How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 273

Chapter 273


The horse that was leading the carriage shook for a while, grunting.

Ryan, who was sitting in the driver's seat, quickly pulled the reins and made the horse not go off the road.

He was very skillful.



Speranza and I, who were sitting next to him, burst into admiration at the same time, while Ryan smiled as if it was nothing.

"Ryan, you're good at driving a carriage, too.

"I used to drive a lot when I was the youngest member of Black Hawk. I learned all the skills of controlling the reins of a horse from the senior members."

"Ah~! That's why Andras is also good?

When I mentioned Andras, who was driving the wagon in the front, Ryan giggled and laughed.

"Now, he's very good at driving a carriage, but at first, he had a hard time because he was slow to get the hang of it."


"Thanks to that, he was scolded a lot by the seniors. He even said that it was the hardest time for him."

The image of Andras, who was being bullied, was quite easy to picture in my head.

Laughter flowed unknowingly in the vivid scene as if I had seen it in person.

"But aren't you tired? Elaine also knows how to drive a carriage, so you don't have to overdo it.

"It's okay. It's not that hard because it's not an uncomfortable road. And I want to keep the things in this wagon as secret as possible.

A few moments earlier.

In the midst of preparing the luggage that was supposed to be loaded into the wagon at the farm, a wagon loaded with goods arrived at the farm at the same time as we were preparing.

When everyone was puzzled by the sudden wagon, Ryan stepped forward and explained.

I prepared these separately. You don't have to worry too much.

What's inside? Haha! I'll let you know later when the picnic atmosphere is ripe.

He kept the contents secret until the end, soothing the farm members who were curious about the carriage.

Me and Speranza, who were now riding in the wagon, also couldn't look inside the wagon.

He must have had a hard time finishing all the backlogs, when did he have the time to prepare for this?

I, too, glanced inside the carriage with rising curiosity.

Ryan, whose eyes met with mine as I moved my head, smiled playfully and winked one eye.

-Tap, tap.

At that time, Speranza, who was sitting on my lap, pulled Ryan's arm.

Ryan, who was delighted with Speranza's interest, smiled broadly.

"Speranza, what's wrong?"

"Um Can I try it, too?"

Speranza raised her finger hesitantly and pointed to the reins held by Ryan.

"Do you want to hold the reins?


Speranza nodded, raising her fox ears.

"Okay, then grab this. If you pull it too suddenly, the horse will be surprised, so you have to hold it carefully."

As Ryan casually tried to hand over the reins to Speranza, I raised my voice in amazement.

"Ryan, hold on a second. Can you just give her the reins like that?

"That's all right. The road today is not that difficult, so we don't have to handle the reins carefully. On top of that, the horse is smart, so he will follow the carriage in front of him well."

"Hmm Is that so?"

"Sihyeon, why don't you take this opportunity to learn? It's not that hard."


Ryan transferred the reins to my hands while I was still in surprise. Speranza also grabbed the reins together with her sparkling eyes.

"Please hold the reins to a proper length so that they don't get stretched. And if you want to direct, you can pull the reins a little bit like this. Easy, right?

Speranza and I slowly headed to our destination, learning how to drive a wagon from Ryan.

The two wagons carrying us arrived at their destination.

As soon as I got off the wagon, the first thing I saw was a beautiful flower garden in full bloom.

In the flower garden, colorful and unknown flowers were scrambling to show off their beauty, and butterflies attracted by temptation fluttered around along with the scent of flowers carried by the autumn wind.

When I took a deep breath, the deep scent of flowers filled my chest and I felt dizzy.

"There was a place like this near the farm!? How did you know this place, Andras?

"A long time ago, I looked around to select the location for the farm. At that time, I found this place and thought it was beautiful. When we talked about the picnic this time, I thought we could see this scene again around this time.

Andras, who recommended this place, recalled the past and explained.

"Do you like it?"

"Of course. The lakefront was really nice last time, but this place is pretty cool as well."

"I'm glad you like it."

Andras smiled contentedly looking at me.

Other farm members also seemed to like the scenery here very much, just like me.

Putting off admiring the fantastic scenery for a while, we began preparing for the picnic by sharing our roles.

Once the luggage was unloaded, Andras and Lilia began showcasing several novel tools.

There were many things reminiscent of high-end camping equipment like the last picnic, but this time it was upgraded.

A tent that automatically positioned and unfolded with simple operation, an outdoor chair with more comfort than imagination, and a large table with portability raised to the limit.

"Did you make all of these yourself?

"Nothing special. I just made up for the disappointment little by little from what we used at the last picnic."

"Hehe! My brother and I worked hard to make it. Do you like it?

So many tools in just a few days.

Looking at the dexterity and enthusiasm of the Schnarpe siblings, I really couldn't help but acknowledge it.

Alfred made the horses that pulled the carriage drink cool water from a nearby stream and then took them to a good place to graze.

Before lunch, Lia and I prepared the dishes to soothe our hunger.

Kaneff, who settled down first, was whispering something to Ryan. Maybe he was asking him to take out the drinks.

In the meantime, Speranza.

"Look at that. There are so many butterflies."




She was excitedly chasing butterflies with baby griffins.

Cheese, who was also not feeling bad, wandered around along with the children.

"Ah! Grify, Finny!"


"You can't step on flowers like that."

Speranza raised her hand to her waist and opened her eyes wide.

She may have tried to make a scary face, but it was just a cute look in my eyes.

"Gyuri said flowers are houses where fairies live. If you step on the flowers like that, the fairies will be sad."

Biip biip

Biip biip

The Griffins drooped their wings and made a pathetic cry.

Speranza hugged the two Griffins who reflected on their actions at the same time.

"You shouldnt do that next time, okay? The fairies probably won't get mad because you didn't know it. I'll tell Gyuri later.

Biip. Biip


I watched Speranza comforting the Griffins with satisfaction.

It may still be a distant future, but if she had a younger brother or sister later, Speranza would be a really good big sister.

"Lia, I'm sorry, but can I leave the rest to you?

"Yes, of course."

"I want to take some pictures of Speranza. When you're ready, Lia should also come."

Leaving the rest of the preparation to Lia, I hurriedly searched for the camera in my luggage and took it out. I adjusted the focus, brightness, and color with a fairly skillful camera operation.


As I watched the fox girl running around the flower garden with an innocent smile, I was reminded of the Flower Fairy of fairy tales.

Sometimes when I go to amusement parks or places with many children, I would get pissed by the parents who try to take pictures of each and every action of their children, but at this moment, I could understand 100% of those parents' minds.

Somehow, in order to capture Speranza's loveliness a little more on camera, I lowered my body without paying any attention to the dirt getting on my clothes.

"What are you doing nyaa?"

Cheese, who was looking at my behavior strangely, slipped to my side.

I explained to him about the camera by showing the pictures I just took.

"This is how you take a picture of the visible scene.

"Nyaaa? What an amazing thing nyaa!"

"Go to the flower garden over there, I'll take a picture of you with Speranza.

Unlike usual, Cheese approached Speranza without showing any signs of annoyance. He seemed to be interested in the camera.

Click! Click!

"Papa! Show me the picture, too.



"Do I look like this nyaa? It looks completely different from the reflection in water nyaa!

While I was working hard to take pictures of the children, farm members who finished their work began to gather one by one.

"Brother Sihyeon, are you taking pictures? I want to take a picture with Speranza, too."

"SI, SIHYEON, Can you take a picture of me, too?"

"Of course. Come quickly."

Excited Lilia immediately took Speranza to the flower garden. Lia also joined them with a slight shyness. Andras, Ryan, and Alfred also gathered to take pictures.

Looking at everyone like that, something struck me.

"Oh! This is the best time. There's a beautiful background, so why don't we take a group pic here? I was really sad that we couldn't take a group pic at the last picnic.

"Group photo? That's nice."

"I think that's good, Sihyeon."

Andras and Ryan agreed to take a group picture.

Alfred, meanwhile, asked me with a look of disbelief.

"Then what about Senior? If you use the device called camera', you can't be in the picture."

"Huhu, I thought this would happen, so I prepared it in advance. Wait a minute."

I took out the additional equipment from the bag where I took out the camera earlier.

It was a tripod.

Soon, the tripod was installed firmly, and the camera was mounted on it while adjusting its position.

"Ta-da! If you do this, I can be in the group photo too."

"Oh! There was a way like this."

"Come on! Let's settle down so that everyone can look good in the picture."

We all gathered in a place that wouldn't harm the flower garden as much as possible.

"Boss, come quickly. We're going to take a group picture.

"Just take it without me."

"How can we not have Boss when it's a group pic? Come quickly. Speranza is also waiting."


In the end, Kaneff, who was overwhelmed by my nagging, stepped toward the flower garden. Like this, all the farm family huddled in front of the camera.

"Okay! I'm going to take a picture now. Don't move and keep your eyes on the camera there."

Lastly, I checked the screen and set the timer function of the camera. Then I ran to an empty seat.




"What? Why aren't you taking the picture?"


"Ah! I saw a strange place because Mr. Kaneff suddenly said it!"

"I think I closed my eyes because of Boss Kaneff"

"Wha.., why is that because of me?

"Wait, let me check."

I immediately burst into laughter after checking the picture taken on the camera.

Some looked somewhere other than the camera, some closed their eyes, and some made strange faces because of being nervous.

It was a confusing picture as if it was a picture of kindergarten students who didn't listen to their teacher, but it was a picture that somehow made me emotional.

"Brother Sihyeon! Stop laughing and hurry up. Take it again."



"All right, all right. I'll set the timer again. Please make a natural expression this time. Now, let's take a picture."

Once again, I turned on the timer and ran to my seat quickly. This time, I stared at the camera praying for a nice picture.

-3 2 1.


(To be Continued)

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