

"Hehe! I can't give it to you that easily."

However, Lilia was not about to give it up easily. As the griffins jumped and flapped their wings, trying to reach the jerky, Lilia skillfully operated the artifact, keeping it just out of reach.

Although they flapped their wings a little to jump a little higher, there was no sign of flying yet.

The two griffins eagerly chased the jerky, but suddenly stopped. A question mark floated above the heads of the farm members who were watching them.

What happened?

Did they move too hard and lose all their energy?

By the time those worries were about to come to mind.

A fierce light burst from the eyes of the two griffins. Those were the eyes of a beast looking at its prey! However, the place where those eyes are directed was not beef jerky



It was Lilia who was controlling the artifact.

Both Griffin jumped at Lilia and flapped their wings loudly. It was not an action to fly, but an action to threaten their opponent.


As the Griffins launched their sudden attack, Lilia let out a scream and tried to escape. But the hunting instincts of the Griffins blinded them to everything else, and they gave chase, hot on her heels.

Alfred, who was watching the scene, said with a bewildered expression.

"It's turned into a hunting exercise, not a flight exercise,"

"When they're threatening, they definitely flap their wings. So, Sihyeon was right there's nothing wrong with their wings."

"I was worried that they might have gotten so used to life on the farm that they forgot how to use their wings. Fortunately, that's not the case."

While Andras and I were in a relieved state, Lia shouted in a sharp voice.

"No, Is that important now! Can't you see Lilia screaming at all?"


"Lilia, are you okay?"

By the time we found Lilia, it was already late, the threat of Griffin was already over.

While Lilia was on the run, the artifact fell to the ground, and Grify and Finny ran straight to it and got their jerky.

"Ahhhhhh! Sister Lia, I was so scared."

"It's okay now, it's okay."

Lilia burst into tears as she must have been quite scared of the griffins chasing her fiercely. Lia gave her a slight hug and patted her.

While doing so, she glared at the bad older brothers who had been watching this situation.




I avoided Lia's eyes because I was embarrassed.

Then, I turned my head and looked at the Griffins who were enjoying the beef jerky.

These guys are a smart bunch.

In a short time, they noticed it was Lilia who was controlling the artifact. On top of that, they did not attack directly, but they only flapped their wings, which made Lilia give up the artifact during the confusion.

In the future, I should definitely refrain from expressing such threatening behavior, but I felt proud at the same time because I felt that they have grown very smartly.

Efforts to get the baby griffins to take flight persisted.

I would hold them from the sides and move their wings for them, and then drop them from a height that was safe but still high enough.

Yet, they still refused to fly.

Luckily, Grify and Finny saw the whole process as a fun game and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

When all our efforts proved to be fruitless, Kaneff spoke up with a nonchalant tone.

"Why don't you just drop them off a cliff? That way, if they want to live, they'll have to fly."

Everyone scowled at his extreme suggestion.


"Mr. Kaneff, that's a bit harsh"

"How can you say that about such adorable creatures?"

Even Ashmir, who normally keeps a stoic expression, showed a hint of disapproval.

In the face of everyone's objections, Kaneff stood firm.

"That's just how it is. If they can't fly when they need to, it means they're weak. If this were the wild, how much protection do they think they would have? They might have to watch their parents fly away and leave them behind."

Although his words were harsh, they were also truthful.

In the harsh wilderness, if you can't run when you need to and fly when you must, you'll fall behind and struggle to survive.

But this wasn't the wilderness, it was a peaceful environment with no need to search for food or flee from other dangerous beasts.

However, what if the reason the baby griffins couldn't fly was because of this peace and comfort?

What if my attempts to care for them were actually hindering their growth?

These thoughts weighed heavily on my mind.

Biip? Biip.

Biip Biip

Grify and Finny noticed my grim expression and approached me, trying to cheer me up with their playful behavior. They nuzzled their beaks against my feet, eliciting a smile from me despite my worries.

I smiled bitterly and gently caressed them off their backs, and I heard someone calling me.

"Excuse me Senior SIHYEON?"

An unfamiliar voice of Urki, who had been watching quietly until now, called me.

"Urki? Did you call me?"

"I've thought of a way. Do you mind if I talk to you?"

"Yes, Its fine. Feel free to talk."

Urki blushed slightly as if the crowd was burdensome, slowly bringing up the story he had thought of.

The case may be different from that of Griffins, but Angels also practice flying when they are young.

"Oh? That's right! Come to think of it, the Angels also have wings.

While blaming my stupidity for belatedly recalling an important fact now, Urki continued to explain.

"At first, we don't directly teach the young Angels how to fly."

"Then how?"

"We just keep showing them by using our wings."

Other farm members except Ashmir listened to Urki's story with interest.

"The young Angels get interested in how to move their wings on their own and eventually start trying to mimic us. And when they're ready, they take their first flight under the supervision of a guardian,"

Isnt that like a baby learning how to walk?

"That's right. In a way, flying up can be said to be the beginning of taking the first step."

Urki's explanation gave us a new perspective on this issue.

The attempt so far has not been a natural one at all.

"What Urki says is to make these guys directly interested in flying, right?"

Yes, that's right. I don't know if it will work, but if we show them how it's done, maybe the griffins will become curious and want to try it for themselves?"

"I'll help, too."

Ashmir also took a step forward, saying she would help.

I nodded straight away at Urki's suggestion without any hesitation. Not only was his explanation convincing, but it wasn't a way to strain the little griffins.




Pure white wings spread out from the backs of the two Angels. They flapped their wings a few times, creating a small wind around them, and quickly soared up into the sky.


"Wow! So cool!"

Everyone admired the way they flew freely. Even Grify and Finny, who were next to me, couldn't take their eyes off the two Angels.

Biip. Biip.

Biip. Biip.

And every time the two Angels flapped their wings in the sky, they flapped their wings.

It was definitely a completely different reaction from what they had shown us earlier.

Since the emergency meeting on the farm, a few days have passed.

During this time, we have been showing the young Griffins how the Angels fly and they have been paying close attention.

It appeared that Grify and Finny had developed an interest in flying, but unfortunately, there was no noticeable change in their behavior.

Their daily routines remained the same, with the only exception being their observation of the Angels' flight.

While the Barbatos family's event was a concern, I was more worried about the Griffins' inability to fly freely.

My thoughts were consumed by questions like, "Did I do something wrong?" and "Will the baby Griffins never fly?"

These worries only increased my nervousness.

Today, while the little Griffins and the other farm family were observing the flight of the Angels, Ashmir finished her flight earlier than usual and landed in front of me.

"You came down early today. Are you feeling unwell?" I asked.

"No, I'm perfectly fine. I came down first because I had something to say to Sihyeon," she replied with a serious expression.

"I don't think it's meaningful for me and Apprentice Urki to fly around now," she added.

"Does this mean that this method has failed?" I asked, trying to mask my disappointment.

"No, actually, the effect of this method has become clear. The young Griffins are now interested in flying,"

"What should we do now?" I asked, eager for a solution.

"It has succeeded in sparking their interest. Now, we need to make them fly on their own," she said.

"Sihyeon, who do you think influenced you the most when you were learning to walk?" Ashmir suddenly asked me.

I was a little taken aback by the question, but I answered calmly, "I would say my parents. My mother still remembers when I took my first steps."

"That's it," Ashmir said with a nod. "Young individuals generally follow and learn under the influence of those they see as their guardians. The same goes for the Griffins."

I could sense that this conversation was going in an unexpected and potentially dangerous direction.

However, before I had a chance to respond, Ashmir continued with her explanation.

"From this perspective, it's clear that Sihyeon is having the most influence on the Griffins right now."

I replied with an awkward look and tone,

"That's right."

As I expected, Ashmir's next words were quite absurd.

"Then why don't you try flying yourself from now on?"

(To be Continued)

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