How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 718

- Episode 85 of Gaiden

I completely forgot Episode 85 of Gaiden .

I thought so.

What more? The ominous nuance that it seemed that strength training was in vogue among young girls.

He is also from Ernesia Kingdom. Pena felt an indescribable thrill of doubt and quickly tried to bring Ilia back to her senses.

“Come on Spirit! At least take the presence of the spirits and come to your senses!”

Illia, who finally remembered her original purpose after much effort, shuddered to realize her true condition.

“omg! I almost forgot what I was supposed to do!”

did I just forget My arms still tremble as if I hadn't forgotten my body.

It will instinctively tell you that it is time to exercise.

Feeling responsible for this situation, Pena cleared her throat with a confused face.

“Ah anyway! Your body seems healthy enough, so let's start practicing spiritism in earnest now!”

“hmm… … Shouldn't we try harder'?”

“that's enough! no it's too much! I don't need muscles anymore!”

Fearing that if she left it like this, she would ruin a normal child, Pena, who was really desperate, shouted out, and Ilya was puzzled but obediently followed.

Anyway, the basics are done.

“I feel like I can convince my father right now!”


What do you mean by persuasion?

“no! Anyway, no way!”

If it were Arel, he might have laughed out loud and incited it, but Pena opposed it with a straight face.

The effect of the elixir will wear off in a few days, so I'll just have to teach you well until then.

“Now, it’s time to start practicing Spiritual Art in earnest.”


“Don’t answer like you’re sorry. Anyway, call the spirits.”

At Pena's urging, Illia obediently summoned the lightning spirit she had contracted with.


named it directly. It was based on Pena's personal opinion that it is good to be attached.

Jiji Jijiji!

The white lightning discharged and a bird wielding lightning appeared from within.

Somehow, Alfie fluttered his wings as if he was startled over his contractor, but he was probably mistaken.

“Look. How are you now?”

“Hmm? Maybe because of my mood, Alfie seems to have become more docile? Could this be the result of physical training?”

“no… … that would be an illusion That's not what's important.”

Pena also summoned Sele.


“From now on, we will practice controlling the spirits.”

Even if you give a simple command, the words will be heard, but the accuracy is low, and above all, it is difficult to carry out complex commands.


As Pena beckoned, Sele, who immediately understood her intentions, lightly spewed sparks.

The spewed sparks become embers of various shapes and scatter here and there, much like fireworks.

Even if Pena didn't have to explain it in language, he could carry out even complex commands because he had already read the doctor.

“Of course, this is not that simple.”

“… … I think I know somehow.”

Because he made a contract with the spirit, he intuitively senses the principle to some extent.

It is not a simple concept that simply conveys an idea.

If you don't master the art of using your thinking patterns as advanced as the wizard's magic formula, you won't be able to dream of using them skillfully.

“Can I too?”

“Maybe I can?”

Pena said willingly. It's not just to give you confidence, I sincerely think it's possible.

“Because I learned that way too.”

Don't make arrogant remarks that only you are special.

If you work hard enough, you can definitely do this much.

“If you practice step by step, it will take time, so let’s learn it with a little rough method.”

This time, I'm sure I'll practice in a tough way. Ilya was nervous again.

“From now on, I will command the spirits to attack you, so Illia, use your spirits to deal with it.”

“… … Eek?! Why?”

“This is the most certain.”

Through combat training, you have to struggle with a sense of crisis to exhaust your body most intensely.

Pena also once practiced with the help of Dia and her aides who stayed in Fahilia.

As much as you suffered... … no It is to practice based on the experience you have learned.

“ruler? Try to deal with it.”

Excited as if she had a little fun, when Pena beckoned, the fire spirit Sele jumped vigorously and began to exert her power.


“Quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa It's fire!”

“Whoop whoop. Be strong.”

For some reason, feeling lost in vague memories, Fena pushed Ilia without hesitation.

It's all about this being good.

without forgetting to say.

While practicing like that, time gradually passes.

And the time comes.

The day will be decided whether or not that child will truly be recognized for his or her dream.

The eve of the Royal Academy academic festival.

Ilya was hanging around, unable to go back to take a break.

All applications have already been completed.

To be precise, it should be said that they were resolved one by one in an instant while the person was parenting.

Even the president of the academy came out in person.

(Until now, no one has made a presentation on spiritism, but I'm looking forward to it.)

I even said.

At that time, I thought the soul was running away somewhere.

‘why?! I just wanted to be acknowledged for my spiritual skills.'

Oh, the plate got bigger in the meantime.

What if it fails... … .

‘… … Most of all, Pena-nim helped me, but if it fails.'

I don't understand why she bothered to help her in the first place.

As the same Elementalist? No way. From what I've heard, I already know that there is an organization of elemental spirits she gathered in her hometown, the Empire.

“It's nothing special. It's recognition.”

“aha? That's it. What else do I... … ugh... …

“No matter how surprised you are, it's not like ‘Eugh!'...

Before you know it, Pena was talking to you.

“Mr. Pe Pena? this time… … how… …

“Somehow, I thought you were in trouble here.”

I know exactly what you're thinking. You must be restless from the pressure.

Pena sighed in understanding.

“It’s a burdensome law for everyone.

Especially when it comes to something important.”

“… … By the way, what about the recognition you just said?”

“Um… … Come to think of it, I didn't tell you.”

Did Pena just lack a bit of consideration? I thought. From Ilya's point of view, it might be a burden even though she was grateful.

Maybe because I followed the way Arel did, the way I was reckless was also correct.

“I am the same.”

” yes?”

“Because there was no one who cheered for the talent I had.”

Although the detailed reasons are different, it is true that there were times when Pena was not recognized as well.

“I was younger than you, Illia, when I first called the spirits.”

At that time, Pena vaguely thought that her father, who was the emperor at the time, would praise her.

It was the expectation of a child who does not know the world.

But her father is.

“I frowned enough to know when I was young.”

I mean like this. As if Pena was trying to imitate him, he partly made an ugly expression.

Needless to say, the hardships that followed.

“Maybe the reason I helped you was simply because I remembered myself back then. I'm sorry about that.”

It might be a bit of an obsession.

When Pena spoke with a wry smile, Ilia shook her head.

“Oh no… … I don't even care about lungs! If it wasn't for Pena-sama, I wouldn't have had this opportunity.”

If Pena hadn't accidentally met Illia, she would still be practicing spiritism meaninglessly in a corner of the academy.

And I would have had to give up because I was blocked by a wall.

In fact, she knows that too.

“… … Actually, I don't know if that's right.”

” hmm'?”

“I know. That there is probably no possibility for me alone.”

If Pena hadn't helped, would he have been able to carve his own path?

“I don’t have that kind of quality.”

Pena pondered for a moment what to say to this complaining kid.

“It’s natural that you can’t do it at first.”

One misunderstanding needs to be corrected.

You can do anything yourself. Talented people carve their own way.

That's wrong.

“It is natural for any genius to fail on his own at first.”

It doesn't look like that because other people don't see it.

Because they only see the results they have achieved.

“You haven't started yet.

So, of course, I didn’t realize it.”

“… … me?”

“Really, it won’t be until tomorrow that you know what you can do next.”

Haven't even started yet.

Will I be able to make that start or not? It will be tomorrow to measure it.

“Take care of yourself. At least there are no parents who would approve of a child with such a hesitant expression.”

At least there are no parents who would acknowledge a child who makes a tearful face.

First of all, you should have yourself.


Illya pondered as if he had a different opinion on Pena’s words, and then replied energetically.

Ernesia Royal Academy Academic Festival.

Those who are enrolled or graduated from there jokingly say that it is a time of presentation hell.

For them, publication of researched theories is like war.

I don't know if it's just casually leaving for the sake of networking.

A time of rare opportunity for those who sincerely pursue learning or fame.

To put it bluntly, scholars are on fire right now.

For fame, wealth, and knowledge, they burn with more enthusiasm than anyone else.

Ilya was equally determined.

‘I have no choice but to do it... …

Die or black out.

Come to think of it, if you fail, you will eventually go home and not die?

I tried to think as lightly as possible.

By the time I regain my composure... … .


A familiar voice calls out to you.

Ilya, who had been breathing deeply, stopped holding his breath.

“Suck? !”

“What are you doing… …

A voice that sounds a bit sluggish. Of course you can't ignore it.

Ilya looked back in amazement.

“Oh father?! how?!”

“Did you think you wouldn’t come?”

Chelford frowned. Are you angry?

Are you still dissatisfied with practicing spiritism? Ilya was confused, not knowing his intentions.

With such a daughter, Chelford pursed her lips as if she wanted to say something.

“… … no.”

He let out a short grumble.

“A child like you hasn’t changed since then or now.”

“father… …

“Your stubbornness aside, it seems that you have already caused trouble to many people.”

“It’s a pity… …

Ilya looked at him slightly sullen. If you were expecting it, it might be.

But what came out of his mouth were just harsh words.

But Ilya again held on to his heart.

I never thought that I would be recognized easily from the beginning.

Insignificant words only look ridiculous. On the contrary, Ilya just stayed still, cutting down on useless words.

“… … Yes, at least don't make it an embarrassing place.”

Chelford just said that and turned his back.

“… … Don't watch it for now.”


The academic festival has begun.

Promising students and professors of the academy, even those who have already graduated long ago and are making a name for themselves as civil servants, appeal to the theory they have uncovered and appeal for its usefulness.


and passionate

In other words, an announcement of their future.

And those who watch it can't help but be serious as well.

“Hoo… … This.”

“I think the theory that Lee is arguing for is quite useful… …

“I will need to sponsor you later.”

The listeners were either the lord of some place or the officials dispatched from the royal castle.

It must be because it is also important to measure useful things and embrace those who find them.

‘wow??… It's more serious than you think... …

Pena also broke out in a cold sweat after reading the atmosphere in the special seat, saying that this was a little embarrassing.

I knew it, but I thought it would be this serious.

‘Wouldn't it have been better to tell him to come see Arell... …

Arel didn't come to the academic festival today. It seems he had something else going on.

They are in the process of negotiating for the expansion of the academy in earnest.

Pena came instead, but she only came because she was concerned about Ilia's results.

If you think about it, isn't this the first time that Pena has taught someone to bring out that result?

‘… … Will it work?' How

a former pro

sucks honey

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