How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 530

Episode 530. To prepare for a new time (2), if I knew it would be like this, I would restore it at least.

Hetia belatedly regretted it.

I didn't expect them to come, so I was concentrating on problem A, let alone D.

A I haven’t come up with all the measures yet, but are you saying even Pro is a problem?

Hetia cried inwardly.

“Hmm Queen? Was there a lack of explanation?”

“no. Not like that! I already know why Nerel came personally!”

Honestly, I want to doubt my ears.

When I heard that the dragons that left 300 years ago had rebuilt the city, I thought it was possible.

She is not an alcoholic either.

If a creature with that much wisdom stays for that long, a civilization of its own will emerge.

That's why I was quite surprised when I heard the business they came for.

“… … But, I don't think you want to formally communicate. I don't know if that's rude. I was surprised.”

The fact that the race that is the furthest away from exchanges brought up the word made me go crazy.

What kind of whim do you mean?

But Nerell was infinitely serious.

“It’s not a joke, it’s not a whim. I just thought it was the right time.”

“Yes… … did you?”

“After that, we will officially notify the human state as well. It will still take a little longer.”

“I'm sure they'll be surprised too.”

I bet

They will foam and pass out.

you can bet

“however… … Nerell?”

“Queen of something?”

“one thing… … I understand the purpose.”

To say I understood is a lie.

I honestly don't know why this happened.

But if I said I don't know in front of him, I wouldn't be able to say anything because I'm afraid I'd get hit with a breath.

Instead, I tried to sneak around.

“Why are you not in the form of a dragon?”

“Are you so curious about why it took on human form?”


Dragons have high egos.

Those who are not interested do not abandon their appearance.

Of course, there are outliers.

But at least Nerel didn't seem to have that personality.

In fact, while talking throughout, Nerell said, ‘The human form is so... … It's inconvenient', ‘I'm not relieved because the viewpoint is low', he grumbled all the time.

In the first place, because of that human figure, when they just came here, there was almost trouble.

They suddenly come and claim that ‘we are all dragons', but who will believe it?

If the soldier with good sense hadn't stopped him from feeling uncomfortable, he would have been very upset.

I was able to recognize their identities thanks to their strong energy and thinly torn pupils.

“Are you sure you will continue to interact in that form?”

“So it is. First of all, there are things I tried. It's the first time I've done this magic since I was young... … Something is bothering me.”

Nerell said, shaking her hips once.

I'm not kidding, it's probably something I'm not used to.

“Isn’t it at least more suitable for interaction than taking the form of a dragon?”

“Maybe… … Yes.”

Hetia muttered with slightly blank eyes.

As expected, the words of exchange and negotiation come out of their mouths, so it doesn't touch me.

Did you eat something wrong in a real tribal unit?

“At least the opponent won't be slumped in fear in the first meeting.”

“Hmm… … Right. Was what he said true?”


Something troubling came out.

Could it be that someone influenced her to act like she is now?

Hetia recognized it reflexively and with the intuition characteristic of a queen.

“If you don’t mind, whose advice did you listen to?”

“Ah, if you’re uncomfortable, the question now is…”

“No, no. It just went well.”


“I came to you first because I want to ask you something about him.”

In an instant, Hetia received an ominous feeling.

Where the heck does he live and why is he coming all the way here to ask?

At least in Kellya, there are no idiots who dare to say strange things to dragons.

If they had, they would have beaten them and kicked them out.

“Who are you?”

“This is a human named Arell Ernesia.”

“OMG?… ”


Hetia covered her eyes with both hands.

‘What the hell did you do?

In her heart, she cried out to Fahilia.

“He is not a human being here. To find him in the first place, you have to go to the Ernesia kingdom over there... …

“Know. I already know the location and basic information of the kingdom where he is located.”

It's not like dragons are dark in world affairs.

It was because I placed my eyes and ears here and there in my own way to look at the trend.

I don't know the details of the world, but at least I know what countries are there and who they are.

“Then why… … ?”

“He seems to have personal interactions with this place on several occasions.”

“???? ah.”

Hetia was at a loss for words.

“Does that mean that the four queens know about him?”

At that moment, her eyes became the dragon's.

I was sure now

Nerell did not come to consult with her in the first place.

They came to obtain the most important information before making their debut on the international political arena between each country.

Hetia was slightly nervous.

As if understanding her intentions, Nerell regained her energy.

“do not worry. There is no reason to cause needless anger on this side either.”

“That means… … ?”

“I already know that he is not a decent human being.”

It is not an illusion that Nerell, who said that, looked as if her shoulders trembled slightly.

Hetia didn't ask what she was thinking.

It made me feel like I knew it without even asking.

‘… … It's pretty much ripped off.'

For the first time, I began to feel a sense of familiarity instead of fear or awkwardness about the presence in front of me.

Those who have been through it will know.

Nerell didn't say anything for a moment, and she let out a sigh, rare for her, as if she had finally gathered her thoughts.

“hmm… … Ultimately, this is the choice.

I have no intention of arguing about it now. At least he's not evil.”

She said, ‘I'd rather... … It might have been easier to accept being a wicked person, but I decided to pretend I didn't hear him muttering,

In any case, it seemed that she had no intention of antagonizing Arel.

In my heart, that was fortunate.

If it was approached with a disturbing thought, it would be embarrassing.


“Instead, you should know a little about him. I wonder how they treat him, at least in the eyes of others besides us. I just want to tell the story.”

“… … okay.”

Once I was convinced.

I said it back, but in the end, I want information.

Even if you are swung around, being swung around knowingly is different from being swung around without knowing it.

“Queen. You must be one of the few who know his true face.”

‘… … I'm not saying I know everything.' I muttered only in my heart.

It is true that I happened to come into contact with his true nature.

However, if you have to ask, there is someone else who knows his identity well.

‘… … There's no reason to show that damn teacher.'

However, Hetia had no intention of promoting Cressel's existence.

Apparently, even the dragons didn't seem to know of his existence.

It seemed like Arel didn't say anything either.

If that's the case, then there's no reason to divulge it.

That point definitely drew the line.

“I can’t say I know it well, but… …

At least I saw his behavior... …

And I think we can discuss how other countries view him.”

“That’s enough.”

And after about an hour or so... … .

“I’ve never seen a human throw a bill at a dragon! Is that human!”

“I understand! Ji y y yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I understand that. I also got involved in troublesome things for a while, and how much I was charged for this and that… …

As if competing, they raised their voices and complained about each other's circumstances.

At first, each of them started by revealing information about him, but at some point they lost their original purpose and started complaining.

Afterwards, the city of dragons and Kelia signed a friendly agreement with each other... … .

First of all, except for the kingdom of Ernesia, the second-priority agreement was concluded after the complaint started and the sun rose the next day.

Surely, it would not be because of the original relationship between the dragon and the other race.

“???? Mmm.”

My ears are tickling a little.

I gently caressed my ear and tilted my head.

Who is even swearing at me?

Ay no way? Who would dare to speak ill of me, who is so upright, honest, and kind?

There can be no

Yeah, I guess that's a bit of a compliment.

Someone must be praising me too much.

“Well, that's okay... …

Really, even if someone gossips about me, I'm not an idle person enough to have to worry about that.

I forgot the discomfort in my ears and went down the stairs.

This is one of my houses dedicated to polka dots that I dug here and there.

Now it was being used as a guest room to entertain someone for a while.

I don't know if you want to be satisfied.

“hahahahahahahaha! monster! That's ugly!”

I could already hear someone shouting loudly from inside.

There is nothing to be ashamed of.

It's the hogu dragon delneph.

I asked for a lookout for a while, but what the hell are you doing?

As I poked my head into the room and peeped in, wasn't Delnef laughing arrogantly as he looked over the barbed wire installed in the room?

“Huhahahahahahahahaha! It would be better to taste the sorrow of the captive there! monster!”

“… … joy.”

And inside the cage, the trainer who caught Delnef's ridicule before was just silently listening.

Other than binding his limbs and restricting him from using any energy, including mana, he didn't do anything in particular, but the kid didn't say anything.

Currently, she is exercising her right to remain silent.

There are no lawyers here. Tsk tsk.

It is futile.

“Sooner or later, I'll return to that body one by one all the humiliations I've suffered!”

… … I know what that humiliation is, and I know what Delneph's personal resentment is for that kid, but people who don't know anything will misunderstand it.

no. I was told to monitor it, so what are you doing?

I expected it from the time I volunteered to help myself.

Ugh… … Like that jerk.

I shook my head and entered the room.

“ruler! Where to start! Whoops!”

“What are you doing? Are you going to do anything?”

Fuck Delneph who was talking nonsense! kicked it and threw it against the wall.

I'm still a kid, so I'm a kid, so it's not good to look good, so it's annoying, but he's talking nonsense.

“Kuh… … Arel Ernesia... …

“Did I tell you to keep an eye on me?”

“… … Doesn't it matter? You’re going to dispose of that bitch there anyway, right?”

Delnef asks without any doubt.

Even though I hear ugly words like disposal, mane, there is no reaction from the kid.

I guess so. After all, it won't be a military number to be scared of.

“Are you sure you meant to end it like this?”

“I don’t intend to just pass it on, but for now, the questioning comes first.

Let's see the big picture.

I know Delnef's grudge.

I also ran into this little boy a few times, so I'm thinking of giving him a bit of a break.

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