Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 22 22

"H-Half Immortal Rank!?" When Daniel revealed his cultivation rank, all of them had an amusing expression especially Zuke and Luke whose spirit had left their bodies. ,

'Is it true...!? Can someone achieve that rank that's known to be apex at such a young age!?' Zuke finds it hard to believe, but he believed there was no need for Daniel to fool them.

If he wanted to, he can just kill them with just a word, so why bother with all of this process?

'The only half-immortals I heard to exist are those that had connections or related to the Imperial Families...and a half immortal has the power to destroy a small continent...'

Zuke described how powerful half-immortals can be.

'Even if he's not a half-immortal, it's still better being at the Ascended Rank' He thought.

"I know it's hard to believe, but rather than questioning or not being a half-cultivator, what's important is whether or not would you be my disciple, Elizabeth Tristan?" Daniel questioned and pointed.

Suddenly, all of them had forgotten that Daniel's initial goal was to recruit Elizabeth, and recalling that, they couldn't help but be happy for her since an opportunity has arisen.

"M-Me?" Her voice sounded shaken and no one could blame her. Elizabeth had seen and experienced the power shown by Daniel, and instead of being feared, she was entranced by it.

'Is this what being a cultivator is like? Compared to him, they are just like a speck of dust...and if I follow him...would my fate change...?' She wondered as this decision could change her life entirely and affect her family as well.

She didn't want to experience the same thing as she did today. She was powerless and weak to do anything, and the only thing she could do was cry and shield herself from the horror.

'Never again...would I be weak! And if being his disciple could change my powerlessness, then, I would gladly sacrifice everything!' She had formed her determination and was willing to do anything to change her ways.

"Oh, but before you made your decision, I don't wish to hide anything, but if you decide to be my disciple you'll be joining my sect, The Heavenly Harem Sect, and it's exactly what it sounds like"

Daniel didn't want to hide his intentions that they'll be joining a righteous sect. And he wished to give a heads up so that they were aware of what kind of road they would embark, on, and of course, there were sparks of reactions.

"This..." Zuke had an awkward smile, and he didn't want to speak out as he was afraid of offending the young master.

"...." Elizabeth was in silence as she was thinking about what her decision should be, and minutes later, she had decided.

"Respectful master, I have questions that I would like to ask," She asked.

"Go ahead" He allowed her to speak.

"If I join the sect...would I be treated like the other unorthodox sect...?" She wasn't an idiot to comprehend the meaning of joining his sect? After all, there are hundreds of sects similar to his, and most of them were rather unlike what it sounds like.

"I promise that if you ever join my sect, then, I will treat and spoil you where even the heavens would be jealous of" Daniel promised.

"If I become your disciple would I be as strong as you?"

"You can be as powerful as the heavens once you'll be in my sect, and I will make sure that even the world shall bow to your knees" Daniel had a wide smile as he claimed.

"Then...would my family have your protection if I am your disciple?" She was worried and concerned for her family as now, they were at war against the Kail Family, and they needed protection against them.

"Anyone who has a familial relationship with my disciple shall have my blessings," Daniel said.

"That's good...then father...you're the only person that would be the last for me to ask for your permission" She kneeled as she required her father's permission.

"Sigh, for all my life, I have protected you and I know at some point, you'll have to leave your nest and you have reached an age where I can no longer control or impose any restriction"

'Sometimes I forget that it's time for my daughter to decide her future...but because she can't cultivate, I was worried for her. I hope this young man could cause a miracle

"No matter what decisions you'll make, I'll respect it...but young master, is it possible for me to request something...a request as a father?" Zuke requested.

"Go ahead"

"I know this might be over my limit as someone beneath you...but can you promise to treat Elizabeth with the happiness that she deserves?" Zuke asked.

He was emotional since he never expected that his daughter would leave his side.

"Zuke, don't belittle yourself as beneath me and I promise to treat Elizabeth with the happiness she deserves" Daniel smiled and said.

"Then I'm glad" Zuke had a sigh of relief and he entrusted everything to Daniel.

"Are you ready Elizabeth Tristan? Do you wish to be my disciple? A disciple that will forever belong to the Heavenly Harem Sect?"

"Yes master, I, Elizabeth Tristan will pledge to be loyal towards the Heavenly Harem Sect and towards my Master"

"Then let's do the Vow Ceremony and you shall repeat after me," Daniel said and all of the 100 cultivators stepped aside as they all will witness this vow.

"I, Daniel Marz will make a Vow under the eyes of Heaven and Earth with Elizabeth Tristan"

"I, Elizabeth Tristan will make a Vow under the eyes of Heaven and Earth with Daniel Marz"

"I will never abandon my disciple, Elizabeth Tristan, and will provide and assist everything to her, and if her family needs help, I will do my best in supporting her"

"I will never betray my master, Daniel Marz, and will serve him and fulfill every duty as his disciple"

"We will forever be master and disciple and there's nothing that can destroy this relationship except death do us apart and Heaven and Earth shall be the witness of this moment"

Moments later, after the vow of the ceremony had ended, Daniel had completed the mission, and they were both officially master and disciple.

* You have completed the mission of accepting Elizabeth Tristan as your disciple. Congratulations, you have received nothing *

* Congratulations, Elizabeth Tristan has become your disciple and you have received one card of Bloodline, Physique, Spiritual Root, Cultivation Manual, and Method, 1 White Disciple Robe, and 1 Disciple Token *

"Now, you can't run away from my master," Elizabeth said with a smile, but for some reason, her words sounded rather unusual.

"And you can't run away from me my disciple" He replied with a smile, but at the same time, he was delighted that he had completed his mission, and also, received an unexpected bonus aside from the disciple rewards.

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