How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

An early morning.

On the way to the farm.


I took a deep breath in the morning air and exhaled heavily. The climate felt much colder than I had expected.

The season has changed dramatically in the past few days, probably because the farm was at a high altitude.

Not long ago, I came to work wearing only thin clothes, but now I had to wear layers of outerwear.

"It's a good thing I put one more on before I left the house.

I walked along the familiar fence, praising the decision I had made just before leaving the house.

When the farm building came into view in the distance, I noticed a yakum in the distance beyond the fence.

It was so far away that I could barely hear, even with a loud voice, but I quickly recognized who it was and called out.


Boo Woo?

Recognizing my voice, Hermosa hurriedly raised her head and looked to her left and right. She soon found me waving over the fence, and came running with light and cheerful steps that were not suitable for her large size.

Hermosa, did you sleep well? Did you wake up early today?

Boo! Wooo!

As I greeted Hermosa, she pushed herself onto me, she pushed me to the point where I thought I would fall.

I burst out laughing and calmed her down.

"Haha! Okay okay. Yeah. I haven't been paying much attention to you lately, sorry. I'm really sorry. I was so busy with something else.

There was a time when I used to be with Hermosa all day, but now I can't spend as much time with her as I did back then.

The number of farm members also increased, and now I am in a situation where I have to take care of not only the farm but also the Cardis Estate.

I gently stroked the nape of Hermosas neck and expressed my regret. Soon, as if my thoughts were conveyed, Hermosa accepted my touch with a calm appearance.

"Hermosa, wait a minute."

After telling Hermosa to wait for a moment, I quickly ran towards the farm building.

When I returned, I held Hermosa's favorite herb and fresh strawberries in my hand.

"It's a secret to other yakums, okay?

Boo woo wooooo!

"I brought a lot. Eat slowly.

I gave each of the things I brought to Hermosa who made a happy cry. Seeing her happy, a smile bloomed on my face.

Cute baby Yakums, Reliable Bighorn, and the other Yakums Though they are all precious to me, Hermosa is and will always be special to me.

I could never forget the first time I set foot on Demon farm and met Hermosa. If Hermosa hadn't come to me at that time, I might have been living a completely different life.

Are you full?


Hermosa seemed to have filled her stomach and she slowly pushed her face toward me with a softer movement.

It was a kind of cuteness that she only showed to me.

"Okay. From now on, no matter how busy I am, I will come to see you often.

Until the coldness of dawn disappeared in the rising sun, I stood in front of the fence and accepted Hermosa's cutesy.


I opened the door very carefully. I moved my body into the room so that there was no sound as much as possible.


The angelic fox girl and the little Griffins were still traveling in their dreamland. Just looking at them made my heart feel at peace.

Suppressing the desire to lie next to them, I put down my luggage and prepared for my morning routine.

By the time I was almost ready, awakened by the sound of rustling, Grify raised his head.

Biip Biip?

He looked around the room with a half-asleep expression. I quickly approached him and patted his winged back.

"Was it loud? I'm sorry, little guy. I'll get ready and go out soon, so sleep a little more."

Biip biip

Grify fell asleep again at my pleasant pats. After guiding him to the dreamland with my skilled hand, I finished the rest of the preparations.

Before leaving the room, I organized the children's clothes and blankets to prevent them from catching a cold in the chilly dawn air, and this time, I quietly closed the door.

"Ahhhh go Good mo~~ning. Sihyeon."

Lia greeted me in a drooping tone. Seeing that she was still in her pajamas, it seemed like she was not fully awake.

In the past, I would have been embarrassed and would have flustered after seeing her in the messy pajamas, but now I am used to the Dragon Demon who sleeps a lot in the morning.

"Good morning, Lia. Did you wake up early today?

"Hehehe Isnt it great?

"Yes, you did a great job. So, how about going to the room and lying down a little longer?

"Ugh Maid has to get~~~ up early.

I gently pushed Lia, who was staggering in her sleep, into her room.

She certainly sleeps a lot for a maid, but I think it doesn't matter if she sleeps a little longer since she works harder at other times.

"Huh? You're here?

As soon as I left the building, I met Alfred. Seeing him in light clothes and holding a sword, it seemed like he had been training from dawn.

"Yes, I just arrived. Is it training again? As always you're very diligent."

"I'm not diligent. It's something I've been doing since I was a kid. Now I feel like I'm just doing it subconsciously."

Hmm, I clearly dont understand the difference between being diligent and doing it subconsciously Aren't both the same?

Even if he said he was not diligent, the Alfred I have been watching so far was a very diligent Demon.

He doesn't skip sword training a single day, and he also helped hard with farm work. Sometimes the diligence was so severe that he even took care of my sword skills.

"Can you wait a little bit? I'll be right back and help you."

"Take your time. I'll be cleaning the barn first."

I sent Alfred to his room and headed for the barn.

Bow woooo.

-Pow wo wooo!

As soon as I opened the door, Chorongi and the baby Yakums rushed toward me. I lowered my posture to look at them and said my morning greetings to them.

"Good morning, guys. Did everyone sleep well? It's getting cold early in the morning, right?"

One by one, I gently brushed their hair. In the morning, the energetic baby Yakums were hovering around me and begging me to play with them.

I also wanted to play with them, but I had a lot of work to do in the morning, so I distanced myself from their cuteness and started to clean the barn.

Although the size of the barn was quite large, it was quickly cleaned with my skillful handwork. Not only was it quick, but it was also completely cleaned so that the Yakums could rest comfortably.

After cleaning, it was time for milking.

In turn, I milked Hermosa and Chorongi. This, too, proceeded very smoothly.

The milk squeezed in this way was carefully stored in a cleanly washed container, and the quantity of the milk milked on this day was recorded. And except for the amount of milk required to feed the babies, the rest of the milk was stored in a dedicated refrigerator.

I frowned a little while checking the quantity of milk as usual. It was because the quantity of Hermosa's milk decreased noticeably.

At first, I suspected that her health was bad, but it seemed that it wasn't just a matter of physical condition.

Judging from the gradual decline of milk. It seems that the quantity of milk naturally decreases over time after giving birth.

Chorongi still provides a large amount of milk, but over time, even that will naturally decrease.

Wouldnt the Demon Lords castle be in trouble if we dont keep providing them with milk?

It seemed like something I should discuss with everyone later.

After getting ready for breakfast, I went up to the room again. Speranza woke up from the bed at the sound of me opening the door.

"Speranza, are you awake?

"Uh-huh Papa.

You must get up now. If you don't wash up quickly, you will have to eat with an ugly appearance?"

I said she would look ugly, but to be honest, Speranza was still very cute.

I slowly raised her up with one arm and cleaned up her messy silver hair little by little. Speranza closed her eyes quietly as if it felt good.

"Come on, come on! Everyone will be waiting for you. Get up quickly."

"Yes Papa."

I headed to the dining room on the first floor with Speranza and Griffins, who were washed up neatly. There, Andras with his usual gloomy face arrived first.

"Hello, Andras."

"Good morning, Sihyeon."

"Wow, those dark circles. Did you study until late last night?

"Ugh I've been dragged around by Lilia's recent research you see."

When I recently visited the Schnarpe family, Lilia promised to succeed in the study of connecting the Demon world and the Earth for me. Because of that, Lilia seemed to be bothering Andras quite a bit.

If Alfred was diligent in a good way, the two Schnarpe siblings seemed diligent in a terrible way.

"I'll make you breakfast right away, Andras. Speranza, can you go and bring Boss?

"Un, Yes Papa. Let's go, guys."



Speranza led Grify and Finny to Kaneff's room.

It was originally Lias duty to wake Kaneff, but recently, Speranza has taken over that role.

Kaneff pretended it was not okay on the outside but secretly he liked it.

I finished preparing the meal with the help of Lia in the kitchen.

Around the same time, Alfred along with Kaneff who was holding Speranza in his arms, arrived at the dining room one after another and took their respective seats.

"Let's eat."

The farm breakfast began with Kaneff's short words.

"You guys too enjoy your meal.



Next to the table, Grify and Finny's breakfast was prepared separately. Their breakfast was freshly stored Beast meat. With their sharp beak, they ate the red beast meat in a wild manner.

After taking care of baby Griffins' meal, when I was about to take my hands toward my breakfast.

Wurrrrrrrr Wurrrrrrrr!

A vibration of magical power was felt through the walls of the building. Everyone stopped eating at the same time and looked at the place where the vibration was felt. Andras was the first to speak.

"Someone seems to be trying to leap here using dimensional leap magic."

Kaneff crumpled his face and got annoyed.

"What's going on from early in the morning? Did anyone say they were coming?

"No, There is none. After modifying the coordinates of the magic circle recently, no one had been informed of the latest coordinates .

Andras, who was mumbling as he recalled his memories, added a word at the end.

"Demons from only one place can come to the farm all of a sudden like this."

And as soon as he finished speaking, a loud voice came from outside the building.

Lord Cardis! Lord Cardis! Its an emergency!! Please Come out and receive the message from the Demon Lord!

(To be Continued)

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