How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 284

Chapter 284

"Sihyeon, its ready."

"Then I'll switch it on."


After exchanging signals with Andras, I pressed the switch on the newly installed device on one side of the barn.



Small vibrations rang throughout the barn and then became quiet again.

I and Andras approached one of the places where the vibrations rang.

"Oh? It's working properly, right?

"I think so. The temperature is just right."

A Magic stove that radiates warm heat throughout the place.

Running around in the barn for quite a while seemed worthwhile since the inside of the barn was getting quite warm.

"If it's like this, Yakums will be able to spend the winter warmly, right?

"Rather, this place feels cozier than my room."

Andras praised the coziness of the barn by referring to his room. I nodded with a proud expression even though I knew it was an exaggerated compliment.

Along with the expansion of the Yakum pack, the barn was also expanded, and snacks and dried grass for winter were also prepared in the storage area.

The barn also had a stove that could be operated at any time and a soft floor.

As part of winter preparation, I paid much attention to residents of the estate, strawberry fields, and other places. However, I couldn't help but pay a little more attention to Yakums, as they held a special place in my heart.

Although I had a hard time preparing, I felt terrific as I looked at the well-prepared barn.

-Moo woo woooo

Aara, who grew up so fast during the fall, tilted her head and came near the stove. She looked at the magic stove with curious eyes as if it was strange.

"Hey, Aara"


"Come closer here. It's really warm.

I sat beside the stove and tapped my hand on the side. Smart Aara quickly understood what I was saying and approached me.

Aara, who arrived next to me, felt the warm energy and made a pleasant cry.

Moo wooo woooo

"Its good, right?


Aara slipped over my right knee and lay down.

I smiled softly at the childishness of the baby who became heavy before I knew it.

While I stroked Aara, who was limp from drowsiness, I heard another cry from my back.

Moow Woow wooooo!

Aaras younger sister Dora came running and took over my left knee.

Her body was slightly cold because she had been outside the barn, but she too soon became drowsy as the stove warmed her.

Bow woo wooo

Pow woo wooo

This time, Kawaii and Akum also appeared and dug into my sides.

I was instantly surrounded by the baby Yakums, and Andras, who saw the scene, smiled softly.

"Wow, you're still popular with the baby Yakums."

"Everyone has grown in size, but they are still acting like little kids. Its a bit embarrassing."

I said I was embarrassed with my mouth, but my hands were busily stroking the baby Yakums.

How can I hate such cute guys who follow me like this?

and by the way, guys? Isn't it a little hot now?

Sweat trickled out thanks to the magic stove and the baby Yakum surrounding me.

Whether they knew this situation or not, the baby Yakums dug deeper into my arms.

I was forced to push the baby Yakums little by little and tried to get up.

Pooo Woooo woooo


I felt a huge shock from the back along with a loud cry.

I overcame the shock by breathing heavily.

The weight, shock, and unique roar of a baby Yakum that was incomparable to other baby Yakums!

I immediately recognized the troublemaker behind my back.

"Hey! Tanduk! Didnt you promise not to do this again?"


The expression of Tanduk was drawn in my head even though I couldn't see him.

He must be having an innocent look saying, [Did I?]

I know that this action was an expression of his affection, but he has grown up too much to show that kind of affection with his body.

As the horn on his head grew dashing day by day, the name Tanduk, which meant "small horn," became awkward.

"Tanduk, if you keep doing this, there won't be any snacks for you.


Tanduk quickly understood the word "snack" and slowly slipped back.

Then, he began to show gentle cutesy by rubbing his head gently.

Oh, you clever fellow!

When I saw the lovely cuteness that didn't fit his size, I quickly lost my desire to be angry.

At the fact that the parent's mind in me wanted to forgive this lovely child, I laughed in vain.

But how do I get out of here?

With Tanduk blocking the back, I became completely surrounded by the baby Yakums.

"Guys, how about we move now? My legs are really numb."

Despite my earnest request, they remained firmly in their seats as if they didn't want to be separated from me.

Even Aara and Dora, who were on my knee, were asleep before I knew it.

Despite my grunting and twisting, I was able to get out with the help of Andras, after a long struggle with the baby Yakums.

"Are you done with the Magic stove?

Andras and I met Lia on the way out of the barn.

"Yes, we just finished. Thanks to Andras making the best Magic stove, I don't think Yakums will have any problems in winter."

"What were you doing, Lia?"

When asked by Andras, she showed the tool she was holding in her hand.

There was a pitchfork-shaped iron at the end of the long handle.

"A lot of fallen leaves fell, so I was collecting them with this. I'm done with the front of the farm, and I just need to clean up the back a little more.

"May I help you?"

When I asked her, Lia smiled softly and waved her hand.

"No, I'm almost done, so I'm fine. And Elaine is also helping me.

"Lia! I'm almost done with the back, too."

Alfred appeared from the back of the farm with the same pitchfork tool.

"Oh? Senior and Andras were also here.

"Yeah, we just finished our work at the barn. Were you helping Lia?

"Yes, the back of the building and the training space is full of fallen leaves."

"Is it over now?

"I think we just have to throw away the fallen leaves that we've collected."

Since Lia and Alfred told us to rest, saying they would handle it themselves, forcing them to accept our help felt awkward.

When I was wondering whether I should just go in first, something struck me and I called the two.

"Ah! Then can you leave the leaves for a while instead of throwing them away?"


My request for them to leave the fallen leaves was met with puzzled responses from Lia and Alfred.

Still, both nodded, saying, [Okay].

"Wait in the vacant lot behind the building. I'll be right back. Please help me, Andras."


I quickly headed to the farm building with Andras.

Soon after, with a lot of things on our hands, we headed to the vacant lot where Lia and Alfred were waiting.

"Sihyeon, what are you holding in your hand?

"It's sweet potatoes."

"Sweet potatoes?"

"It was sent from my hometown a while ago. We used to cook sweet potatoes on fallen leaves. Were going to do that. It's called roasted sweet potato. It's really delicious.

Andras, Lia, and Alfred twinkled their eyes as soon as they heard me say delicious.

After a short explanation, I took out a foil and wrapped the sweet potatoes one by one.

While I was preparing sweet potatoes, the rest gathered fallen leaves and prepared to make a fire.

The sweet potatoes carefully wrapped in silver foil were placed under the fallen leaves and Andras made a fire using magic.

The well-dried leaves quickly burned with a red fire.


Alfred sensibly pulled a chair out of the warehouse. It was the portable chair that we used at the picnic.

The four of us sat side by side in chairs and watched the fallen leaves burn.

-Takdak -Takdak!

A chilly autumn breeze.

A blazing fire with a cracking sound

And the unique smell of burning fallen leaves that tickled the nose.

Is this how it feels to relax beside a campfire?

It was just a scene of fallen leaves burning in the fire, but it still brought a strange addiction and comfort.

Others also looked at the fire with a blank look similar to mine.

The sweet potato was turned over once so that it would cook evenly, and the fallen leaves were piled up and set on fire. In the same way, we piled up the fallen leaves about twice and started a fire.

By the time I could see the little sparks remaining, I took out the sweet potatoes one by one, twisting a long stick.

I picked up a sweet potato with a thick glove on my hand.

When I carefully peeled off the foil and skin, white steam rose and exposed the bright yellow flesh.

I took a bite at the top before the heat cooled down.

Oh, hoff hoff.

I blew the heat in my mouth with a frown.

But soon, I got used to the heat, and the sweetness of sweet potatoes filled my mouth.

In the cold of late autumn, the heat provided by the sweet potato was wonderful.

The three who were watching my happy expression picked up the sweet potatoes one by one in a hurry.

They peeled off the foil and the skin like I did.

Alfred, who took the sweet potato to his mouth in a hurry, trembled in surprise at the heat.

"Oh! It's hot!"

"It's very hot inside, so eat carefully."

Lia took a bite of the sweet potato carefully and opened her eyes wide.

"What do you think?"

"Um, its strange. It tastes sweeter than I thought. It's really good!"

All three fell in love with the taste of sweet potatoes and moved their mouths.

Looking at the figure with satisfaction, I took out something I had prepared.


Andras recognized what was in my hand first.

His expression was like saying, [Why all of a sudden?]

"That's right. I brought kimchi along with the sweet potatoes.

"Why kimchi?"

"It goes really well with sweet potatoes. Try it."

I put the prepared kimchi on the sweet potatoes one by one.

At first, the three seemed to doubt the combination of the two foods, but after tasting it themselves, they quickly changed their opinion.

"Wow! It tastes really good

"The more I eat, the drier I feel, but when I eat it with kimchi, its really refreshing."

"Senior, please give me more kimchi."

As expected, the proven combination of sweet potato and kimchi!

At the same time, I nodded with satisfaction at the raving praise.

I took out the remaining sweet potatoes from the remaining fire.

As I was going to leave it to those who haven't tasted roasted sweet potatoes yet, I remembered someone.

"Come to think of it, where is Speranza? It would be good to eat roasted sweet potatoes when they are warm.

Even though usually at this time she would come searching for me feeling bored, I couldn't see her today.

It was Lia who answered my question.

"Maybe she's with Lilia.


"These days, the two of them have been together most of the time. Should I look for them?"

"No, I'll call her on my phone."

I took out my phone to contact Lilia. However, as soon as I took out my phone, a text message arrived.

Huh? It's a text from Ryan.

I checked the text without thinking much.

However, there was only a link, no other content.

For a second I suspected that it might be the phishing message that takes you somewhere as soon as you press the link, but when I checked it again, it was really a message from Ryan.

After hesitating for a while, I clicked the link.

As soon as I clicked the link, the screen immediately connected to the YouTube site.

And soon a video started playing.

(To be Continued)

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