How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 755

- Gaiden Episode 122

Gaiden Episode 122

If there is no shopping mall, the transaction of goods does not take place.

Aside from simple daily necessities, what about food? I looked around this area, but it doesn't seem like self-sufficiency is achieved otherwise?

Then life cannot be sustained.

Shinsoo, you can do something just by eating that tasteless grass, but humans can't do that... … .

Wondering, as I wandered around a bit more, I soon witnessed the answer without difficulty.

The movement of people going out is constant. Most have gone somewhere and are coming back with something.

The place they are heading to is a temple-like building.

‘hmm??… Do you get anything out of it??

The only thing I care about is their faces.

There is no ups and downs in his expression, and his gait is monotonous. I don't feel any interest or motivation in life.

To be honest.

‘Not good... … This kind of atmosphere.'

The air is so stuffy that I would soon get tired of it and escape by breaking a window and jumping over it.

More than anything, I had a strange feeling.

That I would see a sight that did not suit my taste at all.

In conclusion, my hunch was right.

I watched them and watched their actions blankly, forgetting to say anything for a moment.

“Certainly, that would solve the problem of supply, but… …

This is a headache.

Thinking so, I grabbed a human who happened to be nearby.

“hey. Let me ask you something.”

“what… … Is it work?”

“That you have… …

Is it your food?”

It seemed to be wary while being puzzled, so I had no choice but to look him in the eyes and pour a weak amount of mana.

Okay. It is simple hypnosis.

answer me Answer me. The answer comes out quickly.

“… … That's right. Today is distribution day, so I'm taking it.”

“rationing? Oh yes. That's it. I'm sorry for suddenly asking something strange.”

I don't have to listen anymore.

When I pat him on the shoulder and send him back, he finally comes to his senses and looks around with a puzzled face.

I scratched the back of my head nervously and watched them take it again.

An unidentified mass of pure white.

Then they turned their heads again toward the temple they frequented. There is a huge object still in the process of being dismantled.

It is a beast. behemoth.

pure white god.

“I couldn’t believe he was eating divine water… …

It was something I couldn't have imagined.

Well, at least that didn't happen when I ruled here.

How have you been?

I caught a few more people and interrogated them under hypnosis, and I figured out the cause and effect to some extent.

Although they ate divine beasts, they were not particularly hunting them.

That's an old deity to the last.

In other words, it seemed to have died a natural death.

Surprisingly, it was the gods who provided it to humans.

‘What are you thinking?' However, when I heard the circumstances, I also thought that there was nothing I could do about it.

About 4,000 years ago, it seems that there was a great famine here. Even if it is not, it is a strange country to the extent that divine beasts occur abnormally.

A large-scale famine occurred, and food for humans and other creatures was extremely scarce.

Shinsoo can hold on, but humans couldn't.

If not, humans may be in danger of extinction.

Of course, those needlessly far-flung, wide-open spaces couldn't stand still. It seemed like he was trying to do something.

Then I found it by accident.

How to feed humans the corpses of their own kind.

“… … Is it a difference in sensibility?”

Shinsoo tends not to care much about the dead members of their own kind.

He mourns the moment, but has no regrets after that.

I wonder if he thought that if he could protect humans by using such dead people, that would be enough. They periodically provided the corpses of their kind to humans.

And other old divine beasts also expressed their willingness to become food for humans when their lifespans were over.

Even more so, it is said that it was a certain divine beast that first proposed it.

That's why humans regard this piece of meat as a gift from the gods and eat it with gratitude.

‘That's absurd.'

Is it sublime? In a way, it's a truly terrifying decision.

Isn't there a lot of gods who have reached the end of their lives? It seemed that only one animal could have lasted for three hundred years.

Surprisingly, just eating one of those can sustain life activities for a year.

‘But I'm not greedy at all.'

Revolutionary unconventional food is on the horizon, but I haven't been surprised.

Rather, they shook their heads when they ate it and saw what effect it had.

‘Originally, it's a last resort to survive... … There's no way there aren't side effects.'

The meat of the divine beast affects the human mind.

It's not like eating something crazy or anything like that.


“... … Are you losing your temper?”

Humans who ate the flesh of the Shinsu seemed to have a similar mindset to the Shinsu.

Sage time in vulgar terms.

To put it sublimely, liberation.

It is to throw away lingering attachments to the world and spend time in a daze.

‘Well, if you give it to a temple or something, they'll say it's good, but... …

Well, it's not that I'm enlightened, it's that I'm forcibly emptying my head.

The effect will wear off after a while, but take it again around that time.

Eventually, the vicious cycle repeats infinitely.

‘I thought it was strange before.

Why can't this place develop even though there are humans... …

I seemed to know why.

I don't need to eat, so I don't even try, and I just maintain a minimum life.

If you're not greedy, you probably don't have the will to do anything.

“That guy… … It seems to find a way and affect the other world as well.”

It was only now that I understood a little bit what Sylphia was worried about.

‘Then what about this... …

I'm not really hostile to them. There is no reason to force them to do anything.

Originally, my purpose was information or means to fuck Mel's bastard, so would this have anything to do with it?

‘I don't like it... …

I can't help but feel uncomfortable about it.

It was when I was sighing as I watched their actions.

“???? uh'?”

A faint sound rang in my ears.

it's someone's voice But a voice of a different pattern from the lethargic humans here now.

Take care and let's go.

“I see! You must not eat the flesh of the divine beast!”

“The meat may have strange effects on humans!”

“Please don’t be deceived and eat it! Then you will know!”

Several people, led by a certain young man, were appealing for something.

Upon hearing it roughly, it was a cry pleading not to eat the flesh of the divine beast.

They are different from other humans.

Above all, the atmosphere is different.

I feel the vitality of a child suitable for my age, not the detached atmosphere felt by them.

They were still shouting.

“How many times have I told you that eating them makes you weak!”

“Listen to me.”

but i can't listen Doesn't even give a glance

No matter what I say to them now, they won't be able to hear it.

But it sounded clear to my ears.

“therefore… … Huh!”

He was shouting hard, but the reason he was surprised was because I was staring at him from behind.

The young man freaked out and backed away.

“Who are you all?”

“Who do you think you are?”

“???? yes?”

“No, don’t worry about anything. More than that, you are a child... … You behave differently than the other humans here.”

What I care about is his behavior. normal. After looking at him, I found out why.

“Aren’t you guys eating that?”

“… … yes. It is.”

The young man shrugged slightly. it would be to block me

Right. Are you getting any punishment?

“I don't know if they'll punish you for not eating that, but don't worry, I won't inform you.”

“… … That sounds like you're not a resident here.”

“What will happen?”

But there is no reason to tell that kid my story.

Rather, I am in a position where I want to hear the story.

“Tell me at once. Why are you shouting here?”

At first he hesitated, as if he didn't feel the need to tell me, but then he confided in me.

It's nice to be pure.

“It was a coincidence… …

The young man's name is Vilen.

Originally, he, like other humans, was living his life in a daze, unaware of any abnormalities.

It is said that it was triggered by an accidental slip and fall on the mountain.


“Yes, because it was my job to investigate the ecology of the animals there.”

You should do some minimal repairs or work on the city or surroundings.

In his case, it seems that it was a task to roam the nearby mountains or forests to prevent animals from approaching the city.

“hmm… … It was a big deal.”

“I really almost died. It took me ten days to barely climb up.”

“But on the contrary, did that become an opportunity to come to your senses?”

It is said that it was the day when he received food distribution.

And I unintentionally skipped that period.

“The first thing I felt was hunger rather than pain.”

Fortunately, he was used to the mountains and, above all, he was not injured, so it was not difficult to catch birds or small animals.

“And I realized. How much of your former self... … Weird.”

“So you realized the discomfort and never ate it again?”

” yes.”

A few people agree with him and stop eating the meat, but that's it.

They kept complaining about the meat's discomfort, but no one listened.

that's the current situation.

“hmm… …

I quietly calculated for a while.

What to do with this?

Actually, this has nothing to do with me.

It's not my territory, let alone another world.

That's where I got my hands on right away.

Above all, it's not a mistake I made.

There is no will to help.

but… … .

“… … Let me ask you one thing, kid.”

“???? yes?”

“Is the reason you appeal so much because you think the current situation isn’t right?”

Are there any other purposes? I stared into the kid's eyes and pointed it out clearly.

“Why are you asking that?”

“It’s obvious. It's not easy to change one's habits, but it can be done somehow.

But it is different for other people.”

I don't even try to recommend it to others. Humans are basically the ones who look at themselves first.

If he realizes a sense of incongruity, he must not eat that divine water alone.

“There are things I learned only after I woke up.”

“Hoo? Is it like enlightenment?”

“Oh no… … It's not that grandiose.”

Vilen hesitated as if he was embarrassed to say it himself, then spoke.

“Even after I stopped eating it, I still remember that time. That's why I feel a sense of incongruity.”

When you are sober, you are confident and aware of yourself. The helpless self at that time was strange.

“More than anything, I felt guilty.”


“It was as if he doubted that he was simply throwing away his life.”

Is that why you appealed to others? to think it was wrong.

“That is your conclusion.”

“Because there were also words passed down from generation to generation from our ancestors.”

“huh? ancestors? Who is that?”

“Even if it looks like this, our ancestors said that when they confronted Shinsu-nim in the past, they cooperated with the then king for the first time to end it.”

I don't know if it's true or not.

He said a little embarrassed, but I kept my mouth shut.

Do you think it looks a bit like that? The man I first captured, who showed me a vision of the future and made me realize the concept of symbiosis.

“… … If so, is this also a coincidence?”

” yes?”

“No, it’s nothing. Anyway, if you say that, I'll help you a little.”

Got a little fickle.

At first, I only heard the circumstances and said, ‘You work hard. Bye Bye! Fighting!” I tried to go my own way, but I was capricious.

‘It's a little bit, but it has something to do with it.'

If you feel anything, they are willing to give you a hand.

More than anything… … .

“Well, that way will be easy this time. Just right.”

“yes? what is that... …

“No, it’s nothing. I understand a little bit, so I'm going to help you.”

Of course you'd be bewildered. Suddenly, a human who didn't even know where he came from came out to help.

“… … What are you?”

“I’m just a tourist passing by. Oh, is this ‘passing' important?”

Wherever in the world, ‘passing by' must be attached to be credible. It's scary since time immemorial.


“Since ancient times, the scariest ones are those with the names Ho-Hong Mama and Passing-Out.”

“What do you mean?”

“There is something like that.”

In any case, no refusal is accepted.

Arel's help is always compulsory. There is no yes or no choice.

It's a forced event.

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