How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 675

- Gaiden episode 42

Gaiden episode 42

“Who is that?”

“I don’t know about that. but… …

In addition, similar phenomena occur, and it seems that they started a sit-in without listening to the control of the lord.”

There is no such phenomenon in Ernesia Kingdom.

However, it seems that it is considered a troublesome thing in other countries except the kingdom.

“… … It's a big deal.”

And the actions of the citizens possessed by the engineer.

There was something that bothered me to simply see it as someone else's business and watch it.

It's not a coincidence either. It's obvious.

“Dia, do you know where that village is in detail?”

“… … I heard it first.”

Fortunately, it's not that far. No, it's not close, but it's not a place you can't visit enough.

‘Finish… … That's fine.'

I glanced at the girl crying in the middle of penance and thought.

“I have work to do, so help me a little.

can you?”

“No problem, but what are you going to do?”

that's not obvious

“I want to check it myself.”

The village that Dia mentioned earlier.

If my prediction is correct, it probably won't end as a mere phenomenon.

It smells like dog shit.

“Oh, and… …

I point to Seldin, who has been training for a while.

“Prepare him too.”

“???? yes?”

I can see that I let out a sigh of relief at the thought of getting out of practice.

“Are you doing it? So, isn’t it customary to follow Dia all the time?”

“I don’t know if that’s the case… …

“And because it looks like it’s free. Ask them to come with you.”

There, maybe Seldin can help.

With that certainty, I insisted on starting right away.

Jump a long way at once using Dia's teleport magic.

As soon as we set off, we were able to reach our destination in tens of seconds.

“As expected, the top lord… …

Seldin, who had not yet mastered magic properly, looked around in admiration.

This kind of fresh reaction is the true taste of bringing newbies.

Seldin's reaction is new because he uses such technology without hesitation these days.

“But isn’t this another country? Can you come and go this quickly?”

“Can it be?”

I snorted. Dia didn't say anything.

territories of foreign countries. However, if they wanted to officially enter, it was clear that the country would waste time, and the other side would waste time sluggishly seeking out the true intentions.

“ah. So please sneak in... … Soup!”

Seldin, who was about to say something useless, was blocked by Dia's staff.

“it's okay. There is nothing to be found out about.”

The teleport was not detected, and the outfit was moderately comfortable.

“are you okay? I'm used to sneaking around like this. And you never got caught?”

Surprisingly, if you walk around confidently, no one will suspect you.

“… … In the past, it was said that adults would run away if they secretly entered a city or went to another country.”

“are you okay. Because right now we are in a position to cut our throats.”

“… … Is that okay?!”

“Seldin will get used to it too.”


it's like this. A common sense response is nothing new.

Anyway, the destination is the village that Dia mentioned.

It's a lot simpler than just walking into the city.

Even if you go in disguised as a traveler, you will not be able to raise suspicion.

“I’ll say it for now, but there’s no need to be discouraged. You just have to be calm and shameless.”

“Are you shameless?”

“It is as Arel said. Think of your usual time and act naturally.”

“ah? Then can I lie down in the back of the carriage? Actually, I got motion sickness a little while ago.”

“… … It varies.”

This rookie is talented beyond imagination. I can already see the buds that will evolve into full-blown humans in the future.

“It must be difficult to teach.”

Sending a bitter smile to Dia, who wanted to take a breather, we reached our destination, the village.

An ordinary and friendly mountain village with no chaos on the outside... … .


… … I first imagined that

“… … What is this?”

“???? This.”

Dia and I are at a loss for words at the same time. Seldin, who was struggling with motion sickness at the back of the wagon, also noticed something strange.

“Have you arrived? what? Why are there shadows? Even if there is a cloud... …

Likewise, I stuck my head out and was at a loss for words.

“Ah, I must have heard it wrong. Were you heading to the city rather than the village?”

I ask while blinking and rubbing my eyes.

“Can it be? At least I thought it was a mountain village.”

“I heard that too. or not… … Did you lie?”

“no… … That's not it. Because it’s obviously unnatural.”

I shook my head and was sure that Dia wasn't being misinformed.

“Anyway, there’s no way there could be such a huge wall in a place like this… …

Blocking us is a huge steel wall that wraps around the entire village.

… … Then you said you were farming, right?

Could it be that this was the literal meaning?

“It is not an ordinary wall. The barrier that blocks teleport has the power to even reduce magical effects.”

“what… … It looks like he's given some kind of magic. … … Can you break through?”

“It is possible, but… …

Dia's slurred speech must mean that she can't recommend it.

It means that if the sit-in had gone this far, I would not be sure what I would encounter inside when I was forced to enter.

“oh. Is someone coming?.”

And because I still lack knowledge, I look at the barrier leisurely and am high? Seldin, who muttered, pointed towards the entrance.


The door to the entrance opened by itself and someone came out from inside.

Are you a resident of that town?

“It doesn’t seem like a coincidence.”

“They are obviously staring at us.”

“oh! It's coming this way.”

But there is no hostility or anything like that. It's the least annoying of the situations I've assumed.

The man glanced over us and then moved his gaze to me. Because I'm the only guy and it's natural for me to think I'm in charge.

“Who? I came out because I saw you hanging around outside.”

“I am a stranger with nothing. Actually, it was on the way to the city via this place. … … It's been a long time since I came here, so I was fascinated by the unfamiliar sight.”

moderately circumscribed.

I remember the map of this place roughly, so there is nothing strange about the excuse of going to a nearby city via this place.

He doesn't even show any signs of being suspicious.

“Right… … . I'm sure it will come as a surprise to anyone seeing this for the first time. I'm sorry. We are also taking this casually as if our senses were numb.”

“no. however… … what about this wall?

who built it? Maybe the lord?”

There's no such thing, but I asked to play someone who knows nothing as much as possible.

He snorted, of course, that it was nonsense.

“permanent residence… … How could he bring down these walls for such a countryman?”

“… … I guess so.”

What about us? I endured the word. That's because Fahilia is special and I'm weird.

“Then what about this wall?”

“Haha! You may not believe it, but I will tell you this for now.”

he said proudly.

“This was given to us by a precious benefactor who is gracious to us.”

… … That's what he clearly said.

The man we talked to must have been the village chief.

After that, I asked if it would be okay to stay here for a day or so while I was getting along properly.

“Of course. We are not rejecting even the good bystanders.”

Originally, they were accustomed to making travelers and peddlers stay.

With that said, the village chief readily accepted.

“However, you will be somewhat surprised when you come in, so I would like to ask for your understanding.”

“It doesn't matter. Even if it looks like this, I've lived my life seeing all the stars, so there's nothing to be surprised about.”

“Hahahaha, that's a big deal.”

Perhaps he thought it was a joke, he smiled and guided me personally.

I heard that they are farming, but it feels surprisingly relaxed.

“But why the sit-in?”

“Nothing… … . When the lord saw what we borrowed from him, he immediately told us to give it to him.”


“I got this and that from him, including that wall. Thanks to you, my life has really improved... … What kind of luxury are you enjoying?”


“You'll know when you see the details.”

There is no sign of hiding. Rather, it is more like a moth tingling feeling because I want to guide more actively in a cheerful way.

“There is nothing strange about it. Grigori, who bestowed upon us, told us to spread this.”

What a strange word.

Anyway, let me know when you go in. It can be roughly estimated.

When you enter the door, you can see the scenery of the village.

“How are you?”

A voice that came out involuntarily.

It is certainly far from the town one might imagine.

“Puhahahahaha! It's a natural reaction.”

The village chief smiled broadly and spread his arms as if proudly introducing the village.

It is clean.

To the extent that it is really tidy, the structure of the village has been maintained to the extent that it does not lag behind a decent city.

A cozy dwelling made of stone and iron rather than a wooden house.

The road is also paved with pure white stones, so it is easy to see the road and it is wide enough.

“… … This is not a village at all.”

It's a village, but it's a small town. No, the standard of living is higher than in most cities.

“It’s worth it… …

“Wow… … I want to live in a place like this.”

Dia admires it, and when it comes to Seldin, there is even a pathetic impression.

It's nice to be carefree, but not too tense.

It's not particularly dangerous, so it's fine.

“It is a nice town.”

At first, he gave me a compliment.

It's definitely a nice town. I like it so much that I wear it.

This place, which was known as an ordinary rural village until not long ago, has literally been transformed.

Isn't it an extreme transformation that reminds me of Pahilia of the past?

No, worse than fahilia. It is the product of a lot of time and effort.

But this... … .

“… … I never thought we would make such rapid progress.”

It is literally a given life as if it were falling from the sky.

I pretended to admire it because I could feel the reverberation blatantly.

On the one hand, he squinted his eyes in order not to be seen by others.

This is not good.

“It is an honor to see you well. It used to be a really small town. Isn't it to the point where you can't remember what life was like not too long ago?”

“Did that Grigori give you this too?”

“What a great man!”

He suddenly begins to explain with enthusiasm as if he were excited.

As if he was anxious to explain the miracle he had seen to others.

“He is such a wonderful person. After one night, they provide unbelievably amazing items or precious materials... … Even teach me how to deal with it.”

“Hey… … That's right... …

I'm small... … muttered behind it.

‘That's what they do without knowing what's going on.' … … Called.

It seems that they are provided with free materials and technology through some channel and enjoy it to their heart's content.

“Thanks to him, we can live comfortably.”

The problem is that this is not something to be laughed off lightly, as far as I am concerned and as I understand it now. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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