How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 653

- Episode 20

Eventually, it was time to recruit new members for the tower.

“Until now, the method of recruiting new recruits in the Mage Tower was recommendation by existing wizards or those in power.”

“hmm… … Dia, is it a similar case to you?”

“yes. The person who found me, who had no place to go at the time, took me back.”

Well, it seems like he went through a lot of trouble after that, so let's not bother asking about it.

In short, it basically means recommendation system. Did you pick up guys from the outside who might have qualities? Or get a connection from someone and bring it.

It's like a filthy geeky world.

“Let’s do it… … If you do that, it will roll just fine.”

Due to the closed nature of the tower, there is no need to massively recruit people.

“So this is actually the second large-scale recruitment.”

“Second… …

It is not that there has been no recruitment at all. The early days of the establishment of the Kingdom of Ernesia.

The days when, let alone the current tower, he barely took over a shabby mansion and used it as a workshop for wizards.

At that time, it must have been easy to be ignored because it was a quota.

That's why at that time, it seemed that he was desperate to gather people somehow, and attracted people at random, regardless of talent.

So it must be the second recruitment in history.

It must be very disturbing...

And sure enough.

“I absolutely cannot admit it!”

Even though they came right before it, there are also those who cast a so-called belly-up-type lying down.

Among some of the elders, those who had undesirable opinions about this new recruitment.

It is a creature called Kkondae in the world.

They always shout like this.

“I can’t admit it!”

I don't know why they always put in the chorus.

Is it a biological property? It's really mysterious because I didn't major in kkondae studies.

And that guy and the old people who join him, cut your belly until the end! is shouting

“… … I don’t know why.”

“… … I tried appeasement. It seems they didn't like it.”

“hmm… … Is it a tradition?”

What they shout is the tradition of the tower.

“Until now, I have never recklessly taught you the knowledge of the Tower.”

“Knowledge is granted only to those who have undergone strict selection. That was our policy and strict mandate from our ancestors.”

“Are you going to break it?”

Anyway, that's what I'm claiming.

In short, I'm going to lie down because I don't like it.

Anyway, in any world, that kind of method is common. Is it an instinct hidden in human genes?

Cut the belly! Instinct.

“It’s a tradition… … You would have done it even in the early days of the Tower, right?”

“There was just no tradition back then.”

… … stupid?

It was a big deal. I must have gone senile. Gotta respect the old man.

Anyway, it's a purge if you oppose it!

I wanted to personally step in and crush it, but Dia shook her head as she gently put her hand on my shoulder.

“There is no need for Arel-nim to trouble you.”

“… … hmm? It doesn't matter.”

Rather itchy hands and mouth.

hurry… … Come on, let them bully!

It's human scum's thing to touch the good guys, but it's justice to harass the bad guys.

justice is so good that's convenient

“it's okay. It's something I can fix, so you don't have to worry about it.”

No, you can worry about it. let me bully you!

But no one can hear the cry of my soul.

Dia seriously pushed me back and approached the old wizards.

“radish… … What do you want to say?”

First of all, I can't say anything rude because I can't treat you carelessly, but I endure it because I thought I couldn't be too servile.

Even if you go out rudely in the first place, you can't win against Dia with your strength.

Dia just silently looked at them one by one.

It's not like she looks scary at all. On the contrary, he's the type to feel a bit dazed when he's not talking, so he's far from dignified.

However, in reality, he is the apex level wizard of the current tower.

Of course, they know not only their outward appearance, but also their inner strength, so they startled and sweat as if they were facing a natural enemy.

“mind… … I tell you, we will not give up!”

“go… … Gorum!”

“Of course!”

Wouldn't that be useless?

ruler. What are you going to do?

What Dia did was extremely simple.

don't say anything useless

just watch quietly

You don't even need a loud voice. You can speak so low that only they can hear you.

Loud barking is something weak-looking people do.

“… … no see.”


“I heard that you recently invested in a new place.”


“… … I want to wish you all the best.”

I hope it goes well. But the world is, you don't know what will happen at any time.

A meteorite of unknown origin may fall, and a pillar of fire may suddenly soar.

And if you do your research, you'll come up with something like this.

It is a natural phenomenon. Called.

The world is such a mystery.

“Hmm?… “

What do you want to say?”

“not really… … I just want to support your work.”

It's so calm that it's clear that there's no such thing at all, but that's what she's saying.

“… … Come to think of it, I don't think it's something to oppose.”

“I need to be a little more careful.”

“Don’t get me wrong. It's not like I'm denying your work.”

“Nothing like cancer.”

One by one, they start pulling their tails out.

It's not that I'm threatening something, but if I say it moderately plausible, my feet go numb and I hesitate.

In the end, they scattered like a swarm of ants hit by a water bomb.

“It's done.”

As if somehow elated, Dia speaks confidently and urges us to go.

“… … Well, you should know roughly what you normally do.”

You are literally the tyrant of the Tower. Mum. You're doing great.

“By the way, who are you watching and imitating?”

Do you have anything to ask? Looking at me, I sighed.

taught me very good things

Anyway, it seemed like it was already ready. Gradually, a large procession began to form in the tower as well.

“… … One publicity is staggering.”

That matrix is all newcomers to pass the interview for this tower.

“Thanks to Arell, the promotion itself was easy.”

The key to publicity is abundant funding.

It seems that spreading information throughout Ernesia Kingdom for today was quite helpful.

“The problem is that there are quite a lot more people than expected… …

“This much can be done somehow.”

I wonder if the work is burdensome, but fortunately it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

If that's the case, then I have nothing else to say.

“wow… … They really gathered from all over the place... … . From merchants to farmers... … Are there even people from aristocratic families?”

Regardless of status, it feels like they gathered together.

“It also serves the purpose.”

“It's a purpose... …

What Dia wants is a more open mage tower. To renovate and change the atmosphere of the closed tower of the past.

This is what she argued for.

“Everyone should have a chance.”

“A more free opportunity… … “

It’s a pity, but it can’t be said that all of them are selected. that's realistically impossible.

But I can give you a chance.

Dia is trying to gradually get rid of the closed atmosphere of the tower by increasing opportunities.

“Then I guess I'll have to pick some tough guys for that too.”

“Even if it's a little clumsy, you can teach it, so there's no need to feel pressured.”

Will it be any good?

I shrugged and urged him to leave.

Many people gathered from all over the kingdom of Ernesia.

one purpose.

To obtain the result of entering the Magic Tower.

It is common sense that magicians have the perception that they are the same as people from another world.

It is hard to think of them as human beings like themselves who cover their appearance with large robes and wield magic wands with a strange atmosphere.

That's why I don't think it will be possible.

In such a car, an announcement was put up that the Magic Tower would recruit new recruits from generation to generation.

Any age. It doesn't matter gender or rank.

There are those who intervene out of interest, and there are those who genuinely seek it out. Or, there are those who are pushed and sent by someone.

There is no limit to knocking the tower.

It is said that even the travel expenses will be borne by the kingdom no matter how far they travel.

If so, wouldn't it be a chance?

A lot of people gather around that idea.

“But the alternative interview… … What are you trying to do?”

“You're not asking a difficult question, are you?”

Of course, there are also anxious thoughts.

Most of these people do not even know the letter ‘Ma' in magic. Although it was caught in the announcement, it is not known how to cross that threshold, so there is no choice but to be confused.

… … What is magic in the first place?

With that thought in mind, they entered the tower.

It is also to explain the process before the full-scale interview begins. It seemed that Topju, who was in charge of this task, would give a speech first, perhaps to inform the purpose of this project.

What kind of person is Topju?

Nothing is known about the Mage Tower, and recently, rumors within the kingdom tend to spread faster than before, but even so, to them, it is literally like a floating cloud.

Soon the top owner appeared.

“The current manager of the Ernesia Magic Tower.

My name is Dia Leki.”

What surprised me was my first impression of the top owner.

The existence of a young apex was quite a shock to them, who knew nothing but a general image of wizards who were shut out in the world.

Since it is said to be the owner of a pagoda, one usually thinks of a solemn old man who must have lived hundreds of years.

To them, the existence of the young Mage Tower Master was quite a shock.

In hindsight, the previous owner of the pagoda belonged to the younger side compared to the past owners, but it is also because he was so closed-minded that he was not known.

I've heard some rumors.

As an outsider, it is a case that has come up from the bottom.

If so, a look of admiration and respect will naturally arise.

“Everyone knocked on the tower's door for the study of magic.”

In front of those who were so astonished, Dia quietly began to give a speech.

“What is magic to you?”

what is magic To that question, they were silent.

I'm not asking for an answer.

It's not just asking them. This is also true for the numerous wizards watching this place.

“Is it simply to start a fire like this?”

Dia flicked her finger lightly, and decorations made of flames fluttered across the ceiling.

It's a simple art that uses mana.

Of course, it is not easy for anyone to do it without holding a cane or even giving a glance while giving a speech.

“It is prejudice. We did not touch this study for such a thing.”

For fancy magic? That's not bad either. Might be fun

However, Dia wanted to say a more essential meaning than that.

to get the truth? That's not bad either.

for wealth? It doesn't deny that either.

If you put all of that together, the goal will eventually come down to this.

“To be better.”

she said so

“It doesn't matter if you want knowledge or wealth. It wasn't even wrong.”

Of course, if it is excessive, it will cause ruin, but in the end it will be self-employed.

“Everything to get better.”

There are definitely things that have improved with the development of magic.

“In the past, it is said that they had a hard time even getting one fire. But now there is no need to strike flint.”

It's a recent thing, but magic tools to get fire have also become common, and one or two have been supplied to quite a few villages.

That's the result of pursuing magic.

“The more we seek the truth, the better the world becomes. That is our duty and the duty of those who seek knowledge.”

Pursuing magic and distributing its results far and wide. Dia considers it their duty.

Of course you can't force it. There will be people who do not agree with each other. In fact, there are people in the tower who don't like Dia's methods.

Even so, there is a difference between pursuing and not pursuing.

If you don't come forward and claim it, you won't find out.

“Surely, some of you will cross the threshold of this tower… … Some of you will come back.”

Not everyone can benefit from it.

It's a pity, but the world can't be completely fair.

“I don’t know what kind of people will stay here, but I hope they can achieve results that match their goals.”

With everyone listening solemnly, Dia concluded her speech.

“Then, I hope you will speak your mind without regret.” How

a former pro

sucks honey

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