How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 502

Chapter 502. Rest, and Omen (2) and that morning.

I proudly declared it in front of everyone gathered.

Coincidentally, Dia also ‘accidentally' did not go to the Magic Tower today.

Neither Asha nor Seina have ‘accidental' training.

It's a day when Pena doesn't ‘accidentally' have a social gathering with noble ladies from other families.

Basically, it is a day when everyone in the family is free by chance.

So it's perfect for a big announcement.

“From now on, we are going to play today!”

It was me who proudly declared negligence.

I, Arell, as lord, declare neglect in front of everyone.

For a moment there is silence in the restaurant.

After their eyes crossed once.

“Whoop whoop. yes arna? Are you in a good mood today?”

“Oh, how old are you? Did you finish what I asked you to do yesterday?”

“Ah…that. Umm... I was planning on doing it sooner or later.”


“...Today's meal is also delicious.

The chef has improved again.”

For some reason, they go back to their own friendly atmosphere again.

Hey guys? everyone? Where did you hear my announcement now?

Are you saying this is a marginalized head of household?

Is the darkness starting to overwhelm our house already?

I cleared my throat again, trying to get everyone's attention.

“Ugh! So, let's go play now?”

If you don't listen to me, will you get angry? Run away on a fryer?

Then Pena sighed lightly and looked at me.

“You know, Arell? Even from now on, where are you going? It's sudden.”

“How are you? Am I doing this for a day or two?”

I'm at a loss for words.

Quite seriously, ‘Is that so?' and seemed to be in agony.

This is why you should behave well on a regular basis.

“It’s been a while since we all gathered together and went out, right? It's been a long time, how about going out?”

“No matter how much you say you are going out, Mr. Arell?

Isn't it sudden that you're making a decision right now?”

Asha also expressed disapproval.

I tsk tsk lightly flicked my finger, showing me not to worry.

“Everyone, don’t you have a schedule? Both have no training. Didn't Dia also have to go to the Mage Tower today?”

All three nodded their heads.

No one can make an excuse for being busy in front of me.

Do you have work?

don't worry no more

Well, I can't guarantee what tomorrow will be like, but at least not today.

Tomorrow's work won't tomorrow's us give strength.

I believe in tomorrow's us um um

“You think there’s no problem today because we all have free time together? Also, isn’t it okay for Arna to go out soon?”

Rather than staying in the castle all the time, it would be better to gradually show the outside world little by little.

If you want to play but don't have a good reason, use your child as an excuse.

Then no one can object.

‘I'm going out to play with my daughter.

So empty your time.'

So, no one really objected to my opinion.

“Even if I go out? Where are you going?”

Pena tilted her head as if she couldn't guess.

There are limits to going somewhere on a day trip.

Even more so, when you reach our level of status, you have to ask for permission to move and plan your schedule.

There are various procedures, so you can't ask to leave suddenly.

I smiled confidently saying that there was nothing wrong with her concerns.

Who am I?

He is a person who takes care of all the troublesome procedures in order to play.

“I already asked for your understanding, so don’t worry.”

Don't worry, we've already found all the good seats.

A place with good water and good air.

“Someone I know said he had a nice villa.”

Traditionally, having a lot of powerful friends is a good thing.

Because we have a lot of things, there are many things we can borrow from each other.

It's called friendship in the public.

Balance is very important.

If you eat just one delicious thing, you'll get tired of it.... I don't get tired of cola.

No matter how good things are, if you continue to touch them, you will be less impressed.... But I don't get tired of cola.

Anyway, that's why I always decide my plans carefully.

If you go to hot springs often, you'll get tired of it, and if you hold banquets often, you'll get tired.

The representative of a resort is the sea.

But the last time I visited Kelly, I went to the sea unexpectedly.

So, if you go to the sea again this time, you will be bitten.

That's why I decided to go to a place that is symmetrical with the sea.

it's a mountain

The destination we are heading to is a decent villa in the mountains somewhere on the continent.

There is a cozy cottage and a clear valley flows in front of it.

And the scenery is also beautiful.

From our point of view, living in Fahilia, where there is only snow and a city every day, it is a place that seems quite fresh.

“iced coffee!”

As expected, it was Arna who showed the biggest reaction.


In my arms, Arna stretches out her arms and shows interest in the scenery.

“Look, Arna. Isn't the world pure white? There are places like this outside the city.”

Sometimes you have to show the world this much.

You probably don't know what it is yet, but I have no intention of raising it as a frog in a well.

In the future, when Arna grows up to a certain extent, I'm wondering if we should even go around the continent together.

I take Arna and show her the blue sights around her.

On the other hand, Pena and other female members just stare at me from behind.

And whisper.

What are you doubting?

“So Arell? Where is this?”

“Forcibly ripped off by someone I know...

no, a rented villa.”

There is a drinker I know.

There is a bottle that only empty the barrel every day.

Eventually, the people around her started cracking down on her not wasting alcohol.

I decided to give you a bottle of alcohol only after reviewing the paperwork.

So she said that she built a villa in a beautiful place all over the country to drink in secret.

And it just took me.

That's it.

For her honor, I won't reveal who that person was.

Like that alcoholic queen anyway.

Well, Dia might know the location of this place.

If you reverse the coordinates of the teleport magic circle, you will understand.

So, Dia was silent at this time,

“...I can't say it myself.”

Because if it becomes known, it will be a bit of a troublesome procedural problem.

After all, it would be smuggling.

Wouldn't it be the greatest diplomatic rudeness ever?

“I know nothing.”

That's why Dia turned a blind eye to reality.

Pena must have guessed from Dia's shy attitude, and her shoulders relaxed slightly.

“....Oh, I see.”

“don't mind. Because nothing special.”

It's not a legitimate threat... it's a transaction, so there's no one to say anything about using this place.

If you get caught, just pat him on the shoulder and whisper in his ear.

Then there is also the permission that was not there.

Around that time, Asha and Seina, who had been looking inside the villa, also returned.

“Arell? Looking inside, do you see a lot?”

“There are drinks, drinks, and some pretty precious things, right? Did Arel-nim prepare it? It's just that the servants don't notice.

What do you call that?”

“Oh, don’t worry. There's no problem, so let's write it. You can drink as much as you like.”

“Is that okay?”

“No problem.”

Of course you'll get permission later.

All the things I have right now are just what I took out of the basement storage under the villa here.

Don't worry.

mine is mine That damn queen's is mine too. everything is mine

No problem.

If you find out later that it's empty, the person in question might shed tears, but what do you know?

The skeleton would be punished anyway.

My back end isn't over yet.

“I'm taking a break here today.”

No annoying reports.

In this place away from the world, take a warm nap during the day and watch the stars at night.

Grill meat, look at the stars, and see the flowing valley.

It's small, but there's no place like this to pass the time.

The sea is good, but the mountains are not bad either.

Even I, who aspires to live an Indian life, sometimes like this.

no i like it

Since my first life is far from this kind of life, I naturally yearn for a life where I spend time meaninglessly.

And that regret still vaguely lingers even now, when the memory has faded.

“Anyway, since I prepared everything, let’s spend today without any hassle.”

Indeed, we had a leisurely time.

Pena took Arna to show me the valley, the trees, and me lying down on the sunbed.

....Why me?

“Arna can’t grow up like this.”

“Does that make sense?”

That's what I mean.

I can't grow up to be a lazy adult like this slime. I admit it.

It seems that the rest of his aides are drinking and chatting on their own, thanks to the order to spend them freely in the name of a one-day vacation.

At first, I was taken aback by the sudden outing, but I quickly adapted and relaxed.

Everyone is busy no matter how they look. There must be no reason to decline while taking a break.

He's been drinking and talking since daytime.

Is it difficult to work normally?

Everyone admired when Seina, who was a little worried while watching, showed that it was served mixed with alcohol, saying it was the way people in her hometown treat bad alcohol.

Come to think of it, I heard a rumor that mixed liquor that is mixed like that is popular after selling after improving alcohol, but it seems to be true.

After that, Dia says she will follow suit, mixes this and that, eats it, and snorts as a group.

....what are they doing. Are you bored?

After that, I sneak in and show off my original cocktail, etc.

I had such a relaxing time.

It is truly peaceful.

And at night.....

I came out to the valley in front of the villa moderately alone and lay down.

It's a waste to come to a place like this and fall asleep early.

First of all, it was empty to bring nothing, so I came out with only a bottle of alcohol and a fishing rod.

I want to know what kind of night fishing to freeze to death in the valley, but it doesn't matter because I'm just pretending to throw a float.

A fishing rod is a decoration. people don't know that

“???? Bright.”

The empty night sky looks bright as if the stars are pouring down.

It is a sky that is hard to see in a world where modern civilization has established itself.

Come to think of it, have I never been very interested in constellations?

Apparently, constellations here basically have a strong meaning for finding a direction, so I only know about the constellations that sailors recognize.

Shall I sort that out later?

There is also a lot to do.

....No, I jumped out because I didn't want to work before that, so there's no need to think about what to do.

I put aside my thoughts and just wanted to look up at the sky in a daze.

i am arel

and have no idea

I want to drink Coke... What?

As I was calming down like that, I heard familiar footsteps by my bedside.


“What are you doing? Why don't you go inside and sleep?”

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