How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 549

Chapter 549. Disciples and Reincarnated Persons (6) 十 Unwelcome Signs (1)

“Then… … I told you! and! Grandma talked about it a lot.”

“… … about me? What did you say?”

“He is the greatest and most wonderful man in the world.”

After saying that, the granddaughter turned her back and walked away.

“… … It’s like a granddaughter.”

I slumped back in my seat with a slight gasp.

First of all, I was worried about the notebook, so I decided to check it out.

What else are you kidding me with?

「At first, I started with the Earth Dragon egg, and it was perfect! I thought I would just observe and sort it out. I must have been complacent. Thanks to that, I thought I would die when being chased by the Earth Dragon... … Still, with the help of a passer-by, he barely survived. Instead, I heard quite a few words.』

Is it like a memoir'?

The handwriting is clearly Elmena.

Looking at the earth dragon talk here, is the point of view when it was caught while bouncing with a earth dragon egg?

rThe person who said that. Now that I think about it, it seems that I know a lot about this and that. there's something out of the ordinary. Is it possible to learn from him? But I don't know about him yet. If it's a dangerous person, it's difficult, so I decided to investigate first. Because I need to know

where he is.” A record written from that guy's point of view.

Come to think of it, it seems that he used to write something from time to time, but was it this?

“As a result of the investigation, I found out. Surprisingly, he seems to be the one who gave me the medicine that made me feel better when I was sick! I'm sure it was because I was begging my father to hear it.

Then this is fate! I decided to enter as His disciple.

The question is, will you accept it? Umm... … What would happen if I went and prayed?」

Are you kidding me?”

“I found out something. Clearly, Master must be a very good person. His tone is rough, nervous, and even lazy. But he must have been a great man. The reason is because I think so.”

“… … hey.”

“I have never seen Master smile.

Sometimes Master would say that she had lived a long time and was tired of many things because of it... … Perhaps it will be impossible for me to understand Master.”

“If his resignation continues, perhaps one day it will reach a point where there is no turning back. J? That's why I decided. At least show it to Master. That people don't change easily. If you put your mind to it, if you don't give up, you can live with a smile. And that Master's existence is absolutely meaningless.”

“But you won't hear it with words

.” Even if my life is short, I can live without changing. That I can accept it with a smile until the end. That everything is determined by the will.”

“I will continue to insist throughout my life.”

“There is no need to shoulder such a duty. You just have to live each day honestly. Now is everything.”

“Because there is no meaning, that is what has meaning.”

“Please understand even a little... … If you live like that, I'm sure Master will be able to smile someday. And wouldn't you be able to live with a little more strength?”

“I just want to help Master. That's all.」

By the time I finished reading the notebook, the day dawned.

I closed the notebook and kept my head down for a while, unable to say anything.

Squeezing your voice is also difficult.


“… … What are you going to do?”

The words I barely squeezed out looked like they would burst out at any moment.

Elmena sincerely wanted to change me.

A little more positive and lively. That's how I hoped I'd regain the same energy as herself.

“You really… … Do you think I can laugh like everyone else and live like that?”

Truly, he was an absurd disciple until the very end.

I really don't know anything.”

who doesn't know

“… … How could such a thing be possible?”

I've never done it so I don't know.

How the hell does he want me to live in the future?

“… … Don't give up. Don’t miss it… is that so?”

It's okay to be arrogant.

It's okay to be light.

just live the way you want to

seeking self-convenience.

Focus on living your life happily every day.

You don't have to do anything important.

Isn't it who made it?

Don't look for a sense of duty for no reason.

Don't get weighed down by it.

It's okay if life doesn't have meaning.

It doesn't necessarily have to have a reason for its existence.

no one has ever forced

Just laugh and live as I please.

Try not to get bored in the slightest.

then you can laugh

Even if you don't laugh, try to smile even if you are forced to.

Then, do you have the confidence to be accepted as plausible someday?

Perhaps that is what Elmena was trying to say.

“… … If you're so arrogant. okay… … I will.”

If you complain after failing, you can do it then.

After all, there will be a next one, and there will be another one after that.

If it doesn't work, then you can sit down again.

Having to live on for a long time after that is something that doesn't change.

So please accept it anyway.

I woke up thinking that far.

There is no end to me.

However, after this, I wanted to live as if he was being deceived, as he said.

After that, I decided to live my own way through several lives.

regardless of meaning.

I only look at what is in front of my eyes.

When I'm sad, I'm honestly sorry.

When you enjoy, enjoy generously.

I was also frustrated.

Failed more.

Nonetheless, I continued to live.

in the past and now.

and in the future.

Even if the only thing waiting in the future is regret and emptiness.

* * *

“… … Is that the conclusion? I will just let go of my mind and live my life the way I want to. Was that what you decided to do?”

“Yumma, when you say that, it seems like I’m just twisted and living in a barracks.”

“Is it different?”


To Rirensen's rather malignant conclusion, I politely protested.

At best, I asked for it and even told people embarrassing things in the past, but isn't the current reaction too much?

“… … Are you just living your life the way you want to?”

Shen, on the other hand, is muttering something heavy and pensive.

As a reincarnated person, it is still like a newcomer, so there may be many things to worry about.

Let's leave it for now.

“So, are you happy living as your disciple said?”

“Ha, like that immature lady said, there’s no way everything will work out just by changing your mindset, right?”

I asked what he was talking about.

It can't change that easily.

I can't have changed

It doesn't change that you still have to go alone after a long time.

I suffered a lot.

Right now, this is nothing more than consolation for this moment.

“Still, ‘Let's just be honest!' Enough.”

Even after that day, I have reached this point by repeating trial and error dozens of times.

At least now, I think I'm at a point where people don't complain about not laughing when they see my top.

Well, that's all.

“You don’t know how long you will live. Maybe he's still feeling the irritation.”

As a senior, I obediently gave advice.

“Even if you’re fed up or bitter, don’t cover your eyes. If that happens, only the suffering will become uncontrollable. I'd rather just be honest.”

You can fall into boredom.

You can beat them all in anger and break them.

… … no. Well, it's not a nuisance, but I can't help it then.

Even so, you will have to work hard and live again.

If you enjoyed it once, there will surely come a time when you will enjoy it again someday.

What he said was obviously correct.

Conversely, I, a reincarnated person, learned from her, an ordinary human being.

“After all, we are humans too.”

“That means you think so.”

“That’s how it is.”

that's me... … No, that's our conclusion.

So I will continue to live like that.

in order not to forget.

“And also the reason why I don’t approve of Herial.”

There is no reason to sympathize with an arrogant idiot who has forgotten who he is.

“Anyway, talking about the past is over here. Let's do the rest.”

As promised, there is nothing more to say.

Now that the arrangement is complete, all that remains is interpretation.

And it remains to process it appropriately so that other humans can notice it and hand it over.

I hurriedly urged myself to finish the rest of the work, and got up first.

An unwelcome sign (1)

A trading city located near the border of the Merman Empire. Delzewald.

The recent daily life of the merchants who live here began quite early.

“What are you procrastinating on! Isn't it already time for the first car to come!”

Merchant Welgin, who worked in Delzewald, had to start early in the morning with a wagon, picking up workers who were still clumsy.

Welgin roared again when the movement of the workers who set down the wagon and prepared the work slowed down again.

“If you are late, know how to cut the daily wages of those who are late! You guys!”

When the bluff was released, the workers got a little busier.

It's not my true intention to really shave or not, but I can't help it.

After all, it's not like the lower ones are babbling because they want to be late.

The body and mind have not yet adapted to the current habit.

Even if I get well right now, the habit hasn't formed in my body yet, so a corner of my head is blank.

For merchants like themselves in the first place, starting the day at a time that doesn't open properly even if you do this is something that was unimaginable until recently.

Small tasks such as preparing for opening a store or arranging products were always done early in the day.

However, such a full-fledged movement itself has rarely been done before.

“… … You are coming.”

As they finished preparing the workers, they heard an ear-shaking sound from afar.

It is a means of transportation that is whether it is a train that has recently started operating in earnest here in the city.

Not too long ago, it was a means of transportation only going to and from within the Kingdom of Ernesia.

Recently, with the rapid laying of the railroad, the track has been extended to this place.

The opening of the station there was quite early compared to other countries.

It was because, as much as he was influenced by Ernesia Kingdom, he had recently begun to receive support from that side.

This is one of the Empire support plans promoted by Pena and Arell.

There is still a lot of talk about it among the citizens of the Empire, but at least from the merchant Welgin's point of view, it's something to be welcomed.

‘… … Anyway, it became clearer than before that things came and went.'

As a merchant, it was never something he disliked when goods and gold coins definitely increased.

If you hate it, you disqualify the merchant.

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