How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

Farm members along with two guests gathered in the large space of the living room.

When the brief self-introduction was over, Lia quickly prepared drinks and snacks.

Kaneff, who was sitting on his usual seat, quietly called me.


"Yes? Boss."

"What's going on?"


"Why is Speranza sticking to the girl who she saw for the first time?"


Kaneff pointed at Speranza who was sitting on Murains lap and eating snacks

I explained what had happened earlier to Kaneff, who looked at me with a dissatisfied expression.

"Speranza asked her to teach her how to sing and Miss Murain accepted the request."


My explanation did not dispel Kaneff's displeasure.

Unaware of what we were talking about, Murain was having a happy time playing with Speranza in her arms.

"Speranza eats so well. Do you want to have one more of this?"


Every time Speranza took a snack, the corners of Murain's lips widened.

Next to her, Surin was holding the baby griffins in her arms and handing out small pieces of fruit to them.



"Yes, two cuties are also hungry, huh?"

The two guests were completely absorbed in the cuteness of the little Griffins and the fox girl.

Sometimes when I see people who can't get out of the charms of children, I would think [wouldn't there be a great turmoil in the world if this fatal cuteness were to be used in a bad way?]

Well, its just some stupid thought of mine anyway.

"Hmmm Lady Surin. Can I start talking?"

Ah! I'm sorry.

Surin was startled by my question and took her eyes off of baby Griffins.

Her cheeks slightly turned red because she was embarrassed for getting distracted by the Griffins cuteness.

"It's alright. Where should I start?"

"I've already heard about the recent problems. Its  about the problem regarding Elden village and other villages in Cardis Estate, right?


I think it would be difficult to understand the situation just by listening If its okay with you, why dont we take a tour around the villages in your territory?

"Right now?"

"Yes! It's more accurate to see and judge with our own eyes rather than just listening to someones story."

Visiting the village in person

I have never personally visited any other villages except Elden village.

So her words sounded very convincing.

After all, there must be a reason for our ancestors to coin the phrase seeing is believing.

I accepted Surin's offer with a nod.

"Let's do that."

"Okay. Shall we start right away?"

I, Surin, and Andras left in a carriage to tour the villages of the estate.

Alfred wanted to come with us, but he had no choice but to give up since there was some unfinished work on the farm.

In her original plan, Murain wanted to follow Surin, but unexpectedly she got a cute disciple, so she decided to stay on the farm.

"Lord Cardis! Don't worry. I'll teach Speranza every single skill I've honed."

Murains eyes glowed as she burned her passion for teaching.

Even though it was only for a short time, I hoped it might be a good experience for Speranza.

Leaving the farm, we stopped by Elden Village to find a coachman who knew the way around nearby villages.

The hired coachman immediately climbed into the driver's seat and began to drive his horse skillfully.

The carriage quickly exited the Elden village and headed for another village on the Cadis estate.


The sound of hoofs and occasional rattles echoed regularly inside the wagon.

Around the time when a slightly awkward atmosphere was about to be felt, Andras spoke.

"I heard that Lady Surin belongs to the Blue Crystal chamber of commerce."

"That's right. And please call me by my name. You both have much higher status than I do."

"Hmm From now on, I'll call you Miss.Surin."

"I'll also call you Miss.Surin. Is it okay?"

She smiled softly instead of answering.

"I know Blue Crystal group is as influential as Golden Clock and Orphine. There are people who say, youre an integral part of the Blue Crystal group. If you don't mind, can I ask why such an important person accepted Ryans request?"

Is it strange that a person belonging to a merchant company showed interest in running the estate?

"It's not strange I just asked because you seemed like a pretty high-ranking person in the Blue Crystal Chamber."

"I'm not particularly high on the board. Instead, someone close to me is in the highest position. The owner of the Blue Crystal Chamber is my father."

"Oh Then, Miss. Surin was the main character of the rumors circulating in the social circles."

Andras burst out into admiration at Surins words.

I whispered softly enough that only Andras could hear it.

"Is Miss.Surin a famous person?"

"There is a rumor that the owner of the Blue Crystal chamber cherished his talented youngest daughter so much that he hid her from the world. This is a very famous rumor in the social world."

Surin burst into laughter when she heard the story.

"Oh, my father didn't hide me. I just wasn't interested in social circles."

She has been recognized for her outstanding talent and beauty, and is attracting attention from many nobles.

It's just an exaggerated rumor,

she said modestly, calling Andras's explanation an exaggerated rumor.

"You asked me why I accepted Sir Ryan's request, right? Personally, Im indebted to Sir. Ryan, but above all else, Im very interested in running an Estate. But as a woman from a merchant family, I havent had many opportunities until now."

It seems like even in the Demon world, there was a culture that divided the roles of males and females.

Especially in noble families, this tendency seemed to be more prominent.

In such a situation, I came to know about Cardis Estate through Sir. Ryan. It was surprising that someone from another world became a lord, and I also felt that the land itself would be very unique.


"Yeah. So when Sir. Ryan requested me regarding the Cardis estate, I accepted it without much thought. It was an opportunity that doesn't come often, and I was interested in it."

Andras and I nodded at the same time at Surin's explanation.

I now understood why Ryan said it would be good to make a connection with Surin at the swearing-in ceremony.

While we were talking about this and that, a loud voice came from outside.

"Lord! I think we'll be in the village soon."

The wagon, which was running vigorously, slowed down little by little.

The carriage stopped completely, and the coachman, who quickly landed on the ground, opened the door of the carriage.

"We're here, my lord."

We stepped out of the carriage, greeted by the polite coachman.

"This is"




My first impression of seeing the village of my estate was "Its miserable."

The buildings looked shabby, and the streets were full of unidentified garbage and filth.

The situation looked much worse than when I first visited Elden Village.

Andras and Surin did not show their emotions on the outside, but I could feel bitter emotions similar to mine in their eyes.

While looking around the village, a scruffy middle-aged Demon who appeared to be a villager came to us hesitantly.

"Who are you? Where are you from? Are you looking around the village?"

The coachman came forward and shouted at the demon's question.

"Know your place! Who do you think he is?


I never thought I would be introduced like the Clichd Bad guy No.1 who appears in comics and gets beaten by the protagonist a few minutes after the introduction.

While I was feeling strange at the coachman's roar, the scruffy middle-aged Demon asked back, trembling with fear.

Who is he?

He is Lord Cardis. The new ruler of this village.

Oh, my! I was stupid and didn't recognize you, my Lord. Please please please have mercy on me"

The middle-aged Demon immediately fell to the ground and begged me.

A loud and desperate voice echoed through every corner of the village.

What's going on?

Who are those people??

The villagers showed up one by one hearing the uproar.

I tried to raise the demon who fell down before a bigger misunderstanding occurred.

"You didn't do anything wrong, so get up first."

"Please mercy mercy"

He crouched and trembled while repeating the same thing over and over again.

I sighed deeply and spoke in a slightly stronger voice.

"I'll forgive you, so get up first. You'll be in trouble if you keep doing that."

As if he felt the emotions in my words, the man rose up at the speed of light.

However, he did not look at me, instead kept looking at the floor.

"Do you happen to have a representative in the village? I'd like to meet him if I can."

"Please, please wait a moment. I'll be right back."

The middle-aged demon ran off somewhere.

He rushed at such a high speed that he fell down in the middle, but got up quickly and started running again.

After a while, he came back with a young demon villager and an elderly-looking demon supported by the villager.

The elderly-looking demon trembled and tried to kneel down in front of me.

This time I moved fast and held him back.

"I think you're not feeling well. You don't have to do it."

"No, my Lord. Of course, I have to show my courtesy."

"Its fine. I dont like such formalities."

After repeating the same thing a few times, I was able to stop the old demon from kneeling down.

"My name is Conneil, the village chief. And this is my son."

"It's an honor to meet you, my Lord. My name is Drant."

I'm Lim Sihyeon, who was sworn in as the lord of this land. This is Andras, and this is Miss Surin.

When I introduced the two, the village chief and the villagers bowed again.

"Follow me. I'll show you where you can rest."

Conneil, assisted by his son Drent, became our guide.

We followed behind and headed inside the village.

Walking along the road, I slowly looked around the village.

The more I looked closely, the more I felt the situation in the village was dire.

I didn't feel any hope from the villagers who looked at me, only tiredness and emptiness could be felt.

The children, who still had pure eyes, were skinny as if they would collapse at any moment.

My heart ached as their image overshadowed Speranza who was on the farm.

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