How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 659

- Gaiden Episode 26

Chapter 5. How to seduce an engineer

“Arel. Are you familiar with the dwarves?”

The best hyung who suddenly calls someone and asks about this out of the blue.

“You mean a dwarf?”

I sipped my tea leisurely and pretended to think.

Surely, am I the only one who can best explain the dwarves in the kingdom?

Actually, before the knowledge I know, there is a blacksmith's forge in Fahilia.

I'm going to write a dwarf observation journal soon.

“On a day when I have a bad drinking habit and a fictitious day, hammers fly around in the captain’s liver… …


“Aren't those guys who can't really say anything about the strangely skill-trained muscles shining there?”

It seems like they sometimes brag about their muscles.

“Oh no… … It's not like that.

I didn't mean to ask that.”

“Is it like that?”

If you want, I could even write a dwarf instruction manual and give it to you. what a waste.

Well, there's no way he'll suddenly bring up a story about the dwarves.

There must be some reason.

Not to mention, since it's not even been a day or two since I've seen this older brother, I've already guessed what he's going to be like.

It's obviously a work-related story.

ha… … So what other troubles have you brought?

“Arel, as you know, you know where the dwarves are hiding.”

“… … I know roughly.”

Of course, there are active Dwarves in the forge, and while leading them, I sometimes listened to this and that, and there were quite a few things I personally investigated.

Of course you can't know

“I understand that the kingdom of the dwarves has now been incorporated into Kelia's side, right?”

Strictly speaking, the dwarves have been united with them for quite some time since the establishment of Kelia.

To put it bluntly, the Dwarf Territory would be more suitable than the Dwarf Kingdom. Well, in the end, the naming problem is a good thing.

“What about that dwarf?”

He probably didn't suddenly wake up to the taste of dwarves, and there must have been an intention to bring up the story like this.

Because it's obvious just by looking at the older brother's face.

That's the face of a person thinking about work.

“Actually, they are from the Dwarfs… … It seems that many of them are trying to become independent this time.”

“Are you independent?”

“Yes, that's why I want to hear your opinion.”

It becomes a strange story. I straightened my posture a bit and focused more on the story.

After I finished talking about the general situation, I went straight to our dwarves.

And Aken is working at the forge as usual, admonishing his apprentices.

Normally, he would just focus on his work whether or not I came, but when I came to visit him, he entrusted the work to the apprentices as if he had been waiting for him, and winked at him.

It means follow me.

“Come to think of it, a letter came from my hometown the day before yesterday.”

And as soon as he entered the workshop, he spoke first.

“It’s a letter… … Is it something like this'?”

I quietly guessed the contents of the letter based on the conversation I had with my older brother.

“Since we are leaving the Dwarven Territory as a group this time, could you arrange for us another decent job? The feeling of ‘?”

“… … Roughly the same.”

He frowned and added,

“Exactly, I’ll be leaving soon, so give me a decent seat! It's just the content.”

“It’s pretty tough.”

“For us, that is normal. Not to mention, the person who sent the letter was a person of the same age as my uncle, so it’s nothing special.”

Ah, there is such a thing. If you find a job and manage to establish a foundation, a relative will appear and say, “Let me get involved!” and being coerced.

… … That's common to all worlds.

However, Aken doesn't feel particularly annoying. Rather, he seems to be concerned.

I showed up in a car like that, so I must have considered it an opportunity.

“As expected, is it true that the dwarves in the Dwarf Territory became independent after their opinions diverged?”

“I don’t know the details, but it seemed like it.”

He took out the letter in question and showed it to me while grunting as if he was in trouble.

“I'm fed up with politics and everything, but honestly, it's a norut that I can't ignore.”

” but??????

If I could live like a lofty craftsman, it would be really nice.

But few people pay as much attention to political battles as engineers.

There's nothing like that here. If the lord is politically weak, the technicians are swayed that much.

In some cases, it is often necessary to abandon the studio and leave.

“Even thinking about it now makes me sick.

Before it flowed into Ernesia Kingdom, it was all over the place.”

“what… … When it comes to making a living and living, technicians do their part, or they wander and die.”

I understand the hardship to some extent.

“In short, are you saying you don't know the details?”

Even if you read the letter, all you see is a general complaint. It's hard to know what's really important.

It's a clunky dwarven sensibility. I am not good at describing in detail.

“Anyway, the important thing is that you want to be independent.”

“But how do you know that?”

Then it seems to be questionable.

“I've heard a little bit from you too.”

According to Elder Brother Jeil, the story of a large number of dwarves escaping seems to be a fairly famous story among countries.

Of course, there is no way not to covet it.

Still, technicians are precious. Not to mention, dwarves are a naturally born race where even the inexperienced among them are compared to skilled human artisans.

What if they are released without a place to go?

“It must be a great opportunity.”

If you take good care of it and cool it down, it will pass. And there will be no exceptions without anyone thinking about that plan.

Will it be okay for me too? because I thought

“So did you reply to that?”

“I haven't sent it yet. Well, since you brought up this story in the first place.”

” indeed??????

It looks like you want to ask about my intentions.

“Then let’s go get the reply.”

“… … hmm? You mean the letter?”

“Isn’t there something more certain than that?”

I'm tak! I got up from my seat and said the sure way.

Since ancient times, I have been taught that this is the standard when recruiting talent.

“Prepare your trip. I will go there right away.”

If there is a talent you need, go to the local area and kidnap it.

At least that's how I learned.

“The Dwarf Kingdom… … No, it's a dwarf spirit now. It's definitely the first time I've been there in person.”

Damon, the head of the alchemist team, is talking nonstop as if he is looking forward to it.

It's not like he doesn't talk at all normally, but seeing him talk like this doesn't sound like he's looking forward to it, right?

“… … Tsk. There's nothing wrong with that.”

“It seems trivial to those who were originally born and raised there. Aken.”

“… … So it really doesn't matter. It's all mountains and forges. Well, that's a comfortable sight for us.”

While the two uncles chatter, I am figuring out what to do when I arrive.

Our purpose is to attract certain dwarves that have recently become an issue.

And I needed to go there myself for that.

Well, I don't know the details, but if you go to the local area, you'll know roughly.

“By the way, is it a sword that I can follow?”

On the other hand, Seina returned after talking with the guys who were leading the carriage and asked.

“Asha will feel a culture shock when she sees the ecology of dwarves, and Diado is busy teaching newcomers. It's not like I'm going to stay long. We are enough.”

“Hmm. Is it really such a sword?”

If you rush too much there, it can put pressure on you. I'm just going there for negotiations. That's why I had to minimize the number of people except for the necessary ones, and I had to do my best not to look overbearing.

“Well, the excuse is that I feel like I'm going to my hometown with Aken.”

The dwarf in charge of us is very indebted. I'm going to my hometown to play with the feeling of doing it.

A gift was also prepared.

prepared something else.


“At that point, you won’t be treated more poorly than other guys, right?”

“Other guys… … Is it?”

“ah? There is such a thing.”

Fundamentally, the reason why I want to go directly.

You will soon find out why.

“look… … Because of that.”

As soon as he arrived at the Dwarf Territory and entered the interior, he already saw several wagons from other countries.

“?… “


“We're not the only ones here.”

didn't you say Everyone is thinking about how to capture them.

That means that everyone thinks the same.

This time, it means that there are quite a lot of people who are in the middle of the day.

“Think carefully. If you come to our kingdom, we can look after you greatly.”

“… … hmm. Consider it.”

When I went to the place where Aken's uncle was, I heard a loud voice as if there were passengers.

One side is talking unilaterally, and the other side is listening as much as possible.

Doesn't seem to be interested.

The basics of push and pull are pretending to be indifferent. I know you.

“I heard you well.”

“Anyway, I'll be waiting for a good answer.”

I heard those words and after a while, I just encountered the group that jumped out of it.

Exactly, I didn't avoid it on purpose.

“… … What about you? Ah no you At first, you looked at me and tilted your head as if you were thinking about who you were, but you narrowed your eyes as if you had figured out the guards and the atmosphere roughly.

“I just came to play.”

There's no reason to tease or bully. After responding appropriately, he nodded his head as if he was embarrassed, and then meekly stepped aside.

“No matter how noble you are, it won’t be easy.”

how to say ‘Let's see!' and the feeling of trembling.

Likes. that kind of feeling I hope to see you again.

I just shrugged my shoulders lightly without saying anything else and went in as if taking turns.

As soon as I entered, I couldn't help but see the subtle scenery, to say the least.



The sight of two muscular men hugging each other warmly.

The heartwarming sight of two muscles colliding?

A scene where I had no choice but to see the sunlight rising outside the window without even realizing it.


… … Well, it's not like I'm interfering with the reunion for the first time in a while. be patient

Is there any reason to keep watching?

I'm clearing my throat, so am I! Let's appeal our presence with the feeling of doing it, and finally our eyes turn this way.

“Right. Are you that Arele Ernesia?”

“Roughly, I wrote it in a letter sent to Archen, so I think I know it.”

“… … Got it. Come in at once.”

It's not even a warm welcome, but it doesn't feel like being treated badly.

First of all, Aken intervened, and it wouldn't be reasonable to send them back easily.

I recommend a seat with the feeling that you want to hear the story.

“I can only give you the meager things… …

“doesn't care. This is where the business is. I don't complain that much.”

I'm going to only treat you with an external mindset today, so I won't complain.

Mature allel mode. I'm not pampering you today. today.

“Looks like there are already quite a few guests from other countries.”

“There will be more. It seems that envoys from other countries are already entering the workshops of the other guys... …

“It looks like you want to take the dwarves with you.”

The purpose is all the same. They heard the news of the scouts and came willingly to enlist the dwarves into their country.

“so? What happened?

A sudden split.”

I know roughly.

There was some discussion inside Kelia, and as a result, about half of the dwarves left Kelia and hoped for independence.

“Did something go wrong?”

“Nothing like that. Hmm… … According to our representative, the Queen... … He didn't force anything.”

Well, for a simple conflict, the atmosphere is calm.

“It was just something that would happen someday.” How

a former pro

sucks honey

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