Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 139: Spreading the News

Chapter 139: Spreading the News

There are no walls in the world that do not leak air, not even in the strictly regulated Kunlun Sect. In fact, the Kunlun Sect has existed for so long that various large and small factions are intertwined, making it even harder to keep secrets. Perhaps at first, secrets can be kept for a while, but as time goes on and more people within the sect know about it, rumors and whispers inevitably spread.

This time, the cultivation of the eagle fruit was for Su Qingjun, the most promising young genius in the Kunlun Sect. This news quickly leaked out, and those among the menial disciples with connections or backers naturally found out. Those without backgrounds, however, remained clueless.

He Changsheng was one of those with no background, no backers, and no connections, so he didn’t know the secret. However, he wasn’t stupid. From the scale of this competition and the fact that two Jindan cultivators were personally overseeing it, it was clear to anyone that this was significant. He could also sense something was off from the behavior of the other menial disciples, but no one would come and tell him anything.

He Changsheng felt very frustrated and angry about this, but all he could do was work as hard as he always did, hoping that this competition would give him a chance to leap through the dragon gate.

Lu Chen’s situation was actually similar to He Changsheng’s. For now, he was also an ordinary person with no background or backers. However, he had a connection.

That evening, Yi Xin secretly found him at his residence, pulled him aside, and whispered to him for a long time. Finally, she said solemnly, “Big Brother Lu, do you understand? You can’t miss this opportunity!”

Lu Chen lay down on the bed, his hands behind his head, and laughed, “Aren’t you afraid of being punished for coming to tell me this?”

Yi Xin snorted, unconcerned, and said, “It’s not just me. Those disciples from noble families, who doesn’t have someone above them informing them? Besides, I heard it from Uncle-Master Yan Luo. She didn’t specifically tell me not to say anything, so it’s no big deal if I tell you.”

Lu Chen patted the bed and said, “Alright, I understand. Having connections really is nice, makes things so much easier.”

Yi Xin’s eyes narrowed with a smile, but then she quickly opened them wide again and said to Lu Chen, “Big Brother Lu, don’t be careless. If you get chosen, you’ll get to be by Sister Su’s side!”

Lu Chen was taken aback, “What do you mean by that?”

Yi Xin chuckled, lowered her voice, and said, “This is something even those outside don’t know. Uncle-Master Yan Luo only told me. Keep it to yourself, don’t let it slip.”

Lu Chen looked at her for a while, then suddenly smiled, patted the edge of the bed, and said, “You’re quite something. Come sit down and tell me all about it.”

“Of course, there’s still a lot you don’t know about my skills,” Yi Xin said smugly. She then whispered, “This competition to cultivate eagle fruit is just to pick the best at nurturing spiritual power. That person will then go to Sister Su’s place because she needs fresh eagle fruit…”

She explained the situation with the eagle fruit, and then said, “To get the freshest, most perfect eagle fruit, Uncle-Master Yan Luo went to great lengths to transplant seven eagle fruit trees from Liu Xiangpu directly into Sister Su’s exclusive spirit field in her cave. After that, someone will be assigned to watch over them day and night, taking great care. The fruiting dates have been roughly calculated. Every three days, a tree will bear fruit. As soon as the fruit is ready, someone will be called to harvest it immediately, ensuring no time is wasted and no spiritual energy escapes. In twenty-one days, the task will be completed, and Sister Su will have no obstacles in her ‘You Yue Art,’ allowing her to advance straight to the peak of the Jindan stage.”

Lu Chen was silent for a while, then nodded and said, “I see.”

Yi Xin curiously asked, “Big Brother Lu, why do you look so unhappy?”

Lu Chen shook his head and smiled bitterly, “It’s nothing. Hearing you say all this, I just realized how vast the difference between her and me is on this path of cultivating immortality.”

Yi Xin covered her mouth and laughed, “Of course there’s a vast difference. Not only is Sister Su’s family wealthy, but her natural talent is also worlds apart. That’s why she’s a genius, blessed from birth. You can’t force it. Look at me, I’m not jealous, I’m happy for her.”

Lu Chen looked at her for a moment, then smiled, “You’re right, natural talent can’t be forced.”

Yi Xin nodded and then reminded him, “Anyway, just remember what I said. If you get chosen, not only will Sister Su owe you a favor, but you might also get to know her better. With that connection, no one in the Kunlun Sect will dare to bully you again!”

Lu Chen smiled, “Alright, I get it.”

Yi Xin looked at him, seemingly more nervous than if it were her own competition, and clenched her fists, “You have to win.”

Lu Chen patted his chest, “It’s mine, don’t worry.”

Yi Xin laughed heartily, and she seemed to genuinely believe in him, suddenly full of confidence.


Cultivating eagle fruit is not simple. This spiritual fruit grows on eagle fruit trees, which have slender trunks and extensive root systems. Adjusting the five-element spiritual energy in the soil of the spiritual field is much more laborious than with ordinary spiritual herbs, and it typically takes an entire day of work.

The menial disciples selected for this competition worked very hard, but due to their limited cultivation levels, by the end of the day, after using their spiritual power for cultivation, they all looked pale and exhausted.

As the sun set, everyone left the area. Unlike the other spiritual fields in the herb garden, this special spiritual field was guarded by people specifically appointed by Yan Luo to prevent any accidents.

He Changsheng felt fairly satisfied as he left, especially after seeing the guards around the spiritual field. It reassured him significantly. Those disciples from noble families were truly detestable, colluding with each other to oppress ordinary disciples like him. Fortunately, the Kunlun Sect was a reputable and upright sect, with fair and just people like Yan Luo and Lin Sheng, making his joining the sect worthwhile. If he ever had the chance to achieve success in his cultivation, he would certainly express his gratitude to these two benefactors.

Thinking this, he walked towards his house. Unknowingly, the sky had already darkened, and the sun had set, with night quickly approaching.

He Changsheng felt some soreness in his lower back. As a menial disciple with naturally limited talent and average cultivation, he had never worked as hard as he did today in the herb garden. It was indeed exhausting. However, it was worth it for the sake of his future dreams.

He dreamed of a bright future, like any ordinary young man, envisioning himself standing out among others, his cultivation surpassing everyone in Kunlun. By then, all the Nascent Soul cultivators, including the sect leader, would bow before him, and countless beautiful female disciples, led by Su Qingjun, would gaze at him lovingly, softly asking to become his Dao companion…

What a wonderful life that would be!

As he pushed open the door to his house and walked in, he couldn’t help but whistle with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, a hand flew out from behind the door, striking heavily on the back of his neck. He vaguely heard a low thud. He Changsheng’s eyes rolled back, and without making a sound, he collapsed forward.

Behind him, the door to the house slowly closed.


The night was deep, and the mountain wind blew softly.

The darkness was like a nightmare, entangling He Changsheng, causing him immense pain, yet strangely, in that darkness, he recalled his past life.

He once had a family.

But the strongest impression that family left on him seemed to be “the decline of the family” from his grandfather’s generation onward. Everyone seemed to be reminiscing about the glory of their ancestors while cursing and resenting the present.

But reality was reality. Amidst complaints and curses, the family’s decline was unstoppable. By the time he grew up, the He family was already destitute.

He was very poor and miserable, owning nothing but the old house. However, he still remembered his forefathers’ obsession with restoring the family’s former glory, which he gradually took as his unshirkable mission.

No one can stand in my way. I will restore the family’s name.

I will succeed in my cultivation, become a true cultivator, and restore the family’s estate. I will marry… no, what kind of status does a true cultivator have! Of course, I will marry many wives, have many children, and accumulate countless wealth, surpassing even the Su, Bai, and Lin families of Kunwu City!

The vision was dazzling.

He laughed out loud even in his dream.

Then he woke up.

Upon waking, he was in pain, as if something was tearing at him. The pain constantly emanated from the back of his neck. As he struggled to turn his head, he found himself tightly bound, lying on the floor of his room. A lit oil lamp on the table illuminated the room.

In the room, there was another person.

“You’re awake, huh?” The figure was facing away from him, but somehow, He Changsheng sensed that he had woken up. The figure didn’t turn around but spoke calmly.

The voice was low and slightly hoarse, sounding unfamiliar. He Changsheng felt he had never heard it before, but after a while, he strangely felt it seemed somewhat familiar.

He tried to open his eyes wide and saw that the person was facing away from him, holding a strange talisman brush and drawing something on the white wall of his room.

The marks drawn by the brush were as red as blood, forming strange patterns, like the grinning faces of demons, slowly coming to life on the white wall.

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