How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 538

Chapter 538. Do your job, dragons (4) Anyway, looking at what Pena is talking about here, it's clear that this information is being leaked on purpose.

They know that too.

“Hmm? Actually, I'm a bit embarrassed to say it. Apparently, the store I started this time is a store for many ladies.”

“Suk… … Are they girls?”

It seems that the girls felt a sense of incongruity in some strange expression.

So far, Arel has never done business for someone in particular.

There have been times when I have aimed at the nobles like limited goods or luxury goods, but from the beginning, the nobles... … Even that, he had never concocted anything that targeted women from aristocratic families.

If you do something you haven't done, of course you're interested.

“Is it a new cosmetic or something?”

“… … Poetry, actually.”

Pena deliberately lowered her voice as if she was a little embarrassed and gestured.

While pretending to respond moderately, the information that Pena was secretly bewitched... … In other words, after hearing an explanation for pre-promotion.

“Oh my God?”

“That's true... … that's true... …

“He is such a wonderful person. He too... …

For some reason, everyone secretly hides their true feelings and glances at each other.

It's not something that's overly edgy.

However, it would be fair to say so openly.

“I was very surprised too. How the hell did he come up with this idea?”

Pena also deliberately said this even though she knew what they were thinking.

I spoke as promised.

Once the information was leaked.

Indeed, word of mouth now spreads throughout the kingdom through them, and it is up to them how they will receive it.

‘I don't know what happened after this. ugh... … Arel, you take care of the rest!'

Pena is just now ‘I've done my job!' I just sip the tea in the mood.

* * *

After some time.

Some kind of rumor began to flow in the social world.

It was a topic of conversation between noble ladies and young ladies who made their debut in the social world.

“Did you hear… … ? I heard that Fahilia had it?”

“I heard that too.”

“I'm sure there's a new store in Fahilia, right?”

If it was simply an ordinary store, it wouldn't be a hot topic.

However, what the girls hold their breath and share this topic is the content of the new business rather than the store.

“… … They say I'm sure I didn't hear that wrong, right?”

“I’m sure I heard that too.”

“Then the rumors seem to be true.”

Rumors tend to change when they are carried by people.

Knowing this well, she repeatedly interacted with noble ladies from other aristocratic families, verified and convinced her.

That rumor is true.

It really is there.

“… … then.”

“I’m sure.”

“I’m sure.”

They conspired with heavy determination.

It is their own decision.

“Let’s go to Fahilia.”

Strangely enough, they made a decision and were burning as if they were shouldering some important mission.

* * *

Regardless of which kingdom, if

I had to choose anyone who couldn't control it as much as the ladies and ladies, only the gray-haired lord of a certain city. There is no


of the aristocratic family


It's probably

because they're lazy,

but anyway, that's why they're always looking for something interesting.

Even at social gatherings, the reason why we often share radical stories in an interesting way is to forget the boredom.

Because they are women who are in a similar situation, they often sympathize and share stories.

The rumors heard by them are also something that can never be heard in vain.

“… … Somehow, I even came to Pahilia.”

“I never imagined that I could really come.”

In the carriage that had just passed through the gates of Pahilia, young noble ladies were making a fuss with each other.

“But maybe you won’t find out?”

“Whoop whoop. Don't worry about that.

Because we have already prepared for it.”

The wife who spoke confidently was the wife of a countess who hosted the meeting.

“In any case, we are having a meeting at a hot spring in Fahilia.

I have already told the users firmly. I paid the price for keeping my mouth shut.”

“oh… … It's reliable.”

Other wives admired her thorough means.

According to the original family hierarchy, her influence is not so great, but perhaps because of the purpose of this meeting, she who led the way is being worshiped like a leader.

“And I don’t think it’s something we should be slowing down about. It's not particularly dishonest, is it?”

“I don't know if that's the case.”

“Anyway, we are just going to check out the new store that has opened in Fahilia. I’m going to check the rumors.”

“It's just for confirmation.”

It's an excuse.

All noble ladies know that.

But nobody denies that excuse.

Anyway, we know each other's purpose and agree with each other.

And since he was already on this wagon, there was no going back.

The purpose is to be clear and united.

There is no such thing as betrayal.

They also have loyalty.

“Let’s go. The sun is setting.”

Usually, when the sun sets, it means the end of the day.

But for today's girls, it's not like that.

Even for a purpose.

Their day is just beginning.

First of all, we stop by a hot spring that we made a reservation in advance to secure a clear route.

After preparing there, they headed straight there.

A new store recently opened in Fahilia.

by reservation only. It is also a place where only women from aristocratic families who are accustomed to luxury are permitted.

“Fahilia Ladies Social Club… …

I mean.”

“That Arel-nim definitely assured me. It wouldn’t be just a waste of time.”

“First of all, let’s go in!”

That's how the wagon goes towards the new store.

And they see a new world there.

first of all. The official business purpose of the shop they visited is none other than a pub.

However, it is very different from the generally known pub.

A store just for them.

Usually, taverns are known for their noisy and vulgar image, and it is not much different from that image.

This is because alcohol and commotion are inextricably linked.

And it's all the more so because the main users are men.

It is true that people from the upper classes before men and women do not have to go to places like street pubs.

And it is true that they feel relatively stuffy.

Even nobles drink.

Even at social churches, I often serve alcohol.

And the men of the aristocratic family... … I can't say it openly, but there are opportunities and places like this.

But relatively, they don't have that much opportunity.

Would you openly say that you are crazy and drink at a social church?

It is like a battlefield.

A place where you should never stay sober even if you drink alcohol.

In a place where all sorts of scheming and information come and go, they cannot enjoy alcohol.

Of course, there were also drinking parties among noble wives.

But drinking tea was much better, nothing good at all.

That's why no one will express it, but they will be hoping for it in the middle of the day.

For once, I hoped for a place where I could relax and play.

Strange rumors spread about such a car.

It is said that only nobles will open a place where only women can rest in peace in Fahilia.

And by another route, they confirmed that the information was true.

‘I must see...' … How different will it be from other seats?'

The only reason they visited this place was out of curiosity.

There are many women of aristocratic circles who can't control their boredom.

That's why I try to relieve the boredom somehow by constantly being interested in fashion and finding hot topics.

Then, one piece of information that bothered me came in, so I came here even with the excuse of ‘I'll check it myself!'

In other words, the conclusion was boring.

Truly boring ladies.

“… … From the outside, it looks like an ordinary store.”

“Compared to the other buildings, it is certainly strangely large, but… …

The women looked at the exterior of the building seen from outside the carriage and evaluated it.

In terms of scale, it is not much different from the recently expanded store.

“It's strangely plain.”


Something different from what I expected! and there is nothing to come

Perhaps because of the reaction, he had a slightly disappointed expression on his face.

“Did you come here for nothing?”

“Let’s go in first. Now that I'm here, shouldn't I check until the end?”

I have no intention of going back, even if it was a waste of distance and money to come here.

However, expectations have definitely been lowered.

The carriage went around the outside of the building and entered the entrance.

When the carriage stopped at the entrance, someone came out from inside the store and politely opened the carriage door to greet the customers.


He bowed his head once more and saluted politely.

The noble ladies, who at first looked away in disappointment as if they were no longer interested in whether or not he greeted them, soon widened their eyes.

“???? oh?”

I didn't even expect it.

They were surprised to see the appearance of the clerk who came out to escort them.

Now that the sun has set, the red-haired young man is clearly visible even though only dim lighting is shining on him.

Their eyes were focused on her appearance, which is hard to see at most aristocratic parties.

Even so, he greeted me calmly, as if he didn't care much, and continued talking.

“Are you the countess of Gesella who made the reservation?”

“Yes yes. Come on.”

The Countess of Gesella, who had made a reservation for this shop herself through some kind of route on this trip, hurriedly nodded.

“My name is Luzel. I will escort the guests.”

After briefly introducing herself, the clerk here, Ruzel, greeted them politely once more.

At first, the girls, who had dissatisfied faces that looked a bit fat, relaxed a little.

It was not a bad feeling when the handsome young man directly bowed his head and treated him politely.

“eww… … Mmm. Then could you please guide me?”

“Yes, this way.”

After that, following Rouzel's guidance, they and the escort attendants who followed them followed them into the entrance.

At first, their eyes only followed Ruzel's backside as if they only saw his appearance, but soon after they entered the store, they scattered in all directions.


“I was so modest outside.”

The exterior of the shop is modest, but let's go inside.

The interior structure with a subtle interior and colorful decorations caught my eye.

Unlike the vulgar nightlife.

As if they wanted to appeal as a beautiful place for them, they forgot face and turned their heads around the exquisite interior.

“okay. The modesty was just to hide.”

“indeed. Then I understand.”

They whispered among themselves and nodded their heads.

“It's definitely what the lord is doing. There's no way you'd do it carelessly!”

“sure! sure!”

As if it was a lie that they were very disappointed just a moment ago, they made a fuss.

First of all, after making a simple confirmation that it was the person who made the reservation, Ruzel guided them to the reserved seats.

“then. I will give you a brief guide. Is this your first visit to the main store?”

Luzel kindly asked and began to explain simple usage procedures and instructions.

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