Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 25: Ling Clan’s Medicine Hall

Chapter 25: Ling Clan’s Medicine Hall

Senior apprentice brother Xingyun, dont tell me that we should just leave this kid alone? Did Senior apprentice brother Rui die in vain?

Although they were afraid of Ling Xiao, the others still felt bitter about Li Ruis death.

With their numbers, they still thought that they could bully him.

If I, Ling Xiao, want to leave, who can stop me?

Ling Xiao sneered. Carrying the wolfs corpse over his shoulder, he casually walked through the crowd gawking disciples.

No one dared to make a move.

Ling Xiao killing Li Rui, a Rank Three Martial Vein martial artist, in one punch was still vivid in their imaginations.

Whoever made the first move would certainly die!

After walking through the crowd, Ling Xiao was relieved in his heart. He imperceptibly relaxed after bluffing past them.

Honestly speaking, he had not completely recovered his true qi. Killing Li Rui had taken much of his strength. If the Li Clans disciples attacked together, he would be forced to run away.

Fortunately, this group was so cowardly that they actually hadnt dared to strike.

Walking away while pretending to be overbearing was thrilling!

What is the background of this Ling Xiao? Looking at his qualifications, Im afraid he is not any inferior to that genius Ling Yixue.

Whats more is that even that Ling Feifan, when he was just Peak Rank Two Martial Vein, absolutely couldnt act like this!

Li Xingyun solemnly watched Ling Xiaos receding back.

Senior apprentice brother Xingyun, are you talking about the Ling Feifan who is one of the four noble sons of Heavenly Peak City?

Yes, him!

Impossible! Ling Feifan reached the Rank Four Martial Vein Realm three years ago when he was just 12 years old. He was a true genius. How can this kid compare to him?

The four noble sons of Heavenly Peak City were all martial artists who had reached the Rank Four Martial Vein Realm before 14. They were the idols of all the young people in Heavenly Peak City.

Exactly! Senior apprentice brother Xingyun, you are greatly overestimating that Ling Xiao. If you werent badly injured, that Ling Xiao would have died without a doubt.

Thats only natural.

Although Li Xingyun praised Ling Xiao, he was confident. If he hadnt been injured, Li Rui wouldnt have died.

By the way, dont carelessly talk about this matter upon returning. Say Li Rui was killed by the Howling Moon Wolf; otherwise, we all will suffer some serious bad luck. Li Ruis grandfather is one of our clans elders. If he learned that his grandson was killed by a Ling Clan disciple, but we didnt seek revenge, you all know the consequences, right?

Li Xingyun coldly ordered the rest.

Understood, senior apprentice brother Xingyun.

After leaving the Crouching Dragon Mountain Range, Ling Xiao first visited the marketplace and exchanged all his extra materials into silver, obtaining altogether 35,000 taels.

He needed money to pay the service charge for someone from the Ling Clans Medicine Hall to refine a pill for him. Those masters only accepted silver. 

Moreover, the more precious the pill, the higher the service charge.

However, 35,000 taels of silver would be more than enough.

Finally, he went to the auction house and took out the 100 taels of silver he had received from the sales of his basic merit laws. After paying the 10 tael handling fee, he stored the rest of his silver in his Landscape Painting. 

It was safer than the banking house.

He had heard that something called storage rings existed in this world, but he had never seen one. Still, in all likelihood, it would not be as convenient as his Landscape Painting.

This time, he didnt plan to sell any more merit laws.

Since he had enough silver, he temporarily halted this kind of risky business that could attract trouble.

After leaving the auction house, Ling Xiao quickly returned to the Ling Clan and directly entered the Medicine Hall.

As the Ling Clans exclusive place for making pills and treating injuries, the Medicine Hall always brimmed with patrons regardless of whether it were night or day. 

It was difficult to avoid people who you didnt want to meet.

In fact, upon arriving, Ling Xiao noticed Ling Yu accompanying Ling Feng.

Ling Yu was still a charming girl. At the moment, she held Ling Fengs arm. The sweet air between them could truly make other people jealous.

Ling Feng was dressed in a white robe, looking natural and unrestrained. His presence seemed even stronger than the last time Ling Xiao had seen him.

His personage resembled an unsheathed sword.

Hehe. Little beggar, did you come to the Medicine Hall to beg for some medicine residues again?

If Ling Xiao noticed Ling Feng and Ling Yu, they too naturally noticed him.

Now, neither party hid.

In the past when he had lacked money, Ling Xiao had visited the Medicine Hall to beg for medicine residues to cultivate. 

Because of this, there was no lack of people who ridiculed him.

Humph, the Sir Divine Ancestor of our Northern Han Country also rose from a beggars, short-sighted, ignorant girl!

Ling Xiao sneered and coldly snorted. He then entered the Medicine Hall without wasting any time.

It was important to finish his own business; it was truly inefficient to quarrel.

Hehe, that kid actually dared to compare himself to the Sir Divine Ancestor. He truly doesn't know the heights of the heavens or the depths of the earth! I heard he defeated Ling Chong a few days away and also defeated Ling Fei in movement techniques. Following a little bit of success, he has already begun to consider everyone beneath his notice!

Ling Feng coldly spoke.

Denigrating and ignoring others: the one most fitting these words was himself, Ling Feng.

Ling Xiao, however, had never looked down upon anyone, including Ling Chong, who he had already defeated twice. He had always used his full strength even when he had been assured of victory.

Hee, hee, Big Brother Feng is right! Sir Divine Ancestor was a genius, but he is a mere poor beggar.

Ling Yu giggled, not taking Ling Xiao seriously.

In her opinion, although Ling Xiaos strength had increased to some extent, he had neither money nor a backer. Like this, he couldnt progress.

Ling Xiao was entirely unaware of these twos comments. After entering the Medicine Hall, he directly approached the counter to register himself. 

To breakthrough to Rank Three Martial Vein, he needed breakthrough pills, heart-protecting pills, and vein-protecting pills. In addition, he also needed a few qi-gathering pills to increase his true qi, which could be used during exceptional circumstances later.

Direct purchases were also possible. A breakthrough pill cost 1,000 taels of silver. Heart-protecting pills and vein-protecting pills cost the same.

The qi-gathering pill was a little cheaper, costing only 500 taels of silver.

Although Ling Xiao could afford them, he didnt want to waste money since he had already collected the materials. After supplying them, he would only need to procure 100 taels of silver per 1000-tael pill for labor costs.

As for qi-gathering pills, the labor cost was correspondingly 50 taels per pill.

Big Brother Feng, Im on the verge of breaking through to Rank Three Martial Vein. Can you get me some breakthrough pills, heart-protecting pills, and vein-protecting pills? Otherwise, I wont be content!

At this time, Ling Yu and Ling Feng also came.

From her words, she too was preparing to make a breakthrough. This was normal. After all, Ling Yu had already reached Rank Two Martial Vein a long time ago and received several supporting pills from Ling Feng. It would be strange if she couldn't make a breakthrough.

Sister Yu, you know that the annual competition is about to start. I have to make the best use of my time to reach Rank Four Martial Vein. For that, I need a lot of breakthrough, heart-protecting, and vein-protecting pills, so I can only wrong you now.

Ling Feng didnt intend to spend money on Ling Yu. Now, he only wanted to whole-heartedly breakthrough to Rank Four Martial Vein to increase his own strength. He had no time to care about a woman.

Although he was also a clan disciple of the Ling Clan, his familys financial situation was not as favorable as Ling Chongs. After all, not even Ling Chong could spend without restraint.

To become one of the four major clans of Heavenly Peak City, Ling Clan had built its foundations on strict rules. Although some people occasionally violated them, most generally followed them.

Fine. Then just buy me some qi-gathering pills, okay?

Ling Yu was somewhat unhappy, so she asked this with a pout.

I suppose thats fine. Just use qi-gathering pills; you can further consolidate your current cultivation.

Ling Feng hesitantly nodded.

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