How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 595

Episode 595. Enemy Intervention (2)

Everyone knows why he volunteers himself.

He has two reasons for wanting to take part in this battle himself.

One is the Zelnian Kingdom... … Resentment against them during the days of the Holy Kingdom.

He and his compatriots had to be persecuted and called monsters by them from the days when the kingdom was strong.

Centaur. That is, half-man, half-horse.

Their people were abducted by those who insisted on the doctrines of the Zelnian Holy Kingdom in the past, and had to be eaten or executed like animals.

Of course, the priests of the Holy Kingdom, including the saintess, were the ones who led it, and they are no longer there.

As the Holy Kingdom was reorganized into a kingdom, the enemy was gradually disappearing.

But at that time, the nobles who joined them were alive and well.

And they still haven't changed.

Furetel was about to sharpen a knife at them.

“We will show them our grudge!”

and second.

Ironically, the reason why they emphasized their loyalty to the Ernesia Kingdom was that their fellow countrymen were freed because of the war between the Ernesia Kingdom and the Holy Kingdom.

Their evil religion collapsed and their kidnapped compatriots were freed after a deal under the hood.

That's why he can pay off his grudge and maintain his loyalty with the Kingdom of Ernesia, so there must be no reason to refuse.

“You guys! Nothing has changed even after abandoning that goddamn religion!”

As if making use of his larger physique than other Centaurs, he personally crashes into the enemy's shield and pushes it.

When he struck down with his front hoof, the shield soldier could not stand it and his arm broke and collapsed.

Furetel shouted furiously at those soldiers and threw them away with a hammer.

“this… … monster!”

Seeing that Jinyeol was destroyed in a single blow, a soldier gritted his teeth and glared at him.

Furetel grabbed the soldier by the collar, lifted him up, and gnashed his teeth as if he were about to chew on them.

“monster? under… … Does it look like that in your eyes?”

“?… “


“Don't forget! You bastards did more to my people before you brought that boastful doctrine!”

Of course, he has no intention of holding all the soldiers accountable.

After all, these placentas are just soldiers fighting according to orders.

The things that really need to be trampled on must be the ones above them.

That's why Furetel is just fighting the soldiers of the enemy country as enemies, and himself as a warlord.

Dealing only with those who fight back, those who retreat in fear are ignored or kicked out of the way, and those who flee are not pursued.

Even so, his momentum was so terrifying that in the end, his own people had to subtly dissuade him.

A black-haired Minotaur approached and stood beside him, quietly advising him.

Contrary to his stern appearance, the cow-headed heterogeneous warrior stopped him with a calm voice.

Representative Mertel who leads the Minotaur.

He also participated in the battle this time with his close friend Fretel.

Even before the unification, the Centaur and the Minotaur were allied with each other.

In addition, they participated in the war without hesitation because they had a close relationship with Furetel even before the establishment of a unified nation.

“Hey kid. I know how you feel. You went too far go too far.”

Realizing that the advice was that there was no need to capture useless soldiers anymore, he held his breath as if to calm down.

“hmm. Are you drying the cow's hair?”

“Think of your purpose. Are we going to become invaders too?”

“do not worry. I have no intention of going there.”

In any case, the purpose of the current battle was to divide the military power of the Zelnian Kingdom.

As much as they beat them, they cannot focus on Ernesia Kingdom.

Even now, they are running wild, but they are not pushing it any more than necessary.

If you set your mind to it, you can occupy the border as well as beyond it, but you did not dare to step forward.

“If you know, line up. Aren't you nervous about following your legs? I’m second and the others are lagging behind.”

“… … Right.”

Convinced by his friend's point, Furetel looked ahead.

Certainly, the purpose of embarrassing the Zelnian Kingdom could be achieved without pushing further.

“This should be enough. Tell the other guys not to go any further than this.”

“… … The four of you who say that are the most out there.”

They looked at the condition of the retreating enemy and wanted to take a step back to adjust the line properly.

However, the two who were talking were suddenly silent.

“… … Did you notice?”

“Of course.”

Although not as sensitive as other races, their warrior intuition sensed a faint change.

“It was not a simple retreat.”

A little while ago, the soldiers of the Zelnian Kingdom were considered to be retreating, but that judgment was just overturned.

At the same time as the soldiers retreated, there was a group that appeared as if they were taking turns.

“Could it be that you were trying to deceive? It's ridiculous.”

Could it be that he was pretending to retreat, inducing his carelessness and trying to counterattack again?

Fretel snorted, saying that he was not even on the tactical axis, and lifted the hammer with a firm grip on the hilt.

He rolled his feet as if rekindling the fighting spirit he had cut off.

“Good. You don't even have to give up if you dare. I'll smash you to my heart's content.”

“In moderation…… hm?”

Mertel also raised her greatsword and groaned as she tried to prepare for battle.

The momentum of the crowd running from the other side was strange.

“for a moment? Are those Zelnians right?”

I can't help but question that.

The momentum of the advancing enemy soldiers is obviously not human.

Human armies cannot charge with such ferocious momentum.

In the first place, it is impossible with human feet, and if you make a small mistake while running like that, the display will collapse.

It doesn't match the way humans fight.

Most of all, humans don't charge like that.

“Carefully. Something is strange.”

“… … I know even if you don't speak. Kut!”

Furetel, who was on guard, soon realized the reality of the enemy army and widened his eyes in amazement.

“What the hell is that!”

There is no way you will answer if you shout.

The enemy soldiers rushing forward were clearly not human.

It has a lower body like that of a bull, and the body of another monster above it.

There are wings made of sharp blades above the shoulders, and dark flames flow from the corners of the mouth that are horribly torn.

Mertel, who saw the indefinable appearance of them, muttered indifferently, stunned.

“… … Are you a real monster?”

“Are you kidding me now?”

Of course I know it's not a joke.

If that is not a monster, what else is a monster?

“Was there a monster like that? I see you for the first time.”

“I don’t know. never heard of it! No, that's not the point!”

Thinking about its identity is the second problem.

The first is that now they are rushing towards them, scattering their enemies and hideous killing intentions.


Furetel shouted as he raised the hammer while swearing.

“Warriors! Don't be afraid! Face it! Face whatever monsters they bring!”

Hearing his shout, the warriors of his own tribe and other troops of different races raised their fighting spirit a beat later and shouted in the same way.

Whatever the identity of the monster, defeating it is enough.

I'll pile up their corpses and figure them out slowly.

They went head-to-head as if they were not going to lose.

Kelia's troops collided with a large army of monsters.

But it didn't take long to realize that it was the wrong choice.

As the centaurs charged, their spears broke as soon as they touched the monster's torso.


The unbroken spear barely got stuck, but the monsters ran at it without losing any momentum.

As if not caring about their injuries, they rushed at the warriors first, crushing and biting them, and engaging in acts that could never be called fighting, trampled on troops of different races.

“From above! hit from above! Don't hit me head on! Winged guys! Hit them in the head!”

As ordered, troops of winged ones, including harpies, roamed the sky to strike the monsters' heads.

Rather, the monsters roared towards the sky and spread their wings.

Their wings quiver once, and suddenly the aerial units lose their balance and begin to fall.

“… … can't fly... … all?”

The harpies, who had fallen to the ground, tried to move their wings that had suddenly hardened in a state of dismay, but they didn't listen.

It looks like those monsters are up to something.

If they are brave in the sky but cannot fly, they have no advantage, but neither.

In addition, air units are weak compared to ground units.

In order to fly freely in the sky, the strength of the bones has to be weak.

The harpies were kicked by the monsters and their entire bodies were broken and died.

“These bastards!”

Furetel was enraged at the gruesome sight of his allies and struck the monster with his hammer.

Unable to handle his strength, which surpassed that of most centaurs, the monster became bloody.

“What are you doing! Push!”

In addition, the warriors of each race are fighting the monsters with all their might, defeating the wounded warriors.

I somehow prevented it from getting involved at once.

But the problem is... … .

“… … shit. these. How many are there!”

There's no point in defeating just one or two monsters.

Several thousand monsters appeared.

Maybe it will reach the bay.

It is realistically impossible to defeat all of them one by one, no matter how Furetel is.

Furetel quickly turned his head to find his only hope.

‘That guy is definitely the commander!'

I hate to admit it, but if these are an army, there must be some commanding them.

Soon he discovered an alien being among the hordes of monsters.

Isn't it that a monstrous and gigantic guy than the other monsters walks out?

“OK… … Are you the boss?”

However, the monster that is presumed to be the leader only growls and drools as the language is not communicated.

The stones touched by the saliva melted without a shape.

“This is terrible… …

Fretel stamped his hooves in disgust and raised his chin.

I never thought I'd be in a position where I had to look up at my enemies.

‘If I just defeat this guy... …

Defeating that boss monster might change the current situation.

No, at least if you can make those monsters shrink even a little, more warriors can be saved.

He risked his death and, without hesitation, kicked off the ground and charged.

At once, his huge body accelerated and flew towards the monster.

A charge that even the shield soldiers of the Zelnian Kingdom could not block.

But the monster screamed and raised its arms without showing any sign of fear.

Then the chief monster's arm wriggled and changed its shape.

It turned into a huge ax blade and struck down without hesitation.

“I'm afraid he's not a monster, so his talent is terrible.”

Furetel jumped up on all fours and dodged the axe.

Perhaps because of lack of reason, the trajectory of the attack is crude.

However, the power is ignorant, and just by striking it down, the ground splits several meters apart.

I can't even afford to stand up.

“I'll put an end to it before that!”

Furetel jumped up and down while avoiding the monster's attack, then jumped over the monster's head in an instant and returned back, while at the same time twisting his body and swinging his hammer with all his might, showing a body movement that was unbelievable for a centaur.

The same blunt weapon that killed other monsters in one blow hit him on the head.

“It’s nice??????

But Furetel was speechless.

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