How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 615

Episode 615. War and war (7) The monster immediately turned its head towards Hetia and wriggled its whole body.

Then, a large mouth-shaped part appeared in the body.

[Cluck. You have good eyesight. He probably still lacks life experience.]

“At my age, I ate enough to eat.

I'm not old enough to hear anything.”

[That's right, from Bonno's point of view, it's like a newborn baby... … .]

“Is that why you sent that other monster to show off your seniority? It's ugly, so go away.”

[No, it's not like that. I just wanted to check your intentions myself.]

“You are so kind.”

As Hetia sneered, the monster giggled in the boy's voice.

It may have been intentional, but it just makes me feel bad.

Hetia kept her mouth shut and raised her hand.

“go away.”

Arrows and fireballs flew from behind her and set the monster on fire.

To the burning monster, Hetia calmly expressed their will.

“This is our answer. I have no intention of submitting to people like you.”

And the answer must have been delivered to him very clearly.

At the same time, the ground shook slightly.

The army of monsters that had stood still until now began to advance.

An attack by an army of monsters called complex waters.

“… … You are coming.”

The real war starts now.

Hetia swallowed dry saliva and shouted as if all the warriors were listening.

“Nothing to be afraid of! We have always fought for freedom and we will do it again! good! Kelia's warriors!”

At the same time, Kelia's army began to advance to fight the monsters with shouts.


The Kelly side did not gather here with only reckless determination.

I didn't just collect the head count without a countermeasure.

Before the battle, they discussed several times how to fight those monsters.

We have come to this point by examining the testimonies of survivors who have already fought multiple waters, formulating a strategy, and carefully reexamining it.

I wasn't foolish enough to just recklessly bump into it.

“three… … two… …

Observers measure the distance between allies and monsters.

And when I got to a certain distance.

“one! It is now!”

At the same time, the elves fired arrows.

However, for some reason, not befitting their reputation as natural sharpshooters, all the arrows that flew landed only at the feet of the monsters.

It didn't even hit a single shot.

However, there was no disappointment on the faces of the elves.

It was deliberately not tailored to the monsters.

It is difficult to properly inflict fatal wounds with arrows like matchsticks.

The purpose is not to kill the monster.

“Medium-range magic technique medium arrows hit!”

“Deploy quickly!”

The other elves waiting next to the elves who shot the arrows joined hands and cast magic.

The arrow they shot now is a kind of magic transmission device that allows their magic to unfold around the arrow without any loss of mana.

The magic they used as a group was displacement magic that transformed objects within a certain range.

The target of the magic is the ground.

Right under the feet of monsters.

The hard ground on which the complex beasts were running seemed to soften, and the monster's foot caved in.

The magic of the elves swallowed the monsters at once as they fell into the muddy ground like a huge swamp.

Composites, struggling in succession, manage to crawl out, but as soon as they come out, the warriors waiting stab them with spears and great swords.


The complex beasts pulled out large wings from their bodies, probably realizing that they could not move as they wished on their own feet.

Of course they know they can fly.

“Don't let them climb over your head!”

Soon after, this time, barrels of unidentified liquid were poured over the monsters one after another.

The liquid clung to the entire body of the complex beasts, and soon the monsters could not easily fly, probably because they were annoying to move freely.

“Throw the embers!”

Then, arrows of fire and balls of fire flew in, and the liquid with the embers transferred to it burned.

It was a specially made flammable substance improved with the knowledge Cressel passed on.

Once attached to the body, it does not come off even after washing with water.

In addition, the swamp that the elves had converted on a large scale a little while ago was also changed so that it caught fire.

In an instant, the swamp became a huge wall of fire, soaring up and swallowing the monsters.

“… … With this, I stopped them from rushing right away.”

Hetia glared at the flames, enduring the sting in her eyes from the heat.

Because of the flames, the Celia army couldn't advance immediately, but it didn't matter much because the purpose wasn't an invasion there anyway.

“With this, first, arrange the potential again… … so… …

Hetia, who was about to give instructions again, was speechless.

It's not just her.

aides... … Representatives of each race also opened their mouths in small embarrassment.

“Those guys?… “Are you jumping in without hesitation?

As a result of observing magic from the other side of the fire swamp, the complex beasts are jumping into the fire swamp without the slightest hesitation.

Even those monsters couldn't function properly if they were exposed to this high temperature.

But even so, as if it didn't matter, they rushed one after another and were burning.

- Ooh oh oh oh oh oh!

The cries of monsters resound ominously over the roaring flames.

Complex beasts, who had barely escaped the swamp with their whole bodies on fire, began to climb up to the ground.

“These monsters!”

“Does not matter! Stab it as it comes up!

Everyone is dying from the burns anyway!”

Even if it was a half-burnt corpse, the horror and ominousness of it almost made Kelia's soldiers backtrack without realizing it.

Screaming and shaking off the monsters that were still burning, he was barely holding back.

“Aren’t you completely unstoppable?”

“… … No, in the first place, without that flame, those guys would run wild more.”


Although jumping into the flames without hesitation is an unexpected reaction even on their own, there is no doubt that they are doing their part well enough.

It wasn't long before Hetia and the heads of each tribe realized a sense of incongruity.

“… … The number of people coming over is increasing.”

The number of those crossing through the swamp of fire is increasing.

There, the interval is also shortened.

Above all, the condition of the guys who passed through was gradually improving.

“The flames have weakened.”

“No way! Even if I can’t do it, I will burn for a week without rest!”

“no way?…

Hetia held her breath and used magic to see far away.

The point of use is inside the swamp of the swamp.

Because of the opening, the front was dimly visible.

“Those guys… … It changes its body and covers the swamp.”

It wasn't just that he jumped into the swamp of fire without hesitation because he lacked reason.

Rather, they jumped in to weaken and put out the fire.

As soon as he jumped in, he changed his body and filled the swamp of fire from the inside.

Even if it is a fire, if it is eventually covered with something, it will not burn properly.

That's a fact everyone knows.

However, no one would think that they would do it with their own body.

There was also another problem.

There were also monsters that were barely affected by the flames.

The one that broke through the fiery swamp with about half of the flames still remaining at once, was bigger than the other complex beasts that jumped into the middle of Kelia's camp.

For convenience, he was called the boss.

“… … That's the guy from the report.”

Hetia bit her lip.

The leader-level compound beast swung his huge arm and blew away the surrounding soldiers at once.

The problem is that he isn't alone.

Two or three after that.

Additional appearing entities continue to jump in and stir the display of allies.

“I didn’t think it would be just one guy from the beginning… … I thought I'd jump in already... …

“What do you mean?”

“I will do as we discussed with them.”

“A swamp?”

“Give up. If you hold out to maintain that, only the army will be ruined.”

“I agree. Then we will stop maintaining the swamp.”

The representative of the elves nodded and instructed to stop maintaining the magic.

The elves, who had been maintaining the spell, quickly rose up and retreated before the complex beasts attacked.

However, since the swamp could no longer be maintained, the ground hardened back to its original state, and the flames that had lost their catalyst were extinguished at once.

“Raise your arms! Warriors!”

Hetia encouraged the warriors and stepped forward herself.

If the cunning doesn't work, the next thing to do is to collide with the body.

However, they do not engage in hand-to-hand combat without countermeasures.

The warriors planted large discs under their feet before the complex beasts rushed in and retreated.

Let the complex numbers step on the disc.


It exploded with a dull sound and released a large amount of titanium alloy rope, randomly binding the feet of the monsters.

Since they will get out anyway, it is only a matter of tying their feet for a moment, but the warriors did not miss the opportunity and rushed without hesitation, decapitating the enemy and dismembering the whole body.

It was confirmed that it could be killed by decapitating and damaging the body to a certain extent.

If you carefully block and contain them, you will manage to fight.

And the powerful bosses are the guerrillas made up of Kelia's first-class warriors of different races.

And the representatives of each race tried to stop it directly.

Hetia also personally dealt with one of the bosses alone.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it does not take time, but rather overwhelms.

It was a force fight from the front.

“You’re persistent enough to get sick of it!”

Hetia jumped in and slammed the top of its head with her elbow.

There was an impact that caused the ground to crack slightly, and the head of the head dented.

I didn't die from the shock, but I stumbled.


However, as soon as he came to his senses, the head of the class fired blades from his entire body and swung them.

Hetia dodged it mid-air, then grabbed the blade without hesitation and pulled it with all her might.

It was overpowered by force and pulled.

“Laughing! What are you going to do with such a dull blade!”

Hetia jumped in and burrowed into the monster's face, then changed her fist and threw it out.

A large hole was pierced in the body of the complex, and it fell to the side as if it could no longer reproduce.


A heavy ringing sound reverberated throughout the battlefield, and the warriors of different races cheered as if they had promised.

“Long live the Queen!”

“Even if it's a monster like that, it's no big deal!”


“It’s not just about drinking every day, you guys!”

“… … Who is the one who is talking nonsense now?”

Hetia muttered and stepped on the head of the compound water, which was still slightly wriggling.

What does life force mean?

“… … Hong is persistent.”

A dignified look.

However, I had to hide my nervousness in my heart.

It was stronger than expected.

‘How many of these guys can handle... …

Even though I knocked it down casually.

In fact, it was a feat that was only possible because she also launched an attack with all her might.

If it's one-on-one, I'll do anything, but I can't guarantee from two, and if it goes up to three, I won't be able to beat it.

‘The other guys have to handle it somehow... …

Fortunately, it was blocked somehow.

In the previous battlefield, I was helpless, but that was when there was no countermeasure and the number of personnel was much less.

So far, no problems.

okay… … Not yet.

At least, until you come face to face with your biggest concerns.

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