How the Cult Saves the World

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Let's think calmly.

The situation that Sevenus saw was just that his younger brother was trying to drink something in the bathroom.

He wouldn't know that what I was drinking was Pasrel poison. It's not like the bottle had Pasrel poison written on it.

So, showing a flustered look here would be the worst. The best thing to do is to act calm.

"Ah, brother. You're here?"

For a noble family, don't you have too little privacy?

I wanted to say 'Why are you barging into someone else's bathroom'. But if he said he was worried about me, a patient, I would have nothing to say. So I spoke calmly.

I should lock the door better next time.

"Yeah. But what are you doing?"

Sevenus narrowed his eyes and looked at me with a face that said he didn't understand at all.

This is a perfect situation for him to think something weird if I don't make an excuse quickly. I could tell by his expression.

"Oh. I just brought something cool to drink before washing up."

As I smiled calmly, Sevenus' expression softened a bit. His eyes were still full of doubt, but he seemed to let it go for now.

Phew. I sighed inwardly with relief and carefully approached Sevenus.

"By the way, what brings you here, brother?"

Sevenus looked busy these days, as much as Mother. If he came to find me at this time, did he have some free time?

"Oh, um. Err, well..."

For some reason, Sevenus' cheeks turned slightly red. What's wrong? Why is he acting like this?

-Hehe. His embarrassed look is so cute.

Kyros was very pleased with himself.

He was an adult, no, a head taller than me, and he found Sevenus' embarrassed face look cute.

Kyros had a strange taste.

"Come with me."



"Come with me."

What? At least tell me why.

But Sevenus didn't say anything to me, turned around, and left the bathroom.

I had no choice but to put the Pasrel poison in my inventory and follow Sevenus.

He didn't say anything as we left the room, walked down the hallway, and greeted the servants as we left the mansion.

'What is it, really?'

As we left the mansion, a cool breeze blew and filled the air with the scent of flowers from the garden.

It wasn't too bad to see the beautifully bloomed flowers and trees.

But Sevenus, where are you taking me?

It's not like he called me to take a walk in the garden or something.

Fortunately not.

He didn't say anything as we passed through the garden and the stable. We arrived at the training ground for the knights.

The knights were training even now...

Why did he bring me here?

"Oh, it's the princes."


The knights who were training greeted me and Sevenus. Some of them were the ones who accompanied me when I went out.

I waved my hand lightly from beside Sevenus who just nodded his head vaguely.

Looking at Sevenus entering the training ground, it seemed like this was our destination.

'...Why me?'

-My child, have you ever offended your brother?


-It seems like he wants to bully you...

'No way.'

I said that but I felt like it might be true.

When I recalled Revelof's memories, this brother was distant.

But not long ago, I insisted on going out strongly.

Of course, it was settled by vomiting blood...

I felt goosebumps all over.

Someone approached us then.

"Hello, Second Prince."

He was one of the knights who stood out among those who were training. A handsome man with golden hair cut short to his neck and green eyes.

Who is he? I've never seen him before. He had enough beauty to be a supporting character in HSAW, but he was a complete stranger to me.

"I am the most handsome knight in the Holden Knight Order, Fanatic."

He said that and smiled with a smug look.

Did he just say he was handsome with his own mouth?

Ugh, I hate it.

-Oh, he is quite handsome. Of course, not as much as my lamb.

Kyros agreed and I hated it more.

He didn't notice that my expression was freezing cold and Fanatic kept babbling.

"By the way, I ranked third in the popularity poll of Holden, right after the princes."

Too much information that I don't need to know.

I don't like that there is such a popularity poll.

And I don't like that I and Sevenus are the first and second in that poll.


I felt like my magic resistance was dropping because I had never seen such a character in the original.

By the way, why did he suddenly pop up and act like this?

When I had that question, Sevenus who had been silently watching the situation spoke with a face no different from usual.

"From today on, Fanatic will help you with your physical enhancement."

"Huh, what?"

This narcissistic guy?

"He's one of the best knights in the order, so you can trust him. He's a bit peculiar, though."

That peculiarity is the biggest problem.

"He's also your age, so try to get along with him."

What about my opinion...?

Before I could say anything, Sevenus tapped my shoulder lightly.

"Now that you're free to go out, I think it's right to increase your physical strength. Some exercise will help."

He was right. I also planned to exercise and increase my strength.

But only by myself.

Of course, if I did it alone, I would need some excuse to cover it up.

Because what I knew was to exercise knowledge from modern times.

So the current situation wasn't bad...

"I understand."

I nodded reluctantly.

"Good. Then, Fanatic, take good care of Revelof. His physical strength is almost nonexistent, so be careful."

"Yes, Prince. Don't worry. I know as much about the Second Prince as the doctor."


"Okay. Then, work hard."

Sevenus left the training ground with a satisfied look on his face for some reason.

Leaving only me and Fanatic behind.

"Wow, by the way, you're really beautiful, Second Prince."

Fanatic smiled brightly at me.

"Oh, thanks."

"Well then. Shall we sweat and run beautifully together?"

Oh, please.

-It seems my guess was right.

Save me, really.

I returned to my room when it was almost evening.

"Ouch, my body... You're a knight, I don't know about your mental state, but your physical strength is too good."

I had to exercise with Fanatic all afternoon.

Fanatic was as skilled as Sevenus said.

He made me exercise within a reasonable range, considering my physical strength, and took breaks in between.

Yeah, his exercise method was perfect.

The problem was... my body was like a paper doll.

"How can you be so weak, even though the training seems weaker than the home training I used to do? What kind of body do you have?"

So even though I didn't do high-intensity exercise, I was exhausted physically and mentally. I had muscle pain, of course, and my body ached.

If I hadn't used healing skills to relieve fatigue, I wouldn't have been able to lift a spoon by now.

Ah. And a while ago, I experimented while using healing skills on my body.

The current experience of healing skills is [2/10].

The skill's experience increased depending on the number of uses, but it didn't increase unless I saw the 'effect'.

When I used the healing skill right after using it on myself, the skill worked but the experience didn't increase.

'It's a bit disappointing, but it's not a big deal.'

Of course, I wasn't disappointed because I expected it.

Anyway, after exercising, eating, taking Pasrel poison in the bathroom, and washing up, it was already late at night.

'I want to sleep a little.'

I was mentally tired even though I relieved my body's fatigue with healing skills.

I asked Kyros to wake me up and tried to sleep a little.

There was no alarm in this world, so it would be perfect to use him as an alarm.

But if I fell asleep now, it would be morning when I opened my eyes, so I gave up.

In the end, I got up again 30 minutes after lying down in bed.

'I can't afford to relax like this...'

In case of any unforeseen situation, I set up the room to make it look like I was still sleeping under the blanket and headed to the library.

Fortunately, most of the servants were asleep at this time, so I was able to safely reach the library.

I chatted with Kyros about some nonsense while passing through the secret passage, then put on glasses and a robe.

As soon as I arrived at the back alley, I headed to Jain's shop.

-You're coming here again today.

'Yes. There's something I really need.'

To achieve today's goal.

I was almost a regular now, so I just nodded to the old man at the counter and went downstairs.

Jain greeted me with a bright face even at this time.

"Welcome, customer!"

I felt bad when I saw his face that was bright with money. Why is that?

I narrowed my eyes and Jain noticed my mood and spoke with a sad business smile.

"What do you need today?"

"Five moonflowers and three white lizard tails."

"Hmm. I have moonflowers, but I'll have to check if I have white lizard tails."


I threw him the money pouch in my arms and Jain hummed a tune as he took the money and went into the iron door.

He said he might not have the ingredients, but it took quite some time this time.

There were several loud noises from inside the iron door and then he came out.

"Phew! Luckily there were exactly three left!"

He ran over to me shaking three white lizard tails with excitement.

No, do you have to shake them?

"Here you go. Do you want me to pack them for you?"


I'm going to use them right away anyway.

I took the moonflowers and white lizard tails from Jain and stuffed them into my robe pocket.

"But what are you going to do this time?"

I was about to leave when Jain suddenly asked. His mouth was smiling but his eyes were more serious than before.

Did he already get the signal?

"Why are you curious?"

"Well... You don't seem to be afraid of 'them' in Rovel."

It's probably because of yesterday's incident.

"You made a cure for 'Happy' and helped the people of Rovel. But you came back here again... Well, it seems like 'they' haven't noticed yet. But they'll probably find out soon, right?"

Jain was talking about the Rizes Church, of course. Jain was a merchant who traded many things. He had many hard-to-get items, but the most precious thing Jain had was 'information'. So he was well-informed.

I smiled faintly and answered.

"I don't care."

"Why? You know what kind of bastards they are, don't you?"

"Yeah. I know it very well. And..."

And their weakness.

But I didn't need to tell him that, so I turned around.

He must have bitten the bait by now.

Soon Jain would come to me on his own.

-My child, what are you going to use those for?

As I left the shop, Kyros asked me with a curious voice.

'You'll see soon.'

I headed to a deserted alley.

My plan for today was to infiltrate the Rizes Church branch in Rovel and take care of it before Terdius did.

Then I would be able to get 'that'.

'Good. Perfect.'

At that time, I thought my plan was quite plausible.

"You want to die, don't you? Didn't I tell you to get lost?"

Until I ran into Terdius on the wall of the Rizes Church branch in Rovel.

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