Hokage Master

Chapter 457: Majestic Black Temple

Chapter 457: Majestic Black Temple

Lighting was the next problem, but after a little thought, Naruto rummaged through his memories and found some useful fuin, after which he installed them in the right places, quickly illuminating this metal fortress.

He didn't need any extras. In order to sustain themselves, the Fuin seals absorbed chakra, but this is also only a temporary measure.

It would take months, if not years, for ordinary people to create a huge steel base like this, but for an elemental master, it all took no more than ten minutes.

After installing the steel bars on the windows, Naruto looked around frowningly.

"It's cold..."

There was nothing he could do about the temperature. The steel walls, ceilings, and floor were oppressive and definitely not habitable. Maybe metal could retain heat, but this is only at first glance ...

The huge metal box was as secure as possible, but not at all comfortable. While Naruto didn't plan on giving his slaves particularly dignified conditions, freezing them to death and making them suffer from the cold seemed like the worst idea possible. He wanted to corrupt them and play with them, not torture them like criminals.

I had to get out and cover the steel with wood ...

After all the basic preparations, Naruto put up barriers on the walls and doors to protect this place from outside influences. Interlocks were required to protect against the Byakugan, as well as possible sensor scans.

Thus, the third floor of the Death Tower was completely reconstructed. The structure became slightly unstable, so Naruto still had to take the big step of completely sealing off the entire tower.

With his massive chakra volume, he quickly overhauled everything, completely destroying the last remnants of the tower, replacing it with a complete metal structure.

As a result, the plan to disguise the base as an old building did not work. Huge metal walls pressed too hard on the outdated beams of rotten wood ...

As a result, after another ten minutes, the Death Tower was completely wiped off the face of the earth, and a huge metal fortress arose in its place.

The steel blocks, each about five meters high, were held up by thick beams, fastened together tightly. Five floors have become even higher, reaching almost thirty meters in height.

The tower turned into a huge rectangular structure, with sharp corners and straight sides. Looks like nothing special. If it were not for the bars in certain places, acting as windows, then this new "tower" would look like a huge cast metal plate. She looked casual, somewhat reminiscent of the buildings from the Village Hidden in the Rock. But, Naruto hadn't thought about the appearance yet.

Due to his inner reluctance to dig through the garbage, the plans had to be adjusted.

As a result, he created everything from scratch, only the internal content remained ... Any base required amenities, but at the moment he could not deal with them.

"Hmm... That's not enough..."

After all, the Hokage still decided to spend the extra time on some important steps...

He didn't particularly like Fuin. Especially considering their weaknesses.

The barriers worked, but...

Therefore, he used Glass Release and installed transparent glasses, and then filled them with strange luminous matter... He used Plasma!

The glowing gas filled the glass formations in the walls, and replaced the Fuying Seals' faint illumination. It didn't provide much heat, but Naruto hadn't planned on heating yet. Fuin seals were a good method, but after understanding some of the elements, Naruto quickly came up with workarounds.

He left the third floor like that, installed a steel staircase, lit everything with a new method, and then left the tower, flew up into the sky and spread his arms to the sides.

Hiding method...

After failing to disguise the base as an old tower, Naruto decided to use another method, and was going to use it twice. To begin with, on his new "Tower of Death", and then throughout the Forest.

Who needs a disguise? After all that is done, someone will probably start asking questions.

So be it... Those who are too curious will die, and those who are smart enough not to open their mouths will remain on the sidelines.

The only reason why Naruto put up an illusory barrier was just to hide everything temporarily, and after a complete renovation, he would gladly show this place to the world.

To build a huge golden temple and attract all greedy and envious looks to it - this path is a match for the most insidious dragon that lures mortals to its riches.

But, he didn't particularly like gold, even though he could create it thanks to one element...

Black steel looked much more impressive!

A great dark tower shining brightly in the rays of the setting sunthis is how a true temple should be!

This magnificent brilliance of steel... A design that inspires awe and fear... With its very appearance, it demonstrated the power and greatness of its creator, suppressing people with a weak spirit...

This is where you should have started!

Naruto didn't regret at all that he decided to change his plans.

Now, admiring this grandiose creation, he excitedly anticipated the future ...

A zone of torture and corruption? Spit! Who will know? Even so, who has the power to stop him? Of course, no one will ever spoil his "heroic" reputation, and those who know will either become slaves or corpses.

The reason why the Hokage would like to show this tower to the world was only for demonstration. After all, he hasn't let go of his ideas of controlling the planet yet.

Who knows, suddenly this base will become a temple, where in the future, people will offer prayers to a new god? If elevated to the very clouds, then such a great fortress will definitely make people tremble in awe, especially when chakra spreads throughout the world.

How funny it will be... Intimidating! Majestically!

The Righteous Path is inherently hypocritical and fraught with deep darkness, but that's what made it so wonderful. Playing with other people's hopes and faith, what is not an occupation, to match the demon?

You can definitely get stuck in this for a long time ...

Naruto smiled wryly.

- Boring...

He was more interested in Tsume. At least for the moment.

Playing with a crowd of people and impressing them with your will can be fun, but it's not a quick thing...

The tower is just a wish, and what it leads to is not so important. World influence is what the chain of command enforces. Naruto didn't mind it, but he didn't see it as his main goal. Playing with people's fates can be fun, but, as before, he preferred to do it personally with his women, and great reputation, worship, fear, what is special about this? These are all just tools that allow Naruto to enjoy life the way he wants to.

This whole world is nothing more than his private property. Just one wish is enough for him to grind it to powder... For ordinary mortals, this can and will mean something, over time. So far, Naruto has only embarked on the path of world domination.

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