How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 269

Chapter 269

How did he know that?

Ark even mentioned the exact name [Vision world].

Angels' thorough handling suffocated me.

Since it was a sensitive topic for Angels, I didn't want to reveal it, but if they knew this much, there was no point in lying.

With a resigned look on my face, I sighed.

"Did you know that far? I'm getting a little scared."

"I'm sorry if you feel unpleasant. But it's a pretty important issue for us, too."

"Just about a week ago. That too happened in the Demon world. How did the Angels know this quickly?

"The eyes of the Angels are everywhere, just like how there are people everywhere trying to create chaos in the world. Of course, we were lucky this time. We were chasing after the traces of Gastra, and happened to find out about it."

Ark answered my question more easily than I thought. Looking at the response of the quiet farm members, it was probably an open secret that the Angels were watching the Demon world.

When the conversation between me and Ark was interrupted for a moment, Ryan, who had been watching, intervened for the first time.

"Mr. Ark. You said there's a fierce debate going on about Sihyeon. Can you be more precise?"


Every eye turned to Ark. He remained silent with a cautious expression as if he was organizing his thoughts for a moment, and then slowly opened his mouth.

"Angels are born with the ability to move between dimensions from birth. The Demons also use dimensional magic, but it's very limited. That's the fundamental reason why the Angels are obsessed with the balance of dimensions and feel a sense of duty.

Ark looked at the farm members standing behind me.

"On the contrary, Demons can handle powerful magic from birth. The Demons' pursuit of magic is similar to the sense of duty of the Angels. Personally, I think this difference is what balances the world. The Demons can do things that the Angels can't do. On the contrary, the Angels can do what the Demons cannot."

Angels and Demons.

Ark described the relationship between the two races as complementary. It seemed to represent his values clearly.

"But Angels and Demons There's an area that no one can touch. It's Creation.


"Even if the Angels have a great talent for dealing with dimensional disturbance, they have never created a new world. The Demons have never created a new form of Magic either. We're just struggling within the framework that someone has created."

Struggling within the framework.

There was a slight sense of emptiness in Ark's eyes as he said it. For some reason, I felt like I could understand the feeling.

"But Sihyeon, you are different. You have entered the realm of creation that neither the Angels nor the Demons have reached. It's incredible."

I scratched my cheek with an embarrassed expression.

"I can't believe it. I don't know if it's such a big deal..

"To be honest, we don't have a clue either. No one has ever reached the realm of creation."

Ark, who was pouring out words with excitement, took a breath and continued to explain again.

"So now, there is a continuous debate among the Angels. They don't know how to think about your abilities..

"What is there for you to decide about that?"

Kaneff spat out with a dissatisfied expression.

"You guys are unbelievable. What he does with his ability is up to him. Who are you to decide on that? Just go and catch the Dragon demon whos running wild."

"We can't do that."


This time, the male Angel standing behind Ark came forward and refuted.

"The majority of the Angels judged that the power of creation could pose a risk to the balance of dimensions. On top of that, if those with impure intentions intervene, the situation will become uncontrollable. Before that, we need to block the risk."

"Does that mean you're going to take Sihyeon away by force?"

Kaneff's voice grew colder with each word he spoke.

However, the male Angel did not give a damn about it and continued to answer.

"Of course, we will, if necessary."

"What if I can't allow that?

"Your thoughts don't matter. If his ability is judged to be dangerous, we must rule out that danger."

"Hahahahaha, seeing that you say that cheekily in front of me. It seems like the rumor about me has not spread properly in the Angel World?"

Kaneff showed his hostility and raised his energy. The male Angel immediately raised his energy and responded. A great deal of energy collided between the two and swirled around.


However, even the strong Angel could not overcome Kaneff's monstrous energy. For the first time, the male Angel frowned, revealing the emotion of pain.

At the time when the face of the male Angel was burning red.


The swirling energy disappeared in an instant when Ark waved his hand lightly.

He said to Kaneff with a soft smile.

"That's enough. I'm sure he learned his lesson.

Kaneff stared at Ark for a moment and stepped back with an expression that indicated his rage had subsided.

"Thank you."

"I just realized that it was not worth dealing with. I don't have a hobby of bullying weak people."

Ark rebuked the male Angel in a stern voice.

"Don't forget that we're here as guests, Officer Klau. At times like this, I can't guarantee the consequences of every rash act!"

"I'm sorry, Judge Ark."

With Ark's prompt action, the atmosphere that became rough for a while got quickly resolved. However, no one could easily speak in the awkward atmosphere that remained, and at that time, an unexpected person suddenly stepped up and spoke.

"Grandpa Ark, so what happens to Brother Sihyeon? Are you going to take him as Mister Angel said?"

Lilia casually asked a sensitive question. However, Ark, who seemed to have liked the name grandpa Ark answered her question with a pleasant smile.

No. As I said earlier, I came here as a guest today. If I were going to catch him in the first place, I wouldn't have prepared the gifts you saw earlier."

"Really? You don't intend to take Brother Sihyeon after making us let down our guard, right?"

"Hahahaha! Absolutely not."

When asked by Lilia, Ark burst into laughter as if he found the question funny. Thanks to her innocent behavior, the tension around the table disappeared.

"As Klau said earlier, there are some Angels who think of your ability as dangerous, but on the contrary, there are many Angels who view it positively.


"Yes! I'm one of those Angels who think so. I think it's a great opportunity to go further from the fixed framework.

"Opportunity? What do you mean?"

"The earth where you live. Do you know why Rifts suddenly appear there and monsters pop out?"

"Judge Ark!"

"Judge Ark!"

Flustered Klau and Ashmir raised their voices. Ark waved his hand as if saying [its fine]. I couldn't answer the sudden question right away and scratched my head.

"Hmm Wasn't it like a natural disaster? I just thought it happened somehow."

"Just as all the phenomena commonly referred to as natural disasters have a cause, there is a reason why Rifts appear.

The reason for Rifts appearing.

Now, ordinary people have become so accustomed to abnormalities that they accept Rifts as a part of their daily lives, and no one has clearly explained why those things occur.

I waited for Ark's next words with curious eyes.

"It's because the balance of the dimension is off.

"Hmm Wasn't the balance of dimensions perfectly maintained by the Angels?

"Not at all. Of course, the Angel race is working hard, but regardless of our efforts, the balance is getting worse.

I was blown away by Ark's story.

The Angels who have come into contact with the people of the Earth have never told anyone this kind of thing before.


"A little bit. Did the Angels purposely hide this fact?

"It's not that we hid it. The exact expression is that we didn't want to admit it."

Ark's face was filled with bitterness.

"Defending the balance of dimensions is more important than life for the Angels. However, at some point, the balance began to twist and we couldn't stop it. Can you imagine the frustration created by it?"


That's why many Angels turn a blind eye to the fact in front of them and don't admit it. If you admit that fact, it will be like admitting that you are incompetent."

The existence of the Angels felt ironic. While trying to protect the balance of dimensions with their life, they can't accept the reality that the balance is distorted.

"I said earlier that there was a fierce debate about your ability, didnt I? The risk of compromising the balance of dimensions It's all just an excuse. The truth is that they don't want to admit their incompetence, so they don't want to recognize your ability.

As Ark continued, Klau and Ashmir's faces became darker. Perhaps they were well aware of the dark side of the Angels.

"I shouldn't have come to see you like this, but I couldn't just watch those cowards waste their time unnecessarily. I wanted to see you and see for myself the possibility.

A smile spread across his face.

"I'm glad I came to see you. Fortunately, I don't think I'm wrong.

At the same time, Ark bowed deeply toward me from the seat.

"Sir. Ark?!

"Judge Ark?!

"Judge Ark, What? Why?"

Not only the Angels standing behind him but also me and the farm members were confused by his unexpected behavior.

Despite our response, Ark did not raise his head easily. Rather, he bowed his head deeper and spoke earnestly.

"Sihyeon, please help us. You are the only hope to get through this crisis."

(To be Continued)

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