How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 177

Chapter 177



At the attack of the wasps, the monster wasps made a strange cry as if flustered.

Monster wasps had a relatively large size and strong power, but when they were pushed with an overwhelming number, even they werent able to withstand it.

Normal wasps attacked indiscriminately at the heads, legs, wings etc. and the monster wasps fell one after another.


The desperate queen monster wasp made another ultrasonic sound wave.

It was an action to take control over the normal wasps.

Unfortunately, control was completely taken over by me.

It would have been very difficult if I tried to control this many wasps with mind control, but it was very easy because I just took over the control created by the Queen monster wasp.

The control of the wasps was also not very hard.


Once again the Queen's ultrasound echoed.

Without using my communication ability I was able to feel the irritation and resentment in the cries of the Queen Monster wasp.

It was as if the Queen monster wasp was screaming [YOU THIEF]


If you didnt want to be in this situation, you should have done everything in moderation. You should have hid yourself and preyed on some pests.

Why did you disturb the elderly of the village?

You just reap what you sow.

In the end, the Queen monster wasp could not withstand the onslaught of attacks and fell to the ground powerlessly.

The monster wasps that tried to escape as soon as the Queen fell were also disposed of quickly.




The wasps that completed my orders started hovering around me.

It looked like they were waiting for my next command.

Oh~! Great work, guys. Now that the monsters are gone, you have to be quiet and never attack the villagers! Don't bother the bees too much! Focus on pests. Did you understand? Well then, Goodbye!

I didnt know whether they understood what I was saying, but as soon as I said goodbye, they circled around me and dispersed in all directions.

I couldnt feel the cuteness like the Bees, but the sight of them following my orders felt a little cute.

As I turned around feeling light-hearted that the problem hovering the village got resolved, everyone looked at me with a strange expression on their faces.

What What What happened, everyone?

No Nothing happened Its just that

Jin blurted out the end of his words.

Instead, Yerin, who was standing next to him, answered with a tired expression on her face.

It's great that you used the wasps summoned by the Queen to subdue all the enemiesbut it's so overwhelming that we feel pitiful for them

I think this is the first time I have felt pity when dealing with monsters.

Yes Me too

Sehe nodded and agreed to Taehos words.

The two who were filled with faith in me also expressed their thoughts that were similar to Jin and Yerin.

I looked at Brother Junho with the last hope.


As soon as he made eye contact with me, his body trembled heavily, and he looked away.

Just looking at it, it was a look filled with burden.

I scratched my head and looked at the place where I fought the monster wasps.

Dead bodies of the monster wasps are lying all over the place.

I recalled the scene of the normal wasps going all out on the monster wasps.

Definitely, its not a scene thats worthwhile to remember.

But, why didnt I feel weird?

Instead, why did my head get filled with excitement?

It didn't seem like a high caused by battle.

I was confused because I couldn't find the reason.

Unconsciously, I looked at both of my wrists.

A little bit of red energy remained on the wrist that had been wrapped by the chain a while ago.

Could it be because of this?

I just freely used the power of the Red Chain in battle, but there were still many things I didn't know about this.

Moreover, the power of the chain was now several times stronger than when I first used it.

Suddenly, I remembered someone who ran berserk because of not being able to control this energy.

Leader. Until when can you hold up?

In the end there is no one who can stop it.

These were the words said by Lia, who was in Sis mode.

Now, it felt like those words were directed towards me and my heart sank recalling it.

Everyone here might have felt the same burden and rejection I felt while watching Lia going on a rampage.

I decided to be a little more careful about the use of red chains, and on the other hand, I thought I'd learn a little more about this red energy.

We came down from the mountain with Junho's guidance.

As we got closer to the village, I saw the shadows of a few people, who seemed to be waiting for someone.

From those shadows, few small shadows came running toward us as soon as it saw us.

Sihyeon came, Popi!



Rather than being happy to see the children approaching, I was more worried that they might fall while running on the rough countryside road.

Fortunately, the children who didnt fall, reached me and tried to hug me.

Wait, wait. I just came from the mountain. My dress is dirty and if you hug me now, the dirt will get on to you. So, lets do it after I take a shower.


Speranza pouted her lips as if she was disappointed that she couldnt hug me.

It was so cute that my hands almost went to pat her head without realizing it.

With superhuman patience, I endured my itching hands.

After that, mom, uncle, and Aunt came to us and asked with a worried faces.

Si, are you alright?

Yes, I'm fine. There are only a few scratches from walking around the mountain.

What about others? Just in case, I brought the first aid kit from the house. Should I call an ambulance?

Were fine. No one is seriously injured, so don't worry about it.

Haa.thats a relief.

A relieved expression came to uncles face after hearing the answer from Yerin.

Excuse me, Father! Arent you worried about the eldest son of the family?

Of course I was worried.. I was worried that you might cause trouble to others. You punk, why did you go up there?

No The mountain road is complicated, so I thought they would need someone to guide them.

Junho shrugged at Uncles shout and started making excuses.

Uncle, who seemed to be worried about Junho was dissatisfied with Junhos impulsive excuse, so I added a few words to what Junho said.

Uncle, calm down. Thanks to Brother Junhos guidance we did not get lost and reached the destination easily.

Yes. If it wasn't for Junho, we would have wasted a lot of time on the mountain.

Jin and I explained the fact that Junho helped a lot while stopping Uncle.

Hmmm, COUGH. Im glad that he was helpful.

At our explanation, Uncle calmed down and coughed.

Following it, Junho raised his head proudly.

As the chaotic atmosphere got sorted out, Kim Changsoo and his men appeared one after another.

Seeing you come down from the mountain so quickly, things don't seem to be going well, huh?

Kim Changsoo thought we had failed, so he approached us and spoke with a smirk on his face.

Hahaha! Like I said, you should have gone and dug wild vegetables. That would have been worth the dirt covered in your faces.

Thats rightHahaha.

Famous guild from the city, huh. I knew it. Everything was a bluff. They are just swindlers

Brother Junho threw a big bag in front of Kim Changsoo and his men who were mocking us.



The bag fell just before their feet.

Kim Changsoo asked looking at the dust that erupted around the bag that fell down.

Whats this?

Check it yourself.

When Kim changsoo turned his head and looked at the man who came with him, that man walked forward and opened the bag while revealing the contents to everyone.



Inside the bag was the head of the Queen wasp, which was in a size incomparable to that of normal wasps.

Kim Changsoo and his men's faces froze in an instant.

Junho spoke with a smile while looking at the surprised face of everyone.

This one was the leader of the monsters that made the mountain wasps ferocious. Of course, the other monsters were also cleaned up by the people here. This is the proof.

Another sack flopped and fell in front of Kim Changsoo.

The inside of the bag was filled with Magic stones and Soul stones obtained from the monster wasps.

Kim Changsoo didnt check the contents of the second bag.

Unable to control his anger, he bit his lips while his eyebrows got closer to each other.

You didnt forget the promise you made to Sihy in the morning, did you? Since he completed the request within the time, you have to pay the compensation.



Kim Changsoo kicked the bag in front of him and shouted.

What problem did you solve? I cant admit it.

As he screamed with a reddened face, everyone looked at him with a dumbfounded expression.

Is this proof? Maybe you guys brought this from somewhere else and pretending that it was from the mountains. How are you going to prove that there are no monsters on that mountain? Who will check it!

No one could open our mouths at his absurd claim.

Kim Changsoo's anger-filled eyes turned toward me this time.

YOU You turned your back on the village and ran away from this place. Why did you come back now? You have nothing to do with this village.

Huh, whats his problem? Did your mind rot from old age?

Uncle got angry and shouted at Kim Changsoo instead of me.

Is it that? I heard that the place where the factory would be built used to be your familys farm. Is that why you are disturbing me? If you have a problem you should blame your incompetent father. You should curse that loser for making your life miserable. Why are you disturbing me?

When Kim Changsoo mentioned my father and our farm, I felt like something was rising within me.

I controlled the rising emotions and looked back.

Gyuri and Akum were breathing heavily as if they would charge at Kim Changsoo at any moment, while Speranza looked at me with an anxious expression on her face.

Fortunately, mother and aunt hugged the children tightly and comforted them.

As soon as I confirmed that the children were fine, I removed the brake that was controlling my surging emotions.

The thing that reacted first to the outburst of my anger was the red chain.


Not much time has passed since I decided to be careful while using the red chain, but right now my head is not able to process such things.

The chains that extended from my wrists entangled Kim Changsoo's whole body.


As an unknown force bound his body, he panicked and his face turned pale.

Maybe he couldn't see the presence of the chain with his eyes.

I slowly approached Kim Changsoo and waved my hand in the air.

Then, from not far away, a fierce sound of wings began to be heard.



The wasps, which had not yet escaped from my influence, came flying with a fierce force.


Hey, whats that??

Its wasp, its wasp!!!!!!

The men around Kim Changsoo saw the flying wasps and screamed.

But strangely, they screamed while standing at the same place, even though they were not bound by the red chain.

Their bodies trembled as if they were facing a huge horror.

Ughhhhh. What are you doing !?

I slowly walked toward Kin Changsoo.

As soon as I reached him, the wasps surrounded his whole body as if covering him.


His scream echoed around the surrounding area.

I moved my hand and removed the wasps covering his eyes.

His wide-opened eyes were filled with extreme fear.

I stared at those eyes and whispered quietly.

Hey fu*ker. Never speak about my father with that god-damn mouth of yours.


If I ever hear your fu*king mouth speaking about my family, Ill rip your body into pieces, way worse than the monsters body in that bag.

Is it because of his insulting remarks about my father?

I dont know why, but I felt like my tone, behavior, and character felt completely different from the normal me.

At this moment, the only thing I can be sure of was, the more fiercely the red chain exudes energy, the more, a strange pleasure fills my head.

(To be Continued)

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