How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 562

Chapter 562. Neighborhood Association of Reincarnated People (3)

“If I had to give you personal advice, I think it would work at a certain level. More than that, it’s better to combine the energy that will be used there.”

Demonstrating the dandyness of giving moderate advice, I narrowed the distance at once.

“Like this.”

He panics and tries to operate the weapon again, but it is too late.

“It is not good that technology is complicated.

There is no countermeasure once such a technique is breached. It seems clumsy since I've hardly ever seen anything through it.”

Normally, if I were to teach, I would stop here, but considering the purpose of this place, there is no reason to ignore it.

I lightly clenched my fist half a handful and stretched out as it was.

“Let’s get it right.”


Just like that, he disappeared over the horizon with the momentum of becoming a star in the sky.

It will probably come back on its own by the time it's all over.

What was the name of that blond kid? I heard it, but I can't remember it because it's annoying'?

what happened

“Are there sixteen left?”

I turned around and smiled broadly at the kids, still slightly frozen than before.

“What do you do?”

“… … I will give up on this one.”

There are also those who surrender meekly.

He's the guy I teased earlier by calling him Ham.

When one surrendered, the rest of the kids seemed to be hesitant.

Still, I think some of them thought it was worth trying, but they started mocking each other in their own way.

The female reincarnated woman, who was called Nellie, also tried to step out with her fighting spirit burning.

“… … You said earlier that it doesn't matter if several people attack you, right? Then cooperate with you there. Now that this has happened, shouldn’t we show our pride?”

“I will do that.”

When Nellie proposes cooperation to another reincarnated person, he nods hastily and cooperates immediately.

Five people who made a group in such a hurry.

they surrounded me

I desperately feel the will to give me a shot somehow.

“I understand that your power is strong, so I will do it without the slightest hesitation!”

“Yes, yes, if you do, I will be comfortable.

Thanks to you, I'll go home soon.”

If only these ones are properly handled, the rest will be easy to handle.

and after 1 minute.

“… … This is nonsense.”

Nellie, who insisted on teaming up and attacking me, ended up drooping as she tried to raise her half-slung body against the wall of the mansion.

The rest of the guys were shivering, either in the mansion or on the floor.

He shuddered as if a nightmare had passed.

Well, actually, it must have been a nightmare-like one minute.

“This is nonsense… … Neither magic nor curses work.”

“Your skills are crude.”

The number of digits of experience is different.

“how is it? If you don't understand, can you try again?”

“… … I admit it. Certainly you are strong.”

Eventually, Nellie let go of her body as if resigned.

Surprisingly, it is pure to admit.

Well, since I've actually been hit with my body, I'm sure I can feel it.

“But if you’re that strong, why bother calling us now? I don't understand.”

“not a big deal. These guys are just like me.

Or maybe even higher.”

These are the guys who were beaten without a countermeasure by myself now.

If I directly say that the enemy is likely to be equal to or stronger than me, it freezes.

“It's not just Harial, but there must be a few people one or two orders below him.”

“… … So, the previous provocation was to warn us?”

“How about it?”

I neither acknowledged nor denied it.

“Anyway, if we fight, there will surely be deaths among you.”

Unlike when he provoked him earlier, he takes it seriously.

“Then isn’t it time to come up with more measures?”

“Whatever it is.”

“It must be a clear operation. Arel Ernesia. Could you please suggest a way?”


d ?

The person who brought up the opinion just now is the same friend who got angry because I called the wrong name earlier, right?

Obviously the name... … what was it I forgot because I was not interested.

“Isn’t that what you mean? Mr. Ham?”

As I said these words, a bullet fired from my fist ripped out his heart.

“… … I am not a ham.”

The friend said so and collapsed helplessly.

Suddenly I kill him and the atmosphere freezes.

There were also those who were angry and questioned.

“Wait a minute! What are you doing! He just gave an opinion!”

“Is it just an opinion… … Do you think so?

Do you know how to use magic?”

“Is that so?”

“Then take a look at him. Now you know if he really just made an opinion.”

When I pointed, Nellie looked at the body in a puzzled way.

Her expression flinched for a moment, then calmed down with a serious look.

“… … This is the remnant of communication magic. no way?”

“That means he wasn’t an ally on our side from the start… … Or maybe they defected along the way.”

He probably defected after Lirensen contacted him.

Because Rerensen is also quite flustered right now.

The reason why I suddenly did something violent was actually to see these guys' reactions and check whether they had defected.

“… … okay. Was the provocation also because you wanted to review the suspicions about Lee? That’s why you deliberately provoked division.”

The woman's eyes showed understanding, as if she had understood something.

The rest of the guys also show sympathy as their hostility from just before disappears in an instant.

“well? How about it?”

“Whoop whoop. Even so.”

Whoop whoop. What do you mean?

“Well, was that the purpose from the beginning?”

“Then it makes sense.”

Don't understand these.

The reason I noticed his defection was because I felt a strange presence halfway through. A faint remnant of communication magic.

I only doubted and was convinced because I sensed it.

However, if he wanted to reveal his identity, there must have been other ways.

It's just because it's my hobby... … .

Seeing the kids for the first time in a while, I want to torment them.

It was half a hobby.

I held back that word.

Even I know that it is better not to say this.

Let's just let it be misunderstood.

Because it seems like it would be easier to deal with.

The reason I dared to argue was because I had the purpose of showing the difference in my skills once and making them surrender comfortably so that I could use them.

“Anyway, know this. If you really want to fight him, do it right. I will not tolerate any deviation.”

“… … If you say that, do you have any thoughts?”

“I can set a proper policy.”

“Let’s listen first.”

“Let me tell you.”

Obviously at that moment.

The mood of the reincarnated people, including her, became more serious.

and a little later

After the blonde kid I first blew up after swimming back, he mumbled as if he didn't understand, looking at this situation.

In addition, he is embarrassed to see the corpse of the renegade rolling around at his feet.

“What happened?”

Someone please explain to him instead.”

i'm bothered

Law Shen.

There is a different name used here, but his old… … To be precise, a warrior from the east who is now called this because a teacher from a distant past called it out of habit.

Today, as usual, he was teaching Pahilia's soldiers how to handle Auras.

The soldiers who are now being taught by him are among the recently enlisted recruits who have shown the ability to awaken the Aura.

It is to select those who volunteer or show their talents and let them realize their abilities through special guidance.

Thanks to this, Pahilia, which previously had a particularly high number of Aura user soldiers, now has three times as many Aura users as before.

“A little more... … Well, in this land, it's called mana. Yes, detect more mana.”

He sits upright on the floor, closes his eyes, and walks among the soldiers who practice the exercises, checking their condition and not forgetting the admonition.

“It is different from simply focusing.

You cannot accept mana only by emptying your head.”

He lightly tapped the soldier on the head, whining needlessly, to alert him.

“If you have accepted it, catch the flow of your internal forces. It is meaningless to simply absorb it.”

It looks like a simple admonition, but in reality it's not that simple a map?

Now, Shen is guiding the thousands of soldiers seated here in the training ground to determine how much energy they accept and how much it circulates, and whether they circulate it in the wrong way.

It is an absurd method that can be said to be first-class as a leader.

These teaching tips are not innate to the way he teaches as a teacher, but a way he learned through trial and error in his own way.

Teaching method alone is a body that has broken bones.

‘… … It's no big deal to teach only a thousand people.'

In his sect in the eastern continent, it was Shen who personally guided nearly 10,000 initiators every day.

It can be said that Arel entrusted him with this job.

‘by the way. I never thought I'd do something like this again... …

He no longer had the intention of practicing his martial arts to achieve something in this lifetime, nor the desire to pass on his martial arts to someone.

To be precise, it was a decision he had made after his munpa collapsed on that day.

I have no desire to do anything else meaningful in this lifetime.

I thought that if I finished my revenge, I would die without any regrets.

It was only Arel's request, so it was only an entrusted task.

“… … Let’s stop here for today.”

When he ordered a halt, the soldiers' meditation stopped and the full mana scattered throughout the area.

“Let the rest of the training run parallel to your routine. And personally, I recommend having a fortune-ki breakfast the way it is today.”

It's not like you're studying martial arts in earnest, you just need to awaken your skills.

If you do that, the rest will train themselves in their own way.

It was the time when Shen told them to go there and turned their backs to leave the training ground.

“Master Shen!”

Someone called him from behind.

Turning around, a knight who had just changed from his armor to his regular work clothes was calling him.

… … what's that friend's name?

Shen frowned.

I'm not familiar with other people's names because I'm only focusing on what I'm told to do.

In addition, he was originally an Auror Practitioner class.

Shen hadn't taught her directly, so she wasn't used to it.

If you taught me at least once, I would remember your face.

“… … It’s Lempel.”


“no… … Are you saying this for the seventh time?”

“I’m sorry about that.”

It was half sincere.

Even though he had said this seven times, he felt somewhat guilty since he was a human being.

I was told to do it, but were you too indifferent to human relationships?

“ha ha ha. what's ok Isn't Master Shen a foreigner? Maybe it's because I'm not used to it.”

Let's count something like that.

Apparently, he misunderstood that Shen was from the east, so he couldn't remember the faces of people on this continent.

It was hard to even explain.

“But what happened? Do you have anything to say about the map from earlier?”

Shen thought his business was about guiding the soldiers.

First of all, he is also one of the knights in charge of those soldiers.

In addition, before, he showed interest in his guidance and asked various questions.

“No, it’s not like that. Rather, does Master Shen still have work?

It looks like it's on its way back after finishing it.”

“… … Is that so?”

Originally, at this point, I would go back and meditate or do personal training, but that is a category of private life after work is over.

I have no choice but to say yes to the question he asks, ‘Have you finished your work?'

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