How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 541

Episode 541. Recollections of a reincarnated person (3)

“… … Do you really want to hear that story?”

“I want to hear it.”

“It seems that you are already late, sir.”

Shen also shakes his head as if to give up.

… … okay. i lost

“okay okay. It's a promise, so tell me.”

If you show sincerity like this, I can't get away with it.

“I'll tell you first, but it's just my old story, nothing special.”

That's what I said, but I don't know if the two of them understood it properly.

I shrugged my shoulders, pulled out a chair, sat down on it, and started talking.

… … yeah that's my old one

It's already past dozens of times.

At my stupidest times... …

And that was in the dark days.

So this is how we should start.

I said these first words as if to help myself, bringing up memories of the old days.

“Once upon a time there lived a foolish reincarnated person… …

When will it be?

It was around the time I passed 90 times the number of times I had lived.

I'm sick of it.

I was able to summarize my current situation with just these three letters.

um that's too short So let's talk a little bit more.

tired of everything

Well, I think that's it, but I don't have the confidence to explain it better than this.

It's annoying to explain more than that.

“… … Haaaaaa.”

I sat down on a large piece of wood that had been rolling nearby and looked around aimlessly.

That's miserable.

only these words come out

The surroundings are on fire.

There are no healthy objects nearby.

When I breathe, I can only feel the acrid smell of burning, to the point where I use purification magic without even realizing it.

Who would believe that this sight, which seemed to reproduce the post-apocalyptic world, was a beautiful tourist destination just 30 minutes ago?

For example, who would believe it if I said that there used to be a beautiful lake in front of it.

Now, not even a drop of water can be seen, let alone a lake.

It was all evaporated by the fire I casually threw in a moment ago.

It's half the anger.

“… … Fools.”

I muttered as I checked the shapes of the human beings still burning to a crisp nearby.

Really stupid.

Did he think that I was caught off guard by coming to this place on a whim?

Those friends who have become that way now are the ones who pointed their knives at me a while ago.

The popular saying is that he is an assassin.

I never thought that if I turned my eyes to the lake for a moment, it would attack in those few seconds.

“This life is the worst.”

I was scratching my head and annoyed.

It's a lake today.

Last time they destroyed an entire small village.

This has been happening a lot lately.

‘… … After all, I didn't behave well.'

It was a momentary mistake.

There was an idiot who hated me and started a fight.

Normally, I thought I'd just ignore it, but this time I got angry and shamed it properly in front of the other guys.

The problem is that the idiot is a man with quite a bit of power.

Could it be because of that?

Because of the people he sent, I was in a position where I was attacked on a daily basis.

Was it a mistake after all?'

I still slightly regret it.

It's something I wouldn't have done in the past.

He would have been able to deal with the kid who came out without knowing the subject by being moderately mature, threatening others secretly, or whatever he did.

But this time, I stopped being annoyed.

The result.

Thanks to this, it is not an exaggeration to say that this life has been completely twisted.

The image renewal has already been exhausted.

“… … what happened?”

Even if you regret the past, nothing will change.

and… … It makes no sense anyway.

‘this time… … That's right.'

I made a mistake, but I don't feel like reflecting.

There is nothing to be felt or anything to regret.

everything is boring

I am a reincarnated person.

A common ancestor.

live and die live another life and die

It is repeated and piled up, and what is completed is a loner.

He's just a loner with a dirty personality who gets annoyed at everything.

‘next time… … There's no point in doing well.'

After living again anyway, when the time given to this body comes to an end, I will start again in a new place.

What's the point in that?

It ends in vain anyway.

How many times have you reached the end?

And how many times do I have to start again?

‘It really doesn't make any sense... …

At first, I thought I would do well.

Let's live this life diligently and enjoy great meaning!

There were also fresh days of doing it.

In some worlds, there have even been disciples who have tried to carry on that will.

Have you ever lived a prodigal life?

… … Thanks to that, I was almost stabbed to death by a woman several times a day.

But that too is a thing of the past after all.

It's futile after passing by.

I've done this and that.

so what am i supposed to do now?

Even trying to save the world.

I knew that even trying to destroy them all out of interest was pointless.

If it's going to pass anyway, there's no use doing anything.

Thinking like that, I have no motivation or anything.

Everything is helpless and boring.

What is the meaning of a reincarnated life?

What are we doing this over and over again for?

If anyone knows the answer, I will grab him by the collar and ask him.

“… … done Shall we go?”

It only makes me feel bad to be here, but I looked away and left.

It was not my intention to go around openly and make more accidents, so I wanted to go back to the hiding place where I was hiding first.

After all, there was no one to catch up right away because there was a big uproar anyway.

But when it gets quiet, I'll come back to you.

‘… … Should I be a little more modest in my next life?'

It might be better to pretend to be completely incompetent and do nothing.

Even if you are moderately closed in the mountains, you can live without problems.

Since I am also a human being, it would be boring if I lived like that.

Isn't this life itself boring?

Even if you waste your life endlessly, it's the same as meaningless anyway.

“???? hmm?”

As I was walking without much thought, I stopped when I felt a strange presence.

something comes

It's not just to the extent that I'm caught in the mood, but to the extent that my feet are ringing.

is it a monster

“Oooh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”

And someone screamed.

But judging by the tone of her voice, it's probably a woman's.

I strengthened my eyesight with magic, and when I looked ahead, I saw a girl running with all her might in the distance.

Despite carrying a bulging bundle on his back, the sight of him running with his shiny blond hair was to the point where even I was amazed that a person could run so well.

It's like running to death.

no… … Lives are really at stake.

Because right now, a monster is chasing behind that girl.

Earth Dragon?”

A monster that lives by digging burrows underground or in forests.

Although it is called a dragon, it is a monster closer to its distant relative than a dragon.

It can be seen as halfway between a wyvern and a dragon.

For some reason, that girl was being chased by that Earth Dragon.

“… … It's strange that the Earth Dragon is openly chasing people.”

It's not that the Earth Dragon wasn't ferocious.

Rather, it is rather dirty.

Even so, there are cities around here.

It's not the speed of the forest, and it doesn't attack people by leaping out to this area.

It was because they knew at least that if they ran rampant like that, even the Earth Dragon would be subjugated.

“… … Shall I ignore it?”

Whether that girl is chased or not, whether or not she becomes a delicious meal for the Earth Dragon, I don't care.

Living like this and dying, living like that and dying is not life.

If I get eaten, I'll sell it.

“… … Wait a minute oh oh oh oh! really!

I’m really getting eaten!”

“really… … I really can't run anymore... … .

I sighed and lightly spurred the ground and threw myself.

All at once, I landed in front of the girl being chased by the Earth Dragon.

“. uh? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?”

As she ran, she made a puzzled face.

From her point of view, it would only look like a person suddenly popping out in front of her eyes.

From what I can see, he doesn't seem to have mastered martial arts, and he's not good at magic either.

Just an ordinary human girl.

“Wait a minute!”

At that moment, she didn't just pass me by, her eyes widened.

And then I tightly gripped my sleeves.

You must be too busy running away, but what are you doing?

“What are you doing? Can't you see they're chasing us over there?”

“Did you come just because you saw it?”

It's okay and you run away or finish it.

I was too lazy to explain, so I muttered moderately and waited for the Earth Dragon to arrive.

The girl opened her eyes wide as if she was ruined.

“Oh, don’t give me any advice. Close your eyes and shut your mouth.”


“I can’t take responsibility even if it gets into my mouth.”

I lightly clenched my fists and just stretched out.

Just an ordinary straight punch.

However, if the side used is not ordinary, it will also become a terrifying weapon.

The dragon with its mouth wide open as it sprints is shattered as if it had been hit by a bomb.

As it is, fragments and bodily fluids of the shattered Earth Dragon pour toward us.

It is a common law of inertia.

I clicked my tongue slightly as I looked at the debris and bodily fluids that spilled out.

“… … Ah, I should have just dealt with it with magic.”

The magic to get rid of the size of the Earth Dragon at once was loud and I wasn't in the mood to use it, so I just hit it lightly, but it exploded more splendidly than I thought.

Fountain show of blood, bodily fluids and filth.

I thought it would bounce a little, but I slipped back and lightly dodged the bodily fluids.

Even though the smell of burnt clothes was smeared in the commotion earlier, if that was the case, the clothes would have to be completely thrown away.

It's a situation where I can't even enter the store properly because I'm having an accident right now, but single clothes are precious.

But I was the only one who avoided it.

The blonde girl, who had her mouth wide open, was covered in all the body fluids of the Earth Dragon.

I told you to keep your mouth shut.

“Ugh! Wow! ugh... … It's awful eh eh eh... … Ugh.”

The girl, who had been abused in an untimely manner, vomited and wept over her own face.

Originally, the bodily fluids of creatures are more toxic than expected.

Especially things like Earth Dragons... … let's not talk

I deliberately dulled my sense of smell and comforted the struggling girl.

At first, I tried to just ignore it, but something… … I feel sorry.

“… … Better than dying, right? Say it's a real feeling because you're alive.”

“ah… … do you know... ugh

Even the tongue is twisted.

hmm… … I wonder if I could help you in a smarter way.

In the end, I couldn't see it, so I cast a spell for purification on the girl.

It's not like kindness has been shown now.

It was so loud that I couldn't help it.

I thought it would be a little quieter after I cleaned it up.

“Wow! what! You have good skills! ah! Is that magic? Yes?”

It seemed to have gotten louder.

what happened

Pretending to save one person, let's just hurry up and float.

“Ah, come to think of it, he saved me, but I couldn’t even greet him properly. Case is… …

“It’s okay, I don’t need it.”

“Are you in shape?”

What are you saying?

“It’s just a courtesy, it’s nabal, and it’s not necessary.

I don't think you can pay anything. Just go your way.”

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