How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 557

Episode 557. Who are you allowed to do business with?


“Yes, accept it. Wouldn't that be a good publicity spot? Even if it wasn’t so, it bothered me that the products of this side and that side ‘accidentally’ overlapped.”

“Wouldn’t it be what you wished for to propose a friendly competition with each other in such a car?”

i like it by accident

Cherpal muttered in his heart.

It won't be enough to have these thoughts.

People who work inside the company.

Furthermore, it is a fact that outside customers and other merchants also know that it is not a coincidence that the products produced by this side are similar to those of Arnil.

But nothing to take.

There is no overlap in production routes or raw materials.

For example, no one claims a monopoly on the production of buttons for fur clothing.

Buttons can be made of wood or ivory.

The similarity of products alone does not work even if you try to force it.

Knowing that, there's nothing to shy away from.

“Then this is… …

“You take it.”

Duke Hummel, without the slightest hesitation, expressed his intention to entrust this task to Cherpal.

“Are you really okay?”

“Anyway, try it. Whatever the outcome, don't hold me accountable. I promise you.”

Trading is a life that is more bloody than walking on the edge of a knife every time.

If it is not sold, it will be as miserable as dying.

But regardless of the outcome

Rather, my body trembled at the excessively unconventional attitude.

What the hell is he talking about... … .

Rumor has it that there is a huge sponsor behind Duke Hummel.

Rumor has it that they provided the ability to make the present business possible.

There was a saying that it gained the ability to produce current products through that place.

Could it be that this is true?


“yes. yep!”

“Anyway, I'll leave this up to you. Do what you can.”

“That means… …

“The most desirable thing is to beat the Arnil Company with the materials of the Delt Company. That alone is a huge advantage.

Wouldn’t it be okay to do a little overwork for that purpose?”

It's so easy to give permission.

Agreements between the two sides were quickly concluded.

how to compete how far will you go And what not to do.

We only discussed that much.

Of course, an agreement was reached to inform the outside of the event only after consultation between the two parties.

This is because it is much more acceptable for both sides to package it as a friendly competition and announce it.

In any case, it is only conveyed as a matter of great interest to the citizens.

“It’s noisy over there.”

“Looks like they’re promoting something new to drink.”

From their point of view, it is enough to catch their eyes and mouth.

Both companies spared no available means within the scope of common sense to promote the sales of their respective colas.

“welcome! A drink recently launched by Arnil Trading Co., Ltd. Why don't we taste Coke for a while and then go?”

“It’s also available at Delt Firm!”

Each store is attracting customers by mobilizing beautiful clerks.

Even orchestras and theater companies were hired to try to attract attention.

He hears music every day and does everything to attract customers' attention.

By mobilizing a weapon that can only be found in Sanghoe equipped with capital.

They are struggling to sell only Coke.

It is said that a merchant of a small store commented on the competition of this head business.

“It’s a fight for money.”

Anyway, there are more things, he clicked his tongue.

There is no wrong word.

It has already been the 6th day since I started betting on sales.

“Today is also noisy… …

I sat under the shade of a parasol on the outdoor terrace of the store with the most sunlight, sipping a Coke and leisurely admiring the scenery below.

Today, the Arnil Chamber of Commerce is doing its best to attract attention by inviting an opera troupe made up of elves to promote its products.

Currently, the Elf Revue is attracting everyone's attention by showing off its mysterious appearance and beautiful falsetto.

They were specially invited by using their connections with Kelly.

Originally, it would take time just to make a reservation, but even if I asked for it, it would take time, but I took the order specially because I read it carefully under the pretext of a past debt to the queen.

And Delt Firm is also trying to attract attention by hiring dancers full of whiteness.

I heard that those dancers belong to a fairly famous troupe in Felsen Kingdom.

Each other is pouring all possible connections and money into each other.

… … I'll just sell you a Coke.

okay! You're doing this just to sell a Coke!

‘Why did this happen?' What is this doing?

It was something I did, but watching it like this made me smile.

‘It will surely remain as a representative joke in future history books.'

Will it remain as a ‘Cola War'?

Even now, even now, many people are wondering why they became like this even though they fit in this competition.

One by one, they will keep their eyes on each other.

It's more like a sales competition rather than a mere sales competition.

“. It looks like a battle of egos.”

That's how I was leisurely taking my time watching the elves and dancers alternately.

Asha and Seina, who had been away for a while, returned.

“Aren’t you being too relaxed?”

“It seems like you’re watching it as if it were someone else’s business?”

The two put the food they had brought on the table and smiled bitterly.

“How are you? Anyway, I left this job to you. Isn't there anything I can run around with?”

You just have to watch while having a cola and a snack.

Get your work done and enjoy it.

It is also a small pleasure.

“… … By the way, Arell? Is that really a good sword?”

As Seina picked up the snacks, she looked at the opera troupe and the dancers in turn, questioning.

“Did you hear that the hiring cost for those people is expensive?”

“It will be very, very expensive. I heard the rumors too.”

Asha replied in an astringent voice as if she could guess the amount.

As Asha sneakily tells Seina how much the rumored employment cost will be, Seina turns white.

Of course.

The opera troupe made up of elves is one of the main sources of tourism revenue in Kellia.

In fact, the casting fee was no joke.

“If I had to ask… … If you guess this time, it’s a narrow plus or minus zero?”

Even if you guess at the minimum sales, there is barely a loss.

That's because they're paying for all sorts of things in terms of labor costs and PR costs.

Why are you spending money like crazy?

This is because the investment or amount required is not particularly calculated in this competition.

That's why both sides put on the ultimate money show.

… … If it was intentional, then of course it was.

Wouldn't it be nice to spend a lot of money?

‘Thanks to that, word of mouth went well.'

Not only merchants who used to stay here and tourists who used to stop by trains, but also many leisurely people are snooping around after hearing the news.

“Certainly, the money we spent on each other might be bigger.”

“Eh, isn’t that a loss?”

“So you look at the big picture.”

It may be a loss now, but from the perspective of promoting through word of mouth, it is a kind of investment.

Even after this competition is over, those who saw this commotion will not forget it for a while.

If that's the case, you're looking for products here while passing by.

‘Actually, it's not that simple.'

It is an explanation when it is summarized to the extent.

However, it is true that it is not just a loss.

Attracting attention remains effective for quite some time. In the long run, it won't hurt you.

‘I'm sure the other side wanted that too.'

Accepting such a far-fetched bet in itself meant that the other side was also aiming for the same thing.

In the first place, this game has nothing to do with who will win and lose.

Yes, sometimes we need to coexist with each other.

“Suddenly, that coexistence must come to an end. Competition ends when someone wins.

And I like to win.

I've done enough publicity, so now I have to come to an end.

It is for that that I am here now.

I wasn't lying when I said that Eliam and Cagin had no strategy.

Really I had no idea at the time.

Because you don't have to think.

Thinking is what you do after you commit it.

“Then why are we here watching?”

Asha sighed over the food piled up on the table.

The place we are now is not the Arnil Firm's store.

It is the shop of the small town Delt Company.

I drink quite a bit of cola.

Well, sometimes the taste of different brands is also special.

“Is this okay?”

“Isn’t there a law telling me not to come here?”

Interference is prohibited, but go to the shop on the other side and say [人]? There is no rule saying don't eat it.

“Isn’t this contributing to the other party’s sales… …

“are you okay… … maybe.”

At best, I just ran out of food sold here.

How much would it take for three humans to eat?

“Actually, I wanted to try. You go into a store and say, ‘Give me everything from here to there.’”

But in my store, you can't do that because you're embarrassed, right?

“There? There are many things to see, right? I see my enemies panic in enemy lines. Are you quite lucky?”

I shamelessly laughed it off.

“It's not that it's meaningless.”

” Really.”

I never came out to play out of boredom.

I didn't come out looking for other flavors because I was tired of eating only our store every day.

to check one thing.

“I know that? Most of the food they sell overlaps with ours.”

“I heard about it. Wasn't that the start of the problem in the first place?”

“It did.”

It all started when they deliberately copied us.

Sure enough, when I checked it myself, the sales competition this time is also competing only with the same product.

The concept was thorough, to the point of laughing.

And I was sure of their intentions.

“Anyway, this time was no different.

I wondered if they would come with a new product, but there seemed to be no reason to go that far.”

“Is that so?”

“Anyway, no products have been added in the past few days, so it won’t change in the future.”

There are grounds for certainty.

In the first place, it was because I obtained a list of trade items that were separately investigated and reported before this.

Even if they were added, it would be one or two.

Then no problem.

enough to overtake.

“Hey? I know you've been thinking about something. So the question is, what are you going to do with all this?”

Seina pointed to the table and asked.

spying is good

There's a meaning, no problem.

But what to do with all this food?

“What the heck?”

Eating should be valued.

I've done so many things, but there's only one thing left.

“The three of us can enjoy eating what we ordered.”

Isn't that the most certain and honest way to deal with it?

Two people were stunned by this name.

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