How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

A violent cry that made my legs tremble just by listening to it.

The Awakeners who were relaxed a while ago applied force to their hands holding the weapon.


The blurry shape gradually became clear in line with the loud footsteps.

After a while, the owner of the footsteps completely emerged outside the Rift.


The two-legged monster looked like a bear as a whole.

It had black fur with terrifying teeth that could be seen through the growling mouth and sharp nails that could rip everything, red eyes filled with madness, and a red chain all over the body

There was no cuteness of the bear in it, and it looked as if only the wild parts of the beast were gathered.

Do not panic! All we have to do is go to battle as we did so far!

"Everyone to the position!"

"Hurry up and get your weapons!"

As if proving that they were the best Awakeners chosen by the Angle, all the Awakeners who participated in the mission quickly got into their positions.

The same was true of me, Lia, and Yerin.

Everyone must have been confused by the appearance of another boss class monster, but everyone was full of confidence because there were few injuries while dealing with the giant mushroom monster.

But, as if to crush that confidence, another disaster fell upon us.


"What why all of a sudden"

"It exploded?"

The body of the giant mushroom monster lying on the ground began to swell and with the sound of an explosion of gas, it began to spray poison spores.


The explosion from its gigantic body instantly filled the wide area with poison.

In addition, the power of the poison was a lot more ghastly than that of the normal mushroom monster.

Hold your breath and take the detox potion!

Those who have already used the detox potion, FALL BEHIND! No one can survive long in this poison!

Someone quickly warned of the dangers of the poison, but the range of poison spores was so wide that the number of victims quickly increased.


Someone Someone give the po

Those who could not quickly get out of the poison spore range fell down complaining of pain.

There were only minor injuries throughout the mission, but the single poison spore attack just left many incapacitated.

[Yakum's Trust takes effect.]

[Resisting the poison thats trying to affect the body.]

Fortunately, I was hardly affected by the poison spore attack.

Pow wo wooo

Uhg! It smells strange, Popi

The children showed an unpleasant reaction, but, like Lia, who was next to me, they were not affected by the poison.


Yerin, Take this.

I handed my share of the detox potion to Yerin, who was struggling.

You, you

It's okay. Im fine. Stop talking and take it.

Yerin received the detox potion with a mixed expression of regret and gratitude.

Her face which was pale, immediately became alive as the potion worked.

There are a lot of wounded.

As soon as she got back on her feet, Yerin understood the situation and gave commands.

There are a lot of injured guys. We must immediately join the main force and face that bear-like monster


While Yerin was continuing her speech, red chains from the Rift began to extend in all directions.

Numerous chains were sucked into the mushroom monsters lying on the ground.



The mushroom monsters rose from the floor one by one, with red madness flashing in their eyes.


A swear word popped out of Yerin's mouth, who was giving instructions.

The unidentified giant monster that popped out of nowhere, the mushroom monsters that came back to life after the big mushroom monster poured poison all over the place isn't this some kind of trap set by someone?

Maybe everyone who was holding out right now feels the same way?

The situation was getting worst to the point of doubt.

However, the situation was not easy enough to continue the idea that came to my mind.

The resurrected Mushroom Monsters and the Giant Bear Monster began to press on us more and more.

There were so many who got poisoned which created a hole in the formation, and the battle quickly turned tides.

"Oh, ugh"

Yerin could not give any instructions on such a chaotic battlefield.

There was no answer except to quickly kill the enemy in front of us.


I turned my head to Lia's call and looked into her eyes.

I understood what she was trying to say with just a brief exchange of our eyes.

I replied with a relaxed smile.

"I'm fine. So go now. Everyone out there needs your help right now."

"All right. You stay here and dont overdo it."

"Okay, don't worry."

After hearing my answer, Lia left me and began to show her skills in earnest.

Every time there was a red glow around her, the enemies quickly collapsed.

I can't just watch!

I tried to control the mushroom monsters by maximizing my communication skills.


It was not easy to control them, perhaps because of the influence of the red chain.

When I was feeling frustrated, a red chain appeared on my wrist.


The red chain that stretched out from me quickly enveloped the surrounding monsters.

Then, mental control which was difficult a while ago was achieved too easily.

I had previously vowed not to use this power, but now was not the time to argue about it.

Thanks to my and Lia's activities, the mushroom monsters around us were quickly cleaned up.

In the meantime, Yerin took care of the injured people who fell down with her summon Camie.


"Thank you, thank you"

"Come on Come on Come on."

Unfortunately, there was no detoxification portion for the wounded.

There was also a lack of potions for the people who were fighting right now.

So, it was best to move the wounded to a place where the influence of poison could not reach.

While we were taking care of the wounded, the main attack team, including Yoon Daeho and Jin, were having a hard time with their battle against the bear monster.


The giant monster swung his big front paws with a roar.

Most avoided or endured the attack, but some bounced back without overcoming the shock.

Maybe due to the influence of the poison, their appearance was completely different from the overwhelming appearance they showed throughout the mission.

Even those who were being called the only hope were being pushed away.

Despair began to fill everyone's faces.

Yerin was no exception.

There was no way that she, who had a lot of experience, did not know the current battle flow.


At the time when I felt anxious looking at her face, which was getting darker, I saw someone groaning and collapsing.

Soon after, I realized that it was Jin, who was collapsed.

His face turned pale due to the overuse of mana.

I have seen him like this before, it happens whenever he uses a lot of high-level magic.

The problem was, right out he was not in a situation where he can afford to take a break.

Besides, the bear monster's crazy eyes were looking at Jin.


As soon as I realized that he was in danger, I started running toward Jin.


Once again, the huge bear monster swung its huge front paws.

Sihyeon !!!

Sihyeonnnnnn! !!!

I heard the voices of Lia and Yerin coming from behind.

I couldnt respond to their call because a huge paw covering the whole sky was in front of me.


The bear's front paw fell down and made a huge impact sound.



"Jin Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Jin's puzzled voice came out.

He took his gaze away from the protective shield in front of him and turned his head.

The surroundings were dark because of the bear's paws covering the sky, but his white-pale face was clearly visible.

Brother Si this is?

Its hard to explain in detail Just know that you are indebted to someone named Andras.

Andraswho is that

In the midst of this, Jin, being unable to contain his curiosity, asked a question, while the dark surroundings began to light up again.


The face of the monster, which was filled with anger was visible over the paws of the bear.

He didn't seem to like the fact that his attack had been blocked.

He prepares to attack us once again.

What if I use the chain on the artifact?

A strange thought popped in my head for some reason, and I suddenly felt like I should give it a shot.

I maximized the output of the artifact that Andras delivered using the red chains.

I felt a strong wave of mana on my arm.


I got ready to use attack magic as I practiced with Andras.

Before the giant bear monster tried to attack again, I tried to push the great amount of magic that rushed out of me.


A huge fireball appeared as if it was swallowing my mana.

The fireball was shot straight into the monster's chest.



The fireball produced an explosion loud enough to vibrate the ground.

I once again prepared defense magic with artifacts so as to not get caught up in the aftermath.

I saw the monster falling through the flying dust around.

The attack completely threw the monster out of balance.

I couldnt rejoice at making the giant bear monster fall.


An ominous sound was heard from the artifact side because it prevented the monster's powerful attack.

It seemed like I once again broke the Artifact that Andras worked hard to make.

I'm sorry, Andras.

I'll make sure to buy a lot of delicious snacks for you when I return.

While I was expressing my apologies to Andras in my heart for a moment, a group of worried-faced people ran this way.

"Are you two okay?"

"Sihyeon, are you okay?"

"Are you okay?"

Yerin, Lia, and Yoon Daeho asked the same question in turn.

I nodded with a slight smile, and Jin muttered with a half-awake look.

"Yes I think it's okay."

The three, who checked our condition, looked relieved.

The collapse of the giant bear monster has given everyone a breather.

Although we had to take this golden opportunity to regroup, everyone felt that the center of our strike power had disappeared due to a large number of injured people.

Yerin, who quickly grasped the situation, shouted.

"First, we need to move the injured out of the battle line."

Yoon Daeho immediately agreed.

"That's right. If we lose many Awakeners here, it will be a big challenge not only for many guilds but also for our country."

The Awakeners gathered here were the people who played a pivotal role in many guilds.

If there were many victims, it wouldnt affect their respective guilds, it would be a huge blow to the country.

Yerin and Yoon Daeho ordered the people to take care of the wounded, and fortunately, those who came to their senses quickly began to move.

Jin, who was exhausted, also escaped from the dangerous battlefield with the help of summon Camie.

After a while,


The fallen giant monster began to move again.

Yerin muttered helplessly when she saw him slowly getting up.

"You gotta be kidding, after getting hit that hard, its already??"

I bit my lips tightly in frustration.

There were still too many wounded left on the battlefield.

If the battle began again, a great sacrifice was inevitable.

Yerin and Yoon Daeho, who always gave quick instructions, could not say anything this time.

What do we do now?

At a time, when we couldn't find a solution, something unexpected happened.


A red light flashed next to me, leaving a long tail like a comet, and rushed toward the giant monster.



A powerful explosion burst from the monster's chest.

The giant monster who stood up lost his balance once again and collapsed.

We watched the situation with a blank look.

As the dust cleared, in front of the fallen monster, the owner of the red flash stood and muttered.

"Phew! It's a bear, but the skin is fu*king thick like a rock. I guess its not possible to rip out the heart in one shot

The great horn of the Demon on the head, a tail, and hands covered with red scales.

At the end of the hand were sharp nails full of monster blood!


She quickly turned her body at my call.

The corners of her mouth crept up when she found me.

It was a very cold smile that strangely matched the blood splattered on her face.

"It's been a while, Little brother? "


(To be Continued on Oct 24 {MON})

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