How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 702

- Gaiden Episode 69

Gaiden Episode 69

‘I don't know if it would be better for me to visit.'

Anyway, since I know roughly where she is, I can always visit and ask how she is doing.

There's no need to hesitate. Whatever you say, it's a benefactor. Turning away from it all over again must be the mindset of those who are not even as good as animals.

“Then I’d rather visit you on this holiday… …

Let's talk again. when you think so


Something fell over his head.

” what?”

It is a paper.

Who threw out the trash? Let's wonder and pick it up. I soon realized the discomfort.

In the first place, who would throw away trash from the sky? Above all, it is not simply trash.

Just look at the letter.

“I have a bad feeling about it.”

Did you feel someone's presence when it fell?

He hesitated, but finally unfolded it.

“???? damn.”

I had to run out with it as it was, holding it in my mouth.

“uh? Wait! Where are you going! Still tidying up!”

“I’m sorry, but you guys finish it for me today!”

I have an urgent business, so I will be away for a few days. He shouted and hurriedly ran somewhere.

I must say it's a common threat.

The sender is also unknown. Of course, there's no way it's written in polite writing.

The content is short, but it contains only the rough words to say concisely.

There is nothing to summarize.

I've got your cheeky little boy.

If your life is worth it, come to me directly.

“You don't even have to say who that kid is... …

The culprit has nothing to think about.

no, there is no other The aristocrat who was in trouble at that time.

He was also in a position to know the arrogant behavior of the nobles, so he easily thought of his intentions.

But if it had been this far, I would have thought a little more calmly. Another sentence included in the letter confused his perception.

Doesn't he belong to the runaway Relfenforald family?

There he somewhat lost his cool.

Without even having time to think about why that happened, he obediently headed for his destination as he was called.

A small village located on a manor away from Fahilia.

It was clear from the point of seduced outside that it was to avoid Arell Ernesia's wrath.

“Is it because of me… …

He murmured as if to blame himself.

However, the reality is his delusion.

It's the trainer's mistake for not doing the cleanup properly in the first place, and most of all, the other person left because she was the one who was involved.

However, unaware of such circumstances, he simply headed for his destination as he was called out seriously.

I brought my own sword, but how much help would it really be?

Even if you're anxious, there's nothing you can do about it.

“… … It is my responsibility.”

If someone heard this, he would have been slapped on the back, but the problem was that no one would come and point it out now.

Arriving at the indicated destination, he followed the prescribed route.

‘Has it already caught up?'

Suebuck! Explicit footsteps followed. It's probably a team with the guys.

It must have been a sign to deliberately induce.

It means you can't run away.

Kells deliberately pretended not to know and followed the path.

And all you see is an empty building.

Perhaps it was deliberately reserved.

The sound stops. maybe you should go in

Kels swallowed dry saliva as if he had made up his mind and went in.

There is no need to be intimidated in the slightest.

Rather, that's what they want, so it's better not to see it.

“I came as written!”

He shouted in a voice that was about to crack.

“Am I not the one with business!

Come on out!”

And meanwhile... … .

“???? uh?”

The trainer, who was still, heard the young man's voice and looked around as if wondering.

“Why is that guy?”

I wouldn't have heard it wrong.

It was just that she was quietly caught, intending to take this opportunity to vent her anger by bringing in all the troublesome things.

But why did that kid come here?

Only then did I want to ache inside.

‘Common sense, of course, the purpose must be to get revenge on that kid... … : I thought I made a mistake. Maybe because I've been feeling a bit bad lately, I couldn't get my head around properly.

‘No, it's strange that the mind comes straight to you saying it's longer than that!'

It was clear what the threat was. But if you think about it a little, isn't it obvious?

… … Again, the root cause was not to reveal his identity.

Thinking that far, she lowered her head. It must be because of your own shame.

If this is known, it will always be a laughing stock on this floor.

‘..what to do.'

The trainer actually broke out in a cold sweat as if he was embarrassed.

A sense of crisis, not a sense of crisis.

The original plan was to burn all of the moderately annoying things together.

It was good to be out of Pahilia. If it wasn't for Arel's territory, there would be less complaints.

‘ah… … Things went wrong.'

do i have to wait for a while Kells's voice continued to echo as he was perplexed.

“I already know that I am the one with business! So free that child who doesn't care!”

… … Somehow, my head hangs down.

is this shame

More than that, what on earth does that kid believe in and come out so confidently?

He may have prepared himself in his own way, but from the trainer's point of view, he felt nothing but sadness as if he were watching a child pull out a knife and set it up.

‘It's embarrassing to see.'

So while she shakes her head in a complicated state of mind, the situation continues to flow.

It seems that the one who led this incident has appeared. Laffin, accompanied by his escort, came out arrogantly slowly and laughed at Kells.

“hot! You shout without knowing the subject.”

“… … you are indeed Is it like that?”

Kells noticed that Lafin wasn't the only one plotting this.

Because one of the people with Raffin was familiar.

“It's been a while. … … Limald.”

The man called Rimald didn't answer, but he was certain.

A butler who worked for Kells' runaway family.

If he was here, it was obvious who had ordered it.

“Was running away not enough?”

“… … It is for the Relfenforald family. It's just that the elders judged that it would become a nuisance if your name was known.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“It is shameful as a human being to have someone who has the ability to talk to monsters. Isn't it?”

It must be that he did not want to be known that a child with the ability to handle monsters came from a family.

“I think you know a little bit about what the kid is talking about.”

Kels clicked his tongue in disgust. Rimald glared at him with contempt.

“Please resent those nasty qualities.”


But Kells snorted on the contrary.

“I was taught by a certain kid that it was an invaluable talent. Rather, these days, I am grateful.”

And instead, he laughed at them and pointed his sword at them.

“Don’t think you’ll be taken lightly!”

“joy. Talking nonsense... …

Laffin laughed at Kells and nodded his head.

His presence increased to the point of being explicit around him.

How many people did you hire? Isn't it really amazing?

“I want to ask you something. Can't I just let go of the kid I caught?”

“Sounds without hesitation! After you've been dealt with, the kid is next!”

“… … act.”

Kells clenched his sword, thinking that things couldn't be solved that easily.

If that's the case, after creating as much confusion as possible, look for the gap and find the kid and send him away.

I don't know what will happen next, but whatever happens.

At least I will repay the favor.

I made my own decision and shouted.

“Come on!”

Immediately, hired guys brandish swords and attack.

I fought back, but how long will I last?

It's good to beat the guy who jumped in the first time with vigor. After all, it was not fatal, but rather staggered to its feet.

‘ shit??????

It was too weak. who? Kells himself.

If I knew it would be like this, I would have trained myself.

Come to think of it, that kid kept teasing him for being weak.

I'll listen more seriously.

While I was complaining inwardly, one of the blades wielded by the enemies barely grazed me.

“Chit… … Don't you have time to complain?”

Feeling a sense of crisis in earnest, he desperately endured, but it was not as easy as he thought.

‘I can't do it then... … Even that kid can find a gap... …

It was then.


There was the sound of something breaking.

” what?”


There was another roar, and this time the ceiling shattered.

And something lightly fell from above and stood as a barrier between Kells and the enemies.

“… … little girl?”

“I'm not a kid, and there's no reason to be called that.”

She, the object that Kells had been trying to find somehow, broke in casually.

“ha… … Reflect. It wasn't like this in the first place.”

She mumbled as if complaining about something and looked around.

“There are many things I want to say, but later.”

She lifted her hand, and Kells' wound healed in an instant.


“Simple first aid. This kind of magic is basic knowledge. It's not particularly difficult.”

While really ordinary wizards foam at the mouth when they hear it and say something that will make them protest.

“You damn kid!”

One of the men hired by Laffin swung his sword at the trainer, swearing at him.

Since Kells was summoned anyway, there's no need for hostages.

“How stupid.”

The trainer sneered and lightly took the sword with one hand and swung the other arm.

“???? uh?”

A man possessed by moaning without even realizing it.

And the man's neck spun in the air and fell.

“It was a mistake to do something outside of Pahilia.”

If it was there, there would be someone to notice, so he would have tried to deal with it quietly.

Killing would have been avoided.

But now, she has a cause, and above all, her planting is the worst.

“It is your mistake.”

Chew. With just an additional wave of the hand, blood fountains spurt out and enemies fall one after another.

“What is it!”

The aristocrat Lafin, who had instigated this, was frightened and took a backward step.

On the other hand, Rimald opened his eyes narrowly in admiration, as if to judge a trainer.

“Hoo… … From the looks of it, it doesn't seem like a normal bet.”

Those who didn't know her identity might have just thought she was hired somewhere.

“It doesn’t matter what you attack.”

I got tired of talking kindly to each one.

“I’ll definitely finish it this time.”

The trainer lightly raised his hand. Enemies startled.

With just that little arm, he showed an unusual slaughter. Of course you should be vigilant.

“joy. I wouldn't do such an inelegant finish.”

Clearing them all is simple, but that's not enough.

The words of Rimald in particular bothered me.

“It makes you pay.”

Aren't you embarrassed? You have to show the price of belittling.

“It just went well.”

The trainer glanced at Kels, who was absent-mindedly behind him.

“???? me?”

“huh. Good to see.”

It would be nice to show an example once in a while.

“I’ll give you a chance to see, even for a moment, the state you’ve reached at the end of the precious skill you mentioned.”

There's just something good about it.

Muttering so, the trainer leisurely took a couple of steps forward.

“hey… … what the hell... …

I tried to warn you that it was dangerous, but she rather waved her hand and showed a relaxed look as if telling you to stay away.

“… … Kut! What are you doing! Hurry and deal with it! Kill it!”

Raffin brushed off his subordinates and ordered them to use their hands, and Rimald, who was watching, also drew his weapon himself, as if he felt something ominous inside. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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