Heavenly Opposers

Chapter 193 193-Adria’s Thoughts Starts To Change.

Chapter 193 Chapter 193-Adria's Thoughts Starts To Change.

"You will automatically have an invisible level of protection at the level of a prince of the third heaven once everything is put to light, though in the end, you will be making an enemy of the factions within the Ewald family," Raena spoke. She seemingly came to accept the idea but even then lays several concepts behind the idea that must be met, or else Azrail would just end up dead with ambitions all around him and nothing more.

"You know there is a reason I didn't travel here directly," Azrail said. As he said this, the power of spatial shift flashed around everyone in the room. Soon, Azrail, along with Valencia, Raena, Xuanyin, and Yun ended up in the very room in the Realm Scrapper. The sudden movement was a surprise, but all of them quickly got over it, and the first to speak was Yun.

"I can't feel any sort of Qi here," she said with a frown. Even though she said this, her eyes kept scanning all around this highly beautiful yet sophisticated room that puts the majority of the third realm to shame. While Azrail's mother looked at all this, Raena and Valencia just kept looking around with frowns filling their faces. Before they could say anything, Azrail did.

"Welcome to Realm Scrapper, the home of the mad scientist."

"What?!" is the scream that came out of Adria as she appeared in her ghost-like form outside. Her presence earned a wide eye from Yun, who looked at the floating ghost-like womanly figure with no face with a surprised look. Meanwhile, Xuanyin just stood beside Azrail like always, not giving much thought about anything besides Azrail. But then again, her blue eyes did keep looking around the whole place with some excitement dancing in her eyes.

"You are joking, right?" Adria asked with a hasty tone, even though she herself was strong enough to understand that Azrail wasn't bluffing at all. To answer this, the 2-meter tall body of Nayan in his human-controlled form walked into the room with his surgical doctor-like dress on. But one look from Azrail was enough for his body to fall to the ground, and within seconds the original body of Nayan appeared, giving a dramatic bow as he spoke.

"What do you need of me, master?" His sudden arrival brought some hiccups to all, especially Azrail's mother and sister who had never seen anything alien like Nayan. His very small presence and unique look are hard for them to easily digest.

"Master?" To this, Valencia called out in doubt. While she is very privy to many things, Adria hasn't spoken to her about the mad scientist at all. For the very fact that this most wanted scientist wasn't ever found by anyone, and this guy right now is above the pay grade that Valencia could ever deal with, Adria didn't reply to Valencia, she turned to Azrail as she asked.

"Just what are you?"

"An ally, one that has the same wish as you do," Azrail replied. His words made Adria silently float in the surroundings with a stoned silence. Overall, the atmosphere around quickly turned to a very uneasy one, with Yun and Xuanyin sticking to Azrail, the two of them looking at Nayan with a wondering look, Raena herself having no idea who the hell Nayan is due to her being backward.

And Valencia came to understand something, probably from the information that Adria inputted directly to her mind, hence she looked at Azrail with such pride and love that it would somehow outshine the sun itself. Floating above is Adria, who now seems to be doubting her life's choices. The only ones normal here are Azrail standing in the middle of it all and Nayan, who stayed there in silence doing nothing. And it's within this that Azrail clapped.


The sound spread around and brought back the full focus back to Azrail who, with a smiling face, spoke. "Now why don't we get back to the discussion?"


"Just how did you do this?" Adria asked as she kept floating like a ghost above Valencia, fully focused on Azrail. Meanwhile, everyone has taken a seat on a very comfortable and fancy-looking sofa, with Valencia and Xuanyin taking the sides of Azrail while Raena and Yun took the front.

"First, I would like to introduce another member to our family, Adria Decebel, a very powerful woman who fought till the end of her life to protect the cosmos and above in importance, Valencia's master." The wordings of Azrail brought a twitch to Adria's lips unseen by all, the prospects of all her life's achievements being taken into below importance to just being Valencia's master not an easy thing for her pride to swallow. But she held herself back, for Adria was starting to understand something more about the path she had chosen to take.

"Nice to meet you," Yun spoke with respect. She already coming to have a small understanding of Valencia's talent and the planning that Azrail is putting forth. Yun is coming to understand the future that Azrail is seeing is something higher than Yun ever thought she could see.

Meanwhile, Raena sat there in silence on the sofa, she already being aware of Adria and what she represents. The main issue now is how to deal with what's going on, while Valencia just stuck to Azrail like a good brain-dead wife going with the flow. At least she is acting that way, but ever since Valencia understood what and who Nayan stands for, from Adria flooding Valencia's mind with information, Valencia's mind has been overloaded.

Her mind swirled around to work around every amazing opportunity she could use, the thing that Azrail brought opened up to a whole new path for Valencia to use to make Azrail's dream of the most powerful family come to life. Azrail sitting beside Valencia could feel and read all the crazy plans rubbing through her.

'At least he knows not to jump in,' Azrail thought as he looked at Nayan standing at the edges of the room like a loyal servant, not even daring to butt in.

"This place contains people that can crush the empire with a thought, and before I get to everything this place has, I would like Adria to pass on the information about this place to you all along with some sturdy understanding of all the realms and powers and structure above," Azrail spoke. His eyes turned towards Adria who floated above Valencia. She is now 'looking' at him. Not being an idiot, she quickly understands the ploy that Azrail is putting forth.

"You baited me to come out, you wanted this," Adria spoke, her voice calm to which Azrail replied.

"I did, and before you ask what's in it for you, you know what I can give. Helping me only helps you." Adria didn't reject the words. After seeing everything in front of her, she is coming to understand perhaps her most efficient path might not have been Valencia but the boy in front of her. At the time of her death, Adria has used her most forbidden power over fate to awaken in the soul of one that can give her a chance of fulfilling her goal.

And after that, Adria ended up waking up in Valencia's soul. After seeing her talents, and the fate she is going through Adria understood that Valencia perhaps might be the one that shall bring the current ugly government of the Heavenly Rulers to the ground. But now other thoughts have begun to sprout in her mind.

'Perhaps fate might have been leading me to this boy,' An enigma even she with all her blessing and sight over fate can't see. She can't read his lines, she can't foresee his future. The talents and secrets around the boy only seem to grow higher and higher with the days she keeps seeing him.

A boy that looks to have only grown up in this backward starting realm. Yet his mind holds information and powers that will put the S+ realms to shame. Each day she would think the boy wouldn't be able to surprise her, yet he still found a way to blow her out of her mind. And now she is looking at an impossibility in front of her.

'Perhaps the last remaining Shadow Seeker and Truth Seeker are in front of me gathered together at the same place. Not to mention the All-Seer and Realm Scrapper,' Two treasures Gods would kill for, even primordial ones, especially for the All-Seer that sees through all secrets and truths. The funny thing here is that all of this now coming under a single boy, barely holding at the age of 11, something that will shock the whole cosmos.

'Looks like it's time I made my choice,' Adria thought as she looked at the calm face of Azrail, one who seemingly looked to have the entire situation in his hand.

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