How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 288

Chapter 288

The second video for the [Demon Girls] channel was ready.

It was a video of Speranza singing a rearranged version of the song [Memories of Meeting] from Yoon Jiwoon's second album.

[Memories of Meeting] was a song sung by Yoon Jiwoon at a time when he was rising to stardom.

While most of the songs on the album have a slightly dark and mournful feel, [Memories of Meeting] had an exciting and cheerful rhythm.

Zaina added a fresh feel to the song, making it perfect for Speranza.

Unlike the first video, which was roughly filmed and uploaded, this time it was filmed only after several test shoots.

In addition, the quality of the video had risen beyond comparison with the previous one, mainly due to Lilia's improved filming techniques and Andras' equipment support.

Even after preparing so hard and completing the video, Lilia stamped her feet with an anxious expression.

"Brother Sihyeon, was there anything strange? I think this part is a bit awkward. Should we film it again?"

"That's fine. It's not weird at all."

"Ugh What if people get disappointed because we uploaded the video too late?"

"Don't worry too much. I've already told the people who came to the channel that the video will be late. I'm sure they'll understand.

I tried to relieve Lilias anxiety, but she showed no signs of calming down.

Unlike the first video, she was more nervous since she put a lot of effort into this.


Suddenly Speranza came and hugged Lilias nervous legs.

With a smile on her face, Speranza looked up at Lilia.


"I like Sister Lilia's video very much.


"Un! I want Sister Lilia to take more videos of me. Hehe!"

Lilia was deeply moved, to the point where tears plopped down from her eyes.

She hugged Speranza with rising emotions.

"Awwwww! Thank you so much, Speraz! I will continue to study hard and take pretty videos of you.

"Hahahaha! Sister Lilia, its ticklish!"

Before I knew it, Lilia shook off her anxiety and burst into laughter with Speranza.

I and the farm members looked at the two girls with warm smiles on our faces.

"Okay! Then I'll upload the video."

The second video filled with Speranza and Lilia's efforts was uploaded to the [Demon Girls] channel.

As soon as the second video was uploaded, many people watched the video, and their reactions were not as different as I expected.

It's been a while since my ears have been purified!

-I've been waiting for the new video to come up, and it's worth the wait. The second video is also the best.

This is a song that I listened to a lot before. The original song is good, but the song in the video is really new and I like it.

-The sound is much cleaner and the video is smoother. I'll be looking forward to future videos.

All the comments on the video were full of praise.

Most of them were satisfied with the video quality which was much better than before. There were also many complimentary comments about Zaina's newly arranged song.

Still, it was Speranza who received the most praise and attention from people.

Her voice is very young, but her singing skills are. I dont have words

-I don't think it'll be weird if she debuts as a singer right now.

In addition to Speranza's outstanding singing skills, her cute and unique appearance also attracted a lot of attention.

Isn't the girl singing so cute?

Are those animal ears and tails real? Did you add CG to make a concept?

Most people thought of fox ears and tail as CG and passed it lightly. Some of them noticed that it was not CG and expressed doubts.

I don't think it's CG It's not easy to express such natural movements.

Not CG? Then, is she really a demon girl?

I dont care if it's CG or not, as long as it's cute IM ALL IN.

Cute is the best! Cute is Justice!

However, the question quickly subsided as it was swept away by the opinion that [cute is the best!]

Most of the people who watched the video seemed already possessed by the little fox girl.

The number of subscribers to the channel also rose steadily thanks to the attention pouring into the second video.

Although it has not been long since it was created, the number of subscribers has increased significantly.

I was very happy and grateful for the continued interest and support, but it was also true I felt an equal amount of burden.

Even as an adult myself, I couldnt take this pressure, so I was worried that the girls would also feel the same difficulties.

I had no intention of making money or gaining popularity by growing this channel called [Demon Girls]. I just wanted the girls to feel rewarded for their efforts through people who purely enjoyed the videos and cheered for them.

Although it turned out to be bigger than I thought, I decided to try harder so that the joy of the girls would not be ruined by this pressure.

Hey! Isn't that too much?

A woman's voice was heard from the other side of the smartphone.

I couldn't see her face, but I could easily tell how upset she was just from her voice.

"What's too much?"

How can you hide the fact that Speranza was doing YouTube videos from me?

"I didn't hide it. I just forgot to say it.

Both are the same, DAMMIT!

Yerin's agitated voice grew louder and louder. I even felt pain in my ear when I was holding my smartphone.

Do you know how upset I am? Recently, you didn't bring Speranza, and when I call you always hang up saying youre busy.

"It's because I'm really busy. It's winter soon, so there are a lot of things to prepare for the farm."

I tried to soothe Yerin by explaining my situation. However, only a cold response came back, as if her feelings were already hurt a lot.



I did not contact her lately under the pretext of being busy, and the disappointment seemed to have exploded due to this YouTube incident.

I apologized first because I felt sorry for that part.

"I'm so sorry, Yerin. I couldn't give you a call because I was really busy, not because I didnt want to. Lately, I was also preoccupied with the preparation for the YouTube videos so much that I didn't even think about telling anyone."


"I'll make sure to contact you when I bring Speranza on vacation soon. Speranza also said she wanted to see you and grandma."

Really? Does Speranza really want to see me?


Yerin's voice softened a lot when she heard Speranza wanted to see her.

Will it be a small holiday like always?

"No. It will be a little longer this time. My mom is also very lonely because it's been a long time since she saw Speranza. So Ill be in Korea for the entire Christmas and New Year holidays."

Then you'll let me know in advance when the vacation is decided, right?

"Yes, I'll call you in advance.

Hmm. Then I'll also schedule it in advance so that I can take a vacation at the end of the year.

Yerin's voice became brighter as her anger subsided. She even hummed a little as she checked the schedule in a hurry.

By the way, why did you suddenly start YouTube all of a sudden? Is it okay to film like that?

"After the Internet was accessible, the girls suddenly became interested in YouTube. And there was no problem in uploading videos as long as theyre not problematic content.


"So, how do you know that Speranza was on YouTube?

Tae and Sehe told me.

Oh Tae and Sehe recognized her.

The two Guardians Guild members had met Speranza in the past while helping to fight wasps in my hometown. So they should have remembered when they saw the video.

Those two also said that they want to catch up with you.

"How are Tae and Sehe doing?"

Good. Theyre used to guild life now and are becoming aces of our guild little by little. Well, still theyre a long way off from reaching me.

I remembered the two who followed me around calling, "Uncle Si."

We have kept in touch from time to time, but we haven't met separately recently because I've been busy.

I thought I'd make some time to meet those guys when I go on vacation this time.

Is YouTube worth doing?

"At first, I tried to help the girls because they liked it, but there are more troublesome things than I thought."

There are only two videos, so what's so troubling?


As Yerin said, there was no trouble running the channel. The comments are still clean, so there was nothing to manage.

The problem was that a number of people who were interested in Speranza continued to try to contact her.

Some people were curious about Speranza's identity, and they kept asking a lot about the CG of fox ears and tails.

For now, I postponed answering all questions about Speranza.

And one of the many contacts was from the entertainment agencies. Among them, there were some pretty famous ones.

What? Then will Speranza become a celebrity? Thinking about Speranza's age, is it an idol?

"No, I don't intend to send Speranza to such places."

Why? Shes cute and good at singing, she'll definitely be a hit, right?

Yerin said as if Speranza's talent would be a waste if she didnt become an idol.

"Speranza just likes to sing. It's too early to talk about being a celebrity or idol. I won't be hasty until Speranza can seriously think about her future later on.

I gave my thoughts on this matter seriously, and Yerin, who was quietly listening to me, said with admiration.

-Wow Sihyeon, you sounded like a real Dad just now.

"Hahaha, what does that mean?"

Anyway, you looked like an adult. You really think a lot about Speranza, don't you?

"Of course. She's my precious daughter."

Ugh!! Thats so cringy.

After talking about this and that, we ended the call with a simple greeting.

In the end, she left a clear message to contact her when the vacation was decided.

I tried to put my smartphone back in my pocket, but suddenly a notification came.

When I checked, it was a message from the YouTube channel again.

Maybe I should block it completely..

I was thinking about ignoring it, but I pressed the screen to check the contents.

However, the first part of the message was the same as other entertainment agencies, but the contents were completely different.

[ I'm Park Jaeyoung, the head of the PR team at the agency Matel. Yoon Jiwoon, a singer from our agency, asked us a favor after watching the videos on the [Demon Girls] channel. If you don't mind, we'd like to send you a ticket for Yoon Jiwoon's year-end concert. If you are interested, please contact us at the contact number below. If you contact me, I'll give you more details.]

Yoon Jiwoon?

(To be Continued)

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