How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 571

Chapter 571. A Quiet World (2)

No... … Not even Arell.

Anyway, something felt strange today.

Is it a condition problem?

‘… … Shall I rest early today too?'

There was still work to be done, but I didn't think I would be able to do it this way.

“I am strangely sleepy… …

My eyelids are strangely heavy.

I don't have a specific schedule for tomorrow when I don't run away from the documents I need to check, so if I check it, I'll be able to solve it leisurely.

Pena yawned again and headed for the bedroom.

And as soon as she changed into her nightgown and fell asleep, barely falling asleep, she fell asleep.

At that time, she did not notice a few discomforts due to fatigue.

The first is that it was not only them who complained of a strange drowsiness, but also other servants and soldiers.

Another was that the salamander who had been summoned also stumbled and fell to the sky as if falling asleep.

And the last one.

above the sky

It was red and mysterious particles that disappeared in the stratosphere, scattering mysterious light like an aurora.

And the more the particles cover the sky, the quieter the world becomes.

As the night progressed, the noise became less and there was a strange stillness.

As if the whole world fell asleep.

Soon, no sound was heard from the world.

And what was completed was perfect silence.

It is the world of sleep where everyone sleeps.

I had an unpleasant dream for the first time in a while.

Those are my few not-so-pleasant memories.

Memories built up over the past long years.

Of course, I am also a human being, so I have forgotten many things.

But there are also things that can't be forgotten.

Those close to me, those I love... …

And while there are also memories of the fun days... … .

There are also memories that I want to disappear from my head if possible.

The time when I was still immature and decided the wrong policy and failed, lost everything and ended my life at the time.

When I misbehaved, my identity was discovered, and people around me called me a monster.

Even I can't laugh happily when I think of those memories again.

The first time I failed, I was genuinely devastated.

I have never cried as much when everyone around me turned away because of my true identity.


‘They tricked us!'

‘You're different from us!'

‘Where are you pretending to be human!'

After all, even I cannot easily forget the voice of that time.

It's the same as me being a person who regrets.

‘Could it be better next time?'

‘Can I do better next time?'

‘Is there a next time?'

There are times when I have hope.

wrapped in a tremendous sense of exhaustion.

‘Oh, I don't know. I will not!'

There are times when I lie down like this.

What is this cycle repeating?

Then, when you get tired of it, try again.

lived like that

… … Just how many more times will it be repeated in the future?

As the idiot advised, I have been living my life without a special sense of duty, but I don't know how long that will last.

* * *

In a strange tiredness, I struggled and opened my eyes.

“… … Hey, you had a strange dream. Is it because the ground is not good?”

It's rare that I've had this discomfort in bed.

I'm the one who can sleep deeply even in a stable if I set my mind to it?

I decided to think that the fact that annoying things were somewhere in this castle made me feel uncomfortable... … .

“… … It doesn't look like that.”

In one second I changed my mind.

It was only then that I realized the subtle sense of incongruity.


Oops, I wanted to.

feeling like you've been hurt

I want this to be a few times in my life.

A feeling of discomfort that I felt a little while ago.

‘Isn't it because of my mood?' It's not unusual to want to pass it on.

I hurriedly opened the window.

There are some things you need to check first.

If my gut feeling is right... … .

“under… … okay… … Are you saying these bastards can do this?”

I was just amazed.

Really, these kids are capable of all sorts of things... … .

The night sky I looked up at stopped.

The movement of the celestial body is completely stopped.

Even the clouds don't move.

Well, aside from the clouds, it is impossible for a celestial body to completely stop its movement.

“The stars have stopped? no… … it's not... …

Common sense makes no sense.

Perhaps the reason why the stars seemed to have stopped is an additive effect caused by some phenomenon.

It is a distortion phenomenon that can be seen due to a certain witchcraft.

“… … Then what?”

We need to understand the situation more.

for a moment? Had no one noticed this sense of incongruity before?

What time is it before that?

Because I barely woke up a moment ago, it is difficult to measure time with my senses.

The flow of mana floating in the surrounding air was also strange.

Only then can you properly use magic.

As a test, I tried to blow a simple fireball out of the window, but all that was fired from my fingertips was embarrassingly small embers.

“… … .”

I can't. I'll have to check it out.

The first thing I did was to find someone who would be closest to me among those who are here now.

“Asha? Are you there now?”

I quietly broke into the next room where Asha was and called her.

“… … Are you sleeping?”

but something is odd

Normally, when I call her like this, she immediately notices and wakes up, but for some reason, she remains soundly asleep even when I call her... … .

Could it be that he was tired because of the tension?

Does that happen? Did nothing happen today? Didn't you do anything?

something doesn't feel right

“???? Asha?”

I shook Asha.

still no response

“Hey hey? Would you like to wake up?

sleepy girl? Sleeping like that, I don’t know what to do?”

I'm not pretending to sleep.

Not really anything happened.

It just doesn't happen.

Everything was normal, including the pulse and mana flow.

There is no problem other than just falling asleep.

“Are you asleep?”

It's like sleeping so deeply that you can't wake up on your own.

“Umm, Mr. Arell. Anyway, that's not it. Whoop whoop. child indeed.”

They are talking peacefully in their sleep.

What the hell am I doing in my dream?

I'll have to ask later

That's not the problem now.

“This only makes me feel worse… …

And it gradually becomes certain.

It's not just Asha.

The servants and escort soldiers were all asleep and unable to wake up.

Everyone is just sleeping well, spread out in the hallway and waiting room.

… … Don't get me wrong.

I've never abused the lower ones like this.

I've never had them work hard enough to stretch out as a group.

Appropriately observe 4 groups and 3 shifts.

“Collect hypnosis? Did you forcefully intervene in the ritual and force it to fall asleep?”

The effect has been understood to some extent.

But what surprised me was that it was different.

‘The problem is that it takes me too?'

That I had a hard time getting up.

And the dream I had a moment ago must be the aftermath of this phenomenon.

My magical mental tolerance is vast.

No creature dares to penetrate it.

That's only possible with the same partner.

I was making a comparison.

But this time even that was close by.

If my tolerance had been low, I wouldn't have woken up either.

Even if you prepare for it, it's like this.

If you didn't, what the hell would happen?

I don't want to imagine too much.

Above all, I don't want to think what would have happened if I hadn't come to this summit.

“no way… … I never thought I would do something like this... …

Should I say bold... … Should I just leave? … .

I never thought I'd blow things up right at the meeting.

‘… … Did I overdo it?' Anyway, that wouldn't be it.

It is not an impulsive crime.

Maybe this was the idea from the beginning.

“I need to figure out the situation first.”

what this phenomenon means.

You should check what you're aiming for with this.

It won't be a trick to simply put you to sleep.

I feel a much higher and more complex interference force.

Maybe falling asleep is just a phenomenon that happened easily as a result.

Once I grasped the situation here, I tried to get into action as soon as possible.

However, the information is too scarce.

” hmm?”

I felt a strange sensation nearby when I was about to step out, wondering if it would be better to check the status of the foreign envoys in addition to our own.

It's a familiar vibe.

“Cania's sister?”

Just in case, I quickly headed to the next room.

As expected, several knights were scattered here as well.

If only a bottle of sake were decorated here, it would be the next day after getting drunk.

And among them, the older sister is also lying face down on the floor.

“also… … Are you sleeping?”

Was the aura I felt an illusion?

Well, it's kind of like this.

Noona is no exception.

“wait for a sec?”

Just in case, I approached my sister.

slowly, carefully, carefully.

As if putting a hand in a crocodile's mouth, he slowly reached out and touched his shoulder.

“If you sleep in a place like this, your mouth will go back.”

And quickly withdrew his hand.

As soon as I let go of my hand, a sharp, blue trace passed faintly.

There were marks drawn in a straight line on the floor.

And Kania noona wriggling with her arms stretched out with her hands together like a capital city.

As usual, you are doing very well.

Yes, even when you are sleeping, you are not neglecting your guard.

Why do you want to exercise those teachings now?

“???? also.”

Being convinced, I touched my sister once again.

I secretly interfered with her qi through my inner cavity and forcibly activated her body.

It is often a wake-up call.

The effect is certain.

“Wow? !”

Sister Kania let out a strange scream and raised her head.

And as I reflexively tried to raise my body.

He screamed and crouched down.

“Gya ya ya ya yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?! “

You are screaming beyond your age.”

“that… … It's not... … It hurts so bad... And it hurts...

The person who doesn't even give a damn is seriously struggling.

It's worth it.

My special Arel-type wake-up touch works great.

Mind flashes, body flashes.

But as a side effect, the whole body hurts.

The energy and pulse of the whole body run rampant, and the muscles tingle with surprise.

Even that will disappear in about a minute, but that one minute will be the time of hell.

It will be the longest minute in the world.

First of all, I waited for my sister to get herself properly.

I won't be able to hear anything you say right now anyway.

after about a minute.

As if she could barely move, she woke up with tears in her eyes.

And as if he still felt a sense of incongruity, he massaged his forearm and waist.

“ah… … really… … it hurt... … What was that?”

“well? What was it? You seem to be stiff from sleeping on the floor.”

“Is that so?”

“It is.”

Just pretend I don't know! pulled off

“Rather than that, I want you to understand the current situation.”

“situation? huh? Why is everyone sleeping?”

Only then did the older sister discover the subordinates scattered around and expressed her impressions as if she was dumbfounded.

“Is everyone missing?”

“Is that just a feeling? Before that, my older sister was lying on the floor too, right?”

“Eh? Did I too?”

It turns out that I didn't know at all.

As expected, it seems that he has not reached the stage of recognizing his sense of incongruity.

‘Kania's sister was half awake. It was just a coincidence... …

No, somehow the conditions were right.

Just as I was not caught in this trick, my sister was not completely caught in it either.

It's probably because of the Auror training method I taught her that her resistance has accumulated.

Originally, it was to thoroughly develop resistance so as not to be harmed by poison or cowardly means, but I never thought it would be effective in a place like this.

‘… … That's why I have to teach them diligently on a regular basis.'

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