How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 18

Chapter 18. Cooking is chemistry (2) Of course, I can't reveal my desires as they are, so I have to take care of myself by pretending to be in moderation.

“As I am not good at swords or magic, all I can do is accumulate knowledge and use it. That's why I want to learn alchemy to be of greater help to the kingdom... to my father.”

“hmm?????? is it??????

After hearing my opinion, the king shut his mouth as if he was worried.

“good night. I won't allow it.”

Permission was finally granted.

It is worthwhile to work hard to gain trust.

As expected, he gave permission easily as he is a son who is rumored to be smart.

In addition, there is no way that a child would not be proud to say that he wants to be of help to his father.

Even if I sincerely don't think I'll achieve anything, I can't help but allow it with the feeling that I'm investing for the future.

“The alchemist... will introduce you to trustworthy people. Is there anything else you want?”

“I will upload the necessary documents separately.”

I want to ask for facilities or research expenses. It's like a mountain, but it's difficult to convey it in words.

In any case, permission was obtained.

All that remains is to run.

Where are you running? towards the goal of my desire.

* * *

A few days later, Master Jules was introduced to teach me alchemy.

The person who came to me was a young man with grayish hair.

Dressed in an outfit halfway between that of a merchant and a blacksmith, he bowed his head in front of me.

A blacksmith with an intellect?

Um, is that what it feels like to be an alchemist?

Even if he looks like that, it seems that he is an alchemist who is trusted even in the kingdom.

“This is Damon Lanzette. I'm inexperienced, but I'm dealing with alchemy.”

“okay. I will remember it.”

Let me accept his greeting and look at his gray hair.

“You mean my hair?... I've accidentally inhaled poisonous fumes before. At that time , I counted it in pure white. ”

Isn't that a big deal?

You're talking about an experience that almost killed you right now, right?

He is a young man who seems to have no sense of danger.

I'd have to say he's a typical researcher type.

Maybe all alchemists feel this way.

Let me look at him curiously.

“...I may be rude, but may I ask you something?”

“are you okay.”

“Does the prince know what alchemy is?”

Um... I don't think it was meant to test me.

He began to explain in earnest, as if urging me.

“It is not magic that turns lead into gold. The work of an alchemist is much more dangerous and difficult. The study that the prince will learn...

“I know that.”

Some ignorant nobles have misunderstandings and prejudices about alchemy.

Alchemists often trick and devour foolish nobles who order them to turn iron into gold.

“Alchemy is not magic.”

I said emphatically.

“Alchemy is a science.”

It is impossible to change lead into gold.

However, it is possible to develop a stronger metal by researching ways to reduce impurities in iron ore.

The truth and quest for development is alchemy.

The technology they developed will overturn the foundation of common sense in the distant future.

“All I need is pure skill.”

The art of making Coke.

If you could make Coke with magic, you made it a long time ago.

“Is that so…

Damon listened to me with a slightly surprised look on his face.

“All right. What I know... I'm hesitant, but I'll teach you the prince. It's just...

“Huh? why?”

“It's my first time teaching someone. I hope you will understand even if I am inexperienced.”

what. It turns out that Damon is an engineer.

Not the teacher type.

ok i understand

What I need anyway is the knowledge of alchemy he has here.

That's enough to verify.

Actually, I don't really need to learn alchemy.

Their latest alchemy is nothing more than melting ore in a forge and observing how the properties of the metal change by adding certain materials.

It may be the latest technology to them, but from my point of view, it is only an extremely primitive experiment.

If I just gather the alchemists and tell them to do this this way and that that way, that might be the best.

Nevertheless, the reason I want to learn alchemy directly from an alchemist like Darman is because there are things I must confirm.

“By any chance… has the prince ever studied alchemy beforehand?”

During class, Damon suddenly asks me that.

The reason is that I follow his lessons well to the extent that I want to overdo it.

I thought for a while about what to answer.

“I just saw it in a book.”

Anyway, I can't tell him the truth.

Anyway, now I am known as a genius, and no one will doubt if I say that I did some preparation beforehand.

“I see... You are as rumored.”

Damon was also meekly admiring it.

Classes continued after that.

“I see. You mean adding eggshells or bone meal makes iron harder?”

“yes. Exactly.”

When carbon is added, the properties of the metal are as far as I know.

Besides that, I know how to extract lead and the properties of other substances.

While taking notes, I pretended to be an excellent student who was diligently taking classes.

and inside.

....good. There's no problem with this.

smiled leisurely.

Until now, I have learned about the techniques and theories required for alchemy from Darman.

And they are no different from the chemical laws I already knew.

“Fortunately, the rules here are no different.”


“no. Just talking to myself.”

I shook my head and Damon continued the lesson.

The reason I dared to learn the theory of alchemy directly from Darman was to compare the difference between the theory he knew and the chemical knowledge I already knew.

In conclusion, not much different.

Except for metals and medicines that only existed here, the rest were almost identical to what I knew from my previous life.

Sometimes there exist worlds where the laws of physics or chemistry are completely different.

I was worried that this might be the case here as well, but it seems that it was simply my inclination.

If it had been different, my plan would have had to go around quite a bit.

Because I have to start a new study according to the changed rules.

Fortunately, that effort has been reduced.

If so, I thought it would be okay to proceed as planned.

* * *

Convinced that it was possible to proceed as planned, I immediately wrote up a plan and posted it to the king.

And after receiving the permission, this time I recruited alchemists to use as I pleased.

Alchemists who were recognized for their skills in the kingdom, including Daman, who taught me the basics of alchemy, gathered in the workshop to conduct research.

five people.

They have one thing in common, but when you look into their eyes, you can feel the emotions burning with a strange desire.

I can roughly guess what's going on.

A young prince who is touted as a genius is trying to do something with the king's support.

You can get a lot of support.

You must have thought that if you were under me, you could do research without worrying about money.

Looking at me, each of them has an intention to do their own research.

Of course, the country will too.

There will be no one who joins my plan purely out of interest.

yeah that's normal

Because they still don't know what I'm trying to do.

Can I teach you now?

After being sworn to secrecy, I revealed my plans to them.

“Soda?... In other words, are you saying you want to make a favorite product?”

The alchemists seemed rather perplexed.

I understand.

These are people who have spent their entire lives tinkering with metal.

And sometimes, he would make strange medicines to satisfy the desires of nobles.

But who is the prince? Is it just to make a snack by gathering them together?

I can't bear to oppose it in front of me, but I can feel a lot of rejection in their eyes.

What is your pride as an alchemist?

You must think that this plan I am promoting will fail.

“don't worry. I won't pursue success or failure. I promise you the pay will be fine.”

First of all, money binds them together.

Sooner or later, when they see the results of doing what I say, they will follow me wholeheartedly.

It's a plan to satisfy my desires, but if this goes well, it will be good for them too.

It will definitely work out.

I'm already smiling confidently.

After that day, he began working with alchemists in earnest to make carbonated drinks.

I just sit still, reading the report the alchemists brought and giving directions.

“Did you say carbonated water... as you said? It has arrived.”

“Are you here already?”

As soon as I heard the report that the natural carbonated water I had ordered to procure had arrived from the royal capital to a remote territory that would take ten days by horse, I got up.

After all, being a prince is good.

Even if I don't have to go there myself, just give me instructions and they'll come to me.

“Sparkling water… is this what you need?”

“huh! This is the most important thing.”

It goes without saying that carbonated beverages cannot be without carbonation.

Let's open one of the water bottles as tall as me! I heard the sound of carbonic acid leaking out.

ah listen

what a beautiful sound

It's quite a bit stronger than expected.

In fact, it is not difficult to obtain carbonated water itself.

The fact that veins of natural carbonated water flowed in several territories within the kingdom was already confirmed.

“Are you… eating this?”

Damon was cold.

Don't worry, can I scoop this up for you?

Isn't that what I eat?

So don't look at it like a caveman.

The reason he feels objection is that he has no idea of drinking carbonated water, but it is because there is a problem with this natural carbonated water.

I scooped up a cup of sparkling water and sniffed it.

An unpleasant fishy smell was felt.

The taste... I can't even look at it.

“I just can’t drink.”


The lime smell is too strong.

This water quality is not suitable for human consumption.

No matter how hungry I am for carbonic acid, my appetite disappears.

It would be easy to solve if the quality of carbonated water is better.... I've been looking for a few times, but I can't find good quality natural carbonated water in the kingdom.

Maybe it's a difference in geology.

It is difficult to drink not only carbonated water but also underground water.

If so, there is one way.

They only make artificial carbonated water.

give up? I don't condone that.

The reason why natural carbonated water has been obtained is to have alchemists recreate it.

The basic theory for producing artificial carbonated water is proposed as far as I know, and what is the verification and practical application of it... It's what alchemists do.

Hearing my instructions, the alchemists frowned as if in trouble, but only their hands moved quickly.

The reason they are so motivated is simple.

It's because I promised a bonus if you show results.

An engineer's ego makes him feel repulsed?

If that's the case, it's solved by flying a round trip cheapo with gold coins.

Then I'll take a nap or sleep until I'm done.

Come on! I'll cast Gongmille here and end my turn!

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