How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

From the time we entered the mansion, I had only seen her smiling, and it was scary when such a person suddenly made a serious expression.

Lilia, who had an over-the-top personality, also got overwhelmed at once.

"LILIA, did you skip class again?

"I didn't skip it I said the teacher to finish early because an important guest is coming today..

Lilia exclaimed in a trembling voice. Zaina sighed quietly with a blank expression.



Anxious-looking Lilia shivered at Zainas sigh, while the rest watched the situation quietly with discomfort.

"SO You didn't skip the class as you promised."

"Uh yes, of course."

Zaina said firmly to Lilia, whose expression turned bright for a while.

"Stop with that face! I wasnt complimenting."


"Even now, you didn't care about the people in the room, you just barged in, and didn't even greet the guests properly."

"I, I was so glad to see everyonethat.

"No matter how glad you are, as a member of the noble family, you must not forget the responsibility to welcome guests. Speranza, who is still young, greeted properly."

Zaina mentioned Speranza, who was next to her and stroked her back at the same time.

"I know how much you like and follow Brother Kaneff and Lord Cardis, but you shouldn't act as you please. The more you like them, the more you should show consideration and respect for the other person."


At her mother's scolding, Lilia bowed her head without saying anything.

At the sight, Kaneff nodded as if it was natural.

Andras felt a little sorry for his sister but thought it was necessary, so he just watched quietly.

In a solemn atmosphere, Speranza pulled Zaina's arms. Naturally, her eyes turned toward Speranza.

"Are you mad?"

"Oh my Were you surprised, honey?

Speranza shook her head. She held Zaina's arms tightly with her small hands.

"I couldn't greet well either. I learned it quickly because Papa taught me. Sister will also be able to learn it quickly. So don't be angry."

Speranza expressed her thoughts clearly with an innocent expression.

Zaina's face, which had been surprised for a while, quickly formed a soft smile.

"Aww Speranza is really nice."

Zaina, who regained her smile, looked at Lilia again.

"Lilia, you know what you did wrong, right?"


"Then apologize politely to the guests quickly."

Lilia quickly pulled herself together, and she slowly bowed her head toward us.

"Uncle Kaneff, Brother Sihyeon, I'm sorry for being rude. I was so glad that I made a mistake. Can you forgive me just once?

She acknowledged her mistake in a wavering voice and politely asked for forgiveness. She had serious eyes that were not as playful as before.

Kaneff shook his hand with a slightly satisfied look.

"What do you mean, forgiveness I'm good. I'm not the kind of person to point out manners to others anyway. Instead, fix that tomboy behavior. It can be a nuisance to some."


Lilia's gaze came over to me. I said, scratching my head with an awkward expression.

"Although Zaina scolded you for being rude, I think it's okay. We can't completely say that it's a bad thing to be energetic and bright, right?

Brother Sihyeon.

"And just like Zaina told me earlier, am I not like a family? So, I think it's fine to act a little comfortably. Isn't that the charm of Lilia?

Lilia's eyes got filled with tears when she heard me, and soon she burst out all the stacked-up emotions at once.


"Oh? What?"

She jumped at me as if she was about to do a body check.

I got flustered and had no time to prepare, so I had to take the shock with my body.

Leaving behind the giddy feeling in my head, when I came to my senses, Lilia had burst into tears in my arms.

"Tsk, tsk, here he goes again, that softy."

"Hahaha. Isn't that Sihyeon's charm?"

"Speranza's dad is a very sweet person, huh?"

"Un, Papa is very sweet and Papa is very cool!"

People around me looked at me and Lilia warmly and expressed what they felt.

I looked blank for a moment, then smiled faintly at Lilia in my arms. And I hugged her lightly until she completely stopped crying.

After a while, Lilia stopped crying and walked out of my arms.

She was a little embarrassed, but she smiled so brightly that I couldn't believe she had cried so much until a while ago.

No one would believe she had cried if it wasnt for the eyes that turned a little red.

Lilia, who quickly regained her energy, asked with a smile.

"By the way, what were you doing here? I think I heard the piano before I came in here."

"I was playing Speranzas favorite song.

"Which song?"

"Cynthias hymn. You used to like this song, right?

"Yes! That's right. I really like this song, too."

Lilia raised her voice excitedly at the title of her favorite song. And as if she had an idea, she clapped her hands loudly and twinkled her eyes.

"Good! It's been a long time since I came to mum's workshop like this. Can't I also join in?"

"Oh, that's a good idea. I also want to play with my son and daughter after a long time.

Son and daughter?

I looked at Andras with a startled expression.

"Andras, do you know how to play?"

"I'm not as skilled as my mother or sister. It's just a normal level of looking at the music sheets and playing."


He replied modestly, but I naturally burst into admiration. I was genuinely surprised because Andras seemed to be someone who had nothing to do with music.

"Hoho! Shall we check the skills of my students?"

"Come quickly, brother."

"Ugh It's been so long.

Andras, who got dragged by Lilia moved helplessly.

The three members of the Schnarpe family brought their own instruments and began checking them.

Zaina sat on the piano, Lilia took the violin and Andras took the cello.

All three looked good together, but the sight of large Andras holding the cello looked a little sophisticated.

Only Andras took the sheet music, while the other two tuned the instrument without the music sheets.

"Speranza, do you want to sing?"

"Un, I want to try."

When asked by Zaina, Speranza smiled brightly and nodded.

I was worried that she might be nervous because it was different from the environment she usually practiced, but Speranza looked so excited that my worry got overshadowed.

The performance began at Zaina's signal.

At first, Andras couldn't keep up with the beat, but he quickly regained his stability and continued to play normally.

Three musical instruments intertwined in harmony, and created a beautiful melody.

Soon, Speranza's singing began to flow into the beautiful melody.

The harmony of the three instruments, which seemed already perfect, went to another level when it got combined with Speranza's voice.

Zaina skillfully centered herself so that everyone's balance was not broken, and Lilia gave off a popping charm like her personality.

Andras supported from the bottom so that there would be no holes even while he was struggling to play.

Despite the great skills of the three, Speranza did not lose at all and continued to sing leisurely.

I felt a mysterious sensation that not only my ears but also my whole body responded to the song.

It was a truly amazing experience for me, as a person from Earth to be able to get moved to a Demon world song.

The melody that filled the room gradually decreased and ended smoothly, leaving a strong afterglow.

The song that made my heart race ended, but I didn't feel any regret. This was because the song left a strong impression that was enough to quickly cover up the slightest regret.

Clap clap clap clap clap!

Clap clap clap clap clap!

I clapped my hands enthusiastically with emotions of admiration and respect.

Kaneff clapped his hands and looked satisfied just like me.

Lilia and Andras seemed to have really poured out everything as their faces were both tired and refreshed.

And Zaina.


"Awwwwwwww, Honey! How can you sing so well? This big sister was so surprised that I forgot I was even playing.

Unable to contain her excitement, Zaina hugged Speranza.

"Did I do well?"

"Yes! You did a great job.

"Hehe. I practiced a lot with Teacher Murain.

Zaina, who looked at Speranza so lovingly, said suddenly with a serious face.

"Speranza, Be my daughter."


"I don't think I can live if I can't listen to Speranza's song for one day from now on. That's why become the child of the Schnarpe family and live here with me. What do you think? What do you think?

Zaina seemed to be completely addicted to Speranza's charm.

Kaneff, who saw it, gave Andras a signal, who then went to calm down his mother while blushing with embarrassment.

Finally, Zaina, who came to her senses, apologized to me and Speranza, and along with that the fantastic performance and the tour of the workshop came to an end.

It was dinner time and we were escorted to the dining room of the mansion, where we met Lord Schnarpe, who arrived late.

"Im extremely sorry. Suddenly something came up, so I couldn't come and welcome you. I'm sorry."

"No, its okay. Zaina gave us enough hospitality. I and Speranza had a great time."

I waved my hand in surprise, but even after that Esbern kept apologizing, which put me in an awkward position.

Only after I said I would accept his apology, Esbern took his seat at the dining table.

As one of the greatest families in the Demon world, the large table Schnarpe family soon filled with luxurious food and alcohol.

The delicious smell that hovered around the tip of my nose quickly triggered my stomach.

Esbern, who sat at the host seat, looked toward us and said.

"Let's do the talking later. Let's start eating before the food gets cold. Please enjoy it comfortably without unnecessary formalities."

(To be Continued)

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